Sex Fighting League Ch. 04


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"Odd?" Rachel finished for her and Abi nodded. Rachel smiled a warm smile and shrugged. "We can sell it as a girl next door 'first time with a girl' type of match. Almost like a fly-on-the-wall type experiment between you. There is a catch though."

"And that is?" I asked.

"We need to use the footage of your match-up yesterday to sell it and hype it up."

"Why is that a problem?" Abi asked.

"Because you both specified that it can't be broadcast."

"O k a y," I said slowly, not really understanding. "So declassify it? Or whatever you call it."

"We need both of your express and specific permission to do that."

"Even though we can't view our own video, you need us to release it?" I asked.

She smiled. The madness was not lost on her. "Pretty much yeah."

"How explicit will the released content be?" Abi asked.

"We are selling a sex fight, so it will be fairly explicit, but it will be more suggestive than actual visual," Rachel explained. "We want to titillate but create an intrigue. If we show everything there is no reason to watch the match. The content is our problem, we just need your buy-in and express permission to use it."

"Exposure is our problem though," Abi said. "My family does not know I have been with a girl."

Rachel shrugged. "And that is the catch."

"Will the result be worth it?" I asked.

Again, Rachel shrugged. "That is something we can't say for sure, I wouldn't be here having this conversation with you though if we didn't believe it was worth the risk."

"We?" I asked.

"Your management team," Rachel clarified.

"Do we have a choice?" Abi asked, "Aren't you our management team?"

"You own your rights. We can guide and influence, but you have to okay things like this," she said, "Sleep on it, no rush. For time scales the fight would be around six weeks away. Let me know tomorrow."

"Would you do it?" I asked her. She just smiled at me. She was not answering that. "Worst case?" I asked.

"No one watches, no one cares, the match is a flop and you two probably never recover your career," she said. "Best case, it goes viral and you are springboarded onto the fighting scene as instant millionaires. Realistically, somewhere in the middle. You two have less than ten followers between you, I am assuming family only. We believe this gets your name out there and a lot quicker than the usual slog of match after match after match for tiny gains."

"Why is the video so special?" Abi asked.

"Just the feel of it," she said, "It is just... well... How to explain. Have you seen it?"

We both said no at the same time. She tapped a communication panel on the wall and requested a secure line. "Can you sort a secure viewing. Broadcast exempt. Audience of two," she said to whoever she had just contacted.

"Yes, five minutes, room S8UF," a male voice said.

She disconnected and gestured to the door. We exited the room and followed her. We digitally signed the required waivers and watched the raw unedited footage of our sex and then my anal dismantling until I begged for more as she drilled my ass deep and hard with something that looked too big. Even though I was a very active participant in the video it still felt like I was experiencing it for the first time. The nuances of the event and the casual comments by Abi as she realised she was winning and there was a real possibility that I was about to have an orgasm. Her excited giddiness as she realised that I was cumming and she had won. Her purity of innocence and total surprise as I started to enjoy my punishment. I am not sure who sounded more surprised, myself who realised I was about to cum with a dick up my ass or Abi as she watched me slowly lose control while she ass fucked me.

It was cute and on the open market, it would sell well. It had everything, but I didn't see the promotional value in it. I am more than willing to fight Abi as my first fight has to be with someone and even though fighting someone within your home gym was a bit left field it was not unheard of. I was paying 75% of everything to my team so I had to trust that they knew what they were doing. Abi had a similar expression on her face. "Play the promo," Rachel said to the AI.

A 35-second highly edited and produced clip played. It was the same scenes, but the power of editing was night and day. I wanted to fuck me. Naive and pure as I explored my first girl sexually I watched like I didn't know the ending. It had something, it was so good. I would pay to watch the fight even if I had to save up for it. Appetite whetted and when I shifted in my seat, my pussy was also wetted. I looked at Abi and she just grinned back at me and nodded her head. "I am in," I said.

"Me too," Abi said, "How do we release the footage?"

That was my only participation in the setup. My 75% paid for everything. They did everything and took all of the decisions. They were run past me before they were set in stone, but all I had to do was agree to them. Boring stuff like hairstyle, style of panties that I would be fighting in, glove colour, would I be fake tanned or natural skin tone. To answer those questions; pigtails; a high-cut bikini style that accentuated my ass, but was still just about full coverage; my glove colour would match my training attire (predominantly black, with highlights of pink and then the nanofibre weave to add a shimmer); I would be natural skin tone. As an aside all costs were covered by my team, had I selected 50% or 25% I would have had to foot the bill, but as it stood, it was all included in my fee. Putting on a fight is not cheap, for example, my gloves were custom-made and fitted perfectly to my hands, there were regulations on the shimmer level to avoid them being distracting and they were human-made, not AI. Those would have cost me 1000 credits, okay they were a one-off cost, but even so, it added up.

Later that week I went home for the first time in over six months. I didn't let Dad know. I just booked my train and arrived. I still had a key for the door but instead, I knocked and waited. He opened the door and froze. It took him a few seconds for who was standing in front of him to sink in, but once he did he actually hugged me. A proper real fatherly hug and I melted into his arms. I was the fittest that my body could possibly be at the weight that I was fighting at. I was toned and firm muscle groups ran the length of my body, but as he hugged me I melted into his embrace. He was so much taller than me and I just let him surround me with his warmth and paternal love. He had never done that, ever, he hugged me when I skinned a knee or whatever, but he hadn't properly hugged me since I had been older than 12 or 13. I missed it and as a girl I needed it. I knew he loved me, but I needed to feel it in actual contact and this was ten seconds of perfection.

"Why are you back?" he asked looking concerned. Was my dream over?

"Week off," I said, "Well, four days."

He stepped back and looked at me. Almost like his eyes needed to see me again to truly believe that I was back and stood in front of him. I saw the flash of admiration in his eyes. My body took hard work. Proper hard work. It could be achieved using chemical cheats, but they were not allowed in the fighting leagues. This was 100% natural. This was thousands of hours in the gym in tandem with a strict nutrition plan. Everything that passed my lips was monitored and nutrition was adjusted accordingly. If I swallowed anything that could not be supported nutritionally it was highlighted and that particular food/drink group was off my menu. My training had been linked to my body and physiology even down to blood oxygen levels and how efficient my system was. Incidentally, the only exemption was Darren's cum when I had sucked his dick. The semen was noted, broken down nutritionally and categorised by my medical technology, but it was categorised as "exempt". I could suck as much dick as I wanted it seemed. It did feel like a breach of privacy laws that my nutrition team knew when and how often I swallowed cum. That was one of the many waivers that I had signed. Not specifically cum, just generally for my nutrition, that would have been a weird waiver to have to read and sign. I did lose 7 calories from my allotted total that day though. I always assumed cum had more calories in it than that.

"I assume a takeaway is off the menu," he said with a grin as he looked at the finely honed athlete standing before him.

I smiled back at him and nodded. "Well, no, I can, but my menu choices would be very limited and I would have to weigh out the meal," I said with a smile. "Want a takeaway? My treat?"

He just laughed and we went inside. He took my bag for me, but I had packed light. What did I need? I was home, and all my stuff was here, assuming Dad hadn't rented my room out and sold all my stuff. He hadn't, my room was as I had left it, exactly. It had been cleaned and dusted, but it was as I had left it and even the bed was made with crisp clean bedding. The door was still fucked though, but I liked that, that was home. I also smiled as I stepped on the squeaky floorboard that had saved my dignity so many times as I fingered myself as a bored teenager. I put my bag on my bed, sent the Chinese takeaway menu to my nutrition team and went downstairs again where I chatted with Dad like an equal. I was still his daughter, but I was on equal adult footing now. He couldn't tell me what to do, I was no longer living under his roof so his rules. He was never strict in that regard, but there was a definite change in the dynamic.

I sat on the sofa and tucked my legs up underneath myself. I was wearing skinny jeans and a loose T-shirt. I was also wearing panties. I kept checking the time, 17:37. 23 minutes and the promo video would go live and Dad would get the notification. I took a deep breath. "I have my first fight scheduled," I said.

"Cool, when?" he replied.

"Six weeks or so. Against Abi" I said, "The cute brunette," I added with a smile when I saw his blank expression. I bet if I showed him a photo of her half-naked body he would recognise her, but no idea when it came down to names.

"Awesome, where are you fighting?" he asked.

"Just a small neutral venue in the city," I said. I needed to let him know the angle of the promo material, but I didn't know how to get there. He nodded and I just looked at him for a few seconds. Oh well, let's just go for the blurt option. "It is being promoted as my first experience with a girl." I am 99% sure he wouldn't care if I was into girls, but it would be a shock for him as I have only ever expressed an interest in guys.

"Oh," he said reactively, "Oh!" he said as he realised what I had said.

"Yeah, oh," I replied smiling at him, "Promo video will be out in, 20 minutes," I said after a quick time check.

"I assume you mean... er... sexual experience with a girl?" he asked cautiously to which I just nodded. "Cool," he said, but his tone sounded distant and distracted.

"Is that okay?" I asked. Tough shit if it isn't Daddy, but it felt polite to ask anyway.

"Of course," he said, "You have to do what you have to do." Now that is a loaded statement. As a girl who loves reading between the lines that was very much he is not okay with it, but he realises he has no choice. It is not the be-all and end-all that he is on board with my career path, but I would love him along for the ride. There were a few moments of silence as I let him process whatever he was processing.

"You okay?" I asked, he nodded his head. "But..." I prompted.

"Are you into girls?" he asked.

Honesty time. "I am not, not into girls," I replied, "But, Abi and myself have slept with each other."

"Cool," he said. I could almost hear his brain processing that statement.

"Just once, and it was purely just curiosity, but yes, it was awesome and fun," I said as I watched his reaction. I didn't need him onboard, but I would be so disappointed with him if he was homophobic. This could be a very short home visit.

He saw my body tighten as I anticipated his next words. He smiled at me, a warm open smile. "Honest reply?" he asked to which I just nodded. "Girl on girl is my bag and I am so torn on you being in it," he said with a broad open smile.

I just laughed. All tension was released from my body. Yeah, that would be weird for him. I really didn't want, or need, to know what he wanked over, but I was so glad he was okay with it, it was just the connotations of watching it that he was wrestling with. "You have seen me naked enough times," I said with a grin. He just smiled knowing at me. "And did you watch what Jenny did to me?"

He nodded his head and smiled shyly. "Yeah," he said slowly.

"Did you..." I began, but I cut myself off. I did not need to know if my Dad whacked himself off whilst he watched his daughter get vibrated to insanity. His expression answered the unanswered question though. "Ew ew ew. You didn't?" I asked but laughed at the grossness. Guys are weird, I am his daughter, that is just wrong. One hell of a lucrative niche though should we choose to explore it.

He stammered a few poor excuses before I cut him off. "Wrong, just fucking wrong," I said still giggling. I was just relieved that he was a pervert and not a bigot.

We chatted until a notification came through for him to let him know a new promo video was available for Sophie Lloyd. I let him read it and then I played it and put it on the TV. It was so good. 35 seconds of awesome cinema. Truth wise it was bull shit, it painted us both way more innocent than either of us was, but that was the fantasy. Everyone watching knew that this would not be our first rodeo. He seemed to like the teaser and I can only hope that it was Abi that had caused that look on his face. Either way, eww. I threw him a cushion and went to the bathroom.

"Take away?" I offered as I sat down again.

"Are you allowed?"

I showed him my phone which had a much reduced menu as well as weights next to each of the dishes. The weight was how much I was allowed to eat of each one and it was a waste of money. Who would have thought that a takeaway was crammed full of shit and eating it in any sort of balanced capacity was borderline pointless. He picked what he wanted and I selected chicken with broccoli. I could have approximately half of the delivered portion assuming I didn't have rice with it, which I didn't

It was nice and it was more the social aspect of the meal that I enjoyed. It was also the first ever takeaway that I had treated my Dad to. We chatted whilst sitting on the sofa after dinner. I was drinking flavoured water while he had a beer or five. It was so nice. I didn't realise how much I missed family life. I had been so busy I hadn't had the time to sit down and think about it, but now that I was home I realised how much I love this. My family life was far from ideal and we had our struggles, but he did the best with what he had and I didn't turn out too bad. He made some serious sacrifices to raise me and I would endeavour to repay his commitment and sacrifice.

At 11 we headed upstairs. I went into my room and closed the door, I wedged it so that it would not swing open and stripped for bed. I opened my pyjama drawer only wearing my panties and hesitated. I had been sleeping naked, but somehow that felt too exposed. I grabbed a small vest top and slipped it on then climbed into bed. I checked my social media and nothing exciting was happening. I closed it down and switched it to night mode. I pulled up the sheets and went to sleep.

I woke up at half 7 and got up. I would go for an early morning run. Try and offset the shit I had eaten yesterday. It had been measured and curated so it was not too bad for me, but it was all relative. I realise you can't out-exercise a bad diet, but a run would at least make me feel better. "Oh, sorry love," Dad said as I padded across the landing wearing just bikini-style panties and a vest that was not much bigger than a bra.

"Soz," I said as I ran my thumbs around the elastic of my underwear to make sure it was sitting correctly, "I didn't think you would be up yet," I added as I cupped my boobs. The vest was very much not underwear and the cool morning air had made me fairly perky.

"Old, I am always up at this time now," he replied as he dragged his eyes away from my nipples now they were covered. "Sleep okay?" he asked as he made eye contact.

"Uh hu," I said nodding my head and slipping into the bathroom. "Gonna go for a run."

"Enjoy," he said.

I went back to my room and changed into my gym stuff. It was not my usual gym wear, as I was not allowed to wear that outside of official sessions and gym-approved events so I was just in standard gym wear. I did a ten-mile run at a steady pace. The weather was close and really warm as the sun came up so I got back more akin to a puddle than a human. Dad was on the sofa and looked at me when I went in. "Warm?" he asked with a smile.

"Yeah, just a bit," I said as I used my top to wipe the sweat off my face taking care not to lift it too high as I was not wearing a bra.

"Not being creepy but you look fucking fantastic you know," he said as he looked at my toned stomach and body.

I smiled at him, I knew I did but it is always nice to hear it. "Why thank you," I replied with a smile. "Do you need anything from the kitchen?"

"No ta?" he replied.

"Stay there," I said and pointed at him to reinforce him staying where he was, "Gonna go for a shower. I will put these straight in the wash," I said as I plucked the top and leggings with my fingers. He just nodded his head. That was one advantage of being at the league housing. I could just drop my sweaty clothes on the floor and by the time I was showered they would have been collected by AI and be well on their way to being laundered for me. If I left them on my bedroom floor here they would still be there until I washed them myself or the sweat evolved and they walked off on their own.

I went into the kitchen and stripped naked putting my stuff straight into the wash. I went to switch the washing machine on, but remembered how many credits of energy that would use and Dad would go nuts if I did a half-empty wash. I poked my head around the corner of the living room door. "Do you have anything that needs to go in?" I asked.

"No," he said, "Just do your stuff. It is fine."

"You sure?" I confirmed to which he just nodded in reply.

"I am sure. The front door glass isn't frosted," he said, "Go and put some clothes on before you traumatise the postman," he added with a wry smile.

I just smiled back at him and did as he suggested. Well, I went for a shower. I was sure the glass in the front door used to be frosted. I showered and got dressed in jeans and a T-shirt again. I added my washing to my gym stuff and put the machine on. I went back into the living room and sat down. "The glass used to be frosted?" I said. I was fairly sure it was, but I wouldn't have put my life on it.

"Yeah, neighbours kids smashed it with a ball a few months ago," he said, "Clear was cheaper."

"Did they not pay to replace it?" I asked to which he shook his head.

"They offered, but it was an accident and kids will be kids. They are skint as well, only one of the parents is in work," he explained.

"You are too nice," I replied to which he just shrugged. "How much is frosted? I will get it."

"You will not," he said.

"I don't mind," I said, "I am earning decent and I have no bills at the moment."

"Enjoy it," he said, "Don't spend your money on your old man. It is fine. I just don't make a habit of walking around downstairs with no clothes on," he added with a grin.

"Now that would traumatise the postie," I giggled.

"It sure would, I bet they would prefer the 19-year-old hot girl," he said.

"That is free view if you bother searching," I retorted.