Sex Fighting League Ch. 04


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"Ring entry, over the top rope," I was instructed as final reminders.

"Your robe will be removed, do not flinch at your exposure, ooze confidence."

"Keep moving, do not stand still and watch. Do not look lazy or relaxed. You are first into the ring, own it." I was still not the bookie's favourite then if I was second into the ring, but I knew that anyway.

"You will be instructed to touch gloves. Touch gloves, hesitate a second and then go in for a hug. Hug her properly and with a squeeze. Mean it. The bell will sound, and touch gloves again. Wait until she is ready and then beat the shit out of her. Do NOT take the opportunity for a sly jab after the second glove touch."

I just nodded my head to each instruction. This had been drilled into me for over a week. I had rehearsed the process with stand-in people too many times to count. I could do this in my sleep. I stood outside my dressing room and boxed the air as I psyched myself up. This was it. Months of pain, months of mental and physical torture. It was all for this. "Enjoy yourself, Sophie," Rachel said and tapped me on the shoulder just as my entry music started to play.

I waited for my musical cue and then did my ring entry procedure. I still hated it, but I at least looked sexy when doing it now. I made it over the top rope doing a front flip without catching my foot and face-planting into the mat. I went to each corner for the people who were paying to watch this and danced around for their entertainment. I spotted Dad and gave him a smile. I could see the pride in his eyes as he watched me. That would be the last eye contact with him though, my boobs were about to be on show. I went to my corner and my robe was removed. Half naked I let the lights catch the shimmer on my panties and gloves. When the music switched I kept moving and looked alert and ready. Abi came into the ring and did a similar routine. Her robe was removed and she smiled at the crowd. She was good with the crowd, better than me. Mine was rehearsed and to me, it seemed obviously scripted. She seemed more natural, but that is probably just me being overly self-aware.

We went into the middle and the referee reiterated the rules. Who got to this stage and didn't know the rules? We all know the rules. It seemed like a waste of time. "Let's have a clean fight," he said and I offered my glove to Abi. She tapped it with her own, paused and then we hugged. A real heartfelt hug and I almost forgot to let go. The crowd went insane. This was what they had paid for. We actually liked each other.

The bell rang, and we touched gloves again and left ourselves wide open to a sly quick punch. Neither of us took it and then the match began. I have sparred with her hundreds of times and we have fought each other a few times as well. This was different though. I jabbed at her and she jabbed at me. I watched her stomach tense as she prepared and threw punches. Neither of us was committing though as we felt our way into the fight. A few straight jabs to her face then she countered with a body hook. I felt it, but it was not a strike with venom. I knew how hard she could hit and that was barely a tickle.

Circling around the ring we jabbed and kept our distance. She came in and I kept jabbing at her to keep the range. She was stronger close up than I was and I needed the distance to spot her moves. She knew this as much as I did. She threw a jab that missed so I left jabbed her to the nose. Her head snapped back, but she barely blinked. It had no power behind it, it was just a warning shot that I was finding my range. I grinned at her from around my gum shield and she grinned back at me. What surprised me was the perceived silence. I knew the crowd were so so loud, and yet, in my head, I was in my own space and I could barely hear them. She feinted a jab which I saw and reacted to, she twitched a left hook but then carried on with the original right jab. Sneaky. I saw it coming, but I was wrong-footed and with perfect range she caught me and I was on my ass. "Two.... three..." I heard the count.

Ow. I blinked and checked I still had full control over my legs. I did, I was fine. I let the referee get to five and then using a flick of my legs I bounced gymnastically to my feet again. "Six..." the referee said as I offered him my gloves. He pulled them and I pulled back. He watched my eyes all the time and I stayed focused on him. That really really fucking hurt but I was fully aware and ready to keep going.

He resumed the fight and Abi came in strong. She wanted to finish this quickly. She over-committed a few times, but my confidence was rocked and by the time I realised she had over-committed the opportunity had passed for a counter. I fought out the first round and welcomed the bell. We touched gloves as we went back to our corners. "Head in the game Sophie," one of the trainers said, "Steady up. Med is fine. You okay?" I nodded my head. I was more than okay, I was ready. Had I shaken my head instead of nodding though it would have been confirmed I was not feeling okay and the towel would have been thrown in. This was our decision to fight at all times.

My gloves were checked and my mouth guard was put back in. I bit it until I felt it flex as I rechannelled my annoyance. I owed her a good punch. She was up first and in the middle. Gloves touched again we went again. This time it was less cagey. She wanted to put me out and I wanted to prove a point. We both diced with death as any one of the punches that skimmed off or flat-out missed could have been a fight-ender for either of us. I caught her with more than she got me with though as I started to get my range. She slowed down and backed off a bit so I pressed my advantage. I took round two, but I had been on my ass, I could take every round and I was still losing if I didn't put her on her ass to even up the counts.

Round three began and I felt more alive than ever. I had tuned the crowd back in and the noise they were making was like a shot of adrenaline. She caught me again and I nearly went again. Luckily she missed her follow-up as it wouldn't have knocked me out it would have smashed my head clean off my shoulders. I slammed a right hook into her ribs making sure to hit the particularly painful bit just where the ribs end and the squishy starts. She grunted as it landed and I whipped a left at her face, but she just about avoided it. I straight-jabbed her and snapped her head back. That hurt her, that really hurt her. I stepped back as I anticipated her coming in for a grapple to buy some time and she did exactly as I expected. I jabbed at her face as she came forward and she pulled back. Giving me the space I slammed a left hook into her right kidney which was totally undefended, but I was winding up my right for the follow-up. She dropped her guard to defend her right kidney but my glove sailed over the top and connected with the side of her face.

That felt good. That was a clean hit. Her eyes sparked and went glassy. Her pupils dilated and crossed. It is awesome what the human brain can process in such a small amount of time. I was throwing a left at her face, but I pulled it last second. She didn't need another. Her legs went and she was on her back. Her arms flopped above her head and she tried to roll onto her side, but she had no coordination. I threw my arms in the air in celebration. There was no way she was getting up from that. "Six... seven..." was the count from the referee. Credit to her though, she tried, she got to her knees but didn't have the balance to stand up. "Eig..." the referee began, but when she slipped and landed against the ropes as she struggled to her feet he waved his arms in the "fight over" indication and hugged her.

He pulled the mouth guard from her mouth and dropped it to the floor. She took a second to realise the fight was over, but she relaxed and let him hug her. He relaxed his grip as she regained some of her awareness and her legs took her own weight again. The crowd was going insane and I was celebrating with them. That was better than crack cocaine right there. Take your class A and shove it. This was a high, this was awesome! All it took was months of sacrifice and a team of highly paid-experts. I bounced in the middle of the ring while I took the applause and looked at Dad again. He was in tears and I felt a lump in my own throat as well. This was what I trained for. This was what it was all for. "YES!!" I screamed, but I could barely hear myself over the crowd.

Abi had her gloves taken off and a thumbs up from her corner gave her the medical all-clear. I didn't do her the indignity of coming over to me to congratulate me. I went to her and hugged her. She buried her face into my shoulder to hide her mouth from the cameras so she could not be lip-read. "Fucking ow," she said. "Thanks for pulling that left..."

I grinned at her but then just hugged her again. She broke the embrace and went back to her corner. I went back to mine and had my gloves removed as well as the wrapping. We were taken into the middle of the ring and the referee held one of our hands each as we stood either side of him. I was so pumped. I was on his right so I was already punching the air with my free right fist as the result was made official. My name echoed around the arena and he lifted my hand into the air. The crowd went mental and I looked at Dad. I pointed at him and pumped my fist.

Now shit got serious. Girl-on-girl time. I am going to turn her into a puddle of girl cum. Her own cum at that and then I am going to watch this audience refill her up with boy cum. I went back to my corner and one of my team inserted a nano headphone into my ear. I heard it crackle as it went live. Even this was directed. The sex would be real, but the direction would be very much heavily influenced. We were putting on a show and the better the show the better the results. I couldn't wear the earpiece during the fight but now that was over it was allowed and generally accepted that at least one of us would be wearing one. Usually the winner. "Check check," I heard in my ear and I just nodded my head gently.

I went back into the centre of the ring where Abi was waiting for me. She knew what was coming, or she had an idea anyway. A similar fate would have awaited me had I been on the losing side. We hugged again only this time it was intimate. I kissed her gently on the lips and she kissed me back. Our tongues gently explored each other's mouths as we kissed each other. I slid my hand around her back and pulled her closer to me. Our semi-naked sweaty bodies pressed together as we made out. The crowd went insane and when I glanced at Dad he wore a very conflicted expression.

"I am gonna fuck the shit out of you," I whispered to her. The circling drones picked up the words as intended.

She smiled shyly at me and nodded her head. "I know," she replied.

"Take her panties and give them to her Dad," I was instructed. I realised I didn't know where he was sitting and tried to look without looking like I was looking. "Behind you, at around 7 o'clock. Red top,"

I hooked my fingers into the elastic of her underwear and pushed them down so her bum was exposed. They clung onto her pussy for a second as her legs were closed, but as she felt the material move she opened her legs a little bit. I pulled them to her ankles and she stepped out of them. The crowd cheered her nudity as I held her panties in the air to display them to the crowd. I kissed her again and then turned to the area where her Dad was. I spotted him and walked over to him. I handed him his daughter's underwear and he took them off me. "Put her on her back, straddle her and let her lick you, just move your underwear out of the way."

I went back to her and coaxed her onto the floor. I pushed her onto her back and stood over her. The crowd cheered as they hoped what was about to happen was going to happen. I grinned down at her and sank to my knees as I straddled her face. I pushed my pussy against her face and she licked at me through my panties. Even that felt nice. I lifted myself up, pulled the panties to one side and sat on her face again. Her tongue found the target and I moaned softly as I rode her face. I humped at her tongue as she licked me and I could already feel the tingle. "Do not cum," I heard in my ear. I leaned forwards and had sex with her face and tongue, I controlled her tongue so she was licking me out and I used her nose to rub against my clit. I had no idea how she was breathing, that was not my concern. "Do NOT cum," I heard again in my ear. They could see my medical feed and they knew what my brain activity looked like when I orgasmed. I so needed to cum.

I lifted off her and grinned at her. I kissed her and licked my excitement off her lips and tongue. She tried to follow my kiss, but I pushed her onto her back again. "Take your panties off," was the instruction. I did to more cheering and whooping from the crowd. They were like wild animals. There was no way I would want to be thrown to this lot when we were done. They would rip me apart, although the tingle that thought induced indicated I was not overly averse to being ripped to pieces. I straddled her face and this time sat on her so I was facing down her body. I was thrown a vibrator. I picked it up and flicked it on. I stroked it between her legs and I felt her back arch underneath me as she pushed towards the vibration. I felt her moan into my pussy as she licked me and the added vibration so very nearly finished me off.

The vibrator was a decent size. Not huge, but big enough. Seven inches long or so and more than a handful girth-wise. "Make her cum," I heard in my ear, "It doesn't matter if you do as well. Five minutes."

We were on a strict time limit. We had two and a half hours total. The longer I had fun with her the less time this lot could have fun with her for. I was the warm-up. I was the fantasy to get them all hot and bothered. The main event was very much the gang bang that was rapidly approaching on the horizon. I stroked it through her wetness to lubricate it and the drones picked up the glisten of her pussy juices as I slid it across her. I pressed it against her clit and felt her tense beneath me. She would probably cum from that, but I pulled it away and pushed it into her. There was no resistance. She was so unbelievably wet and her legs were as wide open as she could get them. I pushed it deeper and deeper until she took all of it then I slowly started to screw her with it. She was moaning into my pussy as she licked me and I pulled off her as I felt my own orgasm rising.

"Let yourself cum Sophie," I heard in my ear, "You can cum first, cum on her face."

I lowered back onto her tongue and had sex with her face while I thumped the toy in and out of her. The combination of the depth and vibration was driving her insane. She lost coordination a few times and I slammed my pussy onto her face to refocus her. I was cumming. I closed my eyes and let orgasm wash over me. I kept the noise to a minimum and tried my best to push out of my mind that my Dad was watching this. There was no hiding that though. That was an obvious orgasm. "Three and a half," I heard in my ear as I got the countdown, "You can cum again if you want, but make sure she squeals. She needs to cum."

I lifted myself off her tongue so I could focus and tried my best to thrust the toy right through her, never mind into her. She was squeaking and gasping with each thrust as her inhibitions broke down. She spread her arms to the side as she laid on her back and submitted to me entirely. I drove her close to insanity and then pulled it out of her, switched the vibration up to the maximum and nestled it firmly against her clit. "Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck." I heard her squeal as her entire body went tense and she stopped breathing. "Fuck fuck fuuuuck," she gasped as she humiliated herself. I stared at her pussy as she orgasmed and grinned as her cum creamed out of her. As her climax peaked she squirted across the mat. Oh my God, as if she just squirted. She begged me to do whatever I was doing to her and I just kept the toy pushed against her clit. As she started to lose her tenseness I pushed it back inside her again and gently stroked it in and out of her.

I am not sure if my punch or that orgasm disorientated her more. It was definitely close. "Nicely done Sophie," I heard in my ear. "That was fucking awesomely done. 60 seconds. Stop in your own time and put your underwear back on. Leave her on the mat. She will stay there."

I pulled the toy out of her and offered it to her mouth. She sucked it clean and I dropped it to the mat next to her. I kissed her on the lips. Hugged her and then stood up. I put my panties back on and as said, she just stayed in the middle of the ring in a puddle of her own sweat and girl cum. I lifted my arms again in celebration. "Have fun," I said to the crowd who erupted in cheers again.

I was handed my robe which I put back on and I got out of the ring. I had intended to sit next to Dad and watch the show, but I was not expecting him to be first up. He got into the ring and dragged Abi to her knees. He unzipped and shoved his cock into her mouth. Like a car crash, I watched my Dad have sex in front of me. I couldn't look away, but I knew that I should do. He was huge. Like fucking huge. I knew that he was as I have caught him naked a few times, but you don't realise how big something is until it is next to something for scale. She was going to feel that. He had sex with her mouth and she gagged and choked on the invasion of her throat and tonsils. Spit dribbled out of her mouth and onto the floor via her breasts. He forced into her throat and her eyes widened as her air got cut off. He pulled out and she wheezed a breath before he slid into her again. He pulled out and she gasped for air. He pushed her onto her hands and knees, knelt behind her and took her doggy style.

"Oh shiiiit," she gasped as he entered her from behind. Her wetness surrounded him and he easily slid into her pussy. Well-lubed or not she would be feeling that stretch and I watched her eyes cross when he was just halfway into her. He finished inserting and she was not breathing as her body wondered what the hell had just been shoved up into it. I was torn, I wanted to watch her get dismantled on live TV, but I equally wanted to get up there and just cuddle her. Hold her close and experience this together. I knew that was not possible, but watching my Dad take her was confusing.

Using her hair he turned her around while he rode her so she was facing her Dad. She stared at him while he rode her and her Dad stared back as he watched his daughter get drilled. "I'm gonna cum." she gasped.

"Cum then," Dad said as he kept the same pace. She did, she screamed to orgasm as she got ridden from behind. Being pulled back onto the rod that was buried deep in her by her hair he slammed himself into her, not that he needed to, he could have stopped and let her finish herself off as she was forcing herself back onto his cock. "Do you want it up the ass?" he asked her.

She shook her head. "No," she said instantly.

He pulled out and jabbed against her back door. "You sure?" he teased.

"Not my ass," she pleaded. He pushed forward and her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. "Oooo fuck! Please not my ass," she begged.

He pushed forwards and I watched her back door stretch over the glistening head of his enormous cock. She just groaned as she got taken anally. "Are you sure?" he teased.

She nodded her head urgently as he gently fed another inch of himself into her bowels. She looked over her shoulder, but she couldn't see his cock from her angle. "How much?" she asked.

"Barely the tip," he replied.

"Is she okay?" I said to myself knowing the earpiece would pick up the question and my team would hear it. I did not take into account that I was in a live crowd and just how crazy I would look talking to myself. No one knew I had an earpiece. Oh well.