Sex Fighting League Ch. 04


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I did a search and frosted glass at the size we needed was 700 credits. They would take a trade-in on the clear glass as it was a standard size and so it brought it down to 500 credits and that was fitted. I bought it and booked the fitting in. I knew Dad's working pattern and he never goes out. He would go nuts, but I would be back at the leagues then and he can only be so mad at me from 500 miles away.

I got a few notifications through the day but I just checked that they were not from Hanna or anyone important. They were just generic social media ones so I ignored them. It was early evening when I got a message from Rachel. "Are you checking your socials?"

I wasn't. I checked them and my professional followers were at 287. They were at a grand total of four just a day ago. "Fuck, is that from the teaser?"

"Yeah, it is. Hopefully, it will pick up pace as it spreads. Keep your eye on it. DO NOT COMMENT ON ANY DIRECT OR GENERAL MESSAGES. Not even to like them," she sent.

"Okay," I sent back and a second later she sent me guidance on fan interaction rules. I thought that was maybe jumping the gun a bit, but I added it to my reading list and would read it later. It was only two pages.

"Everything okay?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, social media is going nuts for the teaser," I said as I showed him the stream total. It was at 75,000 views. For a nobody in just over 24 hours that was a seriously high hit rate.

"That good?" he asked.

"Hopefully," I replied, "It can't hurt."

"Can I come to your fight?" he asked, "With Abi?"

I looked at him a little bit stunned. I am not sure why I was so surprised, I guess he wanted to support his daughter, but it had not even crossed my mind that he would want to come and watch to cheer me on. "If you want," I said. That sounded so dismissive and I regretted the tone I used, but he totally blindsided me with that question.

"I won't if you don't want me to," he said as he heard my tone.

"I would love you to," I said switching my tone to excited, "I just never thought you would want to. You do know what happens if I lose?"

He nodded his head. "But you won't, you are awesome," he said with a grin.

"Well yeah," I giggled, "But IF I do... you do realise...."

"Yeah," he said sensing that I was being serious. If I lost he got to watch his baby girl get passed around the crowd like a human pincushion and that was after Abi had done with me. It was a small audience, I think the capacity was 50 people and it was unlikely we would sell it out, but even so, that is a lot of potential cock. "How much are tickets?"

"No idea," I said shrugging, "I will find out for you."

I sent a message to my team group message. "Can Dad come to my fight? Can I get tickets?"

Seconds later. "Yes, of course, how many tickets?"

"Do you want a plus one? Or just you?" I asked him.

"Just me if that is okay," he said. I just nodded my head.

"Just the one, how much are they?" I sent.

"Reserved for him. We will cover the cost. What is his address?" I sent the address and they replied a few seconds later. "We will send a commuter. Fully complimentary, all he needs to do is turn up. Do you have his contact so we can forward the details?"

I sent them his contact details. "Sorted," I said to him.

"How much?"

"No idea, they are covering it. They said they will send you details," I added. Just then his phone got a notification and he looked at it.

"Damn, they work fast," he said.

"They are fucking expensive, they should work fast," I said, "Sorry, they are expensive though," I said as I checked my language.

"You pay for your management?"

"A percentage on indirect earnings, so ticket sales, gambling, paid subscriptions etc etc," I replied, "They are free at the moment," I added with a grin.

"And when they are not free?"

"A lot," I said, "But a quarter of a lot is more than three-quarters of not a lot. You get what you pay for. Or that is what I based the decision on. I could have gone 25, 50 or 75%."

Over the next few days, I watched my sub counter tick up. 500, then 1000 subscribers. As instructed I ignored any messages which felt so rude. I felt I should engage with them in some way, but I do as I am told. They will have a good reason for it. I also read the fan interaction guide as well. We had done it before in classroom learning so it was just a refresher, but I read it again anyway. I was not mobbed on my morning run nor did I wake up to a mob camped in the road to get a glimpse of me.

1500, 2000 subscribers. Each milestone ticked a notification alert. After the four days were over I hugged Dad and he hugged me back. I picked my bag up and got the bus to the train station and then the train back to the leagues. It was an indirect train which was annoying, but I had my music so I just tucked myself into a booth and curled up while I stared out of the window. 3000 subscribers.

"It is her."

"Bullshit it is her."

"It is, look!"

"Why would she be on a shit commuter train if it was her?"

"I don't know do I? Gonna ask her."

I almost leapt out of my skin when someone came into my eyeline. I had heard the conversation but I had no idea they were talking about me. I wonder who they thought I was? I pulled a headphone out of my ear and looked at my space invader. He was not creepy close, but he was closer than social distancing would recommend. "Hi?" I said sounding as puzzled as I was.

"Sophie?" he asked.

"Er... yeah," I said.

"Sophie Lloyd?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said wondering who was famous, called Sophie Lloyd and looked like me.

"Can I have your autograph?" he asked thrusting a pad in front of me. I recognised the logo on the corner of the pages, it was an official Fighting Leagues autograph book. No fucking way. This must be a setup. I am a nobody.

"Er... sure," I said as I sat up properly and removed my other earphone to give him my full attention.

"I can't believe it is you," he said excitedly. He was young, around my age and socially awkward. It probably took all of his strength to just approach me. I am being a stereotypical bitch here, but he did not strike me as the sort of guy who would approach a woman and strike up a conversation.

Luckily the pad had a pen with it as I did not have one with me. I had practised a signature for autographs. For fraud, it could obviously not be my actual signature. I signed my name in a cute girlie style. Swooped stylised lettering and a heart above the "i" of Sophie as the dot. Both of the "o's" were drawn as hearts as well. As I did it I recognised the time it took. I would have to make a point to not bring a book out and have to sign millions of copies. I would be there all day. I made small talk while I signed and then handed him the book back. He looked at the signature and grinned broadly at me. "Thank you so much," he said.

"No problem, nice to meet you," I said.

"Good luck in your fight. I am rooting for you," he said.

"Thanks," I replied warmly. It did not escape my attention that this guy had more than likely seen me naked. I didn't want to think what he was doing to himself while watching, but that was my industry. I would have to get used to it. "Do you have tickets?" I asked.

"Oh God no, I can't afford tickets," he said, "I will watch though and maybe have a sneaky wager on you."

I almost asked him how much the tickets were, but I would have felt a bit stupid not knowing how much my own tickets were. He went back to his mate and sat down next to him. "Told you it was her," he said smacking his mate on the arm. His mate looked over his shoulder at me and snapped his head back around when he saw that I was looking at him. He slowly looked back at me again and I stared out of the window as I watched him in the reflection.

"She won't mind," I heard his mate tell him. "She is so lovely."

He looked at me shyly again and I glanced at him and smiled. He went to divert his gaze again, but I looked out of the window to break eye contact. I watched him stand up and then sit down again in the reflection from the window. Several times he stood and sat back down again before he plucked up the courage to approach me. I plucked my headphones out again and smiled at him. "Miss Lloyd?" he said and I just nodded, "Can I have your autograph?"

"Of course," I said as I sat up again. I took his book off him, the same brand and style as his mate's had been. I signed it in the same style and handed it back to him with a warm smile. "Sophie is fine."

"Thank you, Sophie," he said politely. "Such a huge fan of yours," he added before scurrying back to his seat.

They chattered like excited school girls as they glanced at me several times. I tucked my feet back up underneath myself and huddled back against the window. I listened to my music and watched the world go by. Inside I was buzzing more than they were. My first autographs. Little old me. Signing stuff for "fans". Absolutely insane. They got off the train and smiled at me as they passed my seat. I gave them a tiny wave and a smile as they got off. Oh yeah, 100 credits each the ticket price to watch my first fight. It sounds expensive on the face of it, but it is a full evening entertainment and included with your ticket is sex with one of the participants. You would pay nearly that much for a decent hooker so the fight was a bargain. In a creepy sort of way. We are also guaranteed 100% clean as well and it is a totally safe environment. When you look at it like that, 100 credits for a full evening's entertainment makes the loser a very cheap shag, even if you are not 1st in line.

4000 subscribers. The conversion rate to paid subscribers was less than 1%. I had no content. I had no exclusive content to subscribe to. This was public knowledge so people who had converted to a paid subscription knew there was nothing extra that they were getting. I had 31 paid subscribers. Each one pays five credits a month. 155 credits a month. My management team take 75% so I get less than 40 credits. Less tax. It just about pays for the takeaway I treated my Dad to I guess. I would need to add some paid content and it would have to be a regular thing as well. Fairly regularly ideally. Even if it was just time-exclusive content for 24 hours or so. My schedule was going to take a hit. This was sold as a full-time job, it was about to meet that description and then some. The worst part is even with decent regular paid exclusive content the conversion rate would be 2% or at best 3%, but again, a tiny percentage of a lot adds up.

It was decided that Abi and I would keep sharing a room during the build-up and that would be public knowledge. We didn't need to be "enemies" and coming from the angle of two innocent girls on a curiosity journey gave a lot of leverage. Both of our teams worked overtime as did we. Content for our channels was pumped out and it all had to be good quality. Behind-the-scenes training sessions (staged of course). Interviews. Question and answer sessions, although the questions were heavily curated and I am fairly sure that they were posed by my team and not "fans". Even my answers were fed to me. They were honest answers, but the wording and structure of the answers were meticulously constructed. The pretence held though and that was half the battle. The behind-the-scenes content was the most popular, but also the most time-consuming to do as it required staging, filming, editing, voice-over etc etc. I was able to work 24 hours a day if I wanted with my workload. I was cut off at 15 hours though and was pressured to stop at 12. It was addictive though and I can see how a content creator burns out. I had a team behind me and I felt I could still work forever, doing all this by myself and I could easily see my drowning. When I say I was cut off at 15-hour days, if I was still working I received a notification to stop for the day. If I ignored that, someone would come round and tell me in person to stop. If I ignored that I was physically disconnected from the system so I had no choice.

Abi was the same. Social time was obliterated. If we were awake we would be working or training. The training was a crazy level of intensity to build our endurance. We didn't train together, but content and progress were shared as part of the paid-for content. More than I expected was kept purely paid exclusive and I did feel sorry for the fans who couldn't afford the five credits a month to gain access. It was available via dodgy means if you so wished, but those lines were purposefully flooded with AI-generated factually incorrect content to water down the genuine pirated content. You couldn't stop the piracy, but you could flood the streams with bullshit content to make it very hard to filter the wheat from the chaff. That side was all handled by my team and they were so on top of it it was scary. It was easier just to skip a meal once a month and pay the five credits. I do NOT recommend skipping meals, but you know what I mean.

My Dad rang and he would be fuming so I ignored him. He sent a message telling me to not ignore him and rang again straight away. I took a deep breath and answered. I didn't say anything, I just answered the call. "I appear to have frosted glass being fitted," he said. "Anything to do with you?"

"I would have no idea how to fit frosted glass," I replied.

"Funny," he retorted. "Sneaky bitch," he said, but his tone was playful.

"Hey!" I protested as he called me a bitch.

"You didn't need to do that," he said as his tone changed. He was annoyed I had done it, but he appreciated the gesture.

"I know, but I wanted to," I said, "Sorry."

He grumbled a reply, thanked me, and then we just had a general chat. Abi came back into the room and flopped onto her bed. "Oh sorry," she said when she saw I was on the phone, "I will go grab a drink."

"S'ok, it is only my Dad," I said.

"Only your Dad?" my dad questioned.

"Yeah, only you Dad speaking to your bitch daughter," I quipped. "I won't forget that one," I added as I smiled at Abi and shook my head so she knew it was just a joke. We wrapped up the conversation and I hung up. Abi went to the bathroom and when she came back she sat on my bed. We chatted for a while and she lay next to me just to be more comfortable, but we were both dozing in and out of being awake. It was strange, in a few weeks we were going to fight each other and defeat was not an option. It would be the least friendly fight that either of us had had to date with none of us wanting to lose. You never wanted to lose, but a loss in a friendly match amongst peers was a lot less daunting than a loss in an actual arena with paying customers. Strangely I was not the bookie's favourite. They had Abi as a slight favourite for the win. I am not sure what they based that on as she had never beaten me in any sort of fight, well, except for the sex one that we had. She royally kicked my ass in that fight. She then bent me over and gave me a damn good seeing too, but to repeat that again she would first have to out box me and I was fairly confident in my abilities.

I felt her move next to me and I woke up. She was just rolling over in a bed that was barely big enough for us to lie side by side. There was very little room for manoeuvrer and I took an elbow to my left breast during her roll. It didn't hurt, but it did wake me up. I elbowed her back in a friendly sort of way. "Oi," I said.

"Soz," she mumbled, "What time is it?"

"Midnight," I replied. She just grumbled and cuddled up underneath the sheets. I took my top off and wriggled my trousers down and off using a combination of my hands and my feet. "You staying?" I asked as I jabbed her in the ribs to wake her up again. Her bed was less than 2 feet away, but it had been a long time since I had had bed company and it was nice to just share with someone. Not in a sexual way, just in a, "It is nice them being there," sort of way.

"Yeah," she mumbled as she undressed and rolled to face me. I draped my arm over her side and she did the same to me. I did mean to wish her good night, but we fell asleep before either of us spoke. Although we were both half-naked our combined body heat overpowered the air conditioning so we quickly overheated. We both woke up to our alarm at 7 am, both of us with no sheets covering us wearing just our panties and still cuddling.

"Morning," I said as I dozed between alarms.

She kissed me which took me by surprise, but I kissed her back, Our tongues twisting together as we kissed. She moaned with satisfaction as we explored each other's mouths. It was out of bounds though, we were expressly not allowed to do this. The wording in the agreement was something along the lines of "You are prohibited to gain further intimate experience of each other." Which was a very polite way of saying, "Do not fuck each other." I so wanted to have sex with her though. She was forbidden and that made her more attractive. Not that she needed that forbidden aspect, she was fairly sexy without.

She stroked her hand over my ass over the top of my panties and then slid it underneath them and squeezed my ass firmly. I bit my lip and stared at her. We both knew that it was not worth the breach of contract. She grinned at me with a twinkle in her eyes but leaned forward and rested her forehead against my own. "I soooooooooo wanna have sex with you," she whispered in a tone that indicated her frustration. She gently kissed my nose.

I didn't reply, I just squeezed her a little tighter in our embrace. Our bare breasts pressed against each other and I felt a tingle as even that slight touch stimulated my nipples and turned me on. "Come on," I said slapping her firmly and very loudly on her ass, "Let's get up before we do something stupid."

Temptation was dangerous though and that was the last time we shared a bed before we were scheduled to fight. That was the first moment in my life where I considered my orientation. I could settle with her and that was scary. She would be terrible at giving me babies and I wanted babies at some point in my life. I was getting ahead of myself though. The leagues were a lonely place. No guy would tolerate you doing this for a living. He would claim that it was fine, but it would eat him up inside knowing how many guys had a go with his girlfriend. I am not sure if it was because Abi was in the same boat or if as a female we had a different outlook. We knew arena sex didn't mean as much as intimate sex with a partner.

The day of our fight soon came around and I was so nervous. We had been separated for a few nights to get ourselves in our respective zones and final preparation for our fight. The arena had sold out so there were 50 people about to watch us punch the crap out of each other. No broadcaster had bought exclusive rights, we were not that big, but a few of the decent-sized platforms had camera feeds which would be shown on their side channels. I was just short of 10,000 subscribers at the start of the fight build-up on the day. Dad had arrived safely and he was buzzing. He had been flown in. Which sounds very expensive, but it was not that much. It was expensive and there would be no way he would have been able to afford the fare himself, but it was nowhere near business-class prices to give a comparison.

My trainer and team were in the dressing room with me as the night heated up. Warm-up acts were on their schedules, but we were the only fight. I looked awesome. My colour-matched gloves and panties combo looked so good together. My hair was tied back and plaited so tightly to my head it almost hurt. It was then hair sprayed until it was more hairspray than hair. The last thing I wanted was a stray strand distracting me. My toned body rippled with definition and shape as I warmed up against the training aids. My medical feed was being watched closely as my final supplements were finalised to ensure peak performance. I felt like a coiled spring. I felt so ready to go.