Sex Fighting League Ch. 04


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My ear crackled as the reply kicked in. "She is fine, green across the board," he said to me, "She can take anything in this room. Pre-checked. Concern noted though, that was cute, we can use that."

I grinned at his last sentence just to reinforce my crazy talking to myself while smiling to myself as well, but the guy next to me was very much watching the show again when he realised I wasn't asking him if she was okay or not.

Abi lowered her chest to the floor, but he pulled her back straight again using her hair and pushed another fraction of an inch into her. I saw her whole body tense and pain flash across her face. "Ow, shit, fuck, no," she gasped, "Lube... lube... fuck... I need lube if we are doing that."

He pulled out of her and the audience laughed at her pleading. He swapped back to her pussy and pounded her. She bounced back onto him as he rode her and after a few seconds, he shot his load into her pussy. He seemed to be cumming forever and before he had finished his creamy seed was dripping out of her full pussy with each thrust. He pulled out, slapped her on the arse and she flopped to the mat and curled up.

"Wanna save her?" someone asked her Dad. "This lot looks hungry for your daughter. They will ruin her. If you fuck her and cum in her and they don't get a go."

He stared at Abi who was just curled up on the mat but she heard that offer. She stared back at him and shook her head. "She said no," he replied.

"Is she making a sound decision?" was the question.

He shook his head. "No," he conceded, "But it is her decision."

She was thrown to the animals. Ample lube was applied and she was passed around like a doll. Mouth, pussy and ass all got pumped full of cock and then cum. She spent most of the time airtight as three of them took her at a time. Her only respite was when one of them came in whatever hole he was buried in and it took a few moments for another guy to take his place. I watched with fascination and a bit of jealousy. I have never seen a girl cum that much before. Ass or pussy, she orgasmed so many times I lost count. She squealed her dignity away and when all the guys who wanted a go had finished she was left in the middle of the ring. I hated the indignity of it, but I was very glad that it was not me in her situation. This was our career, it was her or me and I am never picking me when those are the only options. I am here to win. I did not enjoy watching her get destroyed, although I did appreciate how much she enjoyed it.

She didn't move. Her face was on the floor while she knelt on her knees. Her ass in the air she maintained the exact position the last guy had left her in after he pulled out of her ass and shot his load all over her back. She was breathing and her eyes were open, but they were so vacant it was almost creepy. Her brain was scrambled. She blinked and focus came back into her eyes. She coughed and spat a wad of cum onto the mat in front of her face as her stomach reject a tiny amount of the cum that was currently in it. She coughed again and spat another guy's load onto the mat. She opened and closed her mouth a few times as she worked the cum off her lips while drones circled her and showed all angles of her depravity. I watched on one of the big screens as semen oozed from all of her holes. Even her left nostril had a dribble of semen coming out of it. I am not sure if it was some that had been fired up her nose during one of her many facials or if it was the remnants of what had been fired down her throat and she had snorted it out of her nose. It didn't really matter either way.

"They want round two," an official said to her Dad who just stared at his ruined daughter. He looked away from her and at the guys who had just annihilated his baby girl and then back at Abi again. She just about focused on him. "Do you want to spare her from round two?" the official asked.

Abi and her Dad stared at each other. It took a few seconds, but Abi gave the tiniest nod of her head. "I want to spare her," her Dad said after a second nod from Abi confirming her choice. He got into the ring and stripped. He stroked himself to an erection and offered himself to Abi who just opened her mouth. They had to do 60 seconds of mouth, pussy and ass and then they could choose where he finished. It had to be inside her. She sucked her Dad off and then bent over for him offering him her ass. 60 seconds later she rolled onto her back and took it missionary. She was a passenger as she just took it. After the final 60 seconds was up she pushed him back out of her and got into doggy position again. She lowered her head and guided him into her ass. He moaned in pure satisfaction as her tight ass surrounded his cock and he slid into her. "Why your ass?" the official asked her.

"I don't want to be looking up at him in missionary. There is no way in fuck I am swallowing him and if I take it doggy style I will probably cum again," she explained with a startling clarity of mind. She was mentally back again, it had taken her the best part of four minutes, but her brain had reset and she knew exactly what she was doing.

She bounced back onto him as he rode her from behind and he lasted a surprisingly long time. He eventually came in her ass and pulled out of her. She rolled onto her back, opened her legs and stretched her arms out as she starfished. The guys who wanted to stood around her and jacked off. One at a time they came onto her naked body. She looked like a glazed human-shaped doughnut at the end of it. She curled onto her side, adopted the foetus position and that was her done. There were still 30 or so minutes left on the timer, but she was done.

The audience was escorted out of the arena leaving myself, my Dad, Abi and her Dad. Plus most of our respective teams and various other staff. Her Dad crouched next to her and asked if she was okay. Yeah she was, she just had the best gang bang I have ever seen. She would barely be able to move, let alone walk in the morning, but right now she was riding the wave of an awesome sex overdose. She nodded her head and curled up into a tighter ball. She coughed and spat another wad of cum out onto the mat as her stomach rejected another tiny portion of its alien contents.

"We will look after her," one of her team said, "We will see you in the bar in an hour or so."

My dad and hers left and went to the bar. That would be an awkward conversation right there. I did smile at the thought of that. "Hi Mr Lloyd, pleased to meet you. How tight is my baby girl's little ass? Did you like it as well? Good fuck isn't she?" I grinned to myself as I imagined the exchange.

I stayed as she requested I did. She pushed her team away and looked at me. I grabbed a towel from someone who was holding one. Wrapped her in it and gave her a cuddle. A proper long heartfelt cuddle. She tried to nuzzle into me, but her hair was gross, so I pulled back. I picked out a kiss though as I avoided most of the cum painted across her face. I say most of it, it was still a fairly salty kiss. We went to the changing rooms and both showered. As the cold water hit her she seemed to revitalise and conversation sparked up. We showered, dried ourselves and got dressed. I could have made her stay naked, but she had endured enough. She had earned a good stiff drink. We went to the VIP bar where I was given a vodka and diet coke and she was handed a whisky that she downed and then took a half pint of lager that she took a sip of.

The conversation was more about the fight and not the forfeit. It had apparently been a really good fight and we were both casually debriefed. The performance will be broken down in meticulous detail over the next few days but for now. I was just living in the moment. I could feel my phone going nuts with notifications, but I ignored it. I had two drinks and I am not sure if it was the alcohol or if it was just the effect of the night taking effect, but I was out on my feet. I missed words of the conversation as I dropped in and out of sleep while sat up. I glanced at Abi who was curled on one of the sofas cuddled up in her own warmth fast asleep. Two-thirds of her drink was left. "I'll get her to bed," her Dad said to which we just nodded.

He picked her up like you would a child and carried her towards the elevators. She didn't even stir, she was out for the night. Dad finished his drink and asked if I wanted another. I still had half of my second drink left and I didn't want that. "No, ta," I said as I slid it away from me.

We got up and headed to the rooms. I had my own, but I was too lazy to go up another floor so I just went into Dad's room. He looked at me questioningly but didn't offer argument. I lay on the bed for a second, closed my eyes and fell asleep instantly. I felt Dad take my shoes and socks off and then shuffle me underneath the sheets. "Do you want these off?" he asked as he gently pulled at my top and trousers. When I made the lazy choice to sleep here and not in my own room I had not thought this far in advance. I didn't even have any pyjamas in my room as I just didn't wear them any more, I slept pretty much exclusively naked. I nodded my head and helped him take them off me. "These?" he asked as I felt him gently flick at the waist band of my panties. I don't remember answering him, I just closed my eyes and was sleep the moment my eye lids touched.

I woke up still curled up on my side and sensed I was not alone. I snapped my head around to see who I was in bed with and smiled when I saw Dad. I rolled onto my back and stretched my arms above my head. I twisted my back as I stretched it out and felt the effects of last night. I could feel that I had been in a fight. Even though I had won, I still ached. I was also surprised when I felt the crisp and very expensive sheets against my entire body. I stroked my hand down my tummy, yep, I was naked. I curled back onto my side so I was facing away from Dad and picked up my phone. Hundreds of notifications. I selected the highest priority one.

Hanna -- Awesome. So so good!

Sophie -- Thank you so much. How are you? Did you watch it?

To my surprise, she replied instantly.

Hanna -- I am fine. Drowning in work. Of course, I watched it. I follow your career. You made me a few hundred credits. Thanks. Gotta go, I will ring you later. xxx

I liked her comment and scanned down the rest of them. Most were tedium and when I say most, what is mean is 99% of them were tedium. One did catch my eye though. "20,000 subs". I opened it to confirm and I did indeed have 20,742 subscriptions. That is mad.

I put my phone down and rolled over. I cuddled into the side of Dad who was still asleep. He lifted his arm for me and I cuddled in closer. "Morning, love." he mumbled, "You okay?"

"Bit sore, but yeah. You?" I replied.

"Uh hu," he nodded, "How are you so awake?" he asked. I just shrugged and cuddled into him. He never cuddled me and I realise that I am taking advantage of him being half asleep, but whatever, I will take it. I dozed in his protective embrace feeling like a kid again all wrapped up in total safety.

He was not at all awake and I could feel him stroking the small of my back and down to the top of my ass. It felt so nice, and not in a sexual way, it just made me feel so protected and cocooned. I snuggled into his side while he stroked me. I could have fallen asleep again, but the alarm went off before I had the chance.

He turned it off and blinked the sleep out of his eyes. He looked at me and smiled. "Morning," he said as he gave me a squeeze and and then slid his hand back down my back again to where it was comfortable. His hand rested just above my bum, but below where the waist band of my panties would have been. I wriggled into him to get closer. I felt him tense slightly. "Are you naked?" he asked as he pulled his face away and looked at me.

"I seem to be yeah," I replied as I bit my lip in an 'oops' sort of gesture.

"You must have done that," he said defensively. That had not even crossed my mind. I am one million percent sure my Dad would not take advantage as we just did not have that sort of dynamic at all. His defensive tone did make me smile though.

"Yeah. I usually sleep naked these days. Habit I guess," I said as I rolled onto my back and stretched my arms, legs and back again. "Need a pee anyway."

He could have looked away, but he didn't. He watched me get up and hobble a few steps before my aching body adapted to supporting itself. I was indeed naked. "Good view?" I quipped as I cupped my hands over my boobs.

"Sorry," he said as he diverted his eyes. He was not perving, I was the only thing moving in the room and so naturally you look at whatever that is. That happened to be me and I happened to be naked. "But yes, fucking sensational view," he said with a grin.

"Eww," I protested as I wrapped myself in a towel. I expected the towels to be longer in a plush place like this, it barely covered my ass, but it would have to do. I sent a message to my team and asked if I could have any of the good painkillers. The reply was that I couldn't, only over-the-counter stuff. Legal, but much stronger drugs could fix my achy body in a single dose, but for exclusive content my "behind the scenes" recovery was valuable content, so I had to suffer. I dread to think how Abi was feeling this morning. I won, hadn't had group sex and my body still felt like I had been thrown off a cliff. I went for a shower, dried myself off and wrapped the towel around me again.

I went back into the bedroom and opened the wardrobe. Oh yeah, not AI-run and managed facilities, my clothes are in my room. Oh well, I only wore what I had on last night for two hours or so, it will have to do. "Look away," I said to Dad who was just watching me again. Not in a weird way, just I was the only thing to watch again. I needed to put my panties on and the towel was a bit short to risk doing it while he watched. I realise the illogical thought process there. Last night he saw me naked, sitting on another girl's face while I orgasmed and this morning he had had a private viewing of my full nudity, but even so, I felt that he should not watch me get dressed.

"I'll go for a shower," he said as he got up and went into the bathroom. We went for breakfast which was complimentary and fairly awesome. Personal chef quality cooking and nothing was too much trouble. Dad took full advantage. I was back on my nutrition plan so I was not given a menu, I was just served my breakfast. It was nice, but it needed bacon. Abi came in walking like a 90 year old and before I knew I was doing it I was on my feet and helping her. We hugged, then kissed before I helped her sit down and generally fussed over her. The trainers and our teams just grinned at us. "What?" I asked.

"Content gold. Absolutely adorable, the pair of you," one of them said, "And what makes it even better is that it is not scripted, it is not directed, it is just a natural empathy between you."


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wwaldripwwaldrip19 days ago

Excellent series loved reading it, lovely story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Awesome story this far!!! Thankyou!! Can't wait for the next, I hope there's another part coming!

FunwitjBigPhilFunwitjBigPhilabout 1 month ago

Amazing story!!! Thoroughly enjoyed it and looking forward to the next part!! Keep up the amazing work!

qarlcueqarlcueabout 1 month ago

Agree. Great episode, and more please!

Camguy4funCamguy4funabout 1 month ago

This was a blockbuster chapter! I never could have imagined that boxing can be so compelling and sexy! I look forward to reading the next installment and find out what happens with Sophie, Abi, and the guys. A very clear 5 star vote!

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