Sex, Toys & Bots: A Valentine Tale


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But both her's and Rachel's faces had been ruddy, as had been their pussies and asses and Diana and Ivy had teased them mercilessly when they'd claimed that was because they knew they were late and had to run to get to the booth on time. Neither of their podmates bought that for a second. Sue had also tried to discreetly deal with hers and Jeremy's juices leaking, the towel Lois had refused had come in handy. As usual that damned brunette simply spent the time with a bit of cum sticking hair together and didn't seem put out with a cunt, and an ass, full of it. Then a voice caused her to jump.

"Sure'nuff," the voice just behind and to Sue's right side drawled, "I'm fixin' to freeze my tits off I stay out here too long!"

"Zi...," Sue turned and she cut off the response mid-word, "uh, Se... Sestaya, right?"

The woman nodded with a broad smile and her beautiful dark hair shook under a ten gallon hat. Her dark eyes were highlighted with subtle makeup that made them brighter. Her cowgirl button-down shirt had white fringe that fell from the sleeves and the cloth flowed softly around her breasts and was unbuttoned almost to her navel. She wore a soft denim miniskirt that was only a couple of inches longer than Sue's skirt. The only oddity was a leather valise on a shoulder strap that fell between her breasts.

"I declare, you do look like you fell from Heaven, Angel," dark eyes glanced down, "and those nipples could cut glass. I was having a walk inside to have a look over the crowd and saw you out here."

Sue snorted but she didn't look down, she didn't need to. She felt them. The women stood on a second floor covered outdoor balcony that abutted a second floor walkway around the large ballroom where a couple or three thousand people danced and fucked to a DJ's throbbing beat while a couple of hundred pinball machines pinged and fought the light show from the stage. A dozen or so people stood on the balcony, all but the angel and cowgirl there for the singular purpose that the balconies were the only places to smoke.

Sestaya looked up and her nostrils flared slightly. She chuckled softly.

"Not just tobacco out here," she said softly and Sue gave her an open mouthed smile before she offered an exaggerated inhale, "that why you're here?"

"Huh, no," Sue shook her head, "the snow is so beautiful, there's no wind. Considering this is the Windy City, unusual!"

Sestaya joined her laugh.

"I've been here in winter before," she said, "froze my ass off more than once. You're a Minnesota girl, right?"

"Yeah, Zia tell you?" Sestaya nodded to Sue's question. "Been gone since I left for college. Don't mind, don't see much snow now so nights like this, no wind, giant flakes in the streetlights..."

"And you're not quite in the mood for the party, right?"

Sue's mouth froze slightly open. She'd spent, what, sixty seconds with this woman at Rachel's door? And she'd not even spent much time with Zia.

"It's that obvious?"

"I'm a... a psychologist," Sestaya said, "it's my job to read people. And I'm good at it. Your boss mind?"

"I'm supposed to help Ri..., Tammy," Sestaya's quick smile made clear she was clued in on the game, "but she seems to have given up. Stupid to challenge Rachel that way. So now she's just running around next to naked with that little bow and arrow being Cupid. So..."

Sue shrugged.

"I've seen I don't know how many Cupids down there, I saw your little friend leading a pack of them into war against another pack! Not quite proper Cupid behavior! But Rachel the Demon is indeed a force of nature. C'mon, us Texas girls aren't so used to the cold. Buy you a drink?"

"I'm staff," Sue smiled, "drink free. I'll buy! Let's go."

Sestaya led them through the glass doors and Sue followed. Dark and pale skin offered plentiful goosebumps as the two women shook themselves. Sue pointed to the left where a second floor bar hosted around twenty people who'd decided to also find temporary refuge from the teeming mass below.

"Your sister's costume is impressive," Sue said as they walked and Sestaya exhaled a quick laugh, "I guess she's a genie but well, didn't know genies got around with their lovely tits out! She seems like she matches well with Rachel's demon. And those are awesome cowboy boots you've got on."

"Pure Texas rattlesnake," she said and Sue's mouth gaped slightly and Sestaya chuckled and she drawled out each syllable of the rest of her sentence, "and Zia's what's called a jaini, a kind of Djinn, well, genie, but female and focused on mischief."

Sue chuckled. "Well, her and Rachel, then, causing mischief. Not like I'm what most people might think angels should look like. Rachel's a perfect demon, those two better let me know when Brandon and his buddies arrive. Rachel gets her five on one gangbang and I get one or two rejects from the pile after!"

"Share the rejects?" Sestaya's eyes glittered and Sue grinned and nodded.

"You're a beautiful cowgirl, Sestaya. Zia does Iran, you do Texas."

"I'm the baby sister," Sestaya said brightly, "our parents dreamed of coming to America. And being a petrochemical engineer, when he got the chance where but Texas? You know, Dallas. Dallas the TV show! J.R.! My sister had already started school in Tehran, but I was too little. Our parents spoke Farsi all the time so we're both fluent but I had no memories. Even when we visited most every year, it's just an exotic place to me. But Sis is mixed."

"What're you drinking? I get free drinks, I'm allowed to treat, supposed to be if I'm wining and dining or," she paused, "seducing."

"How do you know you aren't doing that now?" Sestaya' s eyes twinkled. Sue smiled.

"I thought you went for brunette demons?"

"Hell last night, heaven tonight. Who's to say? Three of us in bed all night, she and I worked each other over a few times. She didn't say a word but no way was Brandon's cock getting near me."

Sue blocked the surprise, Rachel not sharing? An interesting... development. She shifted thoughts to the present, she'd never had any doubts she liked men. But like Rachel she'd also crossed the tracks now and then. Except between the two of them. Fast, deep friends but they'd only been physical that one time. With Dark Star. Why did every thought suddenly lead back to him?

"Get me a Shiner Bock," the cowgirl continued after a pause, Sue was sure the psychologist had read her, "SOMEONE here knows good beer even if they have to import it from Texas."

Sue laughed, she hadn't expected that. Her dad and uncles told stories of the days when every beer was a lame, watery swill. No more and the show had brought in exotics from far and wide.

"Ok," Sue said, "never seen that one before. I'm convinced. Two coming up."

"To heaven and hell, angels and demons and djinn and cowgirls," Sestaya said as she and Sue tapped plastic cups, no glass allowed to be carried about so the bartender had poured from two brown bottles with yellow labels and each woman took a swig, "ah, home!"

Sue snorted at the deep drawl that was so at odds with the woman's looks. Or, well, was it?

"I know Zia did that year in high school in Tehran, she ever think to go back for longer? Did you?" Sue asked as they leaned on the railing and looked over the crowd. The DJ's stage was at the far end and the distance allowed conversation at reasonable volume.

"Nah, always been interested in politics," Sestaya said, "did my year abroad in Zagreb. You know, Cold War, Iron Curtain, Third Way. The politics that the tech and the internet and free comms have mostly killed. Mostly to the better. But also, you know, like a couple of Hester Hendricks's books where someone was a spy."

The cup froze at Sue's mouth for a moment, then she lowered it.

"I've read all of 'her' books, really liked this last one," Sestaya pumped her crotch forward and back a few times as her free hand mimed holding a hip then continued brightly, "and Zoe Zabriskie's. A couple of Hannah's too... but, oh, god, so mushy. Lame. If I've spent 250 pages dreaming about how hard and big that cock must be, when it shows up and is finally shoved into me, over and over, I'm going to be thinking about THAT. Directly, rudely, happily. Not about waves and sunrises and horses galloping across the prairie and shit."

Sue chuckled. "Uh, you know..."

"Zia knew I read your books, spilled the beans after she did that first show with you guys. 'I know who writes those!'" She tapped her cup against Sue's and they swigged.

"My sister grew up thinking about Iran," Sestaya said as she waved her cup over the crowd, "but this. She... always loved showing off. When the Shah and the ayatollahs made their agreements, Iran got a bit tight-assed. Coulda been worse, lots worse, dodged that bullet. So far at least, and his son's done a good job keeping the balance but when she was there she found that, well, it wasn't what she'd dreamed of. Hell, our parents say it's not what they left. But if you want to see a cowgirl, you should see our mom! Her in a line dance, wowee!"

Sue pictured a woman, older but with the same dark and incredible looks as this one and her sister. In a line dance!

"Her denim skirt as short as yours?" Sue's eyes twinkled.

"All but," Sestaya said to draw a laugh from the redhead, "she's got the legs for it. Maybe I have hope for my future! But she wears underwear."

Sestaya gyrated her hips once and winked. Sue laughed.

"They have detectors at the doors," Sue said brightly, "alarms blare you try to wear it around here tonight."

They touched cups and laughed and emptied their beers.

"I AM buying this time," Sestaya said and after a moment's stare from those dark eyes Sue nodded quickly and smiled before Sestaya's voice went to that husky Persian accent she shared with her sister, "seduction is a two way street."

She snatched the empty cup from a surprised Sue's hand and turned. Sue admired the woman's ass. If her mother had those legs, that woman was lucky, lucky indeed.

"Earth to Sue, ground control to space," Sue blinked and took a moment to read the slight concern in Sestaya's expression, "you okay, Angel?"

She shook her head and quickly scanned around the crowd. Had she seen or had she imagined it? She finally focused on the beautiful woman who held two cups of beer.

"Oh, hey," Sue took a slow breath, "just thought I saw someone I didn't expect."

She reached and Sestaya handed her a cup. She took a long and slow drink. After a moment Sestaya did as well.

"Still there? Wanna tell me? Help look?" Sestaya put her free hand over her brow and looked over the crowd.

"Nah, don't worry, just a costume that fooled me. Thanks for the beer."

They tapped cups.

"Hey," Sestaya said as she turned and pointed, "isn't that your friend?"

Sue followed. The giant video screens mounted around the hall suddenly focused on a couple. It was a woman in a black mask that covered her whole face with the exception of her very red lips, her long blond hair fell around her bare shoulders and her moderately large breasts jiggled a bit. A man with sandy brown hair knelt in front of her.

"That's Danny," Sue said.

As in the video earlier in the day a leash was connected to a metal ring on a leather choker around his neck and the blonde woman held the leash taut with one hand while the other was behind his head. She nudged him and he sucked the large, black strap-on cock completely into his mouth before he backed off but didn't release it. The video screens rotated amongst feeds from almost every angle. Danny wore a white toga with blue and yellow highlights around it. From behind her it was obvious that other than the mask, elbow-length black gloves and the strap-on, the woman wore only knee-high boots with high, thick heels.

"That the chick he was with in Vegas?" Sestaya's question. "Saw the video, she's familiar."

"That's her. Name's Jan. Geek chick we found in Vegas, part of the show Riku was with. I don't know how her and her friend Kate wrangled their way here, but Rafe's fucking that other one brainless this week too. I think this one wears the gloves because of the big-ass diamond on her left hand. Kate's a bit camera shy though, but they're out there fucking somewhere."

Sestaya laughed. "The cougar she got in the fight with here?" Her eyes twinkled.

"Can't imagine," Sue laughed as well, her mood brightened, "no black eyes for Rafe so far. Not sure what these two geek girls are doing here. They were at Riku's computer show, but now? Guess they told their husbands they 'had business' in Chicago this week!"

"Lucky coincidence," Sestaya said and both laughed before Sestaya's voice went deep and husky, "you guys have any more boys like Danny? Been lookin'... not easy to find."

Jan tugged hard on the leash and Danny stood, his cock stood straight from his body and the hem of the toga laid over it. She jerked the leash again and he caught something tossed from the crowd. He worked a bottle cap and squirted something on the fake cock while Jan stood with her free hand on her hip. He applied a generous coating of lube to the shaft before the woman jerked the leash again and he stopped. She pushed at his shoulder and he turned ninety degrees and bent over the back of a sofa. She shuffled forward and he reached back to fine tune the aim of the toy. His body rippled as she tugged the leash hard and he backed up until the entirety of the strap-on's shaft was plunged into his ass.

"Bit of a bitch," Sestaya chuckled, "making him do the work."

"But she gives reach-arounds," Sue said and as if on cue Jan bent as she pumped her hips and reached into Danny's crotch.

Sestaya started to speak but stopped when Sue held up her hand. The cowgirl alternated looking at Sue and a large video screen.

"Brandon and his posse are here," Sue said brightly, "Zia says they've brought a couple of hot chicks with them. The jaini says Alicia's planning something... well, says she had no idea how the hell the demon will manage it. Says it'll kick off after the Danny show, Alicia wants the stage to herself, and, um, seven others, to cement her victory."

"My sister lacks imagination when it comes to, oh, intimate contact with the fairer sex."

"Anyway, drink up," Sue said, "if we want front-row seats we need to get going. Margaret's got some surprise video for next and she's getting Riku to collect a pack of Cupids to kick off the Alicia show."

"Rubbing it in, sounds like," Sestaya said and they both laughed. Both women chugged the last of their beers and laughed as they dropped the cups in a handy collection bin as they headed for the stairs.

Sestaya took Sue's hand and the redhead smiled and led the cowgirl to the designated spot. Margaret's team could enable a tracking/homing function Dark Star had added to their wrist pads so Sue heard directions in her ear. Despite the heavy crowd most people were stationary as they watched Danny and Jan and chanted and cheered so the two women were able to slide through without too much trouble. When a couple of guys who'd had way too much to drink blocked their way Sestaya wrapped Sue with her arms and kissed the angel deeply. Witch's hat before, ten gallon now against her halo. The guys glared but reluctantly let them pass. As they walked Sue quickly snapped a picture of the pair who'd decided to follow them. She turned right instead of left and sent an alert. Margaret's IT folks monitored it constantly. With cameras and facial recognition software eyes would be on them.

Sue brought them to a halt and the drunks crowded behind her and Sestaya as the crowd cheered loudly as Danny and Jan blew their respective loads and as before she made him lick his cum from her gloves three uniformed security guards suddenly appeared alongside the two men.

"Gentlemen," the smallest of the three bulky guards said, the pair's eyes were slits but widened quickly when they noticed the larger guards, "I'm happy you've had such a good time. We hope you enjoy whatever entertainment you decide on for the rest of your evenings. Thank you for coming."

The speaker nodded to Sue who nodded back and she led Sestaya away. The small guard spoke again.

"We'll stop by the coat check and collect your belongings, gentlemen," Sue heard as the quintet headed in the opposite direction.

"That's handy," Sestaya said. She had to lean and speak into Sue's right ear.

"Things get urgent, coulda had a dozen of Margeret's folks in a few seconds," Sue's turn to lean, the women were all but the same height, "pretty rare, few shows ago had a similar situation but the guys jumped a couple of our girls. I mean, you don't need to be THAT charming to get into our pants, so hey, no need! Jay's big as fuck and Troy is some sort of twentieth degree black belt and Gina's won a few MMA bouts! And they're the nice ones. By the time security showed up the two guys begged to be arrested."

The crowd's cheers settled as Jan led Danny by the leash as she waved her free hand to acknowledge the audience. The video boards shifted. A brunette with a mask identical to Jan's bounced on a man's lap and they kissed. She had brunette hair and her figure was a bit more slender. Her legs were bent on the sofa either side of the man's legs but unlike the blonde's her boots were flats. She had the same elbow-length gloves. His arms were bare and wrapped around her back and under her buttocks and his biceps flexed as he lifted her for each stroke.

An older woman strode rapidly as the video screens shifted view. She was in a clinging gown with a plunging neckline that exposed most of her silicone-enhanced tits. Her hair was brunette with considerable natural grey mixed in.

"Oh, this is a fuckin' treat," the audio rang around the room, "not this little brown-haired whore again! Rafe, get it out of her cunt before it bites your prick off!"

The couple stopped fucking and both looked at the older woman.

"Shit," Sue said, "she's the one from Vegas! How the hell?"

Sue pulled Sestaya along as the crowd chanted 'cat fight' as Kate and the woman whose name Sue had never learned screamed abuse at each other. As before Kate lunged at the woman and Rafe intervened.

"C'mon," Sue pulled Sestaya along, "just ahead."

Another fifty feet and they pushed through the last bodies and saw Zia. She and Sestaya had the same long, dark hair and their eyes and skin matched. The jaini was in red, yellow and blue robes that flowed around her breasts and as she moved exposed her dark landing strip. She and her sister were essentially the same height but Zia was taller at the moment with her very high heels. Zia walked quickly to them and she and Sestaya kissed cheeks before her teammate smiled at Sue.

"C'mon," Zia said to the angel, "get your commera, make yourself useful. Cupids will be here any second!"

Sue unhooked the thin, palm size communications camera from her waistband. Sestaya smiled and reached into her satchel and pulled her own out. Sue used her wrist pad to sync it to their team's feed.

It was only then that she fully took in the scene. A king size bed without a headboard had been placed on the floor. It was low but high enough to allow good views.

'Alicia.' Her friend knelt on the bed still in full demon except for her shoes, which stood on the floor a few feet from the bed. Horns, wings, tail remained. Sue recognized Brandon next to her, she recognized Alicia's two other afternoon conquests nearby. Two women she'd never seen, a strawberry blonde who pressed herself against Jeremy and her hair was a bit redder than Lois the Witch and the other with light brunette hair who rubbed herself as the meat in a sandwich of two of the guys. Sue raised an eyebrow, wondered what that meant for her intended post gang-bang plan.

The crowd's noise hit a crescendo as the two women on the video screens had apparently decided to work together to beat Rafe to a pulp. But once they had him on the sofa Kate tore the older woman's gown off and the now-naked woman dove to suck Rafe's cock into her mouth. Kate mounted his face and after a few moments preparing him the older woman crawled onto the sofa and impaled herself with his now-ready cock. Sue heard Margaret's voice in her ear.
