Sex, Toys & Bots: A Valentine Tale


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"On five, cameras," she said. Sue suddenly caught Riku's smirk about forty degrees off to her right. Almost as quickly an uncountable number of additional Cupids, male and female, all in variations of her wings and not much else, foam heart arrows notched but strings not yet pulled.

A cheer for the two women whose fight Rafe had again been caught in but had now combined to bury him in female flesh. The two women kissed as their crotches gyrated on face and cock.

Then the video screens went blank at the same time the previously continuous sound track ended. Sue almost felt the sudden silence. The video screens returned with a surround view of the pack of near-naked people on and around the bed.

"Cupids," Margaret's voice rang out, a firm and confident alto, "pull."

All of the Cupids including Riku pulled their bowstrings back. Every arrow aimed at the pack of bodies on and around the bed.

"Loose arrows of love!" At the amplified voice's call each archer let go and at least twenty foam hearts struck bodies.

"Cupids! Fire at will until everyone's naked!"

They obeyed. Squeals and laughter from the targets as they quickly removed what few clothes they had and a pile of arrows collected around the bed and the pack. Alicia stood with her arms in the air on the center of the bed, still in her tiny skirt and bustier and demonic accessories.

The rain of arrow hearts stopped.

"Ladies and gentlemen, humans and bots, introducing Alicia Capone, Demon Princess of the Ninth Circle, winner and still champion!" Sue glanced up, the scene replicated on the giant screens as each picked up a different angle. Her boss hired the best, some fast fingers on the control boards.

Then she glanced toward Riku and saw just for an instant a flashed look of... was it anger? Disappointment? Then it was replaced with the requisite Cupid leer as she and her team watched their handiwork.

The DJ fired up an oldie, For Those About to Rock, a driving rock and roll number. Sue found it strangely appropriate and smiled.

Alicia and the two women fluffed cocks that were almost all ready. Sue had only seen Brandon clothed but he was solidly built, with a taut body that she knew was Rachel's type, as much as that raging maniac had a type. His cock was... impressive. Not that the others on view weren't. He and Alicia directed the group.

One of the men, a powerfully built fellow but not one Sue had seen before, slid onto his back and the brunette woman lubed up his cock. Alicia, Sue kept thinking of her nom-de-fuck given the show she was about to put on, had other plans for Brandon.

But how for the whole bunch? Sue had seen the brunette pull off some impressive feats of sexual acrobatics, but this crowd? Margaret's rules said Alicia had to get all participants to climax, or well, as 'Tammy' had the previous evening they could do the final wank to blow their loads. But they needed to be 98% there...

Brandon held Alicia and lowered her and the blonde woman guided the prone man's cock pass the demonic anal ring while the brunette ensured her wings spread out either side of the man. The demon's tongue was between her lips as her mouth opened as he penetrated her and appeared to support most of her weight. Brandon knelt on the bed and quickly pushed his cock into a welcoming pussy. A third man, it was Jeremy, followed and knelt at her head and she sucked him in. Then each woman knelt on each side of her and Sue saw Alicia's hand find the near-side woman's, the strawberry blonde's, pussy as that woman leaned and sucked on those perfect tits. She assumed her friend's other hand had the brunette's pussy but that woman pushed her face into the demon's crotch and alternated licking at what Sue knew was a large and hard clit and Brandon's cock as it pumped in and out of her friend's pussy.

Ok, that left two cocks... And Sue's eyes widened. She looked sideways and Sestaya mouthed 'impressive.'

Each man used the lube and greased up a bare foot before they shuffled on their knees and leaned back as demonic feet had at their erect cocks. The DJ switched to the William Tell Overture as Brandon called cadence and Alicia's hands and feet and mouth worked at cocks as he and the other man fucked pussy and ass.

"Shit," Sue said softly as she held the commera on the scene, "she's doing this..."

"Sue," Margaret's voice in her ear, "get up close and personal. Try to look like a shocked angel at the depravity on view!"

Sue snorted. But she worked on her face. Shocked? Huh. She walked slowly toward the bed. Brandon noticed and turned his smile to her and she focused in and held it as she walked. He didn't lose the beat. As she found a spot near Alicia's right foot she was able to get both Brandon's and Alicia's faces in one shot. He turned to look as the woman whose pussy he was fucking and even Sue felt the electric shock of that look. She wondered if the commera had caught it but the wordless sound in her earpiece spoke louder than shouts.

"There's devilry afoot," the soundtrack's pause perfectly timed for the announcement, "and heaven's representative is recording for St. Peter's records!"

The soundtrack kicked in again but both Margaret's announcement plus the restored music seemed to have a very faint fuzz added. But she caught Jeremy's eyes while the demon's mouth worked its magic and waves of pleasure crossed his face. She worked toward him and gave viewers a tight closeup of Alicia's hand as it worked its magic on the strawberry blonde's pussy and clit and that woman caressed and sucked tits in turn. She read Jeremy's look and she leaned her head next to his.

"If you don't mind Naomi joining," he whispered as his eyes flicked at the woman whose pussy had just been broadcast to the world, "we can have the rest of the night."

"Would be heavenly," Sue said softly before she backed off and gave the world a closeup of his heavy-lidded eyes before she worked down his torso to show his cock as it worked it's way in and out of Alicia's mouth and her dark eyes glittered and her hair shook around her red horns. Sue smiled back before she managed to get back her proper look of 'shocked, I'm shocked that sex is happening at a sex festival!' Alicia must've gotten word in her earpiece because her eyes danced with amusement.

How the hell was her friend keeping this up? Sue focused on the first man then the other man getting the foot-jobs. Both pumped their hips slowly in sync with Alicia's greased feet.

She worked her way in a slow circle until she was in position for a tight closeup of the two cocks that penetrated Alicia at an ever faster pace. The brunette woman took a break from sucking that clit from hell to smile for the camera then returned to her task as her body twitched with the fingers that worked her own clit.

Sue widened the view slightly to capture Brandon's profile with Alicia's face in frame but softly focused. Then something at the edge of the ring of cheering and chanting viewers locked her eyes.

There was a gap of about twenty feet where an inner ring of viewers stood and clapped. Various of her teammates stood there and captured video from around the circle and Zia worked with Sue to capture various close views.

The costume was a black hat, flat on top with a wide brim. Some sort of dark grey leathery jacket that fell to the ankles and seemed to have a hood. But it was the face.

No. There was no face. It was a beak, well, like a beak, nearly a foot long as it curved slightly downward and narrowed to almost a point. Above the beak were a pair of smoked goggles that obscured the eyes. In its right hand the wearer had what looked like a cane with a highly-polished gold handle.

Sue knew her expression was suddenly a shocked surprise. Pure and without pretense this time. She didn't need Margaret's instructions.

"Sue," she heard Margaret's soft voice in her ear, she realized her commera had wandered and she brought it back to place. Alicia's and any other expressions of participants she could see showed lust and fatigue and the nearing of orgasms. Each stroke of Brandon's cock pushed more moisture from Alicia's pussy and it ran down to enhance the movements of the cock in her ass. Sue shifted her commera to show the goo that ran around fingers that worked the pussy of the woman whose name Sue didn't know.

She tried to control her breath. It couldn't be. Here? But who... who the hell else would wear THAT to THIS show? She'd seen more plenty of full-body latex or leather gimp suits. Would the, um, less-knowledgeable think this was simply one of those? But it was just so... fitting.

"Love the boots, finish," she knew that THIS voice in her ear was only for her, "after."

She looked directly at the goggled eyes. She swore the beak dipped by a millimeter. It was him. Absolutely insane.

She focused back on the pile of bodies in front of her. Alicia drooled slightly as she sucked Jeremy's cock. Every man she could see was breathing hard and the hips of Naomi and the other woman jerked slightly. She turned slightly at an almost subvocal sound from Brandon. She knew it was a command. His eyes led her to the man nearest her as he grunted hard and Sue broadcast to the world a closeup of jism that rose two, maybe even three inches from his cock as Alicia's left foot gave the cock a hard upstroke. A more distant grunt and her friend's right foot drove out a voluminous spurt that barely rose but gushed from the dark pink head to run all over it and the black painted demonic toenails.

She and Zia shifted and did extreme closeups as Naomi and the second woman bucked their asses and gooey juice ran down Alicia's hands and arms, fingers buried deep in pussies. Both women knelt back to suck hard on nipples and clit and Alicia's body bucked but was forcefully held in place by them and the three cocks still in her body. After a fourth, fifth and then a sixth hump all three men pulled their cocks with audible pops and Naomi and the other grabbed Alicia's arms and helped her off the man below her and those black wings flapped. Jeremy slid aside and the man pushed himself up.

Alicia slid to sit on the edge of the bed as Brandon slid off and her hands and mouth went to his cock. Jeremy and the man who'd been in her ass walked quickly to stand either side of Brandon while the two women slid to sit alongside the demon and their hands grabbed at the cocks in front of them.

Brandon grunted and Sue watched Alicia's cheeks flex as she swallowed the results of his cock's first spasm.

As in Vegas, the DJ fired up the cannons from the 1812 Overture. They were almost inaudible with the massive cheers from the viewers in the massive room. And they weren't quite as bright as in Vegas.

Alicia pulled her head back and looked up at him as she stroked the cock and numerous spurts of cum sprayed across her cheeks and a protruding tongue. Finished, she twisted right and Naomi let her finish the man who stood to Brandon's left. The first shot hit chin and chest before she pulled him into her mouth and stroked it empty. Finally she released him and turned to Jeremy and grabbed his quivering prick.

Sue had felt the force of his ejaculation into her pussy and no one was disappointed as she and Zia focused in. A huge shot hit Alicia's forehead and covered her black hair and one of the horns. She pulled the next one and aimed across her left cheek, her mouth and the other cheek. Then she sucked it into her mouth and drained him as well.

The demon nudged Jeremy away before she turned her head hard and pushed her mouth hard on the woman to her left. Cheeks flexed as open mouths and tongues fought for a few seconds before Alicia broke the kiss and twisted to share whatever cum she had left with Naomi. She broke the kiss and hopped onto the bed and raised her arms in celebration.

The line broke and the mass of people crowded forward. Sue saw Zia and plenty of others with closeups of Alicia's cum-covered face as she smiled and rotated on the bed before she reached down and took Brandon's hand and he joined her. They hugged tightly and kissed hard to evoke another round of cheers before they separated and rotated to bow in each direction.

The angel worked herself backwards away from the bed. Let her friend have her glory. Would Jeremy follow? Hopefully not, at last view Naomi had slid over and pulled him into an embrace.

She'd lost her target's exact position but knew he'd been to her left when she faced the stage. She moved that way, her wings finally a benefit as people saw them and made way. She wasn't sure what Alicia might do for an encore but for once her friend's intent, and any rejects, weren't considerations. Brandon and his posse would take care of her. Not to mention Lucy and Zia and she'd seen Diana and Jay at the far side.

"Gettin' hot," the voice said into her ear. She craned her neck and saw the hat. She pushed around a knot of gawkers and saw the strange costume. The beak and goggles faced her. A tingle ran down her spine and knew there was a smile behind that mask. She wondered if onlookers would think she'd suddenly gone brain dead from her expression she worried was suddenly vacant, her eyes glazed.

Ironically, about ten or twelve feet to the left of him was a woman in a full body gimp suit, including hood and mask and what seemed like a male some way past her. Both had large black bags with shoulder straps and both seemed to be swimming hard upstream against the crowd that largely moved toward the bed.

Sue pushed a woman in a barely-there vampire costume, saw the chalked face and red around her lips but simply grunted something of an apology.

"Not an ang...," was all Sue heard before she saw a clear run of three long steps to reach her target. The crowd had thinned but that only meant he was in a space about a yard in diameter. She upped her pace and wondered if his strange costume caused those few to give him space.

Good. Her eyes flicked left. Had she seen a ten gallon hat? No. She was almost...

His posture caused her to slow before she stopped within arm's reach a few degrees from dead in front since the beak made being directly in front and this close nearly impossible. She smiled but something caused her to avoid the full body wrap she'd planned.

Of course. But his head turned slightly and he didn't refuse his left hand as she shuffled her booted feet and hid the view of her right hand clasping his left. His glove was leathery but something wasn't quite right about it.

Like the continued odd tone in the music. And someone was behind him. No not a someone, but...

"Beautiful angel," the voice in her ear wasn't his, well, not his natural voice, "please advise Agent Ali I am not who she wants."

Behind him the eyes of the person were dark and lidded under a ten gallon hat. The reaction of those eyes made clear their owner had heard the voice as well.

"Agent Ali?" Sue was confused and simply spoke, didn't know what channels were open. Zia's last name was Ali, so it made sense Sestaya's was as well. But 'agent?'

"Who do I want if not you?" Sestaya's voice was still her, Sue thought, but somehow firmer. Official. The cowgirl's right arm and hand were hidden behind the man but her left arm banged against her hip then she lifted it so she could continue to look forward but see the face of her wrist pad. Her expression showed unhappiness.

And Sue was reasonably certain there was plenty of confusion there as well. Like a mirror, the angel thought unhappily.

"I'm not the disease," the artificial voice continued in her ear and Sestaya's jerk indicated it was in her ear too. Not that she'd had any doubt, but she'd lost every shred of doubt who was in the disguise. Not a straight answer to be had. But what was going on? And Sestaya. Had her actions been... a setup? Like Riku?

"What?" Sestaya's, Agent Ali's, voice was sharp so she heard it over the oblivious crowd since the word wasn't in Sue's earpiece.

"He's the doctor," Sue said, "the plague doctor. From the Black Death."

Sestaya's eyes quickly snapped to focus on Sue. They narrowed slightly and a quirked smile crossed her face. It'd been Zoe's voice in her ear, likely in the agent's as well. The game was well afoot. Their earlier conversation made clear this woman knew all about her aliases so likely had heard the various voices as well.

"Not exactly the Black Death," the man's voice that wasn't his again, "more the seventeenth century. But we waste time."

"What plague?" Sue's question, Hester's voice this time. Not a Zoe question. She fought down her smile but squeezed the hand. She'd not known how much she'd missed him... no, she'd known. She'd refused to admit it. Had bashed it over the head with a sledgehammer and dropped into a sewer. Then she'd parked a car tire on the manhole cover over that sewer.

"Latex team," Sestaya's eyes went wide and her mouth dropped open when her voice came through Sue's earpiece, "stop all gimps. Repeat, stop and hold all gimps for questioning. Use caution, they may have weapons in their bags."

"Latex team?" Zoe's voice again. It carried the amused confusion that Sue felt. Damn. His software was so good. Just like his hardware...

'Oh, wow,' Sue's mind interrupted, 'some sort of emergency and you have pussy goo running down your thighs thinking about this man's cock? Oh, well, beats panicking.'

"How the hell? What was that?" Sestaya's voice had confusion on it but plenty of anger as well.

"No time to explain," the man's voice, "probably too late, the one's left in here are likely decoys."

"Latex team, shut down the music, close the doors, AAAHHH," Sestaya smashed her wrist pad against her hip, "what the fu---."

"I can't let you do that, agent," the man's voice again, "I'm using the sound system to jam the signal that's to power and activate the nanobots. Fifteen minutes and they'll be useless."

"And if you don't do that?" Sue's question, it was her voice that came to her and Sestaya's angry face looked at her.

"We all die," the male voice said, "well, you all do. I'm the plague doctor."

A few of the attendees around the trio had given them passing glances but most must've thought they were an angel, a cowgirl and a weirder than usual gimp. No one stayed close by or moved to join. Sue glanced and couldn't see the bed for the crowd but the cheers and the video screens showed Alicia and Brandon arm in arm as they cheered on a mass of naked bodies that completely covered the mattress.

"We're leaving, Agent Ali," the male voice said as the head nodded at Sue, who bit her lower lip and nodded back, Sestaya's face was hard, "your agency will receive what I know about this attack. Ain't much. Electric Brains' new quantum systems have some involvement. Find who's bought any. Not sure what the company, or their employees, know. Might want to take a look."

Sue's mouth dropped open. That was Riku's company! What the hell? But that little freak had set her and Rachel up. And biggest shock of all, the man the bitch Cupid wanted was right here. Sue looked around, with the music and fucking and dancing unless she was up on the walkway or had spy cam feeds...

"Spy cams?" Sue said.

"Only showing what I let 'em, my angel," the male voice, "you doubt me?"

She added her second hand and squeezed the single gloved hand. Hard. It squeezed back.

Then she heard a crackling sound and smelled something. Ozone! Taser?

Sestaya's hidden right arm moved forward. A second time and the sound repeated. A couple of the nearest people looked around but the sound ended before they could focus in on it.

The male voice let out a long sigh. "Save your battery, agent, it's not just killer nanobots the plague doctor's suit is resistant to."

The cane in the suited man's right hand slid a bit and his arm flashed and she lost sight of the golden head of his cane. Sue heard another crackle, but softer than before. Sestaya jumped but her eyes quickly glazed over and stared forward. The body wavered but didn't fall.
