Sex Trainer for Hire Pt. 01


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'Inviting me in, golden pussy, bitch? No fucking way! Shit! Is that a yes, slut?' The door was only ajar by two inches or so, but I didn't see her peeking out at me. By now my adrenaline was blowing full speed through my body and my cock already had an answer - my right brain processing part just hadn't caught up with it yet. Fuck, yeah! That open door had to be signaling a 'yes!'

Burying my snow shovel into the bank by the steps, I leaped up onto the porch then cautiously pushed the door open. Quickly, I spotted Goldie in the shadows standing by the stairway. Her eyes went wide as a dual look of surprise and fright registered on her face. Simultaneously, her hands tried to cover the top and the bottom exposures of a pair of rose tipped nipples perched upon pear-shaped breasts and that luscious looking, peach-colored puss. With only two hands, there was no way for her to cover all three spectacular ornaments. I smiled at her predicament! As I burst in and closed the door behind me, I could feel the flow of crisp air following me inside. Guess she wasn't really expecting me to take up her challenge!

'Too damn late to try and cover up that cunt, Goldie!' I thought. I closed the gap between us in three seconds. 'You got this coming, Miss Cock Tease!' I was thinking as the feeling of lust swept over my fogged brain cells. I grabbed her, before she could run.

[Bursting through the front door, my cold snow caked clothing had immediately begun to thaw leaving a trail of water across the floor from the door to the spot where she stood. Standing in front of her, the snow on my clothing melted, forming a pool beneath my boots. The icy cold water was running beneath her bare feet making her dance down up and down on the floor as it dripped around her toes. Beads of icy water still clung to my ski mask. Gravity pulled them together forming larger droplets that slid down my snowsuit and joined the small flowing river falling upon her breasts and running down her bellybutton. I saw that she had crossed her arms under her breasts, pressing the nearly transparent, wet garment against her body forcing her nipples to poke against the wetness as I hugged her tightly in my arms. It was then that I realized she was shivering. It dawned on me, in that moment, that my wet clothing and the cool air blast from the open door were chilling her body down. I sprang back away from her nearly naked body.

"Sorry, about the cold suit, so sorry!" I muttered.

"Why don't we get you out of those wet clothes and make ourselves more comfortable?" she answered in reply.]

The next few minutes were a bit hazy as to exactly how I got out of my clothes, I'm not all that sure. But, I recall her trying to fight off my hands. They were all over me trying to pull me away from grabbing her tits. But come to think of it, I think I may have gotten some help in the end with the melee that followed. She sure as hell didn't try to run! She sat on the steps as I struggled to get out of everything I had on, including my socks. But I'm damned sure this was not some sex crazed fantasy!

I grabbed her roughly, pressing her back against the wall. I felt my body crushing against her heaving breasts. My left hand mauled a warm, soft handful of tit, feeling my way around my first fistful of a girl's velvety smooth flesh. I had my right hand frantically roaming between her legs searching for that elusive juicy pussy all the guys bragged about getting in school. I found it and ran my fingers up and down the well lubricated tunnel. God, it felt soft, warm, and so fucking smooth! Her head lay cradled against my neck and -- it seemed she was sucking on my neck, too! Too damn bad I didn't have time to explore her wet pussy longer, though.

"Be a good cunt and I'll take it easy on you sugar," I croaked while leaning into her. I drove Thor in and upward. His knob followed the natural, slickened contour between her thighs, meeting at the apex where her soft, puffy pussy lips waited to be taken. Unerringly, I pierced her, and jammed Thor deeply inside my first conquest.

"Mother-fucker! I got it in on the first stab!" I gasped into Goldie's ear as I lunged against her.

'I'm a man, a real fucking man!' I thought as it clicked in the 'don't-go-there drawer' in my mind.

I remember her arms were draped over my shoulders as I drove my dick into her cunt, right up to my balls. Her hands may have been between us trying to fight off my dick for a few moments, but I remember they were around my neck last as I slammed repeatedly into that slick slappy cunt. She didn't seem to be fighting against me too hard after I ground Thor deeply within her.

But, she did let out a sharp cry as I began to nail her against the wall. I hit her so hard that the pictures on the wall were bouncing out and back in again - like a 3.6 San Francisco earthquake. Just like a locomotive building up to full speed, I was groaning and banging into Goldie's pussy hard enough to drive the breath out of her lungs with each thrust. Her own grunts sounded just like a steam engine too, puffing out groan after groan as I buried myself to the hilt into that soft cushiony mons.

Somewhere in the midst of my pounding her, she leaned her head against my ear again and huffed with a husky, staccato burst of words, "Would - you - do this - to your mother?"

For all the banging against the wall she seemed to be taking my dicking her pretty well!

Slowly, back in the foggy recesses of my lust crazed brain, her question registered amidst my hormonal rage. I slowed down a bit, both from over exertion and trying to process the weirdness of the out-of-the-blue question. Guess the brain does that when trying to handle two thoughts at once. while you are fucking someone's brains out. Without anything to equate the process to, I guessed that had to be the cause for my decreasing pace.

After a couple moments of thought, I gave up trying to process an answer to her question.

"Fuck my mother!" I retorted.

That curse erased the question from my memory. I resumed slamming into her again, picking up speed. I wasn't going to let my mind screw around with the idea of getting conflicted with those 'jerk off moments' at night thinking about my Mom and let it interfere with the pleasure of nailing my first cunt.

But clearly, Goldie was not done with processing that question. I guess she thought my retort was just a repeating of her question, not dismissing it outright!

"Yeah, fuck your mother, would you?" came her insistent question, again, between huffs as I pummeled her pussy against the wall. "Fuck her WET pussy, if she wanted it?" she added in another series of drawn-out gasps between those smacking blows as Thor slammed into her cunt.

Goldie was a relentless bitch. She wouldn't let go of the theme about my Mom. "How about, nailing her ass AND her wet pussy, if she wanted it?" her voice seemed to relish the thought of the two dickings in one wet fuck! She was getting off on this, I could tell.

Well, yeah I had contemplated it a lot, privately, but I had never discussed it with anyone. That would be crazy shit. But, in my brain-fogged lusting mode I chewed on that last question for a few moments as i drilled my way to China and blurted out the answer as I continued stabbing Goldie's cunt for good measure..

"Yeah, fuck yeah Goldie, I'd fuck her ass in a heartbeat if she really wanted it," then I rammed my rod into her again; nailing her to the wall and driving the air from her lungs. I tried using force to shut off the flow of questions. She recovered quickly it seemed, as I slowed down my strokes. I felt like a guy who hadn't paced himself in a mile run and was low on air running the last leg of it.

Her lusty voice rekindled. It crooned, "She wants it, you know!" She breathed the words into my ear between thrusts. It was a strange comment coming from a girl getting dicked against the wall in her living room. Where did the fright and fight go that she displayed when I stormed through the front door? It caused me to pause for a moment, as my cock stayed deeply inside of her. I let my head slump against her neck, waiting for renewed dick power to kick in. Goldie's hands cradled my head and my neck into the warmth of her shoulder blade, kind of like when you get hurt and your mom ...

"How the fuck would you know that she wants it?" I moaned slowing down my cunt banging while waiting for my oxygen starved lungs to recover. I needed more strength to flow into my body so I could get back to screwing my first cunt!

That's the moment Goldie came up with another surprising statement, "All mothers want their son's cocks. It's a natural phenomenon. It would be a sure sign if your mother has a tramp stamp that says something like, 'I'm yours. Insert here!" then you would know it, too, snow boy!" Her words poured into my ear like slow dripping honey onto pancakes in those commercials on television. There didn't seem to be an ounce of fright or fatigue in her beautiful, sensuous body as she made her bold proclamation. I began to think she could do this all day long!

I felt the weight of my body leaning into her again, railing against her pussy with renewed resolve.

I was stumped by what she declared. Yeah, fuck! My curiosity was growing and I couldn't resist asking. "What's a tramp stamp?" I grunted, as I paused in my pummeling her pussy for her answer.

Goldie's answer was strange, "Turn me around and find out, snow boy," she purred. I took the bait and pulled out of her. Her mouth slowly closed, turning into a girl's smirky 'I know something you don't look,' type of grin. I wiped that off her face by grabbing her shoulders and spinning her cunt backward! I found myself staring at some scrolled, ornate calligraphy along the small of her back, just over the top of her ass cheeks.

"See it, snow boy?" she breathed into the wall as I mashed her tits and cunt against the slick marble surface. It was a polished wall having just enough mirror effect to see a mirage-like image of her reflecting out of it. She could see my reflection in it well enough to see my jaw drop.

"Holy shit!" I gasped. She had a tattoo over her asshole! It's there, in the small of her back, in scarlet, italic script letters - 'I'm yours. Insert here!' I was stunned.

She piped up when I stayed frozen, not answering her question, just staring at her ass while my dick twitched with anticipation. "Well, snow boy, can't you read?"

I showed her I could read!

"Read really good, Goldie Bitch!" I snarled as my cock took the plunge. Her ass muscles tightened, drawing to a pucker as my dick disappeared inside it. The scream it rung from her throat gave me a good deal of satisfaction. 'How's this for being able to read Miss Cock Tease!' I grinned in response as I laid into her with renewed energy and dialed up the pace. The portraits on the wall began to clap again, matching the rhythm of my dicking her ass just like I did her cunt on the other side of heaven.

"Nice, snow boy!" she purred out the phrase as softly as a kitten. "But, is that all you've got?" she teased.

'All I got? What the fuck? I'm humping like a goddamned moose doing it to a reindeer! How much faster? How much harder can she take it?' Yet, there wasn't any more to give as I felt the welling up of my nuts getting ready to unload. The surge was building and no, I didn't have any more to give her. I felt the glorious bursts coursing up my cock and into her spasming vaginal tunnel. I came with a tumultuous series of grunts and cries of rapture! She seemed to suck everything out of me in return. I think, maybe she came too, but I don't know if she did. It's not like I could see something shooting out of her - like my sperm, you know!

"That's okay, snow boy. It was a good first ride! Bet if you find out your mother does have a tat like mine, you will definitely know she wants a good ride, too!" she smiled and reminded me about the tattoo one more, goddamned time, as I got dressed. Guess she could tell it was actually my first fuck, but I was too busy grinning to get testy with her about her teasing me. Besides her grin was infectious and cute especially now that she wasn't eating the wall!

"Can I kiss you?" I managed to get out the request in the few moments of awkwardness that followed as I was dressed and was standing by the front door. It was an afterthought, well, because I had never really kissed someone with the idea of fucking her and since I did that already, I thought I might complete the whole getting laid thing as a complete package. Her smile seem to be saying yes, but ...

"I never kiss the first time I met someone new, snow boy, maybe another time ..."

'Hell yes!' I found myself thinking, as I turned the doorknob to let myself out. 'Maybe the next time I'll kiss first, then fuck the shit out of your three holes, bitch!' The thought ran in circles inside the 'don't-go-there drawer' of my mind.

Instead, I managed to blurt out, "Okay ...," as I stepped out into the cold, again. I stood there on the porch surveying the blanket of snow and then decided to finish shoveling the walkway. I still had to earn the fifty Dad left on the table.


"Hello, Mrs. Troutman! Yes, it's me, Teresa Ann."

"How did it go?" Mrs. Troutman anxiously asked me.

Jimmy's mom's voice was similar to the voices of many other excited mothers that I had had this conversation with regarding their sons and on occasion, regarding their daughters. I always gave them the answer they wanted to hear -- the one about good performance and wonderful stamina! Most of the time it was an embellished response, after all I did get call backs for advanced trainings and if you don't polish the apple, you aren't apt to sell the product as well -- at least that's what my economic professors say -- they just didn't know that my apples were not ordinary market produce that I raised. But my psych professors, well that was an entirely different perspective on marketing training and skills development!


"It went okay, Mrs. Troutman. Although, he nearly froze me to death! He was so excited to hug me with all that wet snow on his suit that he soaked me with that icy slush and my nightgown! He was pretty nervous at first, but got the hang of it after a bit. He's broken in -- still in need of refinement though. But, the initial training is over. I believe he is confident enough now for what you want," came Teresa Ann's response as she puffed out another stream of tobacco smoke across the kitchen table.

"Yep, he's just standing outside, looking kind of dazed. Crazy like, yeah. You know how the first time goes. Yep, he's finishing the shoveling, if you can believe that!"

"Pretty sure, yes, it had to be his first time. He had some trouble with his snowsuit zippers, his hands were shaking so badly. I gave him a hand getting out of his clothes to speed things up. Had some trouble finding my vagina too, so I guided him in, but after that he did okay."

"No. Not at all. He was sweet and really gentle. Just a bit shy at first, but then he got his confidence up - not to mention his pecker! Kept asking if he was hurting me, but he didn't. Kind of nice to have someone who shows concern, you know. You raised a polite young man, Mrs. Troutman."

"Yep. He got it into the front and back side as well. He was pretty proud of nailing my cunt and my ass -- Yes, like as if he owned them, you know!"

"Yep. Like I said when we first talked, my initial training service charge is a hundred-fifty for each hole and fifty for the tattoo stencil. No, just, three-hundred-fifty dollars; he just went straight for my cunt and when I mentioned the tramp stamp, he spent the rest of his time there! So, no, no oral today.

No, no checks. I take gift cards only. Yep, VISA gift card is good. That way if you charge it, your husband will just think it's for one of your friend's birthday or a baby shower, maybe."

Yep. The stencil reads the same tat script as yours, so be sure to wear something that rides up over it when you bend over.

Yep. I'm sure he'll go for it. He was muttering something about fucking me like a moose when he saw mine."

Yes. You can drop by tomorrow for payment or I'll just walk over if that's easier.

You're welcome, Mrs. Troutman. Nice doing business with you. Keep me posted on your progress. If you need me, don't hesitate to call. I'm on winter break this week, so I'll be home if anything comes up.

Thanks again, Mrs. Troutman. 'Bye."


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Davester37Davester3710 months ago

I was a bit turned off by the MC, for sure, but I think that’s the way you wanted it. He reminds me of John Deere from another of your stories! I think you have a good starting point to redeem him.

Thank you for writing and thank you for sharing your work.

jcus0511jcus0511about 2 years ago

Fun opening and promise of things to come. Your writing style is interesting I'll continue with interest. Love the hot language by the by and the straightforward calling a pussy for what it is - a cunt.

Motherlessone77Motherlessone77over 2 years ago

Wow his first time was not only with someone who isn't special. It turned out to be a sex worker/trainer. Hmmm?

dmallorddmallordover 2 years agoAuthor

Re: HaydenDLinder

Thank you. Your take on the character is precisely the one I was going for - not the sharpest knife in the drawer, immature, wannabe macho boy with the girls. He will 'grow' wiser as the storyline flushes out - the way we all did to get to where we are today. Thanks for the 5. Critics can be tough. The wham bam critic, I feel, missed my dry humor and my attempt to capture an 18 year olds take on sex for the first time. Guess I failed him. But, hey I take it you got it! ;-)

HaydenDLinderHaydenDLinderover 2 years ago

I really enjoyed the style. I caught myself thinking the kid was bit of a douche, but I think we all were at that age. Very well written. It was really a 4 Star but I gave you five to counter act what looks like some really picking critics so far.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

What story??? Drier than a Joe Biden speech.

dmallorddmallordalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Regarding LegallySane's comment. Sex doesn't occur until page two. If he stopped at page one, how did he know it was just wham bam? Secondly, this is told from an 18 year old POV recounting his first sexual encounter - which is often a wham bam situation and is told as such. Too bad, Legally Sane misses out on the advanced development as the storyline progresses in the chapters that follows.

LegallySaneLegallySanealmost 3 years ago

I couldn't get past the first page. The idiot, lazy son and the cumslut bitch. No foreplay, just wham bam thank you ma'am. One of the worst ideas for an erotic story on here. I'll pass.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Great concept, but more detail of the sex would build more excitement and could be linked to character development.

kennyboy82kennyboy82about 3 years ago

I liked it. Imaginative, and worth waiting for the follow up chapter (hopefully!) I gave it a 4, but once he nails his Mom the scores could go up.

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