Sharing the Love


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He eventually came inside her, and after only a few minutes needed to recharge, she watched her sister ride him through another series of orgasms. Snuggling into her husband, she was left thinking that she should have been completely weirded out in such a situation, but she had to admit that it was beautiful watching the pair together.

Filling her pussy a second time, three orgasms was always the limit for him at his age. He could possibly go again but he'd end up exhausted before he would cum again. The trio showered together, Mark showing both his wife and lover plenty of attention. Cathy would have thought being naked with her sister would have been far more awkward, but Charlotte was barely paying attention to her.

Lying on his back later, she cuddled into one side, her sister on the other. Both were stroking his chest before her sister took her hand. "Thank you, Cathy," she whispered.

"Have fun tonight?"

"I haven't felt so loved in a long time. I'm glad you were here too. It wasn't weird at all. It actually made me feel better to know you were here to share the love."

The next morning wasn't awkward as all, her husband giving love and affection to his wife and his sister-in-law. He was in such a cheerful mood, he eventually told both of them to get ready as they'd pick up the kids and go out for breakfast, or brunch if it was too late.

Thankfully, the kids didn't seem to pick up on anything, such as the shy smiles and glances between her sister and her husband. Well, it was all from her sister. It was easy to see she was now completely smitten with husband. Cathy was again surprised that she didn't feel jealousy. She wanted to see her sister happy and if her husband gave her that, then that was even better.

Later than evening, after her sister had gone home and their kids were in bed, she sat with her husband in the living room. "Honey, what do you think of my sister?"

"She's delightful. I've always liked your sister, babe. Then again, I've always loved your family. Never had an issue with them."

Cuddling into him even more, she took a deep breath. "I'm still totally in love with you, honey. But I also love my sister and want her to be happy. And there's part of me thinking that we can both help with that happiness. She's been hurt twice by men who should have loved her. I think you might be the man who can give her that love she deserves."

He remained silent though she felt his arm around her grow a little tighter. "What are you suggesting, Catherine?"

Again, the use of her full name, aware this wasn't a time for humour. "I'm not sure yet, but I saw how much she enjoyed last night. You made her feel loved and wonderful, and I want her to feel that all the time."

He was again thoughtful. "I thought you said..."

"It's different if it's my sister, honey. Apart from you and my parents, there is no-one else on earth I love and trust more. And I can't stand the thought of her meeting someone else only to yet again be heartbroken. You are what I'd call a sure thing."

She smiled as he found the comment amusing. "Let's keep discussing it, babe. No need to rush into any decisions."

"Still want to have fun with Julie?"

"If it's okay with you. We make the decisions together, but I'll only be with someone you're comfortable with, and I know Julie has been catching feelings lately, which will only make it awkward as she knows I'm not going to leave you."

Julie hadn't been around in over a week. Cathy and Mark did message her constantly, Cathy calling her at least every other day. She met up with her on the Wednesday night, Cathy pleased that there was no awkwardness despite how the last time they'd seen each other ended. After a couple of glasses, she moved to sit next to her friend and explained what was going on with her sister.

"Would you still like to have some fun though?" she asked.

"I would, but I'm going to start looking for a man of my own, Cathy. I'm getting attached and it's not good for any of us. But until I start dating someone else, I'd love to just have some fun with him."

"Good. Want to come around tonight?"

"I'd love to."

For the next six months, her husband had more sex in that half year than he probably had in the previous six years. Julie was part of their lives for four of those months, visiting once or twice a week, nothing more than hot and heavy sex that they both found enjoyment in. But she did meet a man who she hoped there might be a future with, and to her credit, she spoke to Cathy as soon as he'd asked her out on a date.

That left her sister and, after six months, she sat down with her husband one night over a glass of wine, a bottle of beer for her husband. The kids were in their bedrooms, used to their auntie visiting three or four times a week. Taking a deep breath, she was at the head of the table, Mark to her right, Charlotte to her left.

Taking a hand of theirs in each of hers, she smiled at them both before starting. She kept it very simple. "I want this to be a permanent arrangement if you can both handle it. Mark, Julie is now in a relationship and hasn't been with us for a couple of months now. I can think of perhaps two other women that might like to be part of this, but to be honest, I love what the three of us share now."

"Are you sure?" Charlotte asked.

"Chloe is now fourteen. She's already talking about university and what she'll do. If and when she moves out, I'd love you to move in with us. The only question I have to ask is that you're now thirty-six. Do you want children?"

"What?" her husband asked, amused at the surprise. "Babe, I'm not sure..."

"I need to ask, honey. If she wants children, then this won't work."

"You know I'm on birth control, Cathy, and I have no desire for children. To prevent any issues, there's a good chance I'm just going to get a procedure done to prevent pregnancy anyway. I'm focused on my career and enjoying time with you two."

"Have you been looking for another man?"

"Honestly? No. I get everything I need from Mark. I thought this would eventually feel awkward, but instead, I feel closer to you every time and Mark gives me almost as much as love as he does his wife."

"Okay. Don't decide now, Lottie. It's possible there is a man out there just for you, but I agree that I've never felt so close to you and watching you with Mark gives me so much pleasure emotionally and psychologically, knowing my husband is as loved and sexually satisfied as he can be." Looking at her husband, she added, "It's also your decision too, honey."

"I'd rather Charlotte than anyone else, babe. I love and trust her as my sister-in-law and as a close friend. If you're happy for this arrangement to remain, and if she wants to basically join us permanently, then I think that will only be a lovely thing for the three of us."


"Can I think about it? It's a big thing to decide."

"Of course. Take as much time as you need."

It wasn't a surprise that Charlotte took a couple of weeks and she didn't visit in that time. Mark understood and never made an issue of it. The time allowed the couple to just focus on each other completely.

Charlotte appeared on their doorstep on a Tuesday evening. As soon as Cathy opened the door, she found herself leapt upon by her sister, hugging her tightly, stating over and over again how much she loved them both and she wanted to be part of their lives going forward. Cathy hugged her back just as tightly and assured her that everything would be okay going forward.



Charlotte remained a consistent visitor for the next few years. Friday night was always date night for Cathy and Mark. They still enjoyed every day they were together, raising their kids, running the household, and enjoying those nights in bed together when no-one else was visiting, cuddling and kissing, reassuring each other that, no matter what, the love they shared would endure.

Everyone eventually learned about their unique arrangement. The trio didn't exactly hide it, but they didn't tell anyone exactly what was going on. Her parents were a little taken aback that both sisters were sharing the same man until seeing the love that was shared between the trio. As for his parents, they didn't really seem to mind either way, only asking to ensure that everyone was happy.

Chloe moved out of home at nineteen for her second year of university, wanting to live with her friends in a share-house closer to campus. By this stage, the kids had been made aware of the arrangement, Chloe insinuating that her room could become the spare bedroom for Aunt Charlotte when she wanted to visit. It was stated with a knowing grin, everyone aware that Charlotte wouldn't be alone in that bedroom for a single night.

Charlotte moved in a week after Chloe moved out. Most of her things did go into the spare bedroom, but she slept every night with her brother-in-law and sister. She didn't have sex with Mark every night. Even in his mid-forties, Mark's libido was still high, but even he sometimes wanted nothing more than to lie back and relax in bed, though he was now fortunate to share his bed with two women.

Obviously, they'd purchased a larger bed before Charlotte had moved in.

Their son Charlie eventually moved out of home a couple of years after his sister, leaving Mark living with his wife and sister-in-law. The trio were surprised at how natural it quickly felt, and Cathy was the first to state that he now had two wives. She still had no desire for sex, but never spent a night away from her husband's side. With the kids out of home, the trio started to enjoy their life as empty nesters. Weekends away together, up or down the coast. They went on a cruise once a year.

Of course, Charlotte had long ago admitted to falling in love with Mark too. Cathy assured her that she knew already, and it had been anticipated by both herself and her husband. More importantly, she was her sister, she loved her, and the arrangement had worked, would continue working, and would only stop if Charlotte wanted it to stop.

The arrangement would never end. Mark was known locally as the man with two wives, though no-one was rude or vulgar about it. Cathy was still in love with husband as much after twenty-five years of marriage as the day they'd exchanged vows. Charlotte now wore a ring on her left hand, third finger, signifying her commitment to the married couple at the same time.

The trio were now retired and living a peaceful life, considering a move up the coast to get away from the rat race. Mark admitted amazement from time to time that their arrangement had worked so well. Charlotte had never been happier, admitting that although awkward at first, she'd spent the last couple of decades in a loving relationship with two people.

As for Cathy, she would snuggle into her husband, the hair all over his body now a dignified grey and silver, and still feel the love flowing from him. She'd never doubted for a second how much he loved her, had always loved her, and would love her until either of them was lowered into the ground. When she'd told him about her secret so long ago, she'd worried it could have gone so wrong that she would have lost him.

Instead, she'd felt nothing but love every day from her husband. His commitment to her had never been doubted. It had been a unique and even unusual lifestyle for the past two decades, but she wouldn't have changed a thing.


A/N - Thanks for reading. Yeah, this is fiction and fantasy, and I'm sure some of you are thinking 'Just a typical male fantasy' but I've noticed all these new or different sexualities popping up online in the past few years, particularly on social media, so was left wondering if the above would be a realistic way of dealing with such an issue.

The more realistic outcome would probably be divorcing, the wife finding love with another asexual partner, the husband finding sex and intimacy with another woman. More drama probably, but less fun! Then again, perhaps the husband might be willing to sacrifice his sex life to stay with his loving wife, but I reckon for a lot of men (and women if sexes were reversed) that would be a very difficult pill to swallow.

And I didn't want a typical 'Loving Wives' story of cheating, cuckolding, outrage, revenge etc.

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olblueyesolblueyesabout 1 month ago

the story was fine,,not what im usually drawn to, but the premise seems plausible..

HighBrowHighBrow3 months ago

If your wife has not already cut you off almost completely from her aging and familiarity, you cannot imagine how chilling it is for a relationship. This story is not impossible, but highly improbable. He should have gotten an amicable divorce and remained close friends for the children sake. Of course, after divorce, if she took a shine to a new man, she would fuck him. Nature is perverse.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

He should have divorced the bitch

JimDiamondJimDiamond5 months ago

Thank you for a nice story. Got a five from me. It was funny reading the comments. In the real world it is NOT uncommon for this to happen with the man being the one who becomes asexual and allowing the wife to seek other. Also not uncommon for the man to enjoy watching and sharing the experience, if not the actual sex. I have helped several husbands with that. One husband discovered that he could perform if he hurried and did it quickly after watching us. Is it is a bit sexist to not think the same thing does not happen with women. What is more common is the husband or wife allowing the spouse to sometimes go out and have a discrete relationship. Knowing it is probably happening, but not wanting it rubbed into their face. That in fact is both the most frequent as well as the most successful way couples deal with their different needs when they do. Serial, but ethical, cheating really is far more successful in a marriage than "Open Relationships". That was true in my "Academic research" 40 years ago, and is still true today I am certain.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

A tough one to believe but certainly interesting. As you said at the end in the author note, the far more likely outcome is divorce to find something that works for each of them in life. But if this arrangement works for all parties involved, then good for them and it's no one else's business.

AngelRiderAngelRider7 months ago

I even without sexual attraction and physically craving sex, I find it very hard to imagine this working but that's just me. Jealousy and hurt are not so easy to turn off. Still, as a story is was good.

Reminds me of another story about a wife who was off sex and pushed her husband and best friend together. She loved it at first, didn't want to see it after the first time and was just happy to do her own thing. After a time, she craved intimacy and wanted the marriage closed but neither husband or friend agrees. They felt neglected by the wife emotionally. Maybe that's what makes this story different. I certainly couldn't do it. I love sex way too much and my competitive nature would demand that I fuck both of them better than either could on a good day.

I'm a little weird.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Please stop with the annoying dribble before the story. It detracts from an otherwise fine effort.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Liked the story. Would have liked more reactions of children and parents. Did Julie get remarried? Did Julie remain friends?

So, story could have been fleshed out but was still very good. Agree with the commenter that the heavy use of pronouns got confusing sometimes.


AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

To some Neanderthal commenters below (you know who you are); the wife needed cheated. She was asexual. She loved her hsuband and was committed to him but did not enjoy sex. No desire. And at her age may have entered early menopause spurring the latest changes. Findi ti a but that she orgasms with her husband but derives no pleasure from it. I thought most asexuals were not comfortable with sex and cannot really orgasmz whether due to trauma, physical handicap, or simply asexuality and disinterest. They worked something out. Not sure would happen that way in real life, but hey it is fiction.

DreamsOfHopeDreamsOfHope8 months ago

Not usually one to side with @Ruttweiler, but I will this time. Dragon is another arrogant prick that is going to tell an author what’s really going on in his story. I just don’t understand. The author creates the world, and in this world, the wife is asexual, a condition that does exist. Rare, but real. And her reaction and solution for her husband is the absolute definition of a loving wife. I’ll admit, this was strange and not necessarily my cup of tea, but the writing was generally good and the story flowed fairly well, so got a 3 from me. But, I respect the author enough to accept his world.

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