Sharking Day Pt. 02


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Chris was on Pamela's heels and gaining on her as she sprinted towards her escape ride. She'd reached the passenger side door when Chris grabbed her, and pulled off her jacket and blouse in one swoop. The van came to a screeching halt beside Pamela's car. Kneeling inside the back of the van, Andrew filmed the screaming Pamela entering her passenger side door wearing only her bra.

"Get in, Xiao-Mei's leaving the building," Andrew said, and Chris, still holding Pamela's jacket and blouse, got into the van and shut the side door.

"Go go go!" Pamela screamed, and Mandy took off.

Matt stepped on the gas, attempting to overtake the girls, but Mandy stepped harder, and pulled ahead of the van and up onto the sidewalk, stopping Pamela's car directly in front of the Gale Hall entrance.

The big screen TV in the lobby was now set to a regular network channel, showing the ten o'clock news, where footage of Joe sharking four girls at the Delta Delta bikini contest was screening. The girls' faces and private parts were pixelated, but Xiao-Mei still looked on in horror at the spectacle.

She jumped when she saw Mandy bring Pamela's car to a screeching stop in front of the building entrance, and her eyes went wide in fear when she spotted the van pull up behind it, and the side door opened. Andrew had his camera rolling while Chris got out and looked at Xiao-Mei with hungry intent in his eyes.

"Xiao-Mei, it's them! Run!" Kerry screamed.

She and Laura rushed to Xiao-Mei's side and frantically guided her into the backseat of Pamela's car. Reluctantly, the music student got in, followed by Kerry and Laura, before Mandy sped off. They watched as Chris threw up his hands in frustration as the girls drove off.

"That was WAY too close!" Laura said, her heart still pounding.

"What do they want with me?" Xiao-Mei asked, trembling.

"It's just your name, Xiao-Mei," Kerry said. "That's all, just your name."

It was then that Kerry noticed Pamela in the front seat, wearing nothing but a bra.

"Pam? What the hell?"

Pamela blushed.

"It was stupid, okay?" Pamela said. "I saw an opportunity and it didn't pan out. Fuck, I hope I can get my clothes back."

"We will, Pam. Here, take my jacket," Kerry said. "We'll get Xiao-Mei to safety, then figure out what they did with your clothes. Mandy, can you take us to Griffith Hall?"

Mandy nodded. Thankfully her right foot was healthy enough to work the pedals and she was able to drive safely.

On the way to Griffith Hall, they passed the Delta Delta house, and saw the crowd had finally disbursed and the house looked quiet once again.

"I hope those girls are doing okay," Kerry muttered.

Mandy pulled in front of Griffith Hall and Kerry, Laura, and Xiao-Mei quickly got out. Kerry and Laura walked Xiao-Mei to the elevator up to the third floor, and made sure she made it to her room unsharked. Xiao-Mei set her backpack and violin case on her dorm room floor, and turned back to her two bodyguards.

"Please, just keep your door locked and don't come out for any reason," Kerry said. "If you need anything, food, homework, anything at all, text one of us, and we'll get it for you."

"Thank you," Xiao-Mei said.

"One other thing, do you possibly have any clothes you could loan our friend Pam?" Laura asked.

Xiao-Mei nodded. She left to her closet, and returned with a pair of slacks and a black hoodie. Kerry and Laura graciously accepted them and promised to return them the following day.

After Xiao-Mei closed and locked her door, Laura brought the clothes to Pamela, and returned inside to take a seat next to Kerry in the Griffith Hall common area, where they had a view of the elevator and stairwell exit. Shortly after, they heard the shower in Xiao-Mei's dorm room crank on.

"Maybe- this is the end of it?" Laura suggested hopefully.

Kerry shook her head doubtfully.

"I don't know where else they'll find a girl with an 'X' name," Laura said. "Any they can't shark out of order. It's a hard rule. How will they finish by midnight?"

"These guys are sly, Laura," Kerry said. "We can not drop our guard for even a second."

"I know," Laura said. "But they have three girls left and it's almost ten-thirty. They'll have to be really creative is all I'm saying."

* * * * *

"You getting hungry?" Mandy asked.

"Not really," Pamela said, adjusting the black hoodie around her torso. It was a bit small for her, but it was better than being naked. "There's a granola bar in the glove box if you want it."

"Sounds good." Mandy opened the glove box and removed the snack.

"How's your foot?"

"Still hurts like a bitch," Mandy said. She was back in the passenger seat with her left foot back in the cooler. The ice bags inside had partially melted but still offered her ankle some needed relief. Mandy unwrapped the granola bar and took a bite.

"Hey, do you see that?" Pamela asked.

Mandy stared through the windshield into the darkness ahead. A lone figure walked across the front lawn of Griffith Hall, carrying something underneath its arm. It stopped ten feet in front of the building, and checked its wristwatch.

"What's that guy doing?" Mandy asked. She set the granola bar aside and grabbed the binoculars.

"Can you see who it is?" Pamela asked.

"It's Ken!" Mandy said. "And he's holding... a violin case?"

* * * * *

They could see Ken approaching the building from the rooftop of Griffith Hall.

"Looks like he's here. You guys ready to do this?" Matt asked.

Andrew and Chris buckled their ropes to their safety harnesses.

"I'm ready," Andrew said. "Camera?"

Matt handed Andrew the video camera, and hooked the hand strap to his harness. Matt looked at Ken down below.

"He's in position," Matt said. "Go!"

Andrew and Chris climbed over the edge of the rooftop, and slowly scaled down the front of the building. Chris went to the left of the window column, and Andrew to the right. Carefully, they passed the fourth floor window, taking great effort not to be seen by anyone inside. Step by step, the pair lowered themselves further, until they were both hanging adjacent to the third floor window.

They looked to the ground, and saw Ken hold up his open palm, signaling them to stop.

"We're good!" Chris whispered up to Matt.

Ken opened his violin case, took out his violin, and began to play.

Pamela rolled down her window and listened.

"What the hell?" she asked.

Mandy did the same. They watched as lights inside the building flicked on, and several of the windows opened. The curious residents stuck their heads out to get a glimpse at the late night musician. Among them were Kerry and Laura, who had run to the common room window to investigate.

"Oh, Xiao-Mei!" Ken sang. "Well you came, and you gave without taking! But I sent you away, oh Xiao-Mei!"

"Oh God, I hate this song!" Mandy groaned, rolling her eyes.

"Shut up!" one of the building occupants shouted from his window. Ken continued to sing.

"And you kissed me and stopped me from shaking! And I need you today, oh Xiao-Mei!"

"It's ten-thirty! Fuck off!" another resident shouted.

Xiao-Mei opened her bedroom window and peeked out. Her hair was wet and she was dressed in a pink bathrobe.

"Ken, is that you?" she asked.

"Xiao-Mei!" Ken shouted, lovestruck. "I miss you, baby!"

Xiao-Mei scowled.

"Go away, Ken! I dump you for good!"

Ken looked up at her, pouting.

"What does he think he's doing?" Pamela asked.

"He's up to something," Mandy said. "Wait, do you see someone standing on the rooftop?"

Pamela did. She turned on her headlights and illuminated the front of the building. Andrew and Chris, still suspended from their ropes, were bathed in light.

"Oh my God, those jackasses are hanging outside her window!" Mandy shouted.

Pamela pressed her hand down on her horn. Andrew and Chris jumped in shock, and Xiao-Mei glanced down at the car, curious.

"Come on, baby, please give me another chance!" Ken cried.

"Forget it! You care more about your stupid frat than being good boyfriend!" Xiao-Mei shouted.

Pamela honked again and again, while Mandy dialed Kerry's number on her phone and told her what they could see.

"What's that baby? I can't hear you, some idiot won't stop honking!" Ken shouted.

Xiao-Mei leaned out her dorm room window and repeated, "I SAID, YOU CARE MORE ABOUT STUPID FRAT THAN-"

Immediately, Chris swung in front of Xiao-Mei's window, grabbed her bathrobe with both hands, and ripped it open. Xiao-Mei screamed and stepped back; her robe collapsing to her feet as she did. Chris swung out of the window frame to allow Andrew to glide in from the other side with his camera rolling. He captured the petite Chinese girl's naked body in his view frame, and zoomed in to get a close up shot of her small breasts before panning down to get a peek at her trimmed pussy.

Xiao-Mei shut her window and closed her blinds. Andrew stopped the recording and gave Chris a thumbs up. As the pair grabbed their ropes, they looked up to see Kerry and Laura standing on the rooftop, looking down at them.

"Surprise, assholes!" Kerry shouted. "Throw the camera up here or we cut your ropes!"

Laura looked at Kerry, shocked.

"Kerry! They could die!" Laura said.

"Trust me..." Kerry said quietly. She put on her mean face and stared down at the frat boys hanging below.

"I've got a knife! I'll cut your ropes! Throw the camera up here now!" she demanded.

Andrew and Chris looked at each other, and loosened the clasp on their harnesses to lower themselves down.

"Oh no, they're getting away!" Laura cried.

Pamela, watching from her car, flipped into drive and sped across the Griffith Hall front lawn, stopping beneath the descending climbers. Pamela got out of her car and looked up at them.

"There's nowhere to go! The police can be here in minutes! Give us the camera!" Pamela shouted.

Andrew and Chris descended faster, when the second floor window beneath Xiao-Mei's opened, and Matt poked his head out.

"Guys, in here!" he urged.

Kerry looked at the camera dangling by its strap from Andrew's harness while he used both his hands to descend to the second floor window, and she saw an opportunity. Thinking quickly, she hopped over the edge of the rooftop, slid down a drain pipe, and came to a stop on the second floor ledge.

"Kerry! What the fuck are you doing?" Pamela shouted. Laura looked down at her best friend, terrified.

Kerry ignored her friends' screams as she shimmied across the second floor ledge beneath Andrew. With one arm, she reached upwards, and grabbed the hand strap of the video camera.

"I've got it!" Kerry shouted.

"Get it, Kerry! Throw it down here!" Pamela shouted.

"Shit, she's got the camera!" Andrew shouted. He stopped his descent as Kerry closed her fist around the clasp that secured the camera's hand strap to his harness. With all his strength, he climbed upwards, taking away Kerry's leverage over the clasp.

"Unhook it, Kerry!" Pamela urged.

"I'm trying!" she stammered. She pressed her fingers against the clasp, but it was too far out of her reach for her to get a strong grip. She stood up on her tiptoes, squeezed the clasp, and opened it, freeing the hand strap within it.

And then she slipped.

Andrew was reaching for the camera. But he saw Kerry the moment she lost her balance and grabbed her arm, squeezing the hand strap around her wrist.

"OH MY GOD!" Kerry screamed. Her feet flailed desperately in the air while she looked up, only to see an Alpha Tau Zeta boy was the only thing keeping her from plummeting to the ground far below. The camera dangled from the hand strap, making it impossible to grab without weakening Andrew's grip on her.

"Guys! Help! I can't hold her!" Andrew shouted.

Matt helped Chris get a stable hold on the second floor ledge, and they peeked out to get a look at the flailing sorority girl.

"Bring her closer!" Matt said.

"I - I can't!" Andrew said, his hand shaking.

"Don't let go of her!" Pamela shouted, watching helplessly from the ground. "Oh my God Kerry, hold on tight!"

Matt pulled Andrew closer to the window, while Chris extended his hand out to Kerry.

"Kerry! Grab my hand!" Chris shouted.

Kerry reached out, but Chris' hand was too far away. He leaned out as far as he could, relying on his rope to keep him suspended, and grabbed Kerry's other hand. With both Chris and Andrew holding Kerry's hands, Matt was able to assist in pulling the terrified girl through the dorm room window. Andrew and Chris followed her in.

The room's occupant, a frizzy blonde haired girl, looked on in shock.

"What the hell were you guys doing out there?" she asked.

"Fraternity stunt," Matt said. "Sorry about this. Thanks for letting us use your window!"

Kerry collapsed in front of the window, looking up out of breath at the three frat boys in front of her. Andrew took the camera from her grasp, and hooked it back onto his harness.

"You guys saved my life," she said incredulously.

"Well, yeah," Chris said, shrugging. "We couldn't have you going splat on us. You're our 'Z'."

Chris and Andrew detached their safety ropes from their harnesses and tossed the ropes out the window.

"You're... still gonna shark me?" Kerry said, feeling the overwhelming sensation of relief and dread seizing her at once.

"Yeah, we got to. You've been Chosen," Andrew said.

"Just do it, then," Kerry said, breaking into tears. "Do it now. Get it over with."

She covered her face with her hands.

"Sorry," Matt said. "We can't. It's not your turn yet. Let's go, guys."

Matt, Andrew and Chris turned and walked out of the room. Kerry looked up, to see the blonde girl looking at her, wondering why she was still in her room.

"Sorry," Kerry said, getting up. She walked to the door, and as she closed it behind her, she caught a glimpse at the name printed on the front: "T. Young."

Before she closed the door all way way, she opened it again, and looked at the blonde girl inside.

"What's your name?" Kerry asked.

"Tracy," the girl said.

"Tracy... Young?" Kerry asked.

The girl nodded.

"Thank you for not mentioning that when those guys were here."

Kerry closed the dorm room door. She ran to the stairwell, where she nearly bumped into Laura.

"Are you okay?" Laura asked frantically.

"I'm fine. We have to go after them. They've got two girls left."

Kerry and Laura ran down the stairs, out to the front yard, and got into the backseat of Pamela's car.

"Go after them!" Kerry yelled, and Pamela kicked the car into reverse, She sped across the front yard of Griffith Hall, her eyes dead focused on the white van up ahead. The van turned left at the stop sign.

"Wait- why are they turning left?" Pamela asked, wondering aloud since the Alpha Tau Zeta house, and the majority of the University campus for that matter, was to the right.

"They're going to Delta Delta house," Kerry said.

Realization hit all of them at once.

"Yasmine," the four girls said.

* * * * *

The tiki torches flickered brightly while Yasmine relaxed under the warm bubbles around her shoulders. The contest was over, the guests had left, and all that remained for her to to do was unwind with a bottle of Pinot Noir and Maroon 5 on the stereo.

She could hear the footsteps approaching from the gazebo, but she didn't open her eyes until she could tell he was in front of her. Her unwelcome guest was Joe, and he was looking at her with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Hello, Yasmine," he said. "How are you this fine evening?"

She took a sip from the wine glass resting on the tub's edge.

"How am I doing?" she asked. "Well, my first time hosting a bikini contest was a complete disaster thanks to you. I had to shoo seventy guests out of my house and God knows how many more off my front yard, but I've got a glass of wine and my sisters are letting me have the hot tub to myself, so, right now, I'm just peachy."

"Glad to hear it!" Joe said.

He walked around the rim of the tub, noting Yasmine's floral bikini and sash lying next to the wine bottle. "Rather bold of you to be bathing nude outdoors on Sharking Day, hmm?"

She looked up at him.

"I've got my bubbles for privacy. And there's no way I'm leaving this tub before your 12 a.m. deadline, so I think I'm just fine."

"Is that so?" Joe asked.

She nodded, but looked nervously at the box under his arm. He was opening it.

"Have you met Baxter?" Joe asked, removing his fraternity's bearded dragon from its container.

Yasmine's eyes went wide and she backed away to the opposite end of the tub from where Joe stood.

"He's really quite friendly," Joe said. "Why don't you say hello?"

He set the lizard onto the brick walkway, where it immediately skittered around the tub's rim towards the sorority sister.

"Get that thing away from me!" Yasmine shouted, backing away in a circle to distance herself from the advancing creature.

Baxter jumped from the tub's edge and landed in Yasmine's hair, where he immediately wrapped his tail around her head. She screamed loudly and splashed about in the water.

"I think he likes you!" Joe said.

"Get him off me! Get him off me!"

Yasmine pried the lizard from her head and put him back on the brick walkway, but the scaly pet clung to her arm. Panicking, she climbed from the tub and grabbed her towel, struggling to cover herself while she tried to shake the creature from her body.

Baxter tumbled to the concrete below unharmed, as Yasmine took off sprinting towards the house, adjusting her towel to properly cover herself as she did. As she approached the doorway to the Delta Delta house, she turned to glance behind her only to see the small reptile following her, his sights on the laser dot Joe was shining on her butt.

Yasmine frantically opened the doorway and let herself inside. The Delta Delta girls inside were stacking chairs and cleaning the living room, and turned their attention to their panicked sister as she walked in.

"What is it?" Erin asked.

"Reptile!" Yasmine screamed, and ran through the living room to the foyer. As soon as she got there, the front door opened, and Andrew, Chris and Matt entered. Yasmine screamed and ran back to the living room.

"What is it?" Erin asked again.

"Frat boys!" Yasmine screamed. She ran to the back window, where she saw Baxter resting on the patio steps, watching the door.

"It's still there!" Yasmine shrieked. She turned and ran to the stairwell.

Chris burst into the living room, his eyes on the thin wet towel wrapped around her shaking naked body. When she realized he would reach her before she reached the stairs, she turned and ran to the kitchen.

"She's going for the kitchen!" Chris shouted. As soon as Yasmine set foot upon the linoleum, Matt was on her heels, his hands inches away from grabbing her towel.

She circled the kitchen table and ran to the dining room, dodging the frat boy's grabby hands. As she entered the dining room, she shut the door behind her and blocked it with a chair. Matt pounded on the door once and ran off. Yasmine adjusted her towel; she knew the boys had already gotten a peek at the lower portion of her naked rear. She quickly retied the towel around her breasts to make sure the boys would not see any more of her.

She ran to the opposite door of the dining room, where she had a clear view of the the house's front door just as it opened, and Kerry, Laura and Pamela entered.

"Yasmine! They're after you!" Kerry shouted, and realized immediately that the Delta Delta girl was well-aware of the threat. Yasmine ran for her friends, only for Chris to enter the dining room doorway, blocking her path.

She turned and fled, pushed aside the chair she'd used to block the kitchen door, and ran through. Relieved to find the kitchen empty, she ran back to the living room, where Matt was lying in wait.
