She Wolf Ch. 09


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"What about Gernick? Will he be welcomed as well?" she asked quietly. Nina froze, she despised that man but for Nicolette, she'd tolerate him. Then the three of them turned to Kyra. Kyra's reaction drove their decision.

Kyra took a deep breath, and nodded. "He's your mate. He's welcomed." Then she hugged her aunt as Nina left to make room for the guest in their home. First they had to clear it with the Alpha pair and then they'd set up. Eventually Nina and Thaddeus had to go, but he'd sent Javon a message that they needed to see them. Javon was talking with the vampire so he could not meet right then.

One of the older betas was watching Theo for Nina while she visited the medical center, and she stopped and picked up her son as she went home. He was getting so big, and was extremely curious. He and Little Nicky were joined at the hips. They seemed more like siblings than uncle and niece.

She was so excited to have Nicky stay but honestly, she didn't want that man in her house. She wanted him away from her sister, but Nicky claimed him and she had to find a way to get past her hatred. Theo started to fret and was reaching for a ball. Nina looked at him and smiled. She passed him a ball and he started gnawing on it. He and Jonathan could grow up together, be best friends, but only if Gernick allowed it. Nina closed her eyes and prayed to Luna for strength. She called Celia and told her Nicky would be released soon. They would ask the Alpha couple if she could stay with them. Celia hesitated when thinking of Kyra, but something in her Mom's voice was off. "Momma, is that a good idea. I mean, you hate him and Kyra had a meltdown when she saw him. Will he be staying too?" She asked.

"He's her husband, her mate. I know he mistreated her, and... I wish I could..." tears dropped off of her chin, "but I can't risk forcing her to choose, so if accepting him means I get her back, I'll deal with my issues. I'll find a way to help Kyra. I can't lose her again, Celia, I barely survived the first time." Nina wept softly.

"Before she is released talk to the Alphas, if they approve then we'll go from there." Nina, will you come see me please? Elise called, sensing something major was happening. She hated Gernick Ivanov with the same level of intensity as Nina, but mates were predestined by the fates and no one interfered. I'm coming, she answered.

She took Theo and they walked over to talk with Elise. Nina explained Thaddeus's offer, but Elsie was concerned. As much as they wanted Nicolette to stay, Nina dreaded Gernick staying just as much. Elise actually felt bad for the guy. How did it feel to be so despised by everyone, except, Claus. She saw how Claus watched him and helped him. He was probably the only one of two, well three people that loved that man. She watched Nicolette's interaction with her husband. She cared for him, may love him even. This divide with the pack could rip her apart if it was allowed to fester and grow. So Elise would talk with Javon and suggest that Nicolette and the baby stay with them. Claus and her mother were already there and in their home Gernick would be welcomed.

"She can't stay with us can she?" Nina asked, sensing that the Alpha Bitch had made a decision.

"Nina we must talk to Javon and we will decide together. She will stay at the medical center tonight and be released first thing. I do know that Kim will ask him to let her stay at least a week before taking her, but that means we have to tolerate his presence. You know it's funny, I don't mind Claus, but Gernick works my nerves. But the thing is, I feel bad for him. He's going to have a hard row to tow to earn forgiveness for this." Elise surmised.

Celia was at home preparing dinner and Benny was playing with his sister. He loved watching her, and took his role as a big brother seriously. Benny was so happy because Luna had answered his prayers and Aunt Nicky had come back home. Everything was happy again. He heard his Dad drive up and jumped up excited. As Blaine came in, his son rushed to him and leaped into his arms. Blaine held his boy and then for a second he sympathized with the vampire. To hold your child was the most precious gift. If he had not brought her here, he would have lost them both. He had to be very brave to bring her to his enemies to save her and his child's life. This man knew they hated him, yet he never gave in, never backed down. Celia watched her mates mull over his thoughts. She watched him scent their son and then scented his sister. Then their eyes connected. As much as he hated Gernick Ivanov, he was Nicky's mate. That made him a part of their family. But he still wanted to kick his ass.

Blaine put the baby down and asked Benny to watch her for a minute. He walked to the kitchen, pulled his mate into his arms and kissed her. It was Nicolette that helped them so long ago. He could put aside his hatred and learn to accept her mate. But if that bastard hurt her or that baby, he'd beat his ass.

"It's alright baby. We are strong and we'll get through this. He brought her home. When she really needed us, he brought her here. That says something, right." Blaine simply held her and nodded. Celia smiled when she thought about Nicolette meeting her newest pack members. Several weres had babies, but only one was named for her. Celia looked at her little cub that was wrestling with her big brother and smiled.

BJ and Julianne went back home. They wanted quiet time. She knew Gernick bothered him and she wanted to be there if he needed to vent. "She's alive, baby. She's alive. I didn't fail her. I didn't," he cried as she held him. "I'm so glad. He loves her Jules. When she was sick, my heart broke for him. As angry as I am at him, I can't hate him anymore." Julianne smiled. "The wolf I love could never hate another person. That's why I love you Benson James Daniels, Jr." she pulled him down and kissed him.

It was late and Kim was headed home, but she decided to check on Nicolette once more. Kim came back to update Nicolette on being released. She was excited to leave, but worried about where they would stay. Thaddeus and Nina welcomed her, but her mate was not truly welcomed. She knew it was unfair to feel this way, but if he wasn't welcome then she'd rather not stay there. So she was relieved that they could spend the night at the medical center. Gernick, come here please. She called mentally. Gernick was talking with Javon, but quickly excused himself to return to the medical center. Javon met with Elise to discuss where their guest would stay.

"She's letting me out in the morning, but she wants us to stay here for a week. Thaddeus and Nina have offered to let me stay with them, but the Alphas have to approve..." she stammered.

"They don't want me in their home. I don't blame them. I can go home and let you stay with your friend. Claus and your mother will be here. I won't ever force you to leave them, again," he explained.

"You expect to leave me here alone at night with a newborn while you go home and sleep. Oh no, we made this baby together, we stay up at night with him together." Nicolette stated, furious. Gernick laughed. "Why are you laughing," she demanded.

"Nicolette Vlad Ivanov, I love you. I will move heaven and hell to make you happy. If the wolves welcome me and it won't harm them, I'll stay too." He stated as he sat beside her on her bed. "But, you have to-," she stopped him with a kiss. He was there and he was hers and she kissed him. Gernick returned her kiss, praying that this meant what he'd dreamed of for so long. Maybe, just maybe she loved him. The kiss ended and they parted. "Nicky, you are my everything," he whispered.

She smiled, as she gazed deeply into his eyes, "Gernick, you are my husband, my mate, the father of my child. You are the first and only man I've ever loved. I care about you, and honor you as my mate. I don't know if I'll ever grow to love you as I once did, but I'm willing to try." He had to hold her close. She was willing to try. Even after all the shit he'd pulled, she'd try.

Someone knocked and they called for them to enter. The Alpha couple informed them that they'd be welcomed to stay at their home for the week, and be free to visit with everyone else as they chose. It did not get past Nicolette that they were not staying with Nina. She eyed Elise, and accepted her offer. Nina couldn't accept her mate. I wonder if she didn't really want me there at all. she thought.

Love, I'm the issue, not you or the baby. I will earn her forgiveness, I promise. Javon and Elise knew they were speaking privately when she decided to try and speak to Nicolette mentally as well. After all they did consider her and the baby pack. Nicky, we want you and the baby someplace safe and somewhere that's neutral for your mate. Beside, your Mom and his friend are already there, and I'd love to help with the baby,she sent.

Nicolette gasped as her eyes flew to the Alpha bitch.Did you just- "Yes, Yes!" Screamed Elise, "You are really pack! You have to stay with us." She flung her arms around her neck and hugged tightly. "Ok, we accept. Thank you." Nicolette accepted graciously. Gernick shook hands with Javon and thanked him for allowing them to stay. The two couples chatted for few more minutes, and then the alpha pair left for the night and went home.

At the Alpha home, Amerie needed a moment. She walked outside, not far but to the lake when Claus joined her. "You scared me earlier. When you left to find him, I thought..." Amerie took a deep breath. "Throughout this entire nightmare, Claus, you have been the one thing that held us together. I considered you my friend, and I am going to kick your ass if you ever scare me like that again." He hugged her. This woman, this amazing hot-tempered woman, who stared down the biggest and baddest of his kind, worried for him. Claus knew who she was, but he wasn't sure she knew. He never thought he'd meet his mate, but the fates stepped in and gave him one that completed his family. She and her daughter were his family now. He'd die to protect them, as would Gernick.

Nicolette and Gernick moved to the Alpha home. Gernick went home and gathered her clothes and others for him. His first night was strange. He missed sleeping in his own bed. The bed was a lot smaller than the one at his home. But when Nicolette joined him, the small size was a plus. She slept in his arms. They were right next to the nursery, so if the baby whimpered, they'd be right there.

On day three Gernick traveled home for a business issue, but he assured the Alphas that he'd be back quickly. That night, Jonathan was fussy. Nothing helped. Walking him, singing to him, even wrapping him tightly did not calm him. Nicky was almost in tears. Claus and Gernick made some excuse to leave. Nina, Celia, and even some of the older thetas came to help. Finally Elise had enough. "Nicky, call Gernick." She demanded. "Wait, he's dealing with-" Nicky started to explain.

"Girl, call him and give me the phone." She demanded once more. So Nicolette dialed and Elise took her phone. Gernick was stressed. He missed his wife and son, and now the stupid council thought they had the right to demand he meet with them. Nicolette number appeared and he answered immediately.

"Hello, Nicolette, is-," Gernick asked, frantic. "Gernick, get your ass back here. Your son needs you," Elise demanded and hung up. Gernick was offended at the way the wolf addressed him, but she said the baby needed him.

Within seconds, he appeared in the nursery where Jonathan was screaming his head off. Elise took the baby from Nicolette and placed him in Gernick's arms. His cries subsided instantly. Gernick held his son and sensed his fear. He thought he'd abandoned him. Little one, I promise to never leave you. I love you and will always be there for you. He kissed the top of his head. Everyone one watched and then quietly left the two alone.

"How did you know?" Nicolette asked.

Elise smiled. "That baby witnessed every fight you had, he's afraid of losing you. He needs Gernick with him as much as he needs you with him. At least until he feels safe and secure in your love," Elise smiled. "He loves both of you."

The week ended, and Nicky and Gernick needed to return home. As they said their good byes, Gernick was the one that didn't want to go. Here with the wolves, he felt like part of a real family. The wolves were still angry, but because of Nicolette, they accepted him. Elise hugged him and laughed. She never thought that she'd miss this crabby old vampire. Gernick talked with Nina and her children, and gained a little affection. Though the men were more understanding, the women were coming around and healing had begun.

Over time the rift he'd caused in this family would heal, and they would be whole once more. The women required more than words, he had to grovel. But he was determined to earn their forgiveness. Claus and Mrs. Valdez hugged everyone and said there goodbyes as well. Soon, the vampires were gone and life would return to normal. BJ held on to his mate, as her phone rang.

"Hello, hey Mama! Wait, you're where? Oh, Ok. I'll tell them." Julianne answered.

Madam Alpha Elise, my Mom is at the entrance and is demanding to be let in. She sent to her Alpha. Javon and Elise groaned. The last thing they needed right now was for her to find out about them, so Javon sent out an order for no one to shift until Margaret went back home. Javon called the gate guard and told him to let her in. Margaret drove in and as was customary, went straight to Javon and Elise's home.


Thank you for reading the chapter. Please vote and comment. I really want to know what you think. IR2R

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sweetone66sweetone66about 4 years ago
My patience has paid off...

This chapter is a vast improvement... I would say your writing is getting better... you go girl!!! :-)

thruholewizardthruholewizardover 8 years ago
you left out the part when Nicky meets her name sake

too much to do about Gernick he should have died and the pack would absorb Nicky.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Hmmm, I liked the story....

But and yes, I'm sorry, there is a but it felt as if it was written along the lines of a report, factual, this happened, then this happened, soon, this happened. There was little description and personally, I need it, it feeds my imagination and pulls me along with you. Thank you for writing this because even written like this I still empathised with the characters. I did wonder what happened to the rest of the pack, we never really heard from them


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Cool story

I like how Gernick is referred to as a bonehead and crabby. Its like referring to Genghis Khan as a little scamp.

And the parts where he stoically says that he'll "earn their forgiveness" and basically does nothing ..... and they forgive him.

Its like an episode of care bears with a vampire as a guest appearance :).

And the guys are funny to. If he hurts her again ill kick his ass. Lol sure. They'll do next time what they did this time ... nothing .

Its funny in a story full of vamps and were wolves the most fantastical thing is the complete but quick changes of people characters.

She hates him 2 paragraphs later ... oh i wish he was here.

They hate him .. next page .. come on over and live in our house *hugs*.

He's an evil monster .... oh wait no hes just being a "know-it-all" ... lmao

Alpha_MarmAlpha_Marmabout 11 years ago
Liked this chapter!


Your editors need to tweak just a tad tighter. It's the small things like sir name...

It's surname when referring to one's last name. No biggie, but some times

these small technical errors can disrupt the flow of thought you are trying to

convey. Just a wee bit of how you put Gernick's feet to the

fire with the it should

Looking forward to what you do with Claus and Amerie....Kyra and Malcolm and so looking to when BJ and Jules make their baby.

Oh yeah ......bring it!!

dpc2964dpc2964about 11 years ago

This is one of my favorite story lines. I can hardly wait for the next part.

MSBLING59MSBLING59about 11 years ago


MizTMizTabout 11 years ago
All Three Survived

Garnick, Nicky and Johnathon all survived and that's really good news. I love how the problem w/the birth was John not being quite ready to enter the world. And the healing between Garnick and Nicky has started, of course Nicky started to realize the love Garnick had for before she passed out in the last chapter. And the pack is also starting to heal in more ways than one. They have Nicky and her mother back along w/now John. And they see the love Garnick has for Nicki it's just going to take some time for the anger at Garnick to dissipate. And now we have a new couple who are mates although at this point only Claus knows of it, but Mrs. Valdez does feel something because she got upset when she thought Claus was leaving w/Garnick.......this is a great chapter and I look forward to the next as always.

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