Sinful Beauty Ch. 03


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"You have my attention, all of it," he smiled.

"I'm in your bed. Does that tell you something?" I whispered seductively.

"Yes. It tells me I should have locked the door so no one can see what I'm going to do to you."

I looked at him with a sexy smile, my anticipation exploding with possibilities as I pulled the bottom of the tee-shirt up to reveal my breasts. "It wouldn't happen to involve these would it?"

He smiled broadly and nodded his head.

During my shower it occurred to me how much I had changed over the past few months. I was now a sexually active woman who found...that...well...I really liked it. Then I got excited thinking how strange it would be to have sex in Benson's bed. A place that up until a few minutes ago, I would never in my wildest dreams have thought about in this way. As the warm water ran over my body the thought generated a warm glow that continued to grow as I saw Benson laboring over me. Then, the allure of doing something sinful and naughtily attractive continued to grow until by the time I left the shower it had grown into a warm, tight feeling I couldn't ignore.

Now, with just the hint of his erection inches away I was so ready—then his lips kissed first my chest and neck, then one breast, then the other. I waited for his pursed lips to tug at my now erect nipples. My patience fully rewarded after a few minutes as his hands caressed me as I closed my eyes briefly.

The first tentative, wet touch of his tongue on my nipple sent a hot flash downward—my vagina went hot with aching need. I closed my eyes as his tongue worked its magic as his hands brought my breast gently to his mouth as I arched my back to raise them upward. I heard myself give a soft, hardly audible moan, then I said breathlessly, "I'm ready." Just then, my body gave a huge shiver of excitement, of desperate need.

"Janet, are you cold?"

"No, honey, I just need you so badly. I really do."

I moved off his lap after pulling my tee-shirt off over my head, and lay down on the bed next to him on the towel he had spread. I watched as he came to his knees and reached for the top of my panties. I lifted my pelvis up and felt them slide down to just above my knees, then settled onto my back and lifted my legs, feeling the panties as they slipped away. It wasn't as awkward as it had been the first few times we had accomplished the maneuver. Even placing a towel beneath me was automatic now. I thought to myself how quickly we had learned together. I reached for him as he loomed over me between my spread legs—a position I would have found completely abhorrent at one time if I had thought about it.

How is it we could have gotten so good at this so quickly? I smiled to myself—it had been as natural as anything else we had ever done together. I grasped hungrily for his condom clad cock, spreading my labia wide with the other hand while watching his face. I placed him at my opening, looking at him again, knowing I was smiling. I couldn't help but smile now—I knew what pleasure awaited me with his entrance. I was not disappointed with his firm thrusting as he filled me with firm, round, warmth, then lay down on me gently. I accommodated myself to his weight, enjoying the feel of his bare skin against my own, my hands caressing his back and shoulders.

The minutes passed, each bringing with it exquisite pleasure as we sought each other inside and out. Sex was the greatest physical pleasure I had ever experienced and over these past few months my satisfaction had continued to grow. This act of sharing, like so many other things we had done together, had only gotten better with time. I smiled, I had gotten better with time, fully relaxed in his embrace, his arms beneath my shoulders as he rocked me gently with this thrusting. The bed made small, intimate noises I was sure it had never murmured before.

I felt the pleasure build, my eyes closed tightly as he moved over me. I moved my body in concert with his, whispering to him what I needed. Then, the warm trickle of pleasure grew to a hot, strong flow that soon grew into a hot torrent that washed over me as I clutched at him in my passion. I felt him inside me as he finished close behind, having to move hard and rapidly within my soupy, wet, vagina to gain satisfaction of his own. Then, the two of us lay together breathing heavily until I felt him start to rise, leaving me thankful we had found love as he left me—his cock glistening wet in the dim light of the room. Then, I went into his arms and closed my eyes as I ran my fingers through his chest hair as his chest rose and fell slowly in a rhythm that spoke of our intimacy.

Then his voice, deep, soft, "Are you alright? I hope you enjoyed it."

"I'm fine. You know I did." Then, I got up on my elbow and looked into his eyes, "You won't ever tell anyone we did it in your bed will you?"

"Janet Hall, you aren't feeling guilty are you?"

"No, not exactly. I mean...well...the idea of our doing it in your bed...was..."

"Was what?" His grin growing wide.

"Maybe a little kinky in a way. I mean it appealed to me because it was in a place our parents wouldn't expect us to do it. At least my parents wouldn't. It was kind of a special thrill, naughty in a way. I guess you could say it was sinfully delicious."

Benson, chuckled and pulled me close, "Come on, it's time to go to sleep. I love you my sinful beauty."

The next morning I was up at ten to seven and went directly into the bathroom and washed up again, then walked into the bedroom to find Benson waiting to use the bathroom. I was dressed by the time he came back out and I watched as he dressed. We made the bed up together, then went downstairs where it was quiet—no one else was up. We slipped out the door, walked down the street, the cold air completing the job of waking me before we got to the door and knocked. Tess and Alan were nowhere to be seen—so much for Tess getting there ahead of me!

Mother was standing in the kitchen pulling eggs, milk, bacon, and sliced ham from the refrigerator. My mother was surprised when Benson offered to help prepare the meal. After getting over her initial shock, she set him to work frying the bacon and sliced ham. She looked at me with a smile, then whispered, "I wish I could get your Dad to try his hand at helping with something like this."

It was about twenty minutes later when Tess and Alan walked in. Tess looked at me and shrugged her shoulders as if to say—okay, I give up. I just smiled broadly as I handed her a plate and watched as she dished out a heaping helping of ham, scrambled eggs, and whole wheat toast. My Dad walked in just as the rest of us sat down and we all joined in pleasant conversation. I couldn't help but feel we were a family this morning for the first time—a family that now included Alan and Benson.

Later Benson and I walked into Dad's den after Dad asked us to talk with him before we left. We had decided we would spend our remaining time with Benson's family, stopping only briefly tomorrow morning before driving back to campus to say goodbye until we returned at winter break. We took a seat as he motioned for us to sit.

"I'm sure you both wonder why your mother and I have had such a change of heart regarding both of you. The short explanation is that it took a lot of soul searching and introspection before we understood we had been wrong. Benson, your words about the two basic facts of life left me without an answer. At first, I was upset with the idea that your words contravened the Bible and all that it represented in my life. But after a week, I began to understand you hadn't actually done that. However, I couldn't escape the fact religious faith isn't bound or always supported by facts. It requires you to accept some things on faith alone. There are no parallels in our everyday life—virgin birth, the resurrection, and in the notions of heaven and hell. I had never thought of it in that way."

Benson and I nodded our understanding. Dad continued, a serious expression conveying his earnestness.

"It was after I found your binders that I started reading them. Slowly, I realized I knew little about faith as practiced by other religions around the world, or even about Catholics or Methodists, in our own community. I knew only my own brand of Baptist theology. Then, I started thinking about all of the conversations I've had over the years with other pastors and how each of us had our own interpretations of some parts of Scripture. It was then I realized it amounted to our own opinions—it was what we chose to believe or not to believe. We all read the same words and came away with something a little different. Benson, that's when your words came back to me."

"Reverend Hall, I didn't mean to attack your faith, only to explain how I came to my own."

I watched as a smile crossed my father's face. "I realized that later. No more than Janet had tried to cause me embarrassment. I had overreacted. My parents were strict Baptists—that was all I ever knew growing up. We kept mostly to ourselves, socializing with members of our own church, and later, other pastors once I entered ministry. I paid little attention to anyone of another faith, except perhaps, to castigate those who didn't believe in God at all."

He looked at both of us, his face earnest.

"I was already starting to question how I had come into the ministry before both of you started community college. Our conversation on campus only hastened the process I had begun on my own. I'm telling you this so you don't blame yourselves for the decisions I'm making this late in my life. They have been difficult, but life doesn't always unfold the way you think it should."

"Frankly, seeing the behavior of members of the congregation and comparing it my own brought home to me I was no longer fit to preach the Word. I couldn't trust the men of my congregation to treat my own daughters with respect. But, it was also the gossip of the women that caused me pain. It was as if they didn't think it would get back to me. It usually did by way of your mother from one of her friends. I guess you could say that was the final straw."

My father laid out his reasons, and when finished he told us he was proud of us for being honest with him to the extent we could. He told us at first he was often upset with us for continuing to see one another against his wishes. Then he realized over time we were as honest with one another as we were with him. When we left the house that morning to return to Benson's parents' house it was clear my parents would support us in the future. We couldn't ever have asked for more.


I moved in with Benson starting the winter semester of our junior year. Both of us maintained a high grade point average and pushed each other to excel in our studies. We worked the next summer, returning to our jobs of the previous year and lived at Benson's parents' home after announcing our engagement at the end of our junior year of college.

We completed our senior year and married soon after graduation. I found a full time position with a private consulting firm working in historical preservation while Benson applied for graduate school. Benson worked as a seasonal employee for the state wildlife agency during the summer months and after he completed his Master's program he had made enough contacts to take advantage of new job opening. He applied for a position three months after graduation and took a full-time position as a biologist in their newly created non-game wildlife program.

My father and mother were not able to provide money for my education due to their own needs, but their support for us as a couple never wavered. Dad found a position as a grievance and family counselor for the regional health center and was pleased with his second career. Their participation church activities slowed and after a few years they decided they were spiritual, leaving organized religion behind.

Tess and Alan made us an aunt and uncle two times, both girls, over the next few years providing us with ample opportunity to appreciate the joys and tribulations of parenthood. It was after four years of marriage our first child was born, a girl, to join her two cousins. Our son came two years later and became not only the baby of the family, but the object of a great deal of attention from both sets of grandparents and his older cousins—not that his older sister ignored him by any means.

Benson and I continued to watch birds together and as our children grew they came to recognize their parents were a little different from most others. Our devotion to each other carried us through some rough times when dealing with conflicting career choices over the years. Promotions that would have required us to move our family farther away geographically were ultimately rejected after due consideration. We favored remaining close to our parents and family members thinking our patience would present other job opportunities in the future, which it did.

One thing remained constant—the choices we made ensured we were always a couple united in love—a sinfully beautiful love.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I have now read all of your short stories and i have rarely given them less than a 5. You and Dreamcloud are my favorite authors. You develop believable characters and interesting plots that definitely deserve more careful editing; nonetheless, it’s worth a little effort on my part to release the tremendous pleasure your stories give me. 👍 Next - your longer tales; I hope by the time I read those you will have submitted new stories. Thanks for sharing your considerable talent.


AnAncientAnAncientover 2 years ago

I've read several first stories, but this is the first time I've thought back to my own first time as direct consequence of reading a story! It was my first serious relationship and lasted several months. When I suddenly realized it would not work out, I broke off as gently as I could. Fortunately there were no religious complications.

RetiredNLuvNItRetiredNLuvNItalmost 3 years ago

This story was very slow to unfold, but that was a very good thing. It allowed time for the evolution of both love and faith for Janet to be prepared for and embrace the changes in her life.

Ravey19Ravey19over 3 years ago
A Lot Of Sins Really

Yes her parents were bigoted and it took a long time for them to come round but surprised they never admitted to their own great sin

Another great story from rawallace, a 3 parter this time and on a completely different track from some of her others. Always a delight to read your stories.

5 stars here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
got better after a shaky start

The first pages were a bit distracting for me, simple errors like I and Benson instead of Benson and I and more grammatical errors, but I stuck with it and wasn't disappointed. It really got a lot better along the way. A nice simple sweet story, thank you.

oldsage_1oldsage_1over 3 years ago

One of the best stories I have read on this site. It reminds me of the caliber of stories from some of the old greats from 15 to 20 years ago on this site. Truly enjoyed all three sections of this fantasy. As for the religious subplot, hummm... maybe a little overdone but my focus was on the love story. I wont try to convert you to my thinking and you wont convert me. There were items my wife and I disagreed on for 47 years but we agreed early on to agree to disagree and respected each other to not press those buttons.

Getting a bit into the weeds with this comment but this story is a bit more thought provoking than the-run-of-the-mill Literotica yarn.

Thank you for your efforts as an author. You bring a lot of enjoyment to us your fans.



Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassover 3 years ago

Your best story yet

It's good to read about the reconciliation of a family in turmoil. After a rocky start, Benson and Janet's love for one another won out, proving love conquers all.

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