Singular Muck


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All our phones suddenly binged. I got mine out. It was the PINETREE app, but the message was quite literally for everyone, possibly on Earth.

"Global Directive: 1. In every country, all cities over 200 people must add physical safety-barrier separated bike lanes and paths to all public roads and parks, with efficient night-lighting and security cameras.

2. At least 20% of all non-residential parking spots must be equipped with publicly-usable 200+ KW EV charging points.

3. Failure to comply within 60 days may result in loss of tax revenue."

We all read this, and the mayor's voice came over, "Ohhhh, yeah, sooo fuckin' great. Not just us, it's everyone everyfuckinplace. We'll never get our stuff in time, the world's supply of highway paint will be gone by this afternoon. Get on it, chief. I've gotta call a snap council meeting."

They hung up. I burst out laughing. The chief looked at me like a deer in headlights. He was was confused. "First we get this thing, then it's global?"

I had fun and replied with a movie quote, "Strange things are afoot at the Circle-K, Ted."

The chief looked like an older guy, but he actually got the joke and burst out laughing. Tina was confused, but 'Bill and Ted' isn't for everyone.

I had to get out of the Chief's business. "Chief, I'm gonna say this. I am NOT giving you my truck, even though I have four now. I have a lot of women, now, living with me, and they need to get places. But, that said, you can keep using it for the next week or two, maybe. It's still mine, though. Old rules apply, and if I need it, I'll expect a ride, just like before."

He nodded, "Got it, Kevin. We do appreciate your having it. Been a great thing - saved some lives, getting people to the hospital, the only ambulance is low on gas and we don't have a source anymore."

Tina was feeling generous and gave him a hug for some reason, and we left, getting into one of my new trucks, and finding this one had all the bells and whistles - faux-leather seats, a huge Tesla gym bag in the back seat with 8 or 10 baseball caps, t-shirts, jackets, keyrings, and some other bling.

I was psyched. Free stuff! Three free trucks! Oh-my-God!

To celebrate, we drove over to the flea market, and indeed, people were streaming in and out with lamps, small furniture, bags of stuff. We had just gotten out of the truck (the only vehicle in the parking lot and getting some stares) when my phone beeped.

It was a group text-chat with Jo, Sue, and Candy-Coordinator, which I thought was a fun name-title. It said, "Kevin, please return home. Need more sample liquid for inductions."

Tina and I laughed and we got back in the truck and headed home, back across town.

This wasn't that far. Edville isn't that big.

As we pulled up at our apartment, the parking lot was busy. An electric city bus marked as 'charter' and showing advertisements for Alameda, California, was unloading next to one of the buildings. The bus's top was piled high with bags and some camping gear, it looked like.

Next to it, and I thought they were together, was an odd combo of a cybertruck with pulling one of those semi-trailers that was meant as part of a double-length semi. The combo struck me as funny, but they were offloading a shit-ton of construction materials - boxes, cinder blocks, lumber, pipes, a huge quantity of stuff.

I didn't have money for this, I had no idea what was going on.

The paperwork showed it was being delivered to Mrs. Dunbar, though, with a C.O.D. price of $1, and a delivery note of, "For on-site Greenhouses / Resident Use"

She asked me and I shrugged; she hadn't ordered it, but someone knew she'd wanted it.

I headed into the building with Tina, and we found the line of people getting off the bus had gone into the nearby park where they were setting up tents in lines, like they had some experience doing it before.

How did my apartment complex become an epicenter of migration, I wondered, and it really made no sense. Edville just couldn't be that important.

The fact that I was one of the only ones left in the complex, that made sense maybe, and the idea that all of these women were super-smart, that matched me, too.

The conclusion was obvious: PINETREE must be trying to breed smart humans, and I was on a list.

If so, they wanted a lot of them.

Granted, this idea could be correlation not causation, like maybe all of them had some special gene that only PINETREE knew about, and I did, too, but... who knew. They were being well-paid, I was being well-paid - with sex? - and at least I got some new trucks out of it.

I walked up the stairs past the people lined up (all of whom were different from the last time), and found Sue and Liddie still working inside at my dining-room table. Liddie jumped up to get me, and said, "Thank god you're here! We're almost out!"

She and Jo, who was right behind her, said, "Emergency Blowjob!"

I laughed and shrugged. "Okay?"

She pulled me into the back bedroom and the girls around us looked with some humor at the situation.

Once we were in back with the door shut, they pulled down my pants and had me lie back on the bed. Of course, whatever they needed, I was okay with.

Tina and Liddie stripped off while Jo started sucking on me, and as soon as they were naked, Jo stripped down, too, letting Tina do some mouth-work on me.

She was good, but she couldn't get me down very far. Having an idea from before, I said, "Tina, from now on, you have complete control of your throat and neck muscles, and can deep throat a cock without choking." Looking up, I said, "Oh, and same goes for you two, Jo, Liddie."

Tina had pulled off me to listen, then considered my statement and tried swallowing, then shrugged and tried again.

IT WORKED! She pushed herself all the way down, touching her cheek to my abdomen, and I could tell her tongue was moving all along my length even as she did it.

Liddie and Jo saw this, I saw, and talked to each other in whispers, their breasts just being out and beautiful and wow, was I turned on.

I leaned back and asked Liddie to feed me a boob, which gave me mouthfeel while my cock was being jacked and sucked. I don't know if it took that long, five minutes or so? I was kind of lost in the feelings, but soon enough I felt myself tightening and then, then... then... Ohhhhhffuuuuuuuck yeahhhhh HRnnnnnnnnnnguhhhh...wowoooooofucccccckyah... Pulse-convulse-grab-hold Liddie, my hips rocking and the suction just staying there atop me, pulling me out, jacking the base and an amazing overwhelming too-powerful WOW as I kept on pulsing.

After some time, the contact was broken (I couldn't see past the boobs in my face) and another mouth and colder hand took over to keep sucking. The room door sounded like it opened, but I didn't care much, I was lost in the moment.

Liddie sat up, and I saw Jo had taken over and was still sucking.

Tina came back into the room with a big smile and a small drinking glass, handing it to Jo, and Jo carefully pushed the cum out of her mouth and into the glass.

It occurred to me, having watched her walk in, boobs bouncing in a happy gait, that she'd been naked out in the other room with all the new girls. I guess that wasn't a big deal.

Taking the drinking glass out again, Tina said, "Thank you, can get dressed now!"

Well then.

We stood up and got dressed - not much else to do - and went back out to the line of people.

Sue was processing people in groups of four, which seemed to make the line go faster.

I went up in front, and it was the same routine as before, though at the end they all shook my hand amid some confusion about what the right thing to do was.

There were many puzzling factors about this whole arrangement, but one hit me as, did I have control over all these women, just as soon as they tasted my cum? Did I have to be there for that to happen?

There needed to be a test, then, a simple question that would establish whether I could ask these people to do anything, and they'd do it, or not.

The group of four that had just gone through, I called over into the kitchen. Their bedraggled and unkempt appearance (clothes that had caked dirt on them) gave me an idea.

"Girls, thank you for coming. You all look exhausted and dirty, and I get that. Tell you what. You can shower here, right now, but you have to get naked here and leave your stuff 'cuz the bathroom's too small for all your bags and clothes. So, strip down, then, bathroom is right on the left there."

Their credulous faces gave me smiles and happy grins at that prospect, and the fact that I was a relative stranger to them (though, at the same time, their husband, sorta?) didn't matter. The speed of their taking off clothes showed new energy was available at the prospect of a shower.

They stood there, in glorious nudity, breasts poking out facing me and I had a hard time not staring, so I decided to not fight it and just go ahead and stare, balancing my gaze between their eyes and the rest of their lithe bodies.

As they finished, they said, "Ready, sir."

I didn't know what to do with the 'sir' part.

Leading them to the bathroom, I walked in and explained our shower routine to conserve hot water, soap, shampoo, and time.

The question rose in my mind, again, about them being suggestible. "Okay. From now on, two things." I told them they could deep-throat, and then said, "You now have the ability to perceive water temperature as being whatever you want it to be. So, if it's cold water, you can just decide it feels like comfortable warm water, and it won't be uncomfortable anymore. It will save warm water for you to be able to do this, and it's a gift I can give you. Don't talk about it, though, others might be envious. I can't do it for everyone."

They processed this like I was just telling them something innocuous, and then they went ahead and showered. No one turned the water temp to warm. I felt the water. It was nowhere close to warm. They still showered without more than an initial shiver.

I felt their skin after they got out - very cold indeed - and they didn't seem to have any after-effects at all.

I warned them, "Now, don't over-use this ability, you might actually get cold, and your body might have problems, so be careful."

They seemed to like me all the more because of this, and gave me kisses and lots of thank you's as they went back to the kitchen to get dressed again.

There - I had my answer. They were like the hypnotized - trusting, open, happy, without embarrassment, and so suggestible that cold water was warm.

I went out and just walked around, watching the activity. The home center truck was empty and the woman driving it, an older gray-haired grandmother-type but with some muscles and an attitude, wanted to know when to bring the next load. I said, "We're here full time, anytime day or night, just show up."

She laughed, and noted that I was the only guy in a huge group of women, and wasn't that fun.

"There's advantages, probably, but I have to keep it real. I'll say, it's challenging, but in a mostly-good way."

She accepted this with a sly-eye, like she knew I was getting away with something, somehow, but didn't know how I'd managed it.

I wandered around the complex, and Kim found me. I told her about the cybertrucks, and that we'd need to move them to be near us. She immediately asked to use one to go get some things, and I said sure, let's get you added as a valid driver.

Some time later, after recruiting some girls to come with, we had all three new pickups in our parking lot. I looked around on the website and found a way to order superchargers, so I ordered one for the parking lot. It said it cost $15,000, but I had that in the bank and figured it was worth it. Besides, I'd just gotten four CT's for free, so I guessed it would all work out.

Coming back for an early supper, I saw the line had cleared out.

Sue and some of the original group were gathered together in the main room, and as I came in, I saw there were now four couches all around the room so more people could hang out.

Sue had a big #1 on her forehead in what looked like lipstick. I laughed, and went up to her, holding out my arms for a hug. She stood and accepted it, and even returned it.

Sitting down, someone handed me a wine glass with honest-to-goodness wine in it!

I thanked her, and said, "I'm 22 years old. Not so long ago, I wasn't allowed to drink In college, if we were under 21 it was illegal to have alcohol, BUT, if we called it a 'religious ceremony', and said a prayer or something, BINGO, we could bypass all the drinking-age laws."

People laughed, so I kept going, and did circumflex over the glass and then said, "Baruch-eta-adonai, boray peri hagafen," and took a sip. "There. Legit religion."

Two people burst out laughing, one of whom I knew, Liddie, and the other I didn't, so I looked over. "You are?"

"Ester Leiber. Yale, half a Ph.D. in Pharmacology, not quite done and unemployed."

Sue said, "You should be in demand!?"

"Nope. My thesis was almost done, analyzing some carefully selected biological samples, and the power that should never have gone off, went off. All of the material? Dead. Gone. I could still go get an M.Pharma, be a pharmacist, but I want to do research."

She looked over at me (just loving the wine even though I wouldn't have tried having any a year ago, wasn't my thing) and said, "Oh, and I'm Jewish, so Shalom, sir."

I laughed and said, "Shalom, but...'an elomidabel evereet'"

She laughed uproariously at that, and Liddie did, too.

Sue asked, and Liddie said, "He said, 'I don't speak Hebrew' in Hebrew."

Everyone was looking at me, so I said, "I went to boarding school and roomed with this guy, Aaron Davids, who was from Israel. He had this habit of ranting in Hebrew when he got frustrated, gesturing to me like I knew what he was saying."

"I looked up how to say that, like, Dude, I don't speak that, to tell him to get over it and move on."

"Sometimes he'd laugh, and sometimes he'd launch into this long string of insults, even though I didn't know what they meant. Mostly a nice guy, the rest of the time, I guess. Oh, and his sister Talya was hot."

(I threw that last part in because he'd had a picture of her on his desk and I used to wonder what she was like).

They all laughed at that part.

"Hot, eh?"

"She was in the army over there. I only ever saw pictures of her, but, still, yeah. I imagined."

"You were how old?"

"Oh,... 7th grade to 9th, range. She'd have to be, like, 10 years older than me. I have no idea. I just remember her pictures. I went out on real dates, I didn't just lust after his sister, so I wasn't a total loser, but her picture? Some days her picture was the last thing I saw before I went to sleep."

They talked about being romantic with boys they'd known as 7th graders, how it totally didn't work because they were idiots, and then how people never turn out to be like you imagine them.

I finished my wine.

Somewhere along there, Tina announced dinnertime and we all ate amid this discussion.

I was tired after dinner, but I decided to take a walk and asked Ester and Sue to tag along. We walked around the encampment of tents, women that had moved in recently, and whom Sue had sworn-in. I asked if she was going to do the same with the girls that had come before, but she said no, the PINETREE app page they'd read when they were suggestible had most of the rules anyway.

"Aren't you upset about being hypnotized or drugged or whatever?"

"Not at all. I know the main effect of this, and it's to love you more, and help everyone get along in this crazy situation. It's encouraging me to be more ethical, and to make sure there's no medical risks among the girls showing up, like, if you're schtupping them (Ester laughed) then we all don't want to catch anything, either."


I told her about the sidewalks and street lights being in my conversation and that it was a coincidence, but an odd one.

We walked along and agreed that life had become bizarre but that generally a lot of the things we'd seen happening - stopping global warming, for one, and paying off all the poor people's debts, for another - seemed to make a lot of sense.

Still, so many people were going hungry, getting crap nutrition because fresh fruit and veg wasn't available, losing out on schooling because it closed, all the businesses that failed because no one had money to eat out or buy less-important things, etc.

The desperation and horror of the whole situation was significant. I was pretty sure we, as a nation, were far more poor than we had been, but life for the ultra-rich and ultra-poor had merged more into the middle, maybe.

== ==

Note: A messenger that night informed former Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) Corporal Talya Davids that she was reactivated effective immediately, was to be placed on extended remote active duty at the disposal of PINETREE, probably for 2 years.

She was stunned but complied, packing and closing out her apartment, and leaving her 13 year old daughter and 11 year old son with her sister's family since her ex-husband was living in Sicily with his new family.

Knowing that this kind of thing happened for IDF specialists was another thing than having it happen to you, she thought, but IDF had needs and this PINETREE thing made for emergencies and oddness everywhere.

Talya's first stop in Schweinfurt Germany had 3 days of extensive medical testing, before she was cleared and put onboard an existing (seriously overloaded standing-room only down the aisles) refugee flight to Quebec City, and on from there by PINETREE bread-crumb directions to her phone.

Nine days after leaving, she showed up at my apartment with 6 other girls.

All 7 rode a long flatbed trailer.

Four of them were girls I had (briefly) dated in high school and two I had dated in college. All were equally confused but ordered to not discuss anything before arrival by the PINETREE app, and had acted on incentives that paid a 'signing bonus' for 'specialist work'.

On arrival, they were told of the standard arrangement for child benefits. Five of the six, including Talya, took the oath, possibly due to drugs administered during the health-check exam, in retrospect there was no way to know for sure.

One of them didn't. Her name was Rita O'Connor, and Rita had always been strong-willed.

Unfortunately for her, Rita's didn't read the fine print that warned of indeterminate length layovers for the return trip.

Her layover turned out to be in Ulan Bator, the capital of Mongolia. Rita had literally no options having boarded a flight with people speaking many other languages. Instead of Minnesota, the flight landed in a small city and discharged them all onto the runway.

Rita's 'indeterminate layover' got worse when US embassy workers told her that since she was a lifelong Mongolian citizen, applying for a US visa might take several years.

I learned of this later and it became Very Obvious not to disagree with what PINETREE obviously wants you to do.

But, enough of this digression, and back to the walk.

== Chapter: Free Use Zone ==

Nearing where we'd turn around, I saw some other women doing yardwork, digging up the lawn of a house with a fairly sizeable front and side yard.

What the President had said about having gardens struck me, and I wondered aloud if there were ways to make the gardening easier, really the weeding was a pain, so... maybe hydroponics? But, would that work? I didn't even know much about it. The stoop labor of leaning over and doing crap, shoveling, seemed like a hassle.

I laughed that maybe we could get robots to do that for us.

Or, maybe robots working in a factory that made prefabricated planters that were easy to use and set up.