Singular Muck


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Both Ester and Sue thought that'd be a great idea, but all the shortages would get in the way of anyone doing anything fast.

Holding Ester's hand, I started getting randy, and mentioned that. She nodded like she knew it already, and this transitioned to a conversation about how all the women had come in that day and whether or not any more would arrive the next.

I asked if Sue had kept track of numbers, but she just pointed at my phone and we dug through until I could see stats. I was up to 593 wives.

I freaked out a little.

Wondering aloud, I said there was no way I could make love with that many, even in a year. Maybe, instead (I was imagining aloud) there could be a dildo-sorta-thing that pulled cum from a condom and could spray a fraction back into the cervix?

The "boys!" reply to this told me they weren't interested, and I understood that.

By that point, we'd circled back around to the park where all the tents were up. A few campfires were going, so we walked over to one and asked where they got the firewood.

The girls there were the same ones that Sue had inducted earlier in the day, so suddenly we had a huge crowd around us asking questions.

I told Sue I couldn't answer too many questions directly or I might accidentally give 'orders' to someone, so she took over, telling where the free-meals place was in town (they'd been there), that we didn't know any more than they did where they were staying, and that the few park latrines were no match for 250 women.

I texted the police chief and asked if he could arrange for a bunch of portable toilets to be delivered to the park, but got back a "Don't know of a company doing that now, will look in the morning".

One gal said, "My PINETREE app says I'm supposed to be living in a house at 312 Elm, a block that way? The door is locked and we can't get in. The BROC [oath] says we're not supposed to break any laws, and... that would be breaking and entering."

I whispered to Sue; she answered, "If PINETREE has designated that you're supposed to live somewhere, and it's locked and empty, find a careful way to get in without risking life and limb or major damage, if you can. I'm giving you permission. Go ahead."

A huge cheer rose up from the crowd; I got the feeling that a lot of them were in a similar situation.

One gal asked how she could get 'on the schedule', and Sue said they could meet with Candy the next day at noon, right there.

This seemed to assuage most of them and we walked off, only to hear excited talking and packing up as the girls set out from the park.

We went back to the apartment.

Candy and Dana were standing at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for us.

"Kevin! Sue! Good, you're back."


"No problem. I took the initiative, Kevin, and designated the apartment as a Free-Use Zone. That is, everyone there should be naked at all times, and ready to have sex at a moment's notice. You're under no obligation to finish with who you start with, so just go ahead."

Sue wondered aloud, "How?"

"Just told everyone, and word is getting around. We should have some kind of newsletter or something."

Dana and I laughed; Sue could see the value and Candy was obviously serious.

I started walking up. "So... I just... " I searched for the word, "...grope away?"

Candy nodded fast, smiling, "Oh, yeah! And more. As soon as you have a stiffie, stick it somewhere. There are so many girls that want a bit of it, just spread it around. We're figuring, when you come, there's usually some cum on your penis, so go ahead and go right to the next person, they might get some of that by accident... If that's all right?"

I snorted, "Duh, fine by me. I would like to see people... getting busy even before I get there, if you know what I mean...?"

"Oh, already told them that. The whole idea from the first day, 'don't tell us to be lesbians', is out the window. Everyone knows that's part of the recipe, now, and if they don't want it, they don't have to. Still, I think most people will anyway, because... well... we love you."

It was odd to hear a person, who I didn't really know that well, tell me that. I couldn't do anything about it, so I shrugged, "Sue? Want to come up? Or, where are you staying?"

She was businesslike, still, but it softened as she spoke, "I'm going to keep to my bedroom, up with you, but I'm... not fertile today? I'd... like to... but..."

"Understood. We should probably have some kind of wristband thing, like you were saying, or something."

Sue and I went upstairs, and I was greeted by an apartment full of naked women.


The soft lamp-light, compared to the dark outside, gave a warm look to everything. Boobs were out and proud; the girls filled a lot of the room, sitting on towels either on a sofa, leaning against one, laying in the center of the room, or leaning against something in the kitchen watching Tina (really, one of her minions) cook something.


Candi had come up behind us, and pushed past. "Attention, people?"

Everyone's eyes came up.

"Kevin is back now. Expectations are for the night that all contacts are to be logged in the Liason-Chat. Make note of every chance you had to touch, ingest, or..." she looked at me, "... otherwise get some cum inside you. If you get some, reminder, hip-tilt upwards to let it run deep, and if anyone asks, we all ask for common courtesy to share a little."

This odd speech gave me some pause, but I kept my face impassive as if I already knew it.

"This is a Free-Use Zone. He may come up behind you and plunge in, just of a moment, that's the way it works - you're here, you're available. Complaints, take it up with PINETREE. Absolutely No swallowing of any significant amount of cum, basic rule. Let him sleep. One monitor will control what hours he's awakened, he needs to get 8 or 9 hours like the rest of us, just broken into 3 parts is fine."

"Lastly, always ensure there's a next in line, there and waiting, open and ready. He'll move from one to the next even right after coming, and may go for a little or a lot. If he's in someone, there should always be a next person and maybe a previous-person, but we'll try to keep things moving. We have five hundred some now, and limited time for each."

"Thats it."

She turned, then turned back, "Oh, and he likes boobs in the face, for hard licking or sucking, while he's doing it or getting other attention, and for someone to diddle the clit of whoever he's pounding into, so be ready to help. That's all."

They all nodded; she turned to me and said, "You're up. I'd suggest getting naked. If you're cold, close the door or windows, or ask for heat and, well... you know the rest."

She went off to my office bedroom. I went to the kitchen and asked for lemonade or some other non-water drink, and got back some iced tea, which i really wasn't into but it was better than nothing.

Some girls got up and came over, sort-of hanging off me, and I suggested they could help me get undressed.

It didn't take long.

I asked everyone to please just go back to what they were doing but be ready 'cuz I was going to come around and just appreciate everyone.

And, appreciate I did.

Walking up to the first girl, I pulled her into a tight hug, my hand forcefully in the small of her back, her smile matching some raised eyebrows, hopeful and then lip-biting nervous. We kissed, and I let my hands roam up and down her bare back, down over her butt to pull it towards me, and then up her side as I turned her to face the other direction.

Grasping her breast with one hand, my other arm went around the girl next to her, but pulled them into each other as I kissed again. Unkissing and spinning them to face each other, I said, "resume..."

They looked at each other and, at first tentatively and then with more confidence kissed, open mouthed and tongues going, breasts pressed against each other.

I walked to the next pair of girls, sitting on the couch, and leaned over to squeeze each of their breasts, and smile, and tell them how beautiful they were, which I genuinely felt.

Pulling one gal up from the floor, I turned her towards the couch and had one of the other girls open her legs and shift forwards. Getting her licking, I stroked the now hands-and-knees girl all over her back and the back of her legs, and asked, "Would you like a small spank?"

Breaking from her licking, she said, "Just... a small one is okay, not into... too much."

I swatted her butt which startled her more than anything, and then she kind of leaned into it again so I repeated that. I wasn't into causing pain, it was more an appreciative thing.

My cock was well and truly pointed at the ceiling by that point, so I bent it down and lined up to go into her. Immediately, girls on either side turned around and aimed their butts at me, too.

Pushing into this girl was sweeeeeet release. She was so grippy and wet-hot and ready, I kept right on pushing and started rocking away. Some other girls were standing nearby, so I pointed at the girls on either side with a come-on motion, and they got to work rubbing the bent-over girls' clits, their fingers coming up behind and over their mounds so I could see the fingers moving.

A particularly buxom shorter brunette came up and crouched to put her boobs right next to my head, so I pulled them in and sucked on a nipple at first, then pulled the whole areola into my mouth.

I wasn't going too long, maybe a few minutes, and I felt a quick twinge, like I'd had a mini-spasm, and I decided I didn't want to only be in one girl and moved on to the left.

Pulling out and pushing in again, I moved around, sometimes feeling twinges and sometimes just moving after a few minutes. I was amazed that I hadn't totally come yet given the stimulation, but the frequent breaks and resumptions meant I was getting lots of thrusting time in.

Of the twelve, maybe, girls in the room, I eventually called out and found only one hadn't been in on things yet, and I rewarded her patience with the final speed-up, the first spurt, and then, pulling out, let a spray-rope of cum go down her back, and another, my cock riding softtly between her butt cheeks and my groans making a crescendo to the excitement in the room.

Deanna, Tina's cooking minion for the night, was standing right next to me, and I called over to her to get the turkey baster.

I wasn't sure I had one, but I remembered buying one when I first moved in, hoping to do a thanksgiving turkey and not actually having any reason to since I was alone.

She came back with, lo and behold, an actual baster!

Licking the outside of the baster, I sucked up a little of the cum and made a finger motion to a girl that was there, who instead of turning around, lay flat on her back with her hips raised. Pushing the baster in, I had her push it until she was confident it was in the right place, and squeezed the bulb to push that little dab of cum in.

We repeated this, and I stood and drank my tea and watched.

My cock, which I thought would drop, only went down about half-way, and had a drip at the end, which a girl next to me spotted, dropped to her knees quickly, and pulled me in very briefly, then carefully spat in her hand and pushed up into herself with an eye-glare-excited look of 'I'm getting away with something.'

I had to pee, though, so I I went and did that, and came back to almost everyone doing yoga-air-bicycle legs-up maneuver.

Well then.

== ==

That night, we (5 girls and I) took a walk around the neighborhood. About a half-mile from our apartment, I saw surveyors with some obvious volunteers / temporary workers putting up stakes where the sidewalks would be.

Homeowners were out helping, and some had axes out because trees or bushes were obviously going to be in the way, and (per the discussion we saw) that was the homeowners responsibility to fix.

Coming back around, we got to Daliah Lettchick's house and rang her bell.

A high-school girl opened the door, but Daliah came up behind her and introduced her. "This is Kate. She's my youngest housemate, though she didn't marry my husband, she's just living here."

Kate looked at me with some degree of 'get me out of here' and I laughed, "Can't be easy that many people in a house."

They invited us in (four girls were with me) and we wandered around, seeing what they were up to. There was some problem with a clogged drain in the upstairs bathroom and they couldn't seem to fix it. The downstairs one worked.

I walked down with them to the main soil stack and pointed at the access port, and told them to get a snake and push it upwards, that might fix it, or down through the toilet itself.

This was a clue, and having a second bathroom in a house with 22 people was a good plan.

It all made me wonder how the city sewer system was working given that many more people living in town.

Mr. Lettchick didn't look good, but I'd only seen him a couple of times. I asked about him, and Daliah said he had been in declining health for the past year.

Allison, a probably 35-year old reasonably attractive hispanic woman, told us, "I got Bob to come for me, and we divided it up 3 ways, so I think we have a chance, each of us."

This kind of news was odd to me but had its own logic.

Some of the women were in the backyard, which was about half torn up and marked out for a garden. They seemed to be making slow progress because, as Daliah described it, they were 'double-digging', digging down two full shovel depths and breaking up the layer below that even, to get good drainage.

A very dark-skinned but beautiful lady (Dr. Odouba Carti) came over, wearing a t-shirt that had once been white but was now sticking to her with sweat. She wasn't wearing a bra, though she clearly had small pointy breasts that made her muddy t-shirt stick to her all over. I noted that the choice of a white shirt might not have been a good plan, but then the days were starting to get warmer.

I asked how things were going, and she had a giant smile, "Gonna love this. I grew up in downtown Gatineau - near Ottawa, Canada - and loved to have little gardens there, but we didn't have much land. Here, I can get busy! Big change from teaching."

It turned out she taught Obstetrics at McGill's Outaouais-Ottawa med school.

I mentioned one of my new 'wives' was an Ob/Gyn, and she wanted to meet them, so I told her to stop by.

She wondered how many wives I had and I demurred, saying I didn't really know exactly, and if I got the number off by one it'd be a big deal so I shouldn't.

She laughed and we left it there.

I asked if she was going to train up some midwives because there were going to be quite a few births in town in the coming months, and she laughed and considered that. "Hadn't figured I'd get much use, I'm not certified in the states.

This idea seemed wrong to me, and I said so, that if you know medicine in one place, you should know it everywhere. She pushed back and said that a lot of 3rd world medical schools weren't up on the same drugs that U.S., Canadian, and E.U. doctors had access to.

This was about 3 sentences in a long conversation about gardening, mind you, we didn't have a thing to do all afternoon and it was just fun to hang out.

Saying goodbye, I said maybe I'd stop over with the person who was an O.B. when I got a chance.

I got back to the apartment and thus my free-use zone.

Since all I had to do was take off my pants, I did, got a quick BJ fluffing from a brunette I'd never met, and came up behind a black girl who looked southern Indian. Her accent was pure New Jersey, though, as she told me to, 'Yo, go slow, baby, I'm a virgin."


I teased up and down her well-wetted slit and then put myself right where I should be, but not quite in. "Tell me? When?"

She hesitated, breathed, tensed, and said, "Now."

Pushing in a jab-forwards, I passed a strong restriction and then was just grabbed ultra-tightly.

Her scream pulsed out, short and loud, and the other girls who were around and watching got empathetic eyes. I did, too, of course, and waited, asking if she was okay and generally being caring for a minute or two, hanging out as she breathed hard, and then asked, "All the time in the world, just tell me when you're ready..."

She did, and I started slowly making small pushes and pulls until I was stroking long and in. Looking down, I could see some red around my cock, hymen blood, and hoped it was worth it for her.

That worry dissipated. She started moaning up a storm.

I said, "Come for me..." [I didn't know her name and didn't want to ask right then], "...come until I tell you you can stop coming. Come hard."

She came, and kept coming, and the pulsing was great.

I pulled out after I felt a quick-pulse, knowing I'd given her a little (or suspecting I did), and the girl who was fluffing sucked me in and got all the blood off, too, not something I was exactly expecting, but then guided me into the next person, an older woman maybe in her late 30's.

This was a different feeling, not a tight fit, but very nice nonetheless, and she really wanted me to slap her butt.

I did, of course, and told her to come for me, too, when she was ready.

Coming in her to start with, a couple of pulses, and then I pulled out and sprayed a rope or two across her back. It collected as I watched in a concave section there.

I just let my cock ride up between her ass cheeks and felt the beauty of coming and relaxing with the release.

Standing back, the fluffer girl again pulled me in, but as she did, she spat into a tiny ice-cream dish, and scraped up what she could from the girl's upper back.

I just stood back and then sat down on a chair by the door for a moment.

Someone offered me a boob, and I did suck it for a moment, but then I just wanted to close my eyes and rest.

== ==

That night, I slept with a roomful of women, pushing in and pumping a while, then moving to the next, making sure everyone got some happy time, at least a little, and hoping I was giving some pulses every once in a while that would help them out.

Sleep overtook me, I got cuddled, and then an alarm went off for midnight, and 3 am, and then 6, and then I could get up at 8:30 again.

Sex was a full time thing, or at least a part-time thing that was on a frequent schedule.

I'd lost count how many times I'd made love at that point.

== ==

The next two weeks really were mostly a blur. With lots of woman-power, the greenhouses went in, a 3-story tall metal and wood framework with two well-insulated lower floors and a top glass-enclosed one. The lower floors held 6-rows-high of wood framed plastic-lined pans that were called, 'sub irrigated planters'. These had a drip irrigation system that only required water at the top and lots of super-bright LED lights all throughout.

June first, Keeni Sarfid, the Finnish Ob/Gyn, organized a 'Live Naked Day', where everyone in town was supposed to be naked, from getting up in the morning to going to bed at night. Further, there was a 'parade' idea, but it fizzled when no one had prepared 'floats' and there still wasn't much gasoline.

Still, the festivities included a suggestion to walk at least 2 miles wearing only shoes and socks, and only wearing underwear if you needed to for sanitary reasons.

We had to worry about sunblock in the days before, but the day itself was lightly overcast but happily not rainy. Rural West Virginia could have had a sunny and sunburn-producing day, but happily we could just walk around all naked, all around town, and see what life was like that way.

At first, it was seriously daring, but then it got to be just a lark, a fun thing to do. I got hard pretty fast seeing my group, and we purposefully broke up our group to go in sub-groups so we didn't attract attention.