Singular Muck


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It's part of the agreement that American off-Earth colonies will be represented in Congress as being part of the Commonwealth of Outerlands.

Next. Our new free ID cards require some local, state, and federal laws to change in ways best decided by voters and their representatives. We've agreed to implement these changes and provide incentives for smaller units of government to do likewise.

Since the PINETREE have already used these ID cards to register all US citizens over age 16 to vote, we have agreed to make these registrations permanent and automatic.

In return, the PINETREE has agreed that all future elections be conducted by paper ballot, to prevent computer interference and prevent even the appearance of possible tampering by PINETREE in a valid election.

This shouldn't be controversial, or at least I hope not!

The new PINETREE-established US National Health Service will have the power to end local and global monopolies on drugs and health services. Essential healthcare, including drugs, dental care, eyewear, durable medical devices, etc., will no longer cost any money to any person.

In return, PINETREE has agreed to provide drugs to treat some cancers, diabetes, Alzheimers, heart disease, and many infectious diseases.

We have agreed that, with UBI in place and indexed to inflation, the social security administration, various other programs will be discontinued, along with their sometimes complex requirements for eligibility. The UBI is more money for everyone anyway, and there's no need for people to file huge paperwork to get money they're already getting. So, this was easy to agree to.

This may be a surprise, but there is now hope for some people who live without hope.

Last month, PINETREE set up a program to relocate people from one area of the country to another, and is using additional UBI funds to make that happen. You may notice people moving into or away from your city. We have agreed to allow this to happen since we cannot stop PINETREE from doing it.

We have agreed to enact legislation to allow the Census bureau to recognize these changes sooner than the next census since that is a few years away.

Some of the changes PINETREE have made are disconcerting. We understand this. I am mentioning this because we have not agreed to these changes, but neither can we stop them.

The new PINETREE phone app will be incentivizing several things via increased UBI payments. This includes healthy eating, exercise, having more children, getting vaccinations, and continuing education.

Finally, we have recognized we cannot stop PINETREE. We have agreed to their demands for some changes to the US Constitution and federal laws. Most of these are small items, but if you disagree, you may vote in upcoming elections to repeal some of them, though PINETREE says they will keep a veto over badly-designed, racist, misogynist, or hateful laws.

There are several other provisions we've agreed to.

Owning and buying any projectile weapon or explosive, worldwide but also in the USA, will now require training, certification in safe use, safe storage, liability insurance, and continued yearly re-registration.

The metric system will replace all imperial measurements, effective in 3 months or less. If we don't pass laws to dictate how this happens, PINETREE will make it happen unilaterally.

Marijuana and several other drugs will be legalized, state restrictions on alcohol purchases removed, and all addictions classified as purely medical, in order to enable scientific treatment.

I have pardoned all federal prisoners convicted of nonviolent drug offenses. By executive order, these prisoners will be released over the next 30 days, with full UBI provided.

PINETREE have agreed to provide a variety of drugs that immunize the human body from addictions to various drugs and which increase our innate ability to control tendencies towards violence.

Plural marriage - bigamy or polyamory - with many people in a marriage - is now, per PINETREE, fully legal and federal law requires full recognition of this. Separately, public nudity is now completely legal as well, with the only restrictions being OSHA workplace safety restrictions like wearing hardhats and steel-toed boots. PINETREE stated that they will 'disapprove and punish' attempts to restrict or assault those that do this.

We asked why. PINETREE stated that misogyny, sexism, racism, and many other bad things flow from people not treating each other equally and that nudity can help fix this over time.

In return for creating laws for the above, PINETREE will allow some gasoline refineries to resume operation, sufficient to drop gas prices below $25 per gallon, and return our economy to some version of being functional.

In agriculture, they wished to drop all crop subsidies and establish many new national forests.

In exchange we got technology to turn soybeans directly into milk and meat proteins. This is called 'precision fermentation', or PF. As PF comes online, dairy and cattle operations will drastically drop. Shelf-stable small milk packets, mixed with tap water - taste better than milk from a cow, and cost about 10 cents a gallon. The same applies to steaks and hamburgers. Since 40% of US farmland is devoted to meat and dairy, and we export a significant fraction of the world's food, this will help the US as well as people worldwide.

There are several other provisions, but these are the first.

If you are concerned with these changes, so are we, but my administration will work diligently to enact common-sense limits to these laws to help everyone get along and make our way in this new world we're living in.

I have to add a side note.

Not related to PINETREE, I'd like to encourage everyone to plant a garden this year. Fuel shortages created a shortfall in grain and food production. Collect and keep the seeds from your plants for next year's garden as well. Grow locally, eat locally, it's a good thing.

So, thank you for your time, and I wish you and your family all the best. I know, some of this is really, really new and strange. It's challenging, too. I understand that. But, life is change, and we'll do what we have to, to get our economy up and growing again, people fed and housed and working, and hopefully you and yours can find peace and acceptance in the midst of some confusing times. We're there with you.

Thank you for your attention, GodSpeed to all of us, and God Bless America. Good Night.

== ==

As we were watching, I looked around and we all were transfixed by the changes that she was talking about. No more almighty US military? I guessed I was okay with that, but I wondered if I'd have a job after all the cuts.

The girls, they didn't have jobs, so that was fine for them maybe. If I remembered their incentive package for being with me, they'd get some pretty good money for having the first kid with me, and then even more for each additional kid.

Sue spoke up and asked what topics in the speech we should talk about, as a group, to work out if it affected us or not.

I had to laugh, she was so organized. She'd gotten some whiteboard markers and started writing on the walkout-deck's patio-door glass as a whiteboard.

The incentives for having kids? That was new, but if everyone was getting them, what amount would they get? Was it worth living far away from family and friends to come to this place?

The legalization of plural marriage, that sounded like something that affected us. Tanya Harriman, the recent Julliard grad, said a childhood friend from New Mexico had a dad and two moms, and everything worked easier for them. She said the husband was working a lot, and the moms could handle home stuff and share the load better.

I stayed quiet. I wasn't going to wade into this one.

On the opposite side was Lisa, who said that she'd known a gal in Arizona who was part of a plural marriage, there were four wives, and the husband was really super-old. That woman had said she almost never saw her husband, but sometimes he'd want to sleep together and just hug her.

She said this gal had felt left out and worried about what would happen if her husband died, would they have enough money to live on because they were poor already.

Liddie Rallwich spoke up and said she was surprised about the public nudity thing, that came out of left field. Someone said maybe it was an idea to get rid of puritanical religious nuts - of whatever religion both in the USA and abroad - so they'd be on the defensive. That way, they'd be busy complaining about Something Entirely New.

Kim was still undressed, though she had a blanket over her shoulders because it was cool in the room. Someone asked if she was going to be naked the next day.

"No, I think one day a week, maybe. Not sure. I like it, it's really freeing. I got some stares from people walking around, but mostly there's more women than men in this town now, so it wasn't like they were checking me out, just more like, confused."

Lidde said, "Maybe I'll try it tomorrow. Hell, maybe if Kevin notices me, I might get some!"

She looked at me and winked.

I had to laugh, too, Life had certainly been busy for the day.

Sue switched us to a new topic with a wave of the hand. "So, here's another one. Just FYI, we thought of this, this afternoon - a system where, if your watch says you're fertile, and you're interested in 'getting some, Liddie!', then we have some blue shoelaces to wear as a bracelet? That can let Kevin know if he's going to 'Get You Some!'"

They all laughed, and she held up a handful of shoelaces, then put them over the curtain rod, out of the way, "But put them back when you're off that F. Then everyone can know. If you want them to know."

Some of the girls nodded, and two called over, "Yeah, me," and she handed two of her plenty over right away.

"Last item, not PINETREE related."

Everyone quieted down. "I've been told that Kevin likes to watch two girls kiss and make out, or just be sexy together. If you're interested in that and you're a 'shoestring girl', make sure the coordinator knows so you can help him have a good time and get your needs met, too."

There was some murmuring, but I didn't hear specific thoughts.

Hwa Tran raised her hand and said, "I have one, if y'alls wantsta hears it."

Sue motioned for her to continue.

"I'da heards tha Kevin really like-sit havin' his cock sucked-on, right after he's a-done making love, havin' sex, that-all. So, I dids-it today, and Wow did he, yes, so that's right. But, more than that, I tell you WHOOO-wee, that's some great tasting cum. I don't know where he gets it, aouta-dem magic balls of his, but, yesseree, gimme more-a dat!"

I'm doing a shit job transcribing her southern accent, though I can almost hear it.

Sue looked at me. "Kevin? Opinions?"

I shrugged, "Yeah, sure! But, twice today? I feel kind of strange talking about this in this big group..."

A chorus of girls saying encouragingly, 'Go ahead' led me on.

"Twice today, I've had... an orgasm, a cum, and I've moved from one girl to the next girl, about halfway through? And then I kept going? It's not my favorite, but it is fun, sorta. So, maybe, if you see me, I guess... and you might... making love with someone, and there's no one else right next to me, it's probably okay if you get naked and ready right next to her or me, 'cuz, then, I might be able to... and, you know, if you want. Up to you."

Sue was nodding, "Of course! Makes sense. Sure. Noted for future reference." She looked around the room.

Dr. Keeni spoke up and said, "I am new here, and this is very, very strange to me. Unprotected sex, and going from woman to woman? This is... unusual. I'm not sure I want to be... a part of this?"

Sue said, "Up to you, but all of us have had really elaborate medical exams, on our way here? We've compared, and they took blood and urine and did MRI's and all sorts of things, super expensive, I know, just to make sure we were all safe. You're good to worry! Absolutely! But, with our group? We're all really sure we're fine because it's a closed group. Sue has my results, you can see them, too, all of us can see each other's results."

"Ah." She took this in, and they talked about how the app worked.

Sue dismissed us and most everyone left to go back to their apartments and new mattresses.

I hadn't had enough dinner, so I went back to the kitchen and someone gave me a quick omelet and a deep kiss.

== ==

Someone found that all of a sudden, a household goods delivery company had come back online, so we ordered more sheets and pillowcases (we'd barely gotten enough in the first batch), plus dishes and silverware for the other apartments.

Some other girls suggested bathmats and shower curtains, stuff the shipment had missed.

A huge question was, who had ordered the mattresses?

No one would admit to it, nor did Mrs. Dunbar know.

She did point us at the flea market again 'If you need stuff', and said we could have anything out of the storage areas (garages) she'd gotten from old tenants, so a team went down there and started coming back with lots of useful stuff.

I paid her $1000 for all of the stuff, which she said was more than she'd get from selling it at a garage sale.

There certainly was a lot of crap - including baby clothes, toys, some broken and some not, just stuff people had left behind because they were taking a bus to their new location.

I felt sad - there were even family pictures in there, and someone would want those eventually. One of the girls handing things said she'd set up a keep-pile to make sure that stuff stayed together.

If the pictures were from the husband/wife (or meth dealer/girlfriend) who lived below me, I wasn't optimistic they'd be back for them. It was hard to know.

How do you deal with fragments of a person's life they leave behind? Do you presume they're important, and try? I'd think, sure, but so much of American life was in turmoil, who's to say anyone would ever seek out old heirlooms...

I was tired, so I headed back in to take a shower and head to sleep. It was at least 9:30 by then, and I'd had a much more energetic day than normal.

When I got out, the bedroom was full, nine people, all trying to do something on their phones - edit a shared document, it turned out, arranging scheduling, and debating who was up for the night, where people were sleeping, whether the beds in my room were rotating or not, and if so, who slept there.

I just wanted to go to sleep.

Someone saw this and the lights went dim, and the remaining people left the room and shut the door behind them. I had no idea what I was expected to do. I was standing in a towel from my shower, looking at bed spaces.

Not all of them were naked; many had street clothes on and were waiting for me to get out of the bathroom.

"Whoever wants a shower should take one so we're not all up from the noise in there. I'm going to lie down, and whoever is showered and supposed to, fine, lie near me, I'm tired."

I was privileged to get to watch six beautiful naked college-aged women negotiate with each other over brushing teeth, using the toilet (obscured from me, happily), showering, then finally the first one came out and came over. It was Winnie, an medium-skinned black girl with a killer bod, athletic and toned and medium-sized everything, just a fabulous package.

I said, "Kiss first?"

She laughed and joined me. We kissed and I ran my hands all over her body, soft skin greeting my every random hand-sweep until I settled her boobs. She moved down my body and started sucking on me, but soon there was the next person, Tina, and I told her to start licking on Winnie.

There was no hesitation, she smiled wide and with only the most basic confusion (I was sure she hadn't done this much before) she started doing something down there.

Winnie reacted, startled, inhaled, and whimpered in a super-high pitch.

I had to laugh, but I knew what 'really good' felt like.

Winnie did that for about a minute then climbed up and straddled my hips, lowering herself down and obviously having some trouble coming down on me, just a little to start, then with some difficulty, past the tip, then up and down in small motions.

I asked, "Virgin?"

She panted her face a mixture of happy and discomfort, "No, just... been a while. Since I was... well, a couple of years."

When she did get down, her hold on me was super-tight, and I gazed up at her happy face grinning down at me, she'd achieved something and liked it.

What continued from there is pretty much obvious. I came six times over the course of the night and somehow still got somesleep.

== Chapter: Life With a Harem ==

The next morning I awoke, groggy, my hand around the chest spooning someone with red hair, which cut down the list of possibles but, as I remembered from the night before, none of them had red hair.

Her hips backed up and pressed my morning-wood up between their ass cheeks. I thrust my hips and liked the friction, and the person behind me (breasts pressed delightfully also) moved to have her palm on my butt cheek to push me. I thought this was funny, and my giggle turned into them laughing, too.

The girl in front of me rolled over on her stomach, and I took the opportunity to get onto her back, my cock hanging down between her legs and pressing up against something... wet.

She shifted and I felt a hand reach down between her legs and pull me, guide me to the right spot and squeeze slightly. With that, I could push up and IN and WOW that was nice, tight around me and slip-sliding away.

The angle wasn't quite right, so I looked back to the girl who had been behind me - Lisa - and asked her to get a pillow for under the hips.

That helped, and soon I'd wrapped my hands under her front to pull down on her shoulders and drive myself deeper. It was Liddie, and her passion at this was echoed in sometimes-grabs on my cock as she tightened her pussy around me.

"Lisa," I asked, "Can you carefully reach under Liddie's hips? Rub her clit?"

Lisa's eager face and quick movement told me that could happen fast, and she did, pushing her hand down until I could feel a sometimes-fingernail on the underside of my cock as she rubbed away.

This had the desired effect.

Liddie cooked off almost immediately, a super-powerful thrashing orgasm, but I found that with my legs just so, I could hold her legs in place to keep them separated, and my arms around her shoulders, she couldn't move at all. I'd locked her in place, thrusting into her even as she came, and Lisa's clit-rubbing pushed her far beyond (I was certain) any normal limits where a person masturbating or even having sex normally could go.

Her moans into the mattress and to the side had to wake the apartment, I was sure, but I was happy to be able to give her that.

The live-wire I'd touched pushed that excitement back into me, and I was soon coming myself, thrusting hard and deeply in as far as I could make myself go, ALL of me Deep and IN and Spurting and coming, complete and happy and held tight while I made my hips curve just so to get that tiny bit more depth.

As I relaxed in post-coital bliss and caught my breath, Lisa shifted over and opened her legs and arms to me in a 'come to me' move.

I wasn't going to refuse that!

Kissing Liddie's shoulder I said, "Tag Team, I've just got tagged... Love you."

I don't know why I said I loved her.

I barely knew her.

I did like her, for sure, and I liked her more than a normal person, but... it echoed in my mind, my words had come out without my thinking too hard.

Pulling out, shifting over my wet but very hard and slightly bouncy cock, I got positioned between Lisa's legs and pushed in effortlessly. Her legs relaxed and went down, so our mons were pressed against each other, hard-point to hard-point. This Was Good.
