Singular Muck


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Her opinion was not in doubt. I think the way it worked was, as I pushed up, I pulled up on her abdomen skin, which opened up and spread her clit for my mons, or at least the part of my abdomen just above my cock, to rub and grind against.

Kissing Lisa turned into a too-much effort, must-hug-madly situation for her, and I kept it up, pressing in. I liked this, and I felt like I could keep going, but at the same time, I wanted to relax.

Liddie, next to us, slipped off the bed on purpose, head-first, and her legs were up in the air.

Jo, to my surprise, rose from the bed and came over, knelt down (smiling at me between the V of Liddie's legs) and put her mouth over Liddie's sex, making audible sucking sounds.

I just kept stroking in, but then I saw Jo leave the room, and the other girls who were with me get up and do the same thing to Liddie, who didn't seem to mind as far as saying anything. All I could see really was her legs up in the air, and she was okay with that.

Lisa was happy with my stroking, so I kept that up, choosing to ignore what was happening next to me because I'm not stupid - when I'm making love, that's the Most Important Thing.

I was comfy and happy, just stroking in and out of Lisa, and she was happy with me, though she got more and more distracted until finally she came, a strong convulsion of steady Pulse Pulse Pulse, slightly more than one per second.

I wondered if there was a universal pulse speed for orgasms, and if it matched for men and women, and how close it was to being the same for everyone. There was a median time people took to pee, a median heart rate, median values for lots of things, so there had to be one for orgasm-convulsions, for men and women. Likely it was the same for both, but that was just my jaded 'nature likes to keep things simple' hat talking.

Even with her coming, I kept going, being slightly overstimulated, until finally I felt like I was getting closer, and said so.

Lisa said, "Hold on, can you come in my mouth?"

I said sure, and pulled out, sitting back, and she got her mouth over me quickly, then jacked and sucked for a minute until I came, spurting, in her mouth, her suction continuous and amazing.

What's a guy to do but sit back and let the cum flow out?

After it seemed I was done, I rolled over on my back, and Lisa jumped up from the bed and walked fast out of the bedroom.

I breathed for a minute or two and relaxed.

Hwa walked in, and sat down on the bed next to me. "We have something ready for you out in the living room, can you come quickly?" She stood, taking my hand.

She was naked.

There's no way I was going to lie there with that invitation.

Walking out behind her and holding her hand, she led me out to the living room, where I saw, then counted with my finger, 8 butts naked, backs arched, aimed at me. Leaned over a moved-out couch or against the breakfast table, some of them looked back at me even as I saw fingers up between their legs playing with pouty lips.

Hwa said, "Sue noticed a complaint, that some of our roommates wanted a quick thrust, something to 'seal the deal', so to speak, and... can you help?"

I was still VERY hard, in line with some kind of new thing that was going on with me, so I kind of shrugged in that way you do when you're just waking up and are confronted by a confusing thing but decide to go along with whatever someone's asking.

Into the first one, push, and in, and happy-squeal, and a count of four, three, two, one, done and out, from Hwa, and I was on to the next girl.

I didn't know who was who. Some part of being discombobulated, I couldn't tell, it happened pretty fast, and then the next - in, thrust four, out, next... Something about my having just come triggered in me a kind of half-convulsion after-pulse, like my previous orgasm was just continuing for one more pulse.

Odd, but okay.

Hwa led me back to the bedroom, and told me to lie down for a while.

I was spent enough to do just that. She watched me, went to shut the door and leave us alone, then came back and scooted me over to get in behind me and pull up the blankets.

Liddie had gone, sometime during while I was out in the living room, and I'd missed that.



== Chapter: Morning Again ==

I awoke again and heard voices from the main room, louder than normal, they faded into my consciousness.

Hwa was awake, lying on her side against me. My eyes met hers and she smiled kindly, "Ah, you're awake. Good. I was just thinking of waking you up. There are things to do today, I think."

"I don't have a job to worry about, I'm taking some vacation time."

"You mentioned that to Sue, we know. No, other stuff. You haven't had breakfast, for one, and it's almost lunchtime."

I looked at my watch - it was 10:30. "How did I sleep this long?"

"Mays-be yours'a stressed out, 'bout sumtin? Could be, a-livin' with us, all sudden-like, that's one hellen'a'justment, cain be easy."

I loved her drawl.

We nodded at each other and shifted out of the bed.

I don't know what possessed me to open my bedroom door instead of going straight into the bathroom, but I did, and a huge group of people in the hallway all were faced towards me. Caught, I realized I was naked, and I could have closed the door right away.

Instead, I tried to be funny, "Oh. Hi! Good morning."

There were many good mornings back, happy ones with eyes going down my body to my (again) half-morning wood. I closed the door on that, and then realized I didn't know a bunch of the people standing there.

These were not the girls I'd met before.

My normal shower routine was interrupted when someone came in to pee, then left, and I wondered who it was.

Was my apartment turning into a meeting place?

I got out, brushed-teeth and beard-trimmed, dressed, and felt pretty refreshed.

The living room was a madhouse.

A line stretched out the door, and someone had moved the kitchen table to be in the center of the room. Girls with backpacks, some with a rolling suitcase, were lined up. Sue and Liddie, of all people, were sitting behind the table, writing on a tablet of paper and typing on a laptop.

Tina spotted me from the kitchen and pulled me in, getting some stares from bored people standing in line.

My brain finally landed on the fact that no person in line was male.

I couldn't quite see what they were doing, but it looked like some kind of registration process.

Tina pulled my face from staring at this by holding both my cheeks so I was staring right in her eyes. She said deliberately, "Kevin."

"Uh... Yeah?"

"You've got to eat. I've made you ham and eggs, YES, real ham, fresh eggs from a farm nearby, too. OJ is a small can, can't be helped."

I was amazed, looking at the food. SOOO much better than what I'd been eating - cooked rice with refried beans had been my staples for a few months. Food had been super-expensive.

She handed me a plate, and pushed me into a corner, out of sight of what was happening, to let me eat without being stared at, I think.

My mouth got a burst of glory with the great tastes, and Tina got me sweetened hot tea with a little milk. It wasn't anything close to what I normally drank, but, hey, it was good.

She explained. "New arrivals. Apparently the town here is flooded. Some kind of mistake, we think, or this PINETREE group thinks you're ten people. It has specified orders now, that these women are here, For You, to get children, With You. It says so in their agreement!

I didn't know what that meant, but as soon as I stopped chewing, Tina tut-tutted me to keep going, so I did.

"The offer they got is pretty much the same one we've all gotten, but there's a wrinkle we just had to laugh at - they have a 'W#' ('doubleyou-hash") number as part of this. It's a priority list, we think, or some way to keep people straight, for us."


"Ssshh, eat. There's more. So, they started arriving yesterday, at the set of apartment buildings down the block, the long-two-story one? They got room assignments over there, keys, the works, and their PINETREE app started telling them last night to show up here in the morning, to 'check in' and 'take an oath'."


"We didn't know either. Sue checked her phone, and then, there it is, and we all have to take it. It spells it out, and Sue is the leader, too, in the app. It's all WAY confusing, because we just elected her leader originally, it wasn't something that PINETREE specified, except, now it is."

"So they know something about us, specifically."

Tina's eyebrows-up said something to me. "Yup."

"Delicious, by the way. Thank you."

Tina looked at me with some affection in her eyes, "I take care of my man. My people, too. That's getting to be more people. No babies, yet, though."

I laughed, "I have a feeling..."

"Oh, yeah! Exactly! These incentives? Definitely. Give us, uh, 38 weeks or so."

I peeked around the corner. The girl in front was tasting her finger.

Sue looked around. "Oh, yeah. New idea, from Jo and Sue. They're supposed to dip their finger in one of the drops on a piece of waxed paper she's frozen. It's your cum."

"Bwhah-ha! What?"

Tina's shrug told it, "Yeah, well, we've all tasted it, it's delicious, but more than that, I think there's some change in us, after? It's like, we all feel closer to you? Might be psychosomatic. But we're not complaining. I think, for me, it's like... I love you, now. Not like loving cookies love, or loving my sister love, it's like... I love you, like ALL of you, like, deep to your core, I know you're a good person, and I want to be a part of you, share you, by loving you? Sort of _that_ way?"

I didn't know what to do with that but think. I looked at her, at her eyes, and face, and thought about her as a person. I said, "Tina, I've... never kissed you, have I?"

She smiled, "Not yet."

I'd finished my food and set it down already, but not my juice. I put it down, and opened my arms. She fell in and gave me a big hug, strong and confident, letting her cheek brush mine.

I pulled back enough to get us face to face and gave her a long, sensuous kiss, then whispered, "I don't know you well enough yet, but yes, I love you, too." I meant it, and breaking enough from the kiss to look in her eyes, I could tell she wasn't just saying words about loving me, she had something deeper going on.

We inhaled and smiled and broke apart.

"You have things to do, now. Sue and Liddie want to talk with you, and they said something about the police chief."

I finished my juice and handed the empty can to her, not knowing if she had plans for recycling it or something. So many odd things turned out to be precious compared to the life before, and I'd seen strange things otherwise.

Sue and Liddie spotted me and motioned me over. Sue asked, "You had breakfast?"

I responded, acknowledging her in-charge situation, "Yes, ma'am."

Sue said, "Not sure if we're going to do the sir-ma'am thing, Kev, but if you want to."

Liddie said, somewhat blatantly, "Thank you for your servicing, Sir."

I laughed, and looked at the girls in line and others in the room, "Uh... not a secret, then...?"

Sue said, "No secret. Your window was open. I had some questions earlier, but hearing that resolved them."

We all laughed, but then Liddie said, "And I answered them? Fuck yeah?!? Deep dicking, Check. Best Fucking Orgasm in my entire life, Check. Still feeling the echoes to my soul, Check." She emphasized the last part with a kind of shudder-inhale-lower-lip-bite that got the idea across.

Sue redirected us, really me, pointing at the line of 10 or so girls in the living room and going down the stairs. "These are new arrivals? I handled the ones with small children first, we have four women with infants in the group."

I nodded, "Okay?"

"There is a consistency here, that you need to know about. Every person I've checked in is either an academic superstar, a top collegiate athlete, or in several cases, both."

"Consistency. I guess that makes sense. I am kind of a braniac, makes sense PINETREE would match us."

Liddie said, "Smart parents tend to make smart kids."

Hadassah Cohen, Jewish, dark hair and tan, from Modesto, med-build small chest puffy areolas, pre-med biochem, wants Ph.D. in med. research.

The first gal in line said, "I'm sorry, I'm... really tired. We all have been up all night, and meeting you is really cool, but..."

Sue agreed, "Right. Hadassah, I've got your info, hold up your hand and swear, or put your hand on a Bible or touch something you consider holy, please."

She stood upright, her arm came up, pulled out the small gold star of David on her necklace, and her other hand went up as an I-swear pose.

"Do you Hadassah Cohen, swear to abide by the Best Rules of Conduct, BROC, set out in the PINETREE app in the local rules section, to the best of your ability, leaving all other allegiances as secondary, and promise to love and support Kevin Cooper, here and elsewhere, from now on, or until you confirm he knows of your unequivocal written resignation, if so, say 'I do'?"

She said, "I do."

Very well. By the power vested in me by PINETREE, Kevin Cooper, and the other wives, you are hereby married, granted sister-wife status, and entitled to all benefits therefrom. Live and Love, Hadassah."

Hadassah nodded, a giant smile across her face, and she got her things and left. I stood back and leaned against the wall next to the couch to watch.

The next girl stepped up

Zael Galbriez, Portuguese-Palestinian, Muslim, striking bright blue-green eyes, medium build and close-in chest.

Sue and her both got on their phones, did some things, and Liddie took a torn-of strip of waxed paper and handed it to her. She put it in her mouth whole and sucked on it, then got a kind of calm-happy look of tasting something amazingly good.

She said, "This is the sweetest thing I've ever tasted. Wow."

Sue's businesslike tone said she'd heard this stuff before. "Different for everyone. Good to hear. To confirm verbally what you just e-signed, you are here to accept the PINETREE offer, and all the rights and obligations that includes?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Very well..." Sue led her through the exact thing I'd just seen, swearing the oath, the 'I do', and the announcement of marriage.

She turned to me and asked, "Sir? Kevin? May I kiss the groom?"

I said, "Yes, of course."

We kissed, and I could tell she needed a shower, though it wasn't bad, it was just there. I didn't say anything, of course. All of them looked bedraggled from long trips. Zael, I found out later, had gotten a ride on large container ship on the open deck, from Portugal, on PINETREE's promise to come to... my small city, to... me?

Very odd.

After Zael left, Liddie said, "You might want to grab a coat and go. The police chief wanted to see you, he stopped by earlier. At the station, or city hall, same building, I guess."

"It is. I'll head over."

Each of the girls standing in line, I kissed on the cheek and said hello to, making my way... out the door... down the stairs, and more people... around the building and more people...

There were a lot of people here.

I found that Tina was walking behind me, so we walked together down the block. She was looking at something on her phone and I asked what. She said it was to see what herbs and vegetables grew in this area, and what was native.

This led to a conversation about where the gardens / greenhouses would be, and how we could get there and back, and guard them, and the sidewalks, and how not all the city streets had sidewalks or street lights, and that we'd need some bikes to ride around on, maybe, with baskets.

She had some good ideas, and I strongly agreed with them.

Along the way walking over there, we saw Dahlia Lettchick, her husband Bob in his wheelchair, and two other women, walking down the street because despite good-sized yards, that street didn't have sidewalks.

We said hello, and I was introduced to the women, two new ones who weren't there the other day when I happened by.

Dahlia said, "Yes, it seems like moving here a couple of months ago was a great plan. We have 6 houseguests now, and I'm sister-wife number 1 of 7."

I nodded, "I find myself in a situation, too, I think."

She laughed and was both in a good and sour mood, "You must be living the life of riley," which I took to mean a lucky one, "I have diapers to change now!" Her smile was both delighted and incredulous at the giant joy/effort combo she'd been handed.

Tina said, "Really?!"

"Madison, an architect from Chicago, has 6-month old son Brendon - they divorced before he was born - so she's here by herself, and Brendon has some attention."

"Not out today?"

"No, they went for a walk earlier and told us it was nice out. They were right."

We chatted some more, and I could tell that Dahlia was both put out by having to be one of many wives, but also delighted to in any way have a chance to be a mother.

We parted at the next corner and walked the rest of the way to the police station / city hall. A long table was set up outside with two elderly ladies sitting there, answering questions from two young women with hiking backpacks on.

The sign said, "New Arrivals / Check in Here / City Map"

I walked in, wondering if any of them would be assigned to... me?

The police chief was at a desk behind some glass, and he came right out, walking us out to the parking lot behind the building to where my car was parked.

There were now 3 brand-new cybertrucks parked there, shipping wrappers still on them.

"There they are."


"Delivered, middle of the night last night. All three have your name on them. Since you have four now? The mayor and public works director really want to know if they can keep using the older vehicle, now that you have these?"

I wondered if I had any hint about them being mine, so I opened my PINETREE app, and I saw a note dated at 2 am that said, "Vehicle deliveries complete, Edville police station. Retain all vehicles."

This was somewhat terse and I was surprised I was getting a personal message via PINETREE, but then again, what was going on was odd anyway.

I hadn't purchased any vehicles.

Yet? Here they were?

My Tesla app showed I owned four now, the three new cybertrucks, in silver, and my older one. The app lets you take a picture of your actual vehicle and load that as the icon, and I was amused that my icon had changed to look like the actual truck, wrapped in blue like before, but now the picture included the magnetic 'Edville Police Dept' and 'Call 911' stickers.

While I was standing there, the chief's phone rang. I could hear the other side - it was the mayor, who was upset. "God-Damned PINETREE, I have to put in sidewalks all over the city now! Street lights, too, and bike lanes! Fuckin' weird-ass directives. First, okay to be naked outside, nobody's doin' that anyway, then reports from that apartment complex on 3rd, yeah, so, gotta leave 'em alone? Hell."

The police chief was smiling, his attitude said he'd heard the Mayor complaining before. "You need something from me?"

"Hell yeah I need something!! We'll bring this up in the city council meeting on Wednesday, but for now, I want you to get one of your guys to order up some 'bike lane' signs, and 'slow children' signs, a whole mess of 'em. And, paint bike lanes in, all over. Oh, yeah - and call up the county DOT and have them send over their surveyor, we need sidewalks on Every Single Goddamn residential street. Make 'em wider, too, we can make 'em do double-duty as sidewalks and bike paths... And, through the parks, and out past the Stop-n-Go to the golf course, that's city owned, we gotta link it up."

"Golf course. Got it."

I was a little freaked out by this whole conversation.
