Sister Problems and Table Tennis


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By the time Tom and Marie had all the snacks set up for the party, Kristen was fast asleep. Tom and Marie let Kristen get some rest as they played a few uncomfortable rounds of table tennis; Tom held back, letting Marie win three straight games.

"Marie," Tom said carefully as they wrapped up their final game. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry know...texting your sister last year. You have to believe I never thought things would turn out know."

"I understand," Marie said even though they both knew she was lying. "It's okay. We're square after tonight."

"All right," Tom responded woefully. "I'd like that. I just want things the way they were before."

"Okay, you two," Marie said as she set down her paddle and walked confidently over to the recliner. "Our guests should start arriving pretty soon. Should we go ahead and talk about how this will all go down?"

"Sure," Tom replied anxiously. He sat down on the couch armrest next to Kristen's feet as the older sister tried waking up post nap. "You wouldn't be open to a more private apology, would you?"

"The more you complain, the worse it'll be," Marie scolded. "We are going through with this. Then we can all move on."

"Sorry," Tom quipped. "You know I had to ask."

"Fair enough," Marie said. "I, more than anyone, know exactly how you feel."

"Now let's walk through our plans for the evening," Marie continued. "I think you'll both agree that my terms are fair and give you a fighting chance. I do understand that I played a significant role in what happened last night. I had an opportunity to protect my clothes as well as my pride, and I lost that chance. Kristen, I'm giving you that same opportunity."

"Me?" Kristen snapped. "What do you mean I'll get a chance? I thought Tom was doing the entertaining tonight."

"Yeah," Tom asked. "What about me? Will I get that chance to keep my clothes?"

"A chance for what?" Marie asked Tom. "Didn't you agree to participate in our party? Don't you have something worked out with my sister?"

"I do, but..."

"But nothing," Marie continued. "You gave Kristen your word. If you back out now, that's between the two of you."

"No," Tom insisted. "I get it, and I'm not backing out."

"But, what about me?" Kristen asked. "I thought I was..."

"You're doing what I say today, Kristen," Marie demanded. "The less you whine about it, the easier it'll be for both of us."

Tom and Kristen sat quietly as Marie continued to explain her plans for the party. Tom was going to serve as the evening's host, and he would do so completely naked. Tom would answer the door, and would explain that he lost a bet and was paying up. He was to tell the guests that they should feel free to touch him as they saw fit but that no photos or video would be permitted.

Tom would ask everyone to turn in their cell phones before joining the party. Marie didn't want any uninvited guests showing up, and she didn't want any video or photo evidence making its way to the Internet. After collecting everyone's personal effects, Marie explained, Tom would escort the guests downstairs. After everyone was accounted for, Tom would hold a brief clinic explaining how to serve a Ping-Pong ball. He would also provide any necessary personal training. "Once all our guests are adequately versed in table tennis," Marie continued, "several of them will get a chance to play Kristen."

"They'll be playing me?" Kristen asked.

"I'll explain more once everyone's ready to play," Marie said. "Just understand you'll have a chance to play for your clothes just like I did."

"My clothes?" Kristen asked again. "I thought Tom was going to be the one naked. I...but...I made a deal with him already. I thought that's what you wanted."

"He will be naked," Marie responded matter-of-factly. "That doesn't mean you get a pass; does it?"

"But I made a deal with Tom," Kristen argued. "I did just like you said."

"That's great," Marie responded, "but that's between you and him. If you want out of your DUI, you still have to do what I ask."

"So I have to play table tennis?" Kristen asked.

"That's right," Marie agreed. "If you win our contest, you won't even have to get naked."

"So if I win, I keep my clothes on?" Kristine pressed.

"More on that later. I'll explain when we're ready to play."

Kristen didn't press the issue. As nervous as she was about playing for her clothes again, she was used to winning such contests.

Chapter Six

Tom stared down at his feet and dragged his heels through the old brown shag carpet. For the first time all day, he seriously considered backing out of his arrangement with Kristen and Marie. Tom had no idea who was invited to this party, but his naked body would be the first thing to greet each and every guest. He would then be expected to give tennis lessons bare-assed naked. Tom also wondered about how the guests would fare against Kristen at table tennis. He would only have an hour or so to teach them. Would they really be able to compete with the same person who bested Marie the night before?

Tom looked up silently at the sisters. He realized that if he backed out, Marie would almost certainly have Kristen arrested for driving under the influence. More so, Tom's relationship with the girls would be ruined forever. It didn't seem right that everything ended up on his shoulders, but he had made a commitment; he had to see it, though. He was going to have to preoccupy himself with the Thanksgiving reward Kristen promised him.

"How much time do we have?" Tom asked.

"Your guests should start arriving in about thirty minutes," Marie responded. Of course, by saying that, she meant that Tom had less than an hour before stripping naked and exposing himself to half their school.

"If it's all right with you," Tom said. "I think I'll go to my room for a few minutes."

"That's fine," Marie conceded. "Take some time. We'll see you soon."

Kristen giggled. "We will see you soon," she added.

"Got it," Tom said as he headed up the stairs. "Thirty minutes."

Marie took the remaining time to finish making preparations for the party while Kristen lay on the couch with her eyes wide open. Marie set out the snacks and put the beer on ice. She then set up a card table by the recliners. She placed a small notepad on the table next to a decorative wicker basket and dumped a bag of cheap ballpoint pens in the container. Finally, Marie set out all of Tom's old table tennis paddles and plastic balls.

The final few minutes ticked by ever so slowly for Tom as he sat in his bedroom looking at his clock. It was just a matter of time before Marie would ask him to take his place, a naked sentinel by his own front door.

Before tonight, Tom didn't have much experience being naked with or in front of women. Even though Tom had dated both sisters, tonight would be the first time either of them would see him without his clothes on. Tom had dated a couple other girls briefly after Marie. He had sex twice with one of them and made out the other. Beyond that, he was practically a virgin.

When Tom had five minutes left, he quickly stripped off his clothes. He wanted to get out to the door on his own before Marie required him to do so. Tom took a look in the mirror. As he inspected his body, he noticed his dick already growing hard. Tom was concerned about hard-ons coming and going throughout the night even though there would be nothing he could do about it. Tom considered jacking himself off but wasn't sure how his body would react. That wasn't an experiment he wanted to play out in front of his friends.

Tom cracked his door open and looked down the hallway toward the living room; Marie and Kristen were most likely still in the basement. Tom crept into the living room and sat on the sofa. He grabbed a couch cushion and placed it over his lap. Tom knew Marie would most likely not permit such modesty, but he was prepared to give it a try. Tom had barely claimed his spot before he heard Marie pounding up the stairs. It was time! His evening was about to begin.

Tom stared at his ex-girlfriend as she walked through the kitchen and into the living room. He felt more vulnerable than at any point in his life. For the next few hours, Tom belonged to Marie. He was hers to expose, to play with, and to humiliate. Tom had to accept this.

"Seriously?" Marie said to Tom as she noticed the couch cushion placed strategically over his lap. "I don't think so."

Tom removed the covering from his lap exposing his erect penis. Marie took her time looking up and down Tom's naked body; she smiled kindly at her ex-boyfriend. While this couldn't erase what Marie had gone through the previous night, it did offer her some level of vindication.

After a few seconds, Tom couldn't take it anymore. Perhaps involuntarily, his hands shot up to his lap covering his dick.

"You can cover yourself with your hands if you want," Marie conceded. "But if any of our guests ask you to drop the hands, you have to do so. Do you understand?"

"Sure. I understand." Tom was thankful for Marie's limited concession.

"And you will make sure the guests know about this?" Marie added.

"I will," Tom agreed nervously. Now he had to tell everyone that they were free to touch him as they saw fit and that they could ask him to drop his hands at any time. In retrospect, Tom wasn't sure this was a better option than just leaving his cock exposed to begin with.

Marie sat on the couch next to her naked ex-boyfriend and rested her left hand on his lap. It was a gesture motivated more out of reassurance than from any sexual advance. Marie wanted Tom to make it through the night, but her sense of justice demanded a reckoning. Tom understood this.

Tom listened for the doorbell to ring. He felt like someone waiting for a punch to the face with his eyes closed. He knew the blow was coming and coming soon; he just didn't know exactly when. Likewise, Tom didn't know who was coming through that door. He just knew it would be humiliating.

"Ding dong ding ding...Ding dong ding ding." The doorbell mocked Tom.

Tom's heart pounded, and his fingers cramped. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't force his body off the couch. Tom fought for every breath of oxygen as his head started spinning.

"Ding dong ding ding...Ding dong ding ding."

"Better jump to it," Marie joked; she patted Tom's upper thigh. "Don't worry. They'll be every bit as surprised to see you."

Tom finally found enough control over his body to push himself off the couch. His bare feet slid one after the other along the white Berber carpet. The door seemed to drift farther away with every step.

"Ding dong ding ding...Ding dong ding ding."

As Tom leaned in toward the peephole, he thought about the last time he looked through the glass. Tom remembered how curious he was that morning when he saw Kristen summoning him. This time, it wasn't Kristen on his doorstep, though. It was...Actually, Tom didn't recognize the two girls in his doorway. Tom pulled the door open toward himself trying to hide his naked body behind the oak entryway. He leaned forward to push the storm door open while remaining hidden from the girls. He looked back at Marie for approval. Marie didn't object to his modesty; she just smiled at how shy her ex-boyfriend had become.

The first girl, a heavy-set redhead grabbed the aluminum handle and pulled the storm door open. Tom was grateful for the assist even though the front door would only hide his secret for a few more seconds. The redhead, like her brunette friend, looked around twenty or twenty-one years old, but he surmised they could be younger.

"Hello?" the redhead asked. "Are we at the right place?"

"Um...yes," Tom stumbled. "You're...Are you...You here for the party?"

"Yeah," the girl said waiting for Tom to ask her inside. "Marie invited us."

"Sure," Tom said. "I mean...You can...Did you want in?"

"We would like that," the girl responded with a curious smile. She was confused by Tom's invitation and conflicting body language. "Is that okay? Are...Are you all right?"

The other girl, a stocky but hardly obese brunette impatiently plowed past her friend and through the doorway.

"Holy shit, Jessie," the brunette said as she stared at Tom's backside. "He's fucking naked."

"What?" Jessie said following her friend into the living room. "No shit. S'up with you, man? I think we might be overdressed for the party."

Tom used his right hand to close the door behind Jessie while holding his manhood with the left. Tom looked back for guidance from Marie, but she was gone. He assumed Marie headed downstairs for the party and left him to fend for himself.

"I'm Sophie," the brunette said extending her hand toward Tom.

Tom shook Sophie's hand. "Hi. I'm Tom."

"And I'm Jessie," the other girl said taking her turn shaking Tom's hand. "So what's goin' on here, Tom? Marie didn't say anything about a naked dude at the door."

"Sorry," Tom said as he cupped his right hand over his left. "It's for...I lost a bet with Marie."

"You sure did lose," Jessie joked. "Didn't you?"

"Yes...I mean I lost," Tom conceded. "I'll be part of your entertainment for this evening." Tom fought a knot in his throat as he continued with his required lines. "You are free to...I mean you are welcome to..." Tom paused again.

"Relax, Tom," Jessie assured. "It's nothin' we haven't seen before."

"Thanks," Tom continued. He was grateful for Jessie's kindness, but he wanted to get this over with and get the girls downstairs. "You can ask me to move my hands anytime you like. You can also touch me if you want. I'm here for your entertainment."

"Wow," Sophie said. "Then why don't you show us the merchandise already."

"Now?" Tom asked. "Already? I'll be here all night."

"You said we can ask, didn't you?" Jessie added. "Well, we're asking you to move your hands."

"Sure," Tom said. "Why not? I also need to get your..."

"Tom," Jessie interrupted kindly. She motioned to his hands still cupped over his penis. "Still covered." Tom slowly dropped his hands to his sides. His hard dick fell forward a few inches then sprung back up to an almost perfect 135-degree angle.

"Very nice," Sophie said stepping closer to Tom. "You did say we could touch it, didn't you?"

"Yes, but..."

Before Tom could get his response out, Sophie's hand snapped around his cock. The brunette didn't stroke or caress him in any way; she just held it firmly like she would a hockey stick. Tom worried that he might cum right in Sophie's hand. After watching Kristen clean his house then take out the trash naked, Tom was ready to blow before ever stripping down. Sophie's cold hand gripping his sensitive skin was almost more than he could bear. Tom tried to push through his spiel despite the brunette holding his dick like her life depended on it. "I need to get your cell phones then I'll be happy to take you downstairs to the party."

"Our cell phones," Jessie scoffed. "I'm not giving you my phone."

"Sorry," Tom answered. "These are Marie's rules. I need your phones if you're gonna stay." Tom was glad for the opportunity to be direct with the duo. To his relief, Sophie released his cock opting instead to rifle through her purse in pursuit of her phone. Tom took the girls' handsets and put them on the table before offering to escort them downstairs. He was careful to walk as far in front of Jessie and Sophie as possible. He didn't want to traverse the stairs with his dick in one of the girl's hands.

Once in the basement, Tom noticed Kristen on the couch gazing at him with a full grin. Kristen's look communicated more than she could ever say. After her own streak into the back yard, Marie's older sister was glad to see someone else in such a vulnerable position. At least for the moment, the scales were weighted back in Kristen's favor, and she was going to enjoy it.

Tom and his guests stood around awkwardly for a few seconds. No one knew what to say until Marie approached and offered her guests something to drink.

"Ding dong ding ding...Ding dong ding ding."

"Sorry," Tom said referring to the doorbell. "I gotta go." He was both glad to escape the basement and nervous about who his next guest might be.

Sophie smacked Tom on the ass as he stepped past her in route to the stairs; Tom's slight jolt was not the reaction his first guests were going for. Jessie took it upon herself to make Tom pay for his minimalist response. As Tom passed Jessie, the husky redhead smacked his bare butt with all her might.

"Shit," Tom yelled jumping forward; his more intense reaction stirred a cacophony of giggles. There was nothing Tom could do. His only option was to retreat back up the stairs to his next set of awaiting guests. Just as the doorbell rang again, Tom peeped through the door scoping out his next guests. As bad as dealing with Sophie and Jessie was, the next group was going to be worse. Matt, Josh, and Nicholas were probably Tom's best friends, at least they were if you didn't count Marie. The three guys were part of the table tennis group Tom tried to start during high school.

Tom knew that he would never hear the end of what was about to happen, but he had to open the door. "Three...Two...One," Tom counted down before ripping the heavy door open and exposing his body to his friends. Tom figured his best option was to try and laugh off his situation. Later he could justify his behavior by sharing his soon-to-be Thanksgiving conquest of Kristen.

"Fuck me with a broom," Matt said when he noticed his friend standing there with his cock out. "What the hell, Tom?"

"Come on in, guys," Tom begged as he covered his dick with both hands. He didn't want to stand there naked in front of the open door. Nicholas closed the door joking that he didn't want Tom to move his hands. The guys took a few jabs at Tom's expense but handled the situation with more class than Tom could have hoped for. Tom told his story about the bet. He then explained the rules including their options to touch him or to ask him to drop his hands at any time. The three passed on both offers. The guys put their own cell phones on the table opting to give Tom full use of both hands. Tom then reluctantly followed his buddies down the stairs. As soon as the guys made it to the basement, however, Tom retreated back to the living room. Tom wanted to avoid any more encounters with Jessie or Sophie, and he was glad for a very brief moment of silence.

With the next doorbell, Tom was surprised to see a large gathering of familiar faces. It was several of his guests from the night before. Sean and Shane, the fraternal twins arrived at the same time as Lucas and Ben. Just as the previous evening, Lucas had brought his little sister, Crystal.

Tom once again went through the rules. The guys cringed when Crystal asked Tom to drop his hands but let Tom display his goods. Lucas pulled his sister back, however, when she tried to cop a quick feel on Tom's dick. The next doorbell ring introduced Jenny and Susan, also guests from the previous night's party. Tom didn't attempt to hide behind the door this time; he wanted to avoid dragging out his humiliation.

"YOU'RE naked now?" Jenny joked.

"People can't seem to keep their clothes on around here," Susan added with a fake scowl.

Since the girls were friends with Marie, Tom never thought about them in any sort of romantic context. Even so, they were decent-looking girls. Jenny was skinny and tall with curly blonde hair. She was a little awkward in social situations, but she was always very nice.

Susan was the prettier of the two girls. She had long straight black hair and a toned figure. If Tom had to rate Susan's looks, he would put her on a scale somewhere between Marie and Kristen. Unfortunately, Tom thought Susan was sort of a bitch. She might have even been more conceited than Kristen, and that was saying something.
