Sisterhood - Temptation Ch. 51


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Katharina's breath left her lungs slowly and she buckled at the knees, slouching against the wall beside the door and sinking. There would surely be another exit from the chamber, but she would have to backtrack and search for it. Then before her haunches reached the floor, she stopped and cocked her head. It occurred to her to wonder why the door had no handles at all nor a lock, not even on the other side. She found she even smiled to herself when she recalled where else she had seen a similar door.

Beneath the Great Hall. She would not be beneath the Great Hall now, and this could not be that same crypt, but it was surely another like it. Having retained a sense of general orientation starting from the northern focus the amphitheater, Katharina placed herself now somewhere along the eastern side of the house, having walked some distance southward underground along the eastern wing, beside it or perhaps beneath it.

She heaved herself back to her feet, and her burden with her. The girl had fallen limp again, and Katharina took a moment to check that the girl was still breathing, felt the girl's torso inflating and then relaxing in long, rasping breaths. Then she turned to peer through the grated iron door into the low light beyond.

The space was indeed a crypt. And very much like that beneath the Great Hall. Katharina could not see much. The space was not lit directly, but there was a steady orange-electric glow from one end out of sight, which cast just enough light that Katharina could make out the shadows of the low arches that crossed the ceiling, and the blocks of tombstones beside the far wall.

Searching the floor, she saw finally a flicker of movement, the silent flip of something slim and glossy twisting idly from side to side. The tail of a cat. Focusing through the darkness, she made out the cat's body and then its eyes. The expression in the cat's eyes was impassive, looking at Katharina and examining her casually, but unfazed by her presence.

Katharina's breath wavered as she pursed her lips. She recalled the hissing sound that Aria had made, and set her tongue to her teeth to do the same. To her surprise, the cat lifted itself immediately to its feet and trotted slowly forward towards her. There was a pause, just long enough for Katharina to despair for a splitsecond that nothing had happened, and then the door swung slowly inward, juddering as it moved.

She felt herself again on the edge of sobbing, at the pathos of this tiny triumph overwhelmed by her recent failures, one last thing that she had still got right. She walked through into the chamber. After the uneven dust floor of the long chamber she had just traversed, the flagstones of the crypt were smooth and cool against the soles of her feet.

The cat slunk to Katharina's side and arched itself to rub at her leg. She looked down and saw its dark fur, mottled lighter in patches. It was not one that she had seen elsewhere in the house, as far as she could recall. Its expression was still blank.

Katharina looked around, turning to the wall behind her, and found the second gated doorway. She saw the upward-leading staircase beyond. Upward, back into the Summer House. But now that she knew where she was, she knew suddenly and finally also where she was going. It was the only choice left to her, the only one that she felt she could still face, that left her perhaps a slender avenue to redemption, but without forcing her to confront it right now, in her state of shame.

She ascended the stairs quickly, powered by fresh resolution. They spiraled up and round, and in what felt like several heaving strides she achieved the top and a door. She reached out and put her palm to the wood, forcing herself to act and push it open before she could waver.

Beyond, the light was suddenly dazzling, to the point of pain. It was sunlight. The airy clean sunlight of the house at daybreak. Katharina noticed then how much her eyes had filmed with moisture. She saw only a glistening blur before her, the impression of a long corridor with tall pointed arch windows and green beyond. She blinked and felt the first tear break and roll down over the blushed hot skin of her cheek. Sensing that more tears would be on the way if she hesitated and gave herself any time to reflect, she pivoted and searched quickly for the huge wooden double doorway that she guessed must be nearby.

When she found it she dashed, the girl on her shoulder jolting and bumping as Katharina's quick strides jogged her up and down. The girl groaned and Katharina heaved her forward to set her gently down on the floor, slumped seated against the wizened wood of the doors.

There was a splitsecond in which Katharina hesitated. But she found nothing in her hesitation, only a strange peace at the prospect of escape, and of rest. She smacked the heel of her hand against the door and thumped hard several times. The sound echoed away through the space of the house's tall corridors. There were several seconds more of agony, time enough to waver after all, to regret, then resolve, then regret again, and then finally a wooden slat at head height slid away to reveal a rectangular grilled peephole in the door. The eyes just visible behind the black gauze of a veil looked at Katharina, questioned without speaking.

Katharina replied, "Refuge."

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Just_SomeGuyJust_SomeGuy4 days ago

Sorry if I came off negative. I actually think it's a sign of the quality of your character work that it bothered me so much. Despite the obviously wild and sometimes fantastical circumstances the characters found themselves in, I thought they always behaved as real people would have in their shoes. It's a fascinating world you've created. Hopefully we will see our heroine again. I think she would be a much more formidable adversary for the people who did this to her than they clearly think she would. Do you think you will move beyond that night once you finish with the third volume? Katherina has all of this power now. She deserves a chance to use it to plot and fuck her way to revenge. 😂 There's also the matter of her child. I feel like she is the type of person that might, in spite of her own perceptions of who she is, become quite fierce and focused once she learns that there is a tiny someone out there depending on her. "Soft" people don't seem so soft when you come between them and their children.

pickleherringpickleherring7 days agoAuthor

Hi Just_SomeGuy. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and I am happy to hear you loved the book, even if not the ending. It is always very interesting for me to hear what people make of the story, what theories you all come up with.

Maybe I did feel the need to punish Katharina for being too nice. But on the plus side, she does get to be a sexy nun for a bit, har har.

Just_SomeGuyJust_SomeGuy9 days ago

I have strong feelings about the ending, but I really did love the book. I'll start by saying that.

As for the way things ended for Katherina, I am extremely sad. Of all the people in the cult she is one of the few, if not the only one of the characters we know, that is a totally good person with only the best intentions. The extent to which she was manipulated is heart breaking and approaches George R. R. Martin levels of cynicism. Everything she loved was snatched away from her in the span of about 30 minutes by Anna, Lena, Julie, Ellen, and maybe Miriam, although it seems as though she was also coerced. Maybe there were more conspirators than that, but I feel certain of the others. Worst of all she has the boon as a constant reminder of it while she wastes away in a Catholic convent. What better place to be stuck dealing with crippling guilt? I the boon is for life. Maybe one day she can enjoy it for her trouble, but it feels like it probably only lasts for a year until the next rite is performed. Otherwise why do it on the same day every year?

I think that this also isn't the only time this has happened. How else could Lena have cast the sex trance spell on Leah non-verbally, in the baths, if she had never observed the rite before? They want pregnancy, and Leah's vision of inhaling the pillar of divine energy and getting pregnant are worrying. Even after everything that happened to her in that one night I doubt Leah would have had becoming a prophet and divine vessel for the pagan god of a sex-cult down on her list of potential outcomes.

I have a lot more thoughts but this is already getting long. Thanks for the stories.

pickleherringpickleherringabout 1 year agoAuthor

Anon thank you it is lovely to hear that you enjoyed the story behind the unrelenting sex. I confess that many of the loose ends you identify here are things that I have yet to work out, or in some cases even think about. Obvs I don't want to constrain the story too much by giving any specific answers now, but here is the general state of my thoughts:

Will Yvonne tell anyone about her last run-in with Katharina? I guess for the sake of maintaining the suspense and the mystery about Katharina's fate, Yvonne probably doesn't spill. Or if she does nobody believes her because she is normally so full of shit.

Will anyone bother to retrieve Miriam's discarded pet? Oops, I hadn't even really thought about this one. How callous of me! But let's say that they do. She has a cute butt after all.

Will Ivy truly leave the Sisterhood? This is a side story that I am working on right now and will probably be the next one I publish.

Vera and Lia. They both appear quite a bit in what I have written so far of the third book.

The magic and what it means to be touched by the Goddess. For the moment I am imagining this as just a recurring boon that she bestows upon those who worship her in the rite. So the Seven Sisters gain some charisma and power of enchantment by it, but nothing devastating. For Katharina its biggest import is as a confirmation of the power and the reality of the Goddess' magic, something that will keep her interested in the Sisterhood even if she has retreated from it for the time being.

Thanks for reading my silly dickgirl story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Very impressive series! I'm surprised how dramatic this second book's ending was. While Leah's evening in the first book met with an ambiguous happy ending, Katharina's whole future seems to be in jeopardy. So many questions hang in the air. Will Yvonne tell anyone about her last run-in with Katharina? Will anyone bother to retrieve Miriam's discarded new pet? Will Ivy truly leave the Sisterhood? Even Vera and Lia come to mind. I'm especially interested in the magic and what it means long-term to be touched by the hand of the Goddess.

Each individual girl, the rooms and corridors of the summer house, the unrelenting sex and the emotions of the protagonists are described so completely that it all lingers in my mind days after finishing it. I actually care what happens next in what, at first, I expected to be just another silly dick-girl story. Congratulations on elevating this fun, bizarre genre and thank you for sharing!

pickleherringpickleherringabout 1 year agoAuthor

Haha thanks kinghamsaduck! I am very glad to hear you enjoyed this book too. I am especially glad to know that Katharina's character came through for you. Her being very insecure and led around by some of the other girls, but starting to break out and assert herself (if haphazardly), this is exactly what I wanted to show about her.

lol I can't promise I'll give her many breaks any time soon, but maybe eventually.

kinghamsaduckkinghamsaduckabout 1 year ago

What a great book you've written. Incredibly sexy and intriguing! Can't wait for the next one. I kinda just wanted to sort out my thoughts right after finishing it haha.

Dang, I just really feel bad for our girl Katja. She is indeed too kind but I loved seeing her learn about herself. It felt like the natural progression of someone whose incredibly insecure about their body but making strides to break out of that shell.

I feel like I empathize with POV characters too much. I felt that in her journey, Katja just was led around by the nose the whole time. She wanted to please people to an unhealthy degree but I guess that is something she's aware of. I am also ping-ponging between the thoughts of whether she truly enjoyed her escapades or not. I felt bad for her. I felt like she is such a sweet girl but just couldn't catch a break. I am glad she's starting to realize that things won't work with Ivy. I hope Katja can find love...maybe with this new girl. I have a lot more thoughts but don't wanna write toooooo much more! Thanks again for the great work!

Give our girl a break yo! haha

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

first series was good but 2nd was just outstanding , i loved katja as a main character due to her good intentions and keen intellect , the spark between her and ivy and her ascend ( or descend ) is still a question , i hope nothing bad happens to her , i am waiting for a new story to answer these questions , lets see what happens

pickleherringpickleherringover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you rorr82 for sharing your thoughts! Yes, the next book will include a scene for Lia in which we see where she went after being tied up.

rorr82rorr82over 1 year ago

I loved this series, sad to see it end but cant wait for the next series. Ur amazing writer with a great mix of sexiness n story build up. Thank you for sharing ur talents with us. Will we learn what happened to Lia when she was tied up n given as a gift???

pickleherringpickleherringover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you again Anon! I really appreciate people taking the time to share their reactions. And knowing what you all did (and didn't) like helps me calibrate my ideas for future stories. I have tried to provide a variety of characters. Some have a lot going on, others are somewhat more frivolous caricatures. Mari and Yvonne are both fairly extreme, mostly intended for some fun comic/erotic shenanigans. Interesting to hear that you did not like Mari. Not so many people have commented on her so far, so I don't have a clear idea of how she was received. And you are a very very bad person for liking Yvonne (joke of course, I love her too, she's a fantasy; if I met her in real life I'd probably punch her in the face after max two minutes of conversation).

Regarding your thoughts on where we go from here, Leah after the rite is indeed my current idea for the book after next. As I mentioned, I have one more story in this timeline that I want to tell first. But then I want to move on to Leah's pregnancy and her shifting relationships with the other girls as she become more involved in their politics. Anna's intrigues behind the scenes will be a part of it too.

I like the idea of Ellen's growing jealous. I will have to think about what Ellen might do if Lisa begins to favor Josephine. Ellen is very attached to Lisa and also very proud of her role as a 'senior' pet, but on the other hand I have tried to make her an intelligent and self-confident character, and I don't think she would do anything drastic. Probably she would be spurred to compete and to prove herself. I have to think about it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Poor Katja. I think Katja realized that she isn’t what Ivy needs. A harsh blow to take after everything that happened. And no one's really to blame.

Yvonne comes across as a dysfunctional sadist. Willing to hurt anyone for her pleasure. What a bitch.

But still like reading about her. What does it say about me?

If you are looking for suggestions after your next book:

I would love a full arc on Leah after the rite.

Leah and Lena are obviously a little bit in love with each other. But in one of the side stories, I had the feeling that Leah is crushing hard on Julie. And what about her first crush Marianne? Is Anna still trying to make Lena miserable by interfering with Leah? And will Katja take responsibility for the child and how will their relationship be?

I’ld also enjoy reading more about Lisa and Ellen maybe in a side story.

They apparently love each other. That was hinted on in your story.

But how is the dynamic between them and the other ka’ini. In particular since Josephine joined the group. Will Lisa turn her attention towards Josephine? And what will Ellen do when she gets jealous?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I loved read this book. And couldn’t wait for the next chapter to drop.

I must admit I had my problems with the first third of the book. I found it a little flat and had a slow pacing.

Maybe it was because I didn't connect that much with Katja and Ivy at first. It took me a little time to root for them. Another big factor was definitely Mari. I simply didn’t like this character and she was in a lot of chapter from the start. It caused me speed reading through some parts.

If you had shortened and combined a few chapters at the beginning I feel it would have been perfect.

But don't understand me wrong, I still enjoyed every chapter. Especially when Anna, Lena and Vera were involved. They are such fascinating and mysterious characters that you already knew something was up and I was icing to find out. Plus, you always encountered some beloved characters from „Initiation“ that you wanted to find new intrigues and stories about. But above all the backstory about the sisterhood and the rite as well as the politics and the plotting against each other were gripping reasons.

Once Katja and Ivy had a few sweet moments and meet their companions to The North Wing, things became truly captivating. I mean the last 20-30 parts were just excellent. And it all culminated in an epic finale with the rite and boon. This last chapter made me feel a little sad for Katja, but it was still splendid.

It’s an magnificent series and I'll recommend both books to everyone. I can’t wait for the next book. So Author, hurry up!

pickleherringpickleherringover 1 year agoAuthor

The end! That is all from Katharina for the moment. She will be back eventually, but other characters will take the lead in the meantime. I have just got started on Book III. As with this book, draft chapters will be on my HF page first, then once I am happy with them they will come here. Expect to wait about as long as the gap between Book I and this one. There will be a few bonus short scenes in the interim. PH

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