Sky High After Dark


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Aron edged himself around his family and ducked into the lab. Thinking he was safe for the moment. Gently peeling off the leather casing that protected the delicate electronics of the glove. Moving the magnifying glass down, the two broken wires enhanced by the glass. Listening to the sniffs and tears as he suspected they were watching the videos Veil had saved of his grandfather.

"Hello nephew," Aminah greeted as she stood in the doorway of the lab. Looking around the lab at all the equipment that lined the counters. "What's this?" she asked, as she stood in front of Aron's three new dry erase broads that held the temporal equation that he's been working on.

"Please, don't touch..."

"I would never Aron, I'm just surprised to see this level of math outside of my own lab," Aminah said, her eyes running over the equation.

"What?!" Aron stammered.

"What? Were you under the impression that you were the only one that inherited Void's intelligence" Aminah asked, peering over her shoulder. Smirking at her nephew, she was always drawn to smart men, while her brothers were very nice to look at, yet when she would begin to speak of her experiments back at their base they would always get a glazed over look in their eyes knowing they had no clue what she was talking about.

"Yeah, I kind of was," Aron admitted. Trying not to notice how good his aunt's ass looked in that suit.

"Void, she was the one that created the jet bike and car for your parents."

"Wow, a functioning AI, who built you?" Aminah asked, looking up to the ceiling.


"How fast can you process information?" Aminah queried as she walked around the lab.

"Void clocked me at 0.000000004 nanoseconds per second of my processer transfer rate." Aminah whistled as her fingertips skimmed along the counters surface.

"That's very impressive."

"Thank you."

"So Aron, tell me why are you trying to time travel?" Aminah asked, as her eyes ran down her nephew's back as she watched him micro soldering the two broken connections.

"I'm not, I'm trying to prove that Void came from the future," Aron stated, the hot iron hissed as it ran over the wet sponge before placing it in the holder. Attaching a power supply to the leads, "How's that Veil?"

"I detect no irregularities in the glove."

"Aron what do you mean? Do you suspect my grandfather came from the future?"

"Here. Have a look and you tell me a man from the '20s could make this level of micro circuits much less program an AI as advanced as Veil is," Aron said, sliding off the stool and moving out of the way. Watching how she tied her reddish-brown hair back as took his seat. He tried not to let his eyes follow the sway of his aunt's 32D breasts as she leaned forward and peered through the magnifying glass.

"Yes, yes, I see what you mean. I can see why you think Void came from the future given the level of technology in the glove alone," Aminah said, looking up at her nephew. "Given that they were only using vacuum tubes at the time, and the integrated circuit wasn't even a wet dream yet," she stated her lush lips formed into a libidinous smile. "Have you had many of those?"

"So not answering that," Aron muttered looking way just as his uncle Neil walked in.

"I always wondered what was in this place," Neil mused surveying the room as his brothers, sister, mother and father, his other two aunts and Carl filed in. Retaking his seat and equally as gentle as he took it off slipping the leather cover back on. He had almost damaged it when Aminah pressed her breasts against the back of his neck.

"You like my breasts don't you Aron?" Aminah purred, her hand reached up and lowered the zipper of her suit low enough that the suit was only hanging on by the hardness of her nipples. Thrusting his head back into their lush valley, it got her so hot being with a man who was as intelligent as Aron appeared to be.

"He's a guy and you got your huge melons all over him, so of course he does," Tazia said rolling her eyes, she's always been jealous of her sisters' bust size compared to her 32A breasts.

"As compared to that washboard you call a chest," Aminah giggled wickedly.

"Watch it boobizilla," Tazia growled narrowing her eyes. Crossing her arms below her breasts as she wore a button down flannel shirt, and blue jeans to play up her tomboy appearance.

"Or what you'll poke me in the eye with a rib," Aminah teased. "Why don't you leave us and come back when your breasts grow..."

"Knock it off Aminah," Neil sighed in a big brother voice.

"And I have a bone to pick with you," Tazia said, eyeing her nephew.

"Oh?" Extricating his head from the gravity well of his aunt's breasts playing off that he noted the pinkness of her left areola. "I don't believe I've done anything wrong."

"You did! You beat that man, I had dibs on him!" Tazia exclaimed as she marched over to the table. A metal ping rang out as her elbow hit the table as her metallic skin raced across her body. "Now you have to prove you're stronger."

"Why?" Aron asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Because I'm your aunt and I'm older!" Tazia stated thinking that was a logical explanation. "Unless you're chicken?" Aron looked over at his mother silently asking her if she was always like this.

"If you can surpass me honey, I know this shouldn't be a problem," Vera said, smiling at her son. Knowing this was just like Tazia when she was interested in someone. She knew her sister came off as brash and a loudmouth, yet deep down Tazia was a sweet woman with a self-conscious for her lack of bust size. However, she was only a loud mouth and brash to those she cares about. It was how she showed them she loved them.

"Think what you want Aunt Tazia I won't be baited into childish ploys," Aron sighed.

"So what you're saying is that you're afraid your aunt will kick your ass, is that it?" Tazia asked, with a childish smirk.

"This is so juvenile," Aron sighed deeply.

"Well then, the only way to shut me up is to prove me wrong."

"Can't believe I'm doing this," Aron grumble as Tazia's fingers wrapped around his hand.

Aminah placed her hand over theirs, "3," the movement of her orbs caused them to spill out of her suit, "2," shooting Aron a smile as his eyes followed their sway, "1!"

Aron stared past his aunt bored of this little game as Tazia grunted, cursed, and even cheated using both hands and still his hand hadn't moved an inch as he rested his chin in his other hand. "You done yet?" he asked, once four minutes had passed.

"Why can't I..."

"Because I'm super strong," Aron stated rolling his eyes. Moreover, he wasn't expecting his aunt to lean over the table and plant a titillating kiss on his lips that weakened his resolve.

"Yes! In your face!" Tazia cried joyously.

Aron stared down at his hand wondering how he could lose. Only to feel Aminah's fingers on his chin turning it towards her. His eyes shot wide as her tongue rolled in his mouth. His hands had a mind of their own as they rose and captured those hanging fruit. Aminah pulled away, feeling her nipples rolling beneath Aron's palms. Her dew gathering along her labia as... tossing her head back, releasing a shuddering moan as she came. Aron so didn't know that could happen.

"Troy," Tazia spoke softly as she snuggled up to her nephew, "do you think my breasts are small?"

"Nah, but I'm more of an ass man myself," Troy said, his arm moving around her waist and gently squeezing her ass.

"Is my ass better than hers?" Tazia queried shooting her sister a look.

"Hmm... yours is small, tight, and firm, just how I like 'em!" Troy said, smiling down at his aunt.

"Then I choose you to be my first tonight," Tazia said, wrapping her arms around him.

"If we're going to start pairing off..." Chery quickly appeared at Noah's side, "I think I need to refresh your memory," Chery said, lustfully.

Like always in how he moved Carl appeared out of thin air as he placed his arm along Vera's shoulders. Giving his eyebrows a wiggle causing her cheeks to blush. Neil's arm stretched out across the room due to his stretching powers and slowly brought Isabel to his side.

"Honey, I know this is new for you..."

"Leave me out of it," Aron stated backing away from his aunt who had a very perplexed look on her face.

"You sure?"

"Very. Eleven is not an even number and I'm not about to be another banana in the basket," Aron said, he had no interest in orgies as this appeared to be turning out to be.

"Aron we so have to work on this attitude of yours, you can't be a hero and part of a..." Neil's voice fell silent as Aron brushed off his hand.

"For the last time I am not a hero, how many times must I say that," Aron uttered in annoyance.

"You sure about that Aron, you sure did look all heroic when you protected me today," Chery said, looking over at him, as she teased Noah's manhood.

Sighing loudly as he rubbed his forehead, "Listen I got work to do, so if you don't mind," Aron said, shooing them out of the lab.

"You sure this is what you want Aron?" Vera asked, she had thought, given their encounter, Aron would be more willing.

"I'm sure, I need to repair Veil so if you don't mind, you're cluttering my lab."

"Don't worry Aron, we'll have our time," Aminah said, winking her eye at him before looping her arm around Lyle.

"Okay Aron, dinner will be in two hours," Vera said sadly, getting one last look at her son before disappearing around the corner.


"Yes Veil," Aron spoke as he opened his laptop. "Veil tie into Bob's interface and run a diagnostic for me."

"Of course, Void. Void why did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Send them away, when I indicate that you were aroused by the idea."

"That might be true Veil, but I'd just be the odd man out, and I would end out on the sidelines looking like a fool," Aron stated, "Veil?"

"Yes Void?"

"Can you manufacture something inhouse if I send you the formula?" Aron asked, knowing he was going to have to replace the micro filament he had used in the drones.

"Yes. Yet if the heat I detected between your legs, is an indicator of your arousal, why do you deny yourself?"

"I've sent it to you," Aron spoke sliding off the stool. Grabbing the coat so Veil could reload the missiles he had used. "As to why, I rather enjoy our conversations Veil. That in and of itself is a form of pleasure."

"That's a complicated formula Void. It will take twenty-four hours to produce. Shall I start it now? I enjoy our chats as well Void. However, I am a computer program I cannot give your organic body what it needs."

"Yes. There's more to life than just sex Veil," Aron said, stepping back as the booth's door rolled closed. "Veil start the reloading process for the missiles I used."

"Understood. The diagnostic is completed. I detect no problems with the software nor the hardware."

"Thank you, Veil. Well, Bob, you're as good as I can make you. Time for a proper field test," Aron said, looking lovingly down at his creation.


"Sis? What did Aron mean when he said he wasn't a hero?" Tazia asked, as she and her other two sisters helped Vera prepare dinner for them all.

"I think Aron thinks if he becomes one he'd be forgotten like Mom and Dad where when The Commander came on the scene," Vera sighed.

"That's just silly, I know those men he saved today won't ever forget him," Tazia said, rolling her eyes.

"And tell me again why my son was there and why you five needed saving?" Noah asked, as he looked at his wife's relatives.

"The agency we work for has been tracking this new terrorist group that came onto the scene a few years ago. These people aren't like your average terrorist group, they aren't after some political agenda, they haven't racked up countless innocent dead bodies, or doing it for some perverse religious idea. Most of the time this group gets some low level thugs to do their more mundane tasks like robbing banks and such..." Vera's body stilled remembering back to the night of the bank robbery, "I don't know how the NSA got their hands on one of their members, yet they were able to get some very good intel out of the man," Neil said, looking into his glass.

"Why didn't you call us, we would have helped you out," Troy said, crossing his arms as he sat across from his uncle.

"There was no time, we had to move on the intel before they learned that we had one of theirs," Chery spoke in a commanding tone. "It would have taken too much time bring you all up to speed. We weren't prepared for the mercenaries they had hired to protect that place. The mission was going downhill, I don't know how Aron knew how to find us or why he showed up when he did. I'm glad he did, otherwise it could have gotten really bad."

"So you all relied on my untrained..."

"Oh, Aron's been trained, I don't know who trained him, but he's been trained very well," Carl interrupted.

"Explain what you meant by my son's been trained, or you can forget about tonight or any other night," Vera growled pointing her paring knife threateningly at her brother.

"The way Aron moved today, it sort of reminded me of how Dad first trained us," Tazia swooned dreamily.

"Vera, your son, hasn't just been trained to fight... but to kill as well," Carl stated seeing the horror in his sister's eyes.


"Aron dinner!" Isabel's voice came over the intercom.

"Void you should eat. It won't do you any good if you fall over if you work yourself too hard."

"In a minute," Aron muttered as his pencil moved over the sketch pad. Blowing softly on the eraser crumbs as he stared down at the metal structure of the robotic hand he was designing.


"I'm going, I'm going," Aron muttered flipping the pad closed to hide what he's worked on from Veil's ever watchful eye. "Love ya, Veil," he said, as he walked out the door.

"Aron you know the rule no work at the dinner table," Noah said, in a fatherly voice.

"Let me get this down and I'll stop," Aron muttered, deep in thought as he mentally did the math.

"Aron what are you working on?" Aminah asked, leaning over as she saw his pencil moving across the paper. It reminded her so much of how focused she could be. Arching an eyebrow as Aron flipped the pad closed.

"New project," Aron muttered dipping his roll into the gravy.

"Aron," gently placing her hand on his arm, "I'm not going to steal your work. I'd like to help if I can. Especially with what you're working on, on that board of yours. If what you hypothesize is true I would really like to know."

"Aron, tell me, why aren't you at the hero school?" Carl asked, digging into the mound of food to keep his calorie intake up due to how much he burns through when he uses his superspeed.

"Yeah, I've been wondering why you hid your powers in the first place. What I saw today, you could be great," Neil said, to which Aron's mother nodded along.

"How hard is it to understand, I have no interest in becoming one?" Aron asked, as he took a bite of his green beans. Hoping that, that would put an end to their needless prying. He peered out the corner of his eye as Aminah studied the drawings he had made of the head unit, the chest, the brain, and the hand for the protype android body he was contemplating on building to serve as a backup for Veil should the suit and the mainframe be damaged beyond repair. Watching how she was deep in thought as her eyes ran over the equation he was forming for the power supply.

"Would you mind?" Aminah asked, pointing at his pencil. A smile formed on her lips as her nephew peered over her shoulder as she helped to solve the power return problem he was having.

"That makes sense," Aron nodded in understanding.

"And this," flipping back to the cross sections of the photonic brain he had designed, "are you thinking of using this to transport information?" Aminah asked, writing the Greek symbol for gamma (the designation given for a photon), on the bottom of the page. She would have to be content with the smirk on his lips.

"Aminah?! Not everyone here approves of how the two of you talk in code at the dinner table," Vera said, narrowing her eyes at her sister. Hating that Aminah could relate to her son on his level.

"Oh? So you just mean you," Aminah said, smirking at her sister. "But your right, it was rude of me when Aron had put his work away. I apologize." Flipping the pad closed and handing it back to Aron.

"Nerds," Tazia snorted and rolled her eyes.

"Well, this nerd knows how to increase your cup size without medical enhancements," Aron said, noting how Aminah's hand covered her mouth to keep from spitting out her drink. Seeing the humorous light in her blue eyes as she instantly caught on to what he was saying.

"Watch it nephew that's dangerous territory your in," Tazia said darkly, as she pointed her fork at Aron.

"Who me? Nah, for you that's a probability," Aron retorted.

"Okay, Mr. I have a big brain, how exactly are you going to do that, hmm?" Tazia asked angrily, taking a bite of her baked chicken.

"Are you ovulating?" Aron asked, as the table went deathly silently except for Aminah who nearly fell over dying of laughter.

"W-what?!" Tazia stammered.

"Come on sis, it's obvious what he's stating," Chery said, joining in on the teasing.

"Aron it's not polite to tease your aunt like that," Vera spoke in a motherly voice.

"Who said I was teasing?" Aron asked, tilting his head as he looked at his mother. Watching how she sat there in shock, her fork slipping from her grip and landing on her plate.

The table shook, Tazia's chair skidded back and fell backwards landing in a loud clang, her hands struck the table jarring their glasses. "Are you saying you're going to get me pregnant?!" Tazia nearly shouted, her chest heaved, her nipples were detailed as they pressed against her shirt. She couldn't deny how the thought aroused her.

"Me? Did I state that? No. I simply stated I knew how to increase your cup size. Here I thought I was being a good and caring nephew helping his aunt out who clearly thinks the size of her breasts are important," Aron taunted as he took a sip of his drink. Feeling Aminah's hand beating against his arm, as she was laughing so hard she couldn't draw breath. Looking over at his father as he sighed.

"I don't believe I have to say this, there is to be no sex at the dinner table."

Arching an eyebrow as Tazia pushed off the table. His eyes following after her as she walked behind Neil only to stop at his side. "What're ya doing?" Aron queried.

"Shut up," Tazia said, in a pouting voice as she unbuttoned her shirt. "Look at them Aron, take a good long look at your aunt's breasts," holding her shirt open flashing her nephew, "are you telling me you don't have a problem with their size, when you've already fondled hers?" she asked, jutting her chin towards her sister.

"I don't... I don't see a problem with them. They appear to be firm and perky. Why do you ask?" Aron stated truthfully.

"Then touch them if you don't," Tazia said, her eyes silently telling him she needed this, she needed someone to say her breasts were prefect. That they felt good in his hand, that they would gaze at her chest like she had seen people gazing at her sisters' busts. Tazia bit her lip as Aron's hands explored her chest. Feeling her hardening buds sliding between his fingers as they instinctively closed around them. Whimpering as his appendages lightly tugged on them.

"Okay, I still don't see a problem with them," Aron stated.

"You really liked them?" Tazia asked, feeling her cheeks heat as she closed her shirt.

"Yeah, they're different than Mom's and Aminah's, but they're very nice in their own right. Like I said, they're nice and firm, oh and, let us not forget perky," Aron said, truthfully. Leaning back, as Tazia placed her right hand on the back of his chair and her left hand of the lip of the table. Her shirt hanging open, he couldn't keep his eyes from darting down every few seconds.
