Sky High After Dark


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"Then why won't you join us tonight?" Tazia asked, her nose a few inches away from his. Her light green eyes searching his.

"Because six bananas in a boat is six too many for my tastes."

"So you're saying if it was one on one, you wouldn't have a problem suckling on them?" Tazia asked, her eyes glancing down to her chest.

"No I wouldn't, I still don't see why small breasts are a problem."

"Do you have a small cock?" Tazia queried, glancing down to Aron's crotch.

"I can tell you he does not. A tad smaller than Noah is," Vera said, proudly.

"Really?" Chery and Aminah asked in unison.

"Mmmhmm," Vera nodded.

"And Aron doesn't get tired holding me up when he fucked me against the wall," Isabel said, shooting her brother a lustful look.

"Then you won't know what it's like being surrounded by a sea of boobs that make mine seem like mole hills..." Biting her lip as Aron began to fondle her once again.

"Take no offense when I say this," he said to his family members, "I might not know what its like to feel your worth based on these," listening to Tazia moan as he pinched her nipple, "I do know what's it like to be surrounded by people of lesser intellect, that doesn't mean you're stupid," feeling his brothers starting to fume, "knowing I have to dumb down my words so they can comprehend what I'm saying. So you shouldn't worry about their breast sizes. These will always stay perky, you should think on that when those thoughts start to form," Aron stated pulling his hands away.

"Wow. Did Aron just actually say something nice? Has the world ended?!" Troy said, in shock. Aron rolled his eyes at his brother's words.

"I'll keep that in mind Aron..." Her eyes glanced down as Aron's phone rang in his pocket.

"Aron... we talked about this..." Vera's words were cut off as Aron rose from his seat and walked into the other room.

"What's that about?" Tazia asked, looking over at her sister.

"How would I know?" Shrugging her shoulders, "Aron hasn't been home in three years, who knows what he's done in that time," Vera said, her hurt finding its way into her words. "It's not like he opens up to one of us."

"It's going to be okay sis," Chery said, rubbing Vera's back. Feeling her sister tense as Aron walked back into the room and plucked the sketch pad from under his chair.

"Have to go to work," Aron said, offhandedly. "Loved dinner Mom." His voice trailed after him as he entered the living room.

"Aron!" Vera called out after him her worry was clear as day.

"Yeah?" His face appeared around the doorframe.

"You be safe okay?"

"Yes Mom, no fighting electric powered villains," Aron joked as he walked towards the elevator.

"What did he mean by that?" Neil asked, confused.

"A little over two weeks ago we," gesturing to her children and husband, "were fighting a giant robot that was attacking downtown. Noah and Troy got hurt and we weren't damaging it in the least. So I called the one person I knew that wouldn't be harmed or so I thought."

"Aron got electrocuted, I thought he was dead but I was able to get his heart going again," Isabel said, cutting in.

"Yet the multiple .50 caliber bullets he took at point blank range didn't even phase him," Lyle recounted.

"Sit sister," Aminah said, patting Aron's seat.


"Void? Is something wrong?"

"We have work to do. Do a check on your weapon systems we might need them," Aron said, pulling the coat off the mannequin.

"Roger... all system are green. Are you suspecting more trouble than you can handle?"

"Perhaps," Aron agreed as his arm slid through the sleeve.

"Understood, disengaging safe locks."

"Aron! Wait!" Tazia called out as he was halfway to the jet bike as the elevator doors rolled open.

"Yeah?" Watching how she ran up to him. Aron had a perplexed look on his face when she pulled off his mask. Just like the kiss before he was left breathless all over again. He felt his arms moving, pulling her tightly against him as their kiss lasted more than a minute.

"That's for making me feel good about my breasts, and to tell you to come back quickly. Cause I really want to feel your lips on them," Tazia said, with a smile on her face as she backed away. "Now whoever you're going off to face show them no quarter, as my grandfather would have said, if he had lived."

"Right." Aron wondered why she looked more feminine as she stood there watching him with her hands behind her back. "Veil switch to assault mode," Aron commanded as he shot down the tunnel.

"Incoming transmission from Agent Honeybell, shall I put it through?"

"Go ahead," Aron said, when they were halfway to their target location.



"You'll be going in alone. Do you think you can handle that?"

"Shouldn't be a problem, do I detect a bit of worry in your voice?" Aron teased.

"... Maybe, did you think I took those pictures just for you to look at and not want to see if you would bend me over?"

"Umm... I think these people are so going to be confused when I drop in."

"Why? Did that get you hard?" Honeybell asked, with a slight chuckle.

"A little bit," Aron admitted.

"Good. I hoped it would. Don't worry this line is secure so it's just you and me on here. So let me ask, did you... jack off to them?"

"I plead the 5th."

"Mmm... just what I wanted to hear. You know I know about your family right?"

"Do what?!" Aron asked confused, as she dropped that bomb on him.

"Did you think I wouldn't do an in-depth background check on them when I was assigned as your handler? And that went back to your great-grandfather. You sort of look like him."

"Wait. Wait. You have a picture of Void?" Aron asked, his interest pegged.

"Sure do, maybe I'll let you see it when this mission is over, and the mission isn't over until your back safely and my legs wrapped around you."

"Yeah, I'm gonna need fly into a cold front here soon," Aron joked, he felt a smile lifting the corners of his lips at her laugher. "So... what exactly do you know about them?"

"Everything. What's it like fucking your sister and mother?"

"Were you watching?"

"No. your base is too tightly guarded to get a bug in there. However, your house isn't, but fear not that was my own bug and not the agency's. And are they really going to have an orgy, that sounds... interesting."

"Can we not talk about things that would make it hard for me to face murderous villains with a straight face?!"

"Can your suit display video?"

"Yes," Aron stated when Veil silently confirmed to keep her presence hidden. His eyes widen as Honeybell's moans vibrated his ear drums as she DPed herself with two different dildos. Listening how she called out his real name as she thrust those rubberized phallus' deep into her ass and cunt. Watching how she hurriedly pulled the dildo from her pussy and loudly slapped that wet, soaked peach. Rubbing her clit until she released a squirt that landed on her bed two feet away. "Holy?!"

"Like what you see?" There was an amused uplift in her voice as she said that.

"Umm... yeah."

"Good. I took that after the night of the bank robbery so I'd be as tight as I could be for when I fuck you."

"O-okay, I have to ask, why me?" Aron asked, slowing the bike and switching it over to hover mode. He so couldn't fight with a raging hard-on. Spinning around on the seat looking down at the lake below them to make sure no one would wonder why he was just hovering there in the middle of nowhere.

"You want me to be honest?"


"I find you cute, and I kind of want to watch your family's love up close. Void, what are you doing... are you jacking off right now?" Honeybell asked, hearing his increased breathing.

"You want honesty?"

"Mmmhmm," Honeybell purred.

"Yes, I am."

"Can you show me?"

"Tying into your phone." Nodding his head in understanding as Veil typed out her response.

"Is this live?"


"Oh fuck yes, stroke that cock for me. Fuck this is making me wet," Honeybell lightly moaned. "Void I have my hand down my pants, and rubbing my clit thinking it was my mouth on that cock... fuck did it just swell?!" Aron could almost see her drooling. "Oh fuck Void, I'm going to cum... that's it keep beating that cock as you listen as I..." Aron couldn't hold it as he listened as she mewed and panted in her throes of her orgasm. "Fuck, I so needed that, thank you Void. I'm so saving this video!"

"Let's just hope you weren't in the command center... that could get weird."

"Tell me about it," Honeybell agreed with a soft laugh. "No, I'm in my office. I'll head out there after... I clean up my dripping pussy and have a little taste of my cream. How close are you to the target?"

"Ten miles," Aron stated spinning back around after he stuffed his soiled cock back into his underwear. Very glad every drop found its way to the surface of the lake and not on the seat of the bike. He so didn't need them questioning why there were cum stains on the seat.

"Okay, we'll be imposing radio silence here in a minute. There will be a team waiting on standby once you secure the area. They'll know when its time to move in. Once they arrive you're free to leave. Do try to keep some alive. Dead terrorist are hard to interrogate."

"I'll do my best."

"And once that's over, I'll tell you how to find my condo, and well I'll let you infer what will happen then. Until then Void, be safe." With that Aron kicked on the afterburner and rocketed towards the target.


"Veil, how many heat signatures do you read?" Aron asked, as he stared down at the warehouse as he had Veil hover the bike a hundred and fifty feet in the air.

"I count thirty."

"Any metahuman signatures?" Aron asked, his fist clenched causing the leather to squeak as he readied himself for the fight ahead.


"Okay, once I'm off hide the bike in a safe place," Aron directed; he so wasn't about to hitchhike home.

"Understood." The air whipped in his ear as he fell feet first toward the roof. Crashing through the metal roof, noting the shocked looks on the men's and a few women's faces he saw as he fell to the concrete floor. It didn't take long for them to get over their shock. Reaching behind him, feeling two round spheres filling his hands as bullets deformed and fell to the ground; some ricocheted causing a few to seek cover.

"Veil watch the front and dart any who try to escape," Aron commanded as the drones sprung to life.

"Yes Void." His eyes ran down the weapons list as the drones darted away to fulfill their task. Aron's head snapped to the left at the sound of a grenade launcher snapped closed. Granted he didn't feel the impact of the grenade as it struck his stomach nor the fire of the explosion that engulfed him. Sending him flying backwards crashing into wooden crates. Guns, ammo, other numerous things were scattered along the floor as those within the warehouse celebrated at the thought of killing a hero.

"Veil, arm the missiles."

"Understood. Void there is damage to the midsection." His eyes ran over the display as the damaged sections of his suit flashed on the screen. "I'd advise you not to take another grenade at that range."

"Yeah... rather not have you disappearing on me," Aron said, as he climbed out of the rubble. "Veil calculate the spread needed to bring the roof down to cut their retreat from the rear off." Lifting up his left arm as Veil targeted the points in the roof that would bring it down. Rolling his head as he listened to the explosions, the screams, and the crashing of metal. Smiling sadistically at the fear he saw on their faces.

"Die! Die! Die you piece of shit!" A woman hissed as she jumped onto Aron's back. Her ka-bar knife repeatedly stabbed him only to shatter as it struck his chest for the fifth time. Shrugging her off, bringing up his left hand and flicking her forehead knocking her out cold.

The drones quickly flew down to him and landed gently in his hands once his task was complete. Looking over his shoulder at all of the bodies strewn across the floor. While some had died when he brought the roof down, a great many others were still alive per Honeybell's request.

"Veil, pick up," Aron spoke nodding his head to the team leader as he moved past him as he left the warehouse.

"Incoming transmission. It's from your mother." Aron sighed as he took off.

"Put her on."

"Aron?! Where are you?"

"Right now? Somewhere in the Midwest," Aron said, truthfully.

"Why are you in the Midwest?!"

"Told you I was working."

"Is this the job you told me about when you first came home?"

"No, this one is kind of new. There a reason your calling?"

"I'm worried about you Aron. I'm worried that you'll get in over your head without us watching your back."

"Everything is fine Mom; I'll be home in the morning... I have to go," Aron said, seeing Honeybell's line flashing on the screen.

"Aron! Aron we aren't..." Aron knew he was going to pay for that, yet she would only worry if he told her the truth.

"I just got the report. That's some major damage you've caused."

"Couldn't be helped."

"Well, at least you left some alive, so there's that. I thank you for that. You weren't injured, were you?"

"Not to my body, but my suit needs some TLC."

"That's good to hear Void. We would hate for you to be put on the injured list. Then I would have to wait to feel you between my legs." Honeybell whispered the last part so only he would hear it. "How long will it take for you to get back to the city?"

"Two hours."

"Good. Gives me time, I'm sending you the coordinates now..." Slowing the bike, as Veil mapped out the route for him. "I'll leave a red scarf on the balcony door, so you'll know where my bedroom is," Honeybell said, telling him which floor of the condo her home was located on.

The lights of Metaville were like a beacon for him as he neared the city of his birth. His eyes running along the screen as Veil displayed the air space ahead of him so he wouldn't fly into a helicopter and to keep his presence from those below. Slowing his bike as he circled the building relying on Veil to spot the scarf.

"Okay Veil, park the bike on the roof until..." Turning around as he heard the door to Honeybell's balcony open. His mouth went dry as she stood in a sky blue robe that barely covered her ass. Her brown hair hung down her chest, noting she had put a few curls in her bangs. Her brown eyes held a sultry look in them as her index finger beckoned to him.

"I understand. I shall wait on the roof. Enjoy yourself Void." Looking up as Veil zipped off to hide the jet bike from prying eyes. A salacious smile was on her face as she backed into her home as Aron followed after her.

Honeybell's hands gently reached up and slowly rolled up his mask, however, before she reached his eyes her lips tasted his. Dropping his mask behind him as her arms rested on his shoulders. Her fingers weaved through his hair; she knew she was breaking protocol in doing this. She didn't care, only she knew it was Aron in the suit. Only she knew he had powers, she knew if the agency knew that he did, they would be using him for more than just his inventions. She knew they would send him on missions far more dangerous than the one she just did. They wouldn't care if he was only eighteen, to them he would only be an asset. To her... to her he would be her superpowered secret obsession.

"Aron are you hurt?" Honeybell asked, her fingertips lightly ran along the damaged portion to his suit.

"No, H..."

"Sara, my real name is Sara," she said, looking deeply into his eyes.

"No, Sara, I'm pretty much impervious to harm. But you already know that," Aron said, seeing her checks heat. Reaching forward, gently pulling the knot of her belt loose. Listening to the deep inhalation of her breath as his hands cradled her 36C breasts. His eyes studied her face as Sara had a rather cute look on her face as she whimpered and softly bit her lower lip.

Sara's shaky hands covered his as he fondled, caressed, and tenderly touched her orbs. Pushing his hands away, smiling sweetly at him as she slid his coat from his shoulders. Her fingers curled around the hem of his shirt as she undressed Aron. Her hands gently stroked Aron to full mast once he stood naked in her bedroom.


"Hmm?" Aron hummed as his toes curled in her carpet as her fingertips lightly danced along his shaft.

"This has to remain between us, otherwise they would transfer me to someone else. I don't want to be someone else's handler. I'm rather fond of you. Can you keep this between us?"

"As long as you keep what you know about my family secret then I won't inform the news I'm about to fuck the hot NSA agent," Aron said, with a coy smirk.

"Deal! I know you're not that experienced since until two days ago you were a virgin, but I want to feel your tongue on my pussy. Have you tasted pussy before?" Sara asked, with hungry eyes.


"Your mother or...?"

"Sister," Aron said, matter-of-factly.

"Did you like it?" Sara queried, she so hoped he did.

"Can't say, I need more data to form an opinion on the matter," Aron stated seeing her smile spreading along her lips. Feeling her hands lightly trailing down his forearms before taking hold of his hands.

Leading him around her bed like a woman experienced in the matters of love making, which she was, gently pushing him down onto her bed. Her fingers trailed along his lips before reaching over for the large lighter sat on the night stand by her bed. Casting Aron a smile as she began to light the candles that ringed the room. The soft, warm, orange light flickered along the walls as Sara lowered the lights. She wanted this to be magical night for the two of them. While yes, she loved being fucked hard, as many women do, yet like every woman she loved the slow, passionate, tender love making as well.

Plus, she wasn't going to risk rough sex with Aron just yet, not until he could control his strength during the throes of passion. While she didn't know the full range of his strength, nonetheless, she wasn't going to chance it either. Her hips swayed, her breasts bounced, the light of the candles glinting along her light patch of fur. Sara liked a little hair on her mons Venus, just not around her hot, little mound. She was very considerate to her lovers. She didn't like a mouth full of hair, and she knew they didn't either. Arching an eyebrow as Aron's cock fixed with a loud thud against his stomach something she's never heard a male organ do before. Wondering if his superstrength encompassed his cock as well. A sinful thought formed in her mind pondering if his cock alone could hold her up.

"I think if we both pleasure each other at the same time would be good, don't you think?" Sara asked, as her knee compressed the mattress.

Taking a dry swallow as Sara positioned her mound just an inch above his mouth. Listening to her light whimper as he softly blew along her heated labia. Thinking back to the research he had done on cunnilingus. Like with everything he did he always researched before putting the theory into practice. While he knew he wouldn't be as good as anyone before him, Aron wasn't going to give less than a hundred percent.

"Oh Aron!" Sara moaned as she felt his tongue running up her slit. Feeling her labia part, her body trembling as that pink muscle ran up her vulva. Moving her hips to help his inexperienced tongue, not that that was a problem, if everything went as planned she would be teaching him how to perfectly move that tongue of his. Her hand wrapped around the base of his cock, "I certainly must live up to my end of the deal," she said to herself. Quickly pulling off his rod when she felt him nearing the edge. She wanted him shooting his load into her hot pussy and not down her throat, at least not during their first coupling. Later, and there would be a later, she would show him everything about sex.
