So Close to Oblivion

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Bosses played her until they broke apart. Can they rebuild.
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There is no adultery but scheming bosses drive a massive wedge between them. It opened unknown old wounds. Can they rediscover what they had? Can it be better?

It appeared to be just another day at the office. I suppose I was rising slowly in the ranks of management. I'd been working with a director, a couple of senior managers, along with some others, on a project which was going well.

Towards the end of the day, Bill O'Driscoll, a senior manager came up to my desk, "Tom, you've done very well on this project. In three weeks, a group of very senior managers I belong to have one of our bi-monthly dinner dances. Many of the major companies around here are represented.

"We often ask rising staff to join us. It would broaden your experience and perhaps open doors for you later as it allows you to network. See how business is smoothed. Think about whether you'd like me to sponsor you. Your wife Diana will enjoy it I'm sure."

I said I would consider it.

At home, after our meal, I spoke with Diana about it. She was laughing, her boss Brian Wilson had made the same approach to her. She's a computer analysist and works on stuff way beyond my comprehension.

I'd say we had a very good marriage. We have shared interests as well as our own. We support each other. We can talk about anything. It helped we listened well, not just to the words, so sometimes we could tease out the true meaning behind what was being said.

Diana is simply gorgeous. She's 5'4", slim, blond mid back length hair, green eyes, an expressive mouth whose smile make you happy. She has lovely pert 36D breasts with areolas which grow a deeper rosé when she's aroused. Her nipples expand to at least half an inch. Her stomach is flat and leads to a hot cauldron of desire. She keeps her pussy trimmed so I can see and taste her. It's divine and does flood easily when aroused. She favours sensual lingerie for work and some explosively hot stuff for when we play. She's pushed my boundaries with some of the games we've played.

I'm 5'11", medium build, fairly well toned as my work involves some on site work as well as using the gym. I'm brown haired, with a good sense of humour and highly observant which helps when looking over projects. Diana loves my cock. She's trying to get him to grow bigger. He's almost eight inches. Once there she says, she'll give me her bum. I'm trying. I'm sure I was only just about seven when we started seeing each other. Apart from that we do have a very good sex life. She is very inventive and demanding at times.

We started courting when we were almost seventeen. I'm her toy boy by three months. We've been married almost four years. We'll be twenty-five on our next birthdays. We had been talking seriously about having our family. As we felt a flat wasn't a good environment for raising kids, we were looking at houses. Okay, there's a newlywed couple two floors above us. Why did they think a brass bed works in a block of flats? It can knock your sense of timing out!

We discussed the offers. It seemed to make sense as both of us were ambitious. I had a question, "Why us? Isn't it strange that both bosses asked us. Is there anything else going on that we have no idea about?"

Diana laughed, "You always look for problems! We can go. If it's not for us or we find something is wrong, we leave and never return."

Three weeks later we found ourselves at a very posh hotel. There was a very distinct hierarchy as the most senior and their wives were at the top tables. Low levels like us were towards the rear. I did notice some couples amongst the lower levels did not look happy. That did concern me.

The company was good, the banter good fun. Unusually the meal was excellent (I've always thought hotel event catering leaves a lot to be desired) and the dance band was very good.

Diana and I danced with a few others as well as ourselves. Bill and her boss Brian danced with her. Overall, it was a good evening but I had a feeling something was wrong. I couldn't identify it but it was there in my mind. I tried to speak to some of those who looked unhappy but no one spoke. Some seemed like they wished to but their eyes went to the top table. I danced with several of their wives. They spoke only about the event, the dance, nothing which normally you'd speak about to people new at an event.

At work Bill asked about my evening. He laughed off my thoughts explaining some people may be unhappy as they thought an invite meant quick promotion. It was networking.

Over the next two dances I kept an eye out. I was beginning to have growing concerns. It was at our third one when I started to realise a pattern. I watched as I danced as a woman was approached by two women. They seemed to be arranging a date. Later I noticed that this woman was being introduced to the men at the top table. The looks her husband was being given showed others knew his world was about to explode. I thought back and saw a similar scene at the first two. I looked around and found the couple this happened to from the last dance. They were together but not happy, not happy at all. Unlike the last dance.


The following dance, I made an effort to check out the couple from the previous dance. They were together but apart. They were not happy. I watched as another woman was introduced to the top table men. Her husband was the recipient of similar pity from many others, mostly the unhappy males.

I had spoken with Diana about my fears but she said I was being paranoid. She was enjoying speaking with people from other businesses. She was enjoying being listened to and I've no doubt hit upon. I wasn't happy as we'd always listened to the other. There was something else but I couldn't connect the dots at the time.

Before the next dance, I brought it all out to her which caused a major row. I said we shouldn't go back. Diana liked them, the dancing, the conversations. I knew something was badly wrong. I did remind her of what she said about leaving if it felt wrong.

I went along reluctantly to the next dance. All my suspicions were confirmed as I attended to my urgent needs.

There were only the two of us in the toilet. It was one of the unhappy men who whispered very softly as though he was afraid someone was listening in. "Be careful. They're grooming her. I've seen her approached by the two shrews. She'll have been asked to join them at a spa. This is to prepare her for one of those at the top table. What happens I don't know but my wife hasn't been the same since. She gets a call and she has to go. She'll be their toy. Her boss and your boss are in on it. They'll get some of the ones they've cast aside. My wife won't tell me anything. I told her I would divorce her and then I was threatened I'd never work again once I was out of the hospital. They won't let you divorce her. Don't let her go with the shrews. Don't come back."

I nodded slightly. When I returned, I felt the mood around me had changed. I realised I was the one being pitied.

Diana had been dancing with Brian when I'd headed to the toilet. They were still dancing as I returned. As the dance ended, I saw he was bringing her to the attention of the top table where some were looking far too closely at her, like they were undressing her.

My heart rate was rising along with my anger. I watched as Diana and Brian finished another dance. This time there seemed to be a nod from one at the top table. Brian took her there and introduced her. She seemed to make a good impression. Diana hadn't moved but no one seemed to be talking directly with her. I saw one guy at that table really undressing Diana with his eyes. He'd been at every dance with his wife. She was a good dancer but he wasn't. She was standing with a few other wives just off the dancefloor, looking angry and bored.

I went and asked his wife to dance. She accepted. As we danced, I spoke as softly as I could to allow me to be heard over the band, "I couldn't help seeing your husband undressing my wife with his eyes. I'm kind of old fashioned. If he does try and fuck my wife, I'll have my revenge. I believe in fidelity."

She smiled, "She'd just be the latest. This is a cattle market for inadequate men to look good in front of other inadequate men. I must admit you have far more awareness than many others."

The band started a slow dance. I went to take her off the floor but she held me, "Let's smoke him!" she said.

Her silk dress and hot body did raise more than my temperature. She smiled, "Oh, I've longed to feel a real man between my legs for years. You seem to have the equipment. If he does fuck her, give me a call and we'll get our revenge. I'll probably have the best sex of my life."

As the dance ended she smiled at me and said, "Watch this!"

She went up to her husband who was still eyeing Diana. Brian and now Bill were standing by her. Whatever she said, he was not happy. He looked at me and I just smiled. My eyes were different as I glared at him. They told him, I'd seen his ploy and he wouldn't like my response. Brian and Bill were looking at me staring daggers at the man. They weren't happy.

Bill brought Diana back to our table. He was looking angry. Before he spoke, I shouted, "You brought us here to pimp Diana out so you'd get a pitiful fuck from a castoff. They have you down correctly as a toady not an equal.

"If he does try to fuck Diana, I'll declare war, on him, on you and Brian."

I took Diana's hand and led her away to get our coats. We'd not be back.

All the journey Diana was quiet. I sensed her mood. She did not like what I'd said. Once in our home it began, the argument from hell.

Diana started, "What the fuck! You're paranoia means you've destroyed your career. Bill won't accept what you called him. He'll sack you on Monday."

I spoke firmly, "I've watched and told you what was happening. You laughed it off. Did my words not register with you as you were taken to the top table or was this your dream? I'm told they'll bid for you. What did they say to you or did they just treat you like an object to buy?"

Diana was mad, her words out before she realised it, "They talked amongst themselves. I was ignored until the end." I saw her recognise what she'd said.

I laughed, "If they were ignoring you other than undressing you, why didn't you walk away?"

Diana looked down, "Brian said to stay there."

I snarled, "Can't you see they have been planning to fuck us up? Bill and Brian will get some of their castoffs. A man, one of those they've played like this told me the story. He mentioned two shrews. He saw them talking to you earlier. They'll invite you to the spa. This is to prepare you for whoever has won the battle to fuck you. What they do is unknown but previously stable wives went off and fucked the top table bastard. Ever since, there's a call and she goes off. You've seen for yourself the unhappy couples.

"So have I got that wrong?"

Diana was mad, "It's just a visit to the spa. There's no other reason."

I was angry, my voice rose higher, "Diana, we've always listened to each other, known when the other was right and we were wrong. You've ignored my concerns about this for months. We've stopped looking ahead, our children. You don't talk about your work anymore. What's going on there? Is Brian telling you by sleeping with them you'll get on? Look at all the unhappy people. They use their power to stop them divorcing. I won't accept that. Bill's job or any job if it's based on you becoming a whore for them.

"If you can't accept I have every reason to be concerned that if you go with those shrews, you'll end fucked by one of them. You'll be yet another whore for them. Even his wife knows, she wants me to fuck her so she gets a decent fucking. Are you happy for me to do that? What did she say to him? He wasn't happy about what she said was he?

Diana was rattled, "His wife said you'd spotted him undressing me. If he fucked me, you'd get you revenge. From the size of your cock, she'd be happy to have a good fuck for a change. I was shocked. Bill and Brian looked around at you and went, "Shit!

"I didn't understand what was happening. Bill brought me back to you and you let fly at him. It was uncalled for!"

My anger was going through the roof, I screamed, "Diana if it's just a spa day, ring them and cancel, say you have an appointment elsewhere with me that day. Friends will be let's look at another date in a few weeks' time. They'll put the press on you to cancel me.

"You go and end up fucking him, it will be the end of us, our dreams. Do I mean so little to you, you'll consider it?

"You haven't answered my question about Brian? Has he been at you to fuck them?"

She finally let go of all her pent-up emotions. Basically, Bill had told Brian I was fucking around on her. Brian said she could shove it all back in my face if she fucked one from the top table. Everyone would know she'd done it. Humiliate me. I deserved it for cheating on her.

I was gobsmacked. I just quietly said, "You've been played. Your desire to be promoted has overruled your sense of who we are. You know I'd never cheat on you. You cheat on me, I won't be the one humiliated. It will be you as you're passed around amongst them. I won't be here."

Diana snarled, "Fuck you! You're fucking around on me! But I'm the whore!" and stormed off.

I stayed in the living room. I lay on my chair wondering how the fuck did we come to this? Where the fuck did that come from? What can I do to stop this?

I eventually made my way to bed. Diana made sure I knew she was keeping as far from me as possible. I had felt the chill walking along the hallway.

The following morning, things were very tense. We had been planning on going to some open days for houses but neither mentioned that. We never spoke. I spent time on my computer. The first thing I did was run a scan for hidden programmes. My paranoia wasn't wrong.

My rage was easily evident when I shouted, "Diana, why is there a tracking programme on my computer, sending my emails to one of your accounts? What else have you have bugged?"

She stared at me before looking away. I checked my phone, found another and a location tracker. It would need something else to work. I went out to my car and searched it, nothing within it. I drove to an old yard where there is a ramp for working on trucks. I found a tracker device at the rear of the fuel tank.

Once home, I threw it at her.

Diana still hadn't spoken. I tried asking calmly, "Why? Until now I've always trusted you. I thought you trusted me. You know I'll never cheat on you. Why?"

She was silent, but her body language showed her anger. She screamed, "Brian told me Bill had told him you were fucking around on me. It wouldn't be the first time. I wanted to find out. I've seen your emails."

I was shocked. I shouted, "Brian and Bill. They've filled you with the idea I fuck around on you. You know I never would. They're working on you so you'll be a whore for them. They're just pimps. I never thought I'd lose your trust so easily."

I had an old Nokia I'd kept for emergencies. It's not smart. I charged it up. I walked to the shops as my temper was at boiling point. I bought a Pay as You Go sim card for the Nokia. Once home, I transferred the phone numbers I needed. None for work.

I spent time deleting the hidden programmes on my computer. I updated my security software and found a monitor log programme which accessed anything I did. After deleting everything I could find I ran a clean programme to wipe all the supposed empty data space. I was warned SSD drives don't like this but I didn't care. I normally used one wipe but I did the full eight levels.

As it was slowly erasing any residues from those programmes, I emptied my stuff from our bedroom and made up the spare room bed.

I cleansed my smartphone as well.

Diana still hadn't spoken one word since I returned. I went out for my tea. I ate it in the kitchen alone, angry.

I took a blanket as I went back to the computer. I covered myself, the computer and printer so if there were audio/video bugs covering it, they wouldn't see what I was doing. I wrote my resignation letter. I gave all the details so HR would be aware as I'm sure Bill will try this again. I changed all my passwords. I wrote down my personal bank account details so finance would pay my salary to it, not our joint one. I made a list of the other things I'd need to do.

Once finished it was time for bed. I had a restless night. My mind brought up all the subtle changes Diana had made in our relationship. She'd been withdrawing from me since shortly after my words about the first dance to Bill. On the Sunday I went to a coffee come computer shop. I used one of their computers to look at the divorce laws and tracking devices for me so I could find out what Diana was up to.

Over my coffee I couldn't see any way out of this with us being together. Her lack of trust in me, seemingly happy to fuck this arsehole was beyond anything I've ever had to face. I felt such a feeling of helplessness.

Again, at home Diana didn't speak. I deliberately said, "On my way home from work tomorrow I'm thinking of popping in to see your parents. Is your mum happy about your new career?"

That did not go down well. I walked away.

The next morning my first stop was at HR where I put my resignation in. Sheila looked at the reason and her jaw dropped. I added for her benefit, "he's worked with Brian Wilson to persuade Diana I'm screwing around. They think if they provide the top table with whores they'll get there. I'm going to take them all down." I played her some of the video I had taken at the dances, especially the last one. Okay smartphones have their usage. As I played it, I wondered if Diana had also seen the videos through her bugs. Sheila wasn't happy.

Bill was holding his Monday morning meeting with everyone. He was being his usual self. He asked if there was further business needing discussed.

I launched into my prepared speech letting everyone know of his plans so that if he approached them they'd know to refuse. HR was aware and are now investigating further.

Bill tried to say I was paranoid but I played the arseholes wife telling me what was planned. The rest of the team were mad as Diana screamed at me about Bill telling Brian I was fucking around on her.

I looked at him and he didn't fail to see his life expectancy may be very short.

I went to my desk. The first thing I did was to check my computer for anything that shouldn't be there. Last Wednesday IT had been at it, a reported fault though I hadn't reported one. I had to use one on a different floor. There were several weird programmes on it. I went to see Sheila again. I told her about it and IT's involvement.

Sheila called someone before she said, "Go home. We'll take it from here. I'll call you when you should come back."

I gave her my new number. She slumped, "You've been hacked at home! Diana?"

I shook my head, "She won't say. She won't talk. I don't think I can convince her that what she's doing is destroying us."

Once home I needed to do something. I went for a run along the old woodland trail. I saw they now had CCTV cameras at various spots where it was alleged doggers went to fuck each other. As I ran a plan came to mind. By the time I'd finished the run, it seemed plausible. Bill suggested it himself to be honest.

I couldn't write it down or use the computer as I didn't know what was hacked or if there were recording devices in the flat. I needed to look at this as I did my job. Design, analyse, amend, execute.

The next day I went for a run again. I timed myself between each CCTV point. One section was twenty minutes, the other only fifteen. Now I needed to know the time to get to an area where I knew Bill walked. Point A to Bill running was ten minutes. Bill to Point B was fifteen minutes. The trail would allow me to cycle it. I tried it, three minutes there, five back as it was slightly more uphill. Now, I needed to plan how to get my bike to point A beforehand, hide it and how to hide it at point B so I'd appear as though I had been running. I was happy to find the old barbeque areas along the interior trail were still there. I'd have to burn what I would have been wearing when I met Bill.