Soccer Women Ch. 07


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From in between Melanie's legs, Jo reached and got a hold of Melanie's right wrist. Then she moved Melanie's arm in the direction of where she had seen Katie's arm laying on the bed. She could not see exactly where Katie's arm was because Melanie's thigh was in her line of sight now. Eventually she rubbed up against Katie's arm and from there worked Melanie's hand into Katie's. She felt Melanie's hand pull away and, figuring Katie and Melanie had taken hold of each other's hand, Jo let go of Melanie's wrist and decided it was finally time to make her cum.

After Margaret had lavished her mouth and tongue all over Katie's left foot, she did the same to the right foot. Katie could not believe how pleasurable this had all been. She was already feeling the sensations of her orgasm rising within her. And this was just from what Margaret had done with her feet.

Margaret too sensed how quickly things were building up for Katie and she didn't want thing to progress too far. "Katie, get up on the bed." Margaret said in barely a whisper and she released Katie's foot and stood up. Katie shifted herself so now she was fully on the bed and laying down.

Margaret got up on the bed and laid down at Katie's side. She took one of Katie's nipples into her mouth, sucking on that the way she had been sucking on Katie's toes. She also had her left hand in between Katie's thighs. She was rubbing up and down Katie's slit. When her fingers would get up to Katie's clit, Margaret would let the tip of one finger rest right on the hard nub and rub it in circles a few times before sliding her hand back down.

Katie had come away from the brink of the orgasm that Margaret had been pushing her toward with the foot play. Now Margaret was once again bringing her toward that precipice and she was not ready to go over just yet.

"Margaret, you are making me feel incredible. But I want to give you some pleasure before you send me over the edge. Come on up here and let me give you back some of what you've been doing for me."

Margaret stopped her hand and gave one last hard suck on the nipple in her mouth before lifting her head up and looking at Katie with a big smile on her face. "God, she is beautiful." thought Katie. "And so warm and giving. Jo is a very lucky woman. I love them both so much. Not like Melanie, but I am really going to miss them when we're not all around."

While Katie had been thinking this, Margaret had shifted her position. She had her left knee on the side of Katie's head but she kept her right knee bend with her foot on the bed. "Aren't you going to put your other knee down?" Katie asked.

"It's a new trick I learned. You're not so covered up and you have your arms free to move and your hands can do whatever else you can think of but I can still get low enough that your tongue can do what your tongue does so well." And with that Margaret squatted down a bit so now her wet pussy was only a few inches above Katie's mouth."

"Let me know if your legs get tired and you want to shift." Katie said to Margaret. At the same time, she thought "Good thing she does all the stretching and Pilates for her cheer routines."

This was the first time Katie had licked a pussy like this. It was different. Without Margaret right overtop over her, Katie did have more freedom of movement, but she did lose some of the intimacy. It was a trade-off and while she did not think she would want to do it this way with Melanie, she decided to make the best of the situation. She began trying to break down what she needed to do like she would break down how to beat a defender in soccer.

Katie was moving her hands around Margaret's body. However, she found that she did have to pick her head up a bit to make contact with Margaret. It was going to take a bit more concentration if she was really going to give Margaret some real intense pleasure. So, her right hand just held onto Margaret's calf muscle, which in this position was a bit more prominent and firmer. Katie was just slowly caressing Margaret's leg as she began to put thought to exactly what she was doing with her tongue and her left hand.

Then Katie heard Melanie cry out. She temporarily stopped what she was doing to Margaret and turned her head. Jo was whispering something to Melanie and she was calling out in a way that Katie recognized as pleasure. She'd find out what had happened later, but she turned her head back and once again started to offer pleasure to Margaret. Although not conscious of it, she had stopped caressing Margaret's leg with her right hand and this was now just laying out on the bed.

Since Melanie was clearly enjoying herself, Katie tried to reconcentrate on what she was doing for Margaret. So far, she had not been a big fan of the modified position Margaret was using, but Margaret was about to start something that made this position more appealing.

Katie was lying on her back. Margaret was offset by about a 45-degree angle. Thus, she could look down and see Katie's breasts. On a few occasions when Melanie was sitting on Katie's face, Melanie had reached behind her and after some groping had found Katie's breasts and played with them a little. But it was always a bit awkward and this had been a mostly "giving only" position.

Margaret's position allowed her to have better access to Katie's breasts and she could see what she was doing if she wanted to try to return some of the pleasure Katie was giving her. Margaret put her fingers in her mouth to get saliva on them and then began to stroke and rub Katie's areolas and nipples. Her wet digits were gliding over Katie's skin and pleasure was radiating from her chest through her whole body. This was feeling wonderful. Then Katie felt a bump of her arm.

With Margaret's leg up in the air, and slightly bent back, Nothing obstructed Katie's view to her left. She was able to move her head and look down her arm with her peripheral vision. She saw the tiny fingers tipped with blue nail polish and knew it was Melanie's hand. Katie reached out and clasped her hand in Melanie's. They did not look toward each other but they did squeeze their hands together.

Margaret's position put this all squarely in her view. The physical gesture spoke volumes about their feelings toward each other. Jo often said that she had stopped believing in love because of a past hurt, but that Katie and Melanie made her believe in it again. And but for that, Jo would not be her fiancée now (Wow, Jo is my fiancée. It still sounds crazy. But a good crazy. Margaret thought). In a way, Jo had done that for her as well. And while that is a longer story for another time, Jo would not have been able to do that for her if Katie and Melanie had not done that for Jo.

Margaret looked over and watched Melanie and Jo for a while. She did not feel any jealousy but instead felt nothing but love. The four of them had an amazingly special relationship that allowed them to share these most intimate moments with each other. But it was very clear that they were now two couples. There had been a few times early on when Margaret had spent a night here or there with Katie and Melanie, but never with just one or the other. And that was something that would never happen again.

Margaret looked over and saw two very important people in her life. Bombastic and larger than life, Jo used this as a shield for the vulnerable, loving person inside. She didn't show this part of herself to anyone, even Margaret. But Margaret had been able to see it anyway. That was the person she fell in love with and that was the person who had asked for her hand in marriage. That was the person with whom she was looking forward to building their future together.

Melanie was a force of nature and a kindred spirit. Both Melanie and Margaret had been only children and both would have loved to have had a sister to grow up with. That was the relationship they had, except with sex. Margaret felt that if she had had an older sister, she would have wanted her to be Melanie.

And then below her was Katie. Katie was the ying to Melanie's yang. Quiet and reserved, Katie had an inner strength. You just didn't see it as much with Melanie and Jo around. But she was kind-hearted and considerate. From what Jo told her about Katie on the soccer field she could be very demanding, but she never demanded anything she wasn't willing to do herself. Margaret always felt Katie's spirit animal would be a sheep dog or a golden retriever. Margaret knew Katie loved her. Not the way she loved Melanie, but that was okay. Margaret understood that. And she was very glad to have Katie's love and she shared it back. And that allowed them to have the relationship they did. And that was why right now she felt SO! DAMN! GOOD!


Just as she would with a new soccer play, Katie approached this new positioning as a problem to be solved. Even as she was trying to do what she would always do when eating Melanie out, she was thinking about how to best use the new circumstances to their fullest advantage. Once she had decided on a plan of action, she carried it out, making adjustments along the way until it was as good as it could be. Then she worked at it incessantly.

Katie had realized that with her hands free, she could add some elements with them. Right now, one of her hands was occupied holding onto Melanie's. But while Margaret had been deep in her thoughts, Katie had worked her middle finger inside Margaret's love hole and was feeling about. The pad of her finger was facing out toward her and she felt around until she was pretty sure she had made contact with Margaret's G-spot. Once she was confident that she had found it, she started pistoning her finger in and out of Margaret as fast as she could, all the while making sure that her finger passed over the G-spot on the way in and out. As her finger was beginning to do its work, Katie leaned up and took Margaret clit in her mouth as sucked on it.

The effect had been both immediate and electric. Margaret reached out for the headboard and leaned forward so that her arms could now bear more of her weight. She began moving her hips trying to get a rhythm with Katie's finger. The pleasure coming from the inside and the outside of her body was intense and a sense of the huge orgasm that was going to be the result of this was already forming in her core.

Margaret's shout had caught the attention of Melanie and Jo. The sight before them was so erotic. Margaret with her one knee bent allowed them to see exactly what Katie was doing. They could she her face smushed against Margaret's crotch and her cheek collapse as she sucked hard on Margaret's clitoris. They could also see the blur of Katie's hand as she continued to push and pull her finger as fast as she could, driving and withdrawing it from Margaret's folds. They could also see Margaret, her head back, her hair hanging down, her hips driving to meet Katie's hand. Margaret continued to let out loud moans and grunts and expletives as Katie continued her relentless drive to bring Margaret to climax.

Jo moved out from in between Melanie's thighs and laid down to her side looking over Melanie to the scene before them. "This is so hot."

Melanie rolled to her side and said "Yes, it is, isn't it." At this point, Melanie let go of Katie's hand and reach back in search of Jo's crotch. Jo spread her legs to allow Melanie to have access while at the same time she reached over Melanie with the same goal in mind, although neither had actually voiced a plan. Without it needing to be said, they were both going to masturbate the other to orgasm while they watched.

Sensing that her other hand was now free, Katie thought about what else she might do to make this even better for Margaret. Melanie and Jo watched as Katie's hand went to her own sex and she began to finger herself. Then she withdrew that finger and brought it up behind Margaret.

Margaret was trying to thrust in time with Katie's left hand and had no idea of the movement behind her with Katie's right. But as she came backward from a forward thrust, she felt Katie's hand on her ass. Still focusing on gaining that rhythm, she paid no mind until the third thrust back when Katie was finally able to find her mark.

Katie's finger was now against Margaret's anus and for two more thrusts Katie managed to keep it there. The sensation was starting to register when Margaret's hips rocked backward and Katie pushed forward with both hands, impaling Margaret with a finger now deep in her pussy and one in her ass. Katie stopped moving her fingers and let Margaret ride out this incredible wave.

From Melanie's and Jo's vantage point, the image was spectacular. Margaret's back arched in a curve that only someone as flexible as Margaret could do. Her head shot back and her hair flowed down and actually obscured Katie's hand at her butt. Her eyes were wide open and if they had been in front of her, Melanie and Jo would have seen that the pupils had rolled up. Her mouth was open but for a few seconds there was no sound coming from it.

Margaret was on the top of the wave as it began to crest. She had that momentary weightless feeling as the wave began to collapse and she fell into the tumult below. Something like the initial energy and power as the wave crashes and hits the sand went through Margaret's body. The impulses of pleasure coming into her brain had momentarily overloaded it and electricity flowed through every neuron of her body.

Margaret felt a profound sense of weakness. As when a wave comes up the beach and finally reaches its zenith and begins to recede, she could not maintain her position. Her arms were not able to hold her as firmly and she could not keep her leg up. She slumped forward a bit and now both of her knees were on either side of Katie's head. As she had slumped forward, her hips had gone forward with the rest of her body and she was now covering Katie's nose and forehead with her body. She just stayed as she was until Katie's started slapping her ass, wanting to be released.

Margaret looked down and her first reaction was to apologize for landing on Katie's face. "Oh, Katie. I'm sorry but..." But she stopped as she saw Katie's laughing.

Katie looked up at Margaret and said "Don't worry about it, Margaret. I'm fine. But I was imagining how embarrassing it would be to have as a cause of death suffocated by a pussy." Margaret joined in the laughter.

Caught up in their own moment, Katie and Margaret had missed the chorus of pleasure that Melanie and Jo had just brought forth from each other. And while they had each done a skillful job in getting each other close to the edge, it had been the sight of Margaret in the throes of her bliss that had sent Melanie and Jo into their own. Now that they had recovered a bit from their orgasms, they both began to applaud.

"Holy crap!" said Jo. "That was the hottest thing I've ever seen that I wasn't a part of." The other three laughed at this and Katie began to blush a little.

Margaret added, "Katie, that was phenomenal. You must tell Jo just how to do that."

Melanie crawled over to Katie and gave her a big kiss on the mouth. She enjoyed the kiss and she also enjoyed the taste of Margaret that was still all over Katie's face and mouth. Margaret crawled over toward Jo and the two couples held each other and talked and laughed in their post-coital cool down.

Finally, it was time to go to sleep. They got the bedding back together and put on some clothes, but not much. Then they went to sleep Katie and Melanie on one side and Jo and Margaret on the other. Both couples cuddled with each other as they fell off to sleep.

Melanie and Katie had been spooned together as they slept. When Katie first awoke, her eyes noticed a hand in front of her. Without really thinking about it, she took the hand in her own and brought it up to her mouth. She began sucking on one of the fingers and the owner let out a contented sigh. But the sound had come from behind her and at that moment two things registered in Katie's mind: 1) the arm attached to that hand was draped over her side and 2) the nail polish was pink, not blue.

Katie turned her head and was looking right at Margaret. She let the finger fall out of her mouth, although she continued to hold the hand in hers. Margaret whispered, "Good morning."

"Good morning." Katie replied. Then she turned her head back looking at Melanie.

Katie felt some movement behind her and suddenly Margaret was whispering in her ear, "Whatcha doin'?"

"I'm waiting for Melanie to open her eyes. When she sees me, she smiles and it's the greatest thing."

Margaret's arm was now resting on Katie's shoulder and Katie felt more movement behind her. Soon Margaret's head was over her shoulder, looking down at Melanie as well. They both kept their vigil for a few minutes without saying another word. At some point, Margaret brought her arm down and left her chin sitting on Katie's shoulder waiting for Melanie to awaken.

When Melanie's eyes fluttered open, she was happily surprised. There was the love of her life, looking down on her as she always did in the morning. Just like Melanie knew she would be. But she was also greeted by the adorably cute face of Margaret. Since Margaret's body was completely blocked from sight by Katie's, it was like there was suddenly a second head growing out of Katie's shoulder. Melanie burst out laughing.

"What?" said Katie.

"It's looked like you had a second head because Margaret's body was blocked by yours. That was all of her I could see. Sorry. Good morning, Katie my love."

Katie never tired of looking at Melanie as she awoke and she never got tired of hearing her say those five words. "Good morning, Melanie."

"And good morning to your other head." Melanie said with a laugh as she looked at Margaret. Then she added "So, how did you end up over here?"

"I'm not really sure. We went to sleep on the other side of the bed, but when I woke up, I was right next to Katie and Jo was right behind me. That other side of the bed is empty."

All the movement and conversation had finally roused Jo. She sat up and looked at the three faces now all turned to her. "Great, everyone is up. Let's get some breakfast and get moving. We have a lot of stuff still to do and my folks are coming for graduation early. We need the bed made up and you two out of here. My mom might have known about Margaret but I don't think she knows about the four of us and that might be too much for her. So let's go. Chop chop."

Margaret turned to Katie and said, "You're a much better morning person that Jo." The four of them got up and out of bed to start their day.

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Nicole2023Nicole202311 months ago

I will be honest, I skip over the sex and skip to the story. I will continue to read to see where you take it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

In regard to one of the comments not sure if commenter has any data or not since they said they had given up on the story I doubt they will write back. In any of these studies a lot of times they are done with someone who already has an agenda one way or the other. With all the comments I see on here I find it strange that this is the one you are concerned with. It kind of looks like you probably have an agenda when it comes to everyone in the story being in an open relationship and everything being just great. I guess I agree with most the comments on here in that it would have been nice to just let Katie and Melanie have a good loving monogamist relationship.

Heybuddy65Heybuddy65over 1 year agoAuthor

For the previous poster, I am wondering if you have a data to support your assertion in the first sentence. While I don’t doubt that some couples may open up their marriage hoping to solve problems, you assert that is the case in most instances. I am curious what that is based on. The research might help future stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

When a married couple decide to have an open relationship it is usually because they are in a failing marriage. It is a last ditch effort to save the marriage. It has been a while since I read the beginning of the story but it seemed like Carol was unhappy with the sex and the marriage in general for a while and had thought about having sex with the golf pro at the club. She then ended up cheating on her husband with Jen then it went on from there. Maybe the two of them seeing a marriage therapist instead of becoming swingers would have been a better choice, but that would make too much sense. As far as Katie and Melanie is concerned if a couple that young already are so bored with their sex life that have to bring others it is pretty sad. I am not sure why you could not at least leave them alone and let them have a good true love story. I guess you just could not allow at least one lesbian couple to have a loving exclusive relationship. I agree with some of the other comments the soccer girls and soccer women have been a complete waste of time, I have given up on this story for good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Too bad Katie and Melanie could not stay in an exclusive relationship and set an example for not only Jo and Margaret but also for their mother's as well. Seems like the whole soccer girl series and soccer women have just been a waste of time.

haltwhogoestherehaltwhogoesthereover 1 year ago

Wow. I scored this as 'average' and didn't bother to leave a comment. I did come this evening to check out the comments. I have to say that they pretty much spoke for me. This series is to the point where I mostly skip the sex (it's in a rut and disconnected from the plot) and just check the plot to see if it's moving the characters forward. Pretty much it just seems played out and going nowhere interesting and at a snails pace.

GaiusPetroniusGaiusPetroniusover 1 year ago

Oh my! I feel bad for you with all the negative energies the first four commentators have heaped on you. I do not share their overall, collective assessment. W/r/t this particular segment, the 4-way configuration came as news to me, so I must have missed it from the "Soccer Girls" series. I appreciated the novelty and the emotional nuance you were able to build in. (For instance, Katie loves Melanie best [#1] but cultivates and nurtures an emotional and physical bond with Margaret [#1a] and Jo [#1b] as well, without rancor, rivalry, or insecurity.) ////

At the same time, as I've mentioned in regard to previous segments, I have rated this one a 5, but only by giving you the benefit of the doubt and rounding upward. The previous four commentators do give some form to my misgivings with the characterization and structure. ////

And at the risk of belaboring a point previously registered, your misuse of "lay" (transitive verb) and its forms (lay/laying/laid/laid), when the sentence calls for "lie" (intransitive verb) and its respective forms (lie/lying/lay/lain) verges on perverse. It spoils my reading experience, like walking through a gorgeous meadow but having to step around the cow pies.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The way this chapter played out it looks like maybe they are going to all marry each other, I guess Melanie can be Katie's wife number one and Jo and Margaret can be 1a and 1b. sad too bad this could not just end up a nice love story between two people.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hey author, I haven been reading your tale since the beginning and was quite enthusiastic about it. This was because Carol was on a path of discovery and I knew from the beginning there was a love interested with Jen, so I wanted to see how this would evolve. The moment you started with the younger girls tale, my interrest was cut by half and trough the following chapters it only diminished further. Actually the last chapters, I skip over most of the things and in a way that's sad giving you are doing your best to write it. What you are trying to do, is actually quite difficult giving you create a love story where the hedonistic lifestyle is part of it and all this over a longer timeline. So hat off for you! To combine random sex with making love to your loved one, some people could do it or live it in reality, but here it feels the story is milked out and it becomes one long tread. I mean we are waiting for more than 6 chapters on a wedding, and yet they only had a party and bought a dress?? Furthermore about the sex part, the same pattern always comes back almost regardless who is having sex with who, and some things are setting me off. Like the STANDARD LOUD YELLING during sex and you mentioned a few times that they need to 'work' or are actually saying thanks by having sex! What's with that? It make's it all so forced, for me sex must be a bit spontaneous, relaxed, fun, emotional, exiting. It's not a task or a play where you need special tactics to bring the other the highest pleasure, it's about connecting with the other. I just wanted to point that out, so you could learn from it. Also looking back on the girls, they didn't change much over the years, (they just do it with more people) and that's weird because going to college, leaving home, etc. that's when the world opens up for them. I know you tried to implement this in your story, but I don't see it, not really. They were in love in the beginning, the are still in love and they will mary and be in love, their personality, feelings or views didn't change much trough the story... What's the story about? With Jen and Carol, I can still see some development, but also there is the threat of milking it out. I'm not sure a long story works here the best, especially for the girls. Maybe short stories about their lives, and intimate encounters would have worked better. Or you need to give us more stuff than only a bit of soccer and random sex to keep us interested. Anyway good luck with the continuation of it.

Spiegelmuis (My account is off for the moment)

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

In regard to first comment I am a older man who likes to read stories on here. If I was just looking to get myself off there is always porn for that. That being said I am really disappointed with how the story is turning out, I am afraid you are more than likely right with how the story is going except for them all getting in a pile. I read a story on here once where the author had two different endings and you could choose which one you wanted to read. It would be nice if the author would consider that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Not a big surprise pretty much same old run of the mill lesbian stories you see on here all the time. Your bio does not say if you are a woman or a man but it is pretty obvious you are a middle aged or older man. With phrases like don't call us will call you, and hip hip hurray that was in the last chapter was kind of a tip off. This is pretty much the same theme of a lot of lesbian stories on here. A lesbian cannot be in an exclusive relationship they all have to be nasty. In one of the previous chapters Meagan called Carol nasty not in an insulting way just as a fact. I think that is pretty much an apt description of all the characters in this story. As a lesbian who has been in an exclusive relationship for ten years I know that is possible. Maybe you just wrote it for older men who are just on here to get their self off, as I see it now that is about all the story is good for. I have always looked at sex with two people that are in love as something special almost spiritual that is only between the two of you. When you bring in other people it just cheapens the whole thing. I sure in the next chapter or maybe later it will be Carol and Jen bringing in Jessica and Meagan to their bed. Maybe for grand finally you can just have both groups meet at Carol's house and they can all just get in a big pile and go at it. i feel so stupid wasting time on this story, if I wanted this kind of story they are a dime a dozen on here and it does not take them thirty four chapters and counting to tell.

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