Some Dreams Do Come True Pt. 01


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"You heard it all didn't you?"

"Mmmm, pretty much. Did you really mean what you said about the baby and me not having to suffer because I got pregnant out of wedlock? Kevin, that's some mighty radical thinking."

I folded my arms as I sat back, "Call it what you like, it's the way I see things. Maybe I'm a patsy, but then maybe I'm not afraid of raising a child I didn't father. All it takes to be a father is sperm and an egg, it takes a hell of a lot more to be a daddy."

The atmosphere was getting heavy, Carol quickly changed the subject, "You're going to work in Colstrip huh? Who will you be working for?"

"I'll be driving for East-West Express."

Both girls snapped their gaze to me, Heather put her hand on my face.

"Are you serious Kevin, for East-West Express?"

I nodded wondering what all the hubbub was about. Carol told me.

"That's our first cousin. Mom's older brother started it right after he got back from Nam and Christopher took it over when he got out. How did you find that job?"

"Chris and I served together a little over a year in Germany, he told me to call him when I got out and he'd hire me to drive over the road."

Heather looked at me, "You were in the motor pool like Chris?" I nodded. "Then why do you have a Rangers sticker on your truck?"

I scoffed, "So you're telling me I can't show my support and respect for the Army Rangers because I wasn't one?"

Carol sat forward, "Hmmm, that's the same thing Chris said. Okay, enough of that happy horseshit. Where are we going for supper, I have little to nothing in the house."

Heather jumped on that moment of empty air, "Texas Roadhouse, I want a steak. It aint fancy but I don't need fancy. Oh, and Carol, after we eat we're stopping at the grocery store. Kevin insists you let him fill your cupboards as room and board."

She adjourned to her room to change and I pulled Heather to me, "In exchange for room and board? Really?"

"Listen, I know her and her arguments. Instead of crap from you I ought to be getting kisses. So pucker up cowboy."

We were necking as Carol came out, my hand was over one of Heathers breasts when I heard her approaching, I moved my hand and then heard Carol, "Don't let me stop you."

I gave Heather one last kiss and squeezed her little breast, she pulled back a little.

With her face against mine she told me in almost a whisper, "Careful Kev, they're really sensitive today."

Being Tuesday night the roadhouse was anything but busy, we were seated quickly, ordered quickly and received our meals in short order. Following supper we stopped at an Albertson's where I spent shy of two hundred dollars, which to me was cheap considering what a hotel room and meals would have cost me for another two days. Carol continued to protest as we shopped, when I'd had enough I turned stopping in front of the cart, with a serious look I spoke softly but with authority.

"You're beginning to piss me off, why can't you just let help? Why do you have to rob me of the joy I get helping you, Heather, and the baby?" I stood in place with a blank look on my face.

"I guess the short answer is because no one beyond our very aged grandparents has ever given a shit about me or Heather. You'll take some getting used to Kevin. Now... move your scrawny ass."

From that point on the rest of our grocery shopping was fun and maybe even a little childish, we got more than one dirty look from others around us as we acted goofy. By the time we were on the way to the truck Heather had her hand on the bottom of her tummy and was walking slow. She and Carol were handing me bags as I put them in the truck. Holding Heathers hand, I helped her onto the seat.

"You okay buttercup? You look tired."

She smiled and uttered softly, "Buttercup, I like that. Yes, I'm okay, like you said, I'm just tired. I think I'll go to bed early tonight."

By the time all the bulk packages were put into smaller freezer bags and put away it was already after nine. I told Heather to go ahead and get ready for bed, I would be in as soon as I helped Carol finish putting the non-perishables away. As we worked she at one point took hold of my elbow causing me to look at her.

"You really like my little sister don't you? I mean, you dote over her and take care of her. You see, that's very unusual, especially when you consider she's carrying another man's child."

"That's where you and I differ Carol. You see it as another man's child, as if it's his possession, I see it as a life who will need love, warmth and help to grow up. What was shitheads name? Oh yeah, William. Well as far as I can see he gave up his right to be a father to that baby when he abandoned her."

I figured that moment was as good as any to open the can of worms, "Call me screwed up in the head if you like, but my late dad wasn't my biological father. I was eight months old when he married mom, he raised me the same way he did my siblings, as though I was his own flesh and blood. I remember the day my adoption was final, I called my grandpa and told him, "I'm officially a Peterson grandpa." Wanna know what his response was, "Kevin you've always been a Peterson to me."

Carol looked at me, "Is that a true story? Because it sounds far too outlandish to be true. I didn't think men like that existed."

I patted her hand, "Well we do, I can call mother to verify if you want me to, now if you'll excuse me, Heather doesn't seem to sleep well unless I'm next to her. Have a good night, see you in the morning."

"Probably not, I have to be at the daycare by six, why don't you two stop by at lunch time? Tomorrow is baloney sandwiches, sun-chips, apple slices and juice. It's a two-year old's gourmet lunch don-cha know."

Sliding in bed Heather scooted right up to me, her tummy resting between us with her skinny leg thrown over my abdomen. Her hand dropped to my dick which began to harden.

"Heather we don't have to make love tonight, I know you're tired."

"Can we do it tomorrow when carol is at work then?" She said half asleep.

"Yes, we can do that."

"Kevin, I was listening to what you said about a father being different than a daddy. Do you really believe that? I was coming to kiss you goodnight when I heard you telling Carol you were adopted, so I stopped to listen and then came in here when I heard you tell her goodnight. Is that true, were you adopted?"

"Of course it's true, why would I lie about something that serious?"

"I don't know how to take you Kev. I mean, we've only known each other five days."

I shifted to the side looking at her with my hand on her tummy. "I'm not sure how to take me either babe. You're one of the prettiest girls I've ever met, you have little tits which I prefer, you're a skinny rail, which I like and makes my sticker peck out. My hips are three inches wider than yours when we screw, you have a tiny ass and a baby belly that's in the way when we wanna get a little. With all that said, I find myself drawn more and more to you every day we're together. And don't take this the wrong way, you are one wild little piece of ass."

She giggled, "A wild piece of ass, never thought I'd be called that. I'm young and not very experienced in life, what do we do now?"

"The way I see it I can stay here two more nights before I leave for Colstrip Friday. I'll get the process started with Chris, that way I won't have to do it Saturday. I'll come back Friday night and leave Sunday afternoon. I start over the road training Monday, it's seven weeks long and there's no way around that. M[i]y understanding is that I'll have the weekends to myself, if that's the case I'll try to come here as often as possible."

"Kevin? Will you keep calling me buttercup? Please? It can be your special name for me."

As I lay on my back her skinny little leg swung over the top of my abdomen and the baby bump rested against my waist. Her hand was on my dick as we drifted off into the abyss, it was seven forty-five when we woke, the latest I'd slept in months. After breakfast we showered playing around a bit, I took extra time washing her tender breasts and fluffy little bush. We were in the bathroom drying when she put two folded towels on the floor, dropped to her knees and took my dick in her hands.

"I can't lay on my tummy and I'm determined to suck your dick, so stand there and take it like a man."

Her mouth, like the rest of her body was small, as the head of my cock was engulfed her cheeks puffed. Pulling off she smiled, wrapped her hands around it a second time and stuffed it back in her mouth. I was gently stroking her soft long hair as she moved back and forth over the first four inches of my dick. Guys talk about deep throating, and I'd had it done in the past, but I never came that way, holding my cock motionless in a throat doesn't get me off. Not to mention listening to the woman gag and choke, somehow it just isn't very erotic.

Her tiny fingers were no longer wrapped around my cock, they were gently playing with my scrotum, she would lift my testicles as if she were weighing them, then softly hold them. It was the soft tickling of her fingertips on my scrotum combined with her warm wet mouth wrapped around my shaft sucking for all she worth that sent me over the edge. I grabbed her head and held it still as I flooded her mouth with semen, to my pleasant surprise and amazement she swallowed nearly all of it. A small trickle found its way from the right side of her mouth, she quickly scooped it up with her finger and sucked it clean.

I was spent, my knees felt like they were made of Jell-o, my breaths were staggered and my chest was heaving. I was out of breath and all I'd done was stand and let this little minx suck my cock. She pushed me back to sit on the toilet lid, then sat on my lap and kissed me, she didn't snowball me, but it was apparent that I had cum in her mouth. I thought it would gross me out, it didn't, although I would never do that with anyone but her.

Following bologna and cheese sandwiches with Carol and the kids I took Heather shopping for clothes and underwear. Her bras were too small, her panties, the two pair she had, were in tatters, she had one pair of socks and not much for outer clothing. Considering it gets cold in Billings I made sure she had winter wear as well. I liked this girl, I mean I really liked her, I would marry her if the opportunity arose. I didn't care that she was pregnant, I could love that unborn baby just like my dad loved me, unconditionally. One time when I was not very happy with my dad mom told me something I didn't understand at the time, but it was now quite obvious, she sat me down and looked in my eyes.

I'd never seen my mom so serious, "Kevin, it takes a special man to raise someone else's child. He loves you as much as he loves your sisters. Maybe someday you'll come to realize the full truth of that statement."

Heather modeled every piece of new clothing even though I'd been by her side as she shopped. Turning sideways in a maternity top she asked.

"Does this shirt make my tummy look big?"

I laughed so hard I nearly lost my breath. When she asked what was so funny I had to tell her the truth.

"No Heather, the baby growing inside makes your tummy look big. The shirt has nothing to do with it, you look more comfortable in the new bras as well."

Back at home Carol was expected any minute so I threw some pork chops on the grill, while standing on the patio my phone rang. It was Chris wanting to know if I would be there Friday as planned. I confirmed that and told him I was planning to be gone Saturday, returning Sunday night.

"Why would you do that, it makes no sense. Just stay here, we can grab a beer and talk about old times."

I didn't want to begin a new job lying to my employer so I fessed up. "I met a girl on the way here, she lives in Billings and I sort of wanted to spend the weekend with her."

"What? No fuckin way man, you don't meet somebody on the road and fall in love. Or is this a booty call situation?"

I wasn't sure how to answer that, "No I don't see it as a booty call. We like each other and seem to have similar feelings. She knows I'll be in driver's school and that I can't be trapsing off any old time. I told her I'd see her as often as I could."

"Well, if that's what you wanna do, who am I to stand in your way. What's her name, maybe I know her."

"Her name is Heather. "

"Hey, I have a cousin named Heather but she's somewhere on the east coast knocked up. Poor kid, I feel for her, her boyfriend left her high and dry. Next time I have a truck going east I'm gonna have the driver find and bring her back."

I wasn't quite sure how much I should say over the phone, but decided it was all going to come out sooner or later, may as well be up front about it.

"You won't need to do that, she's with her sister Carol, in fact that's where I am, on her patio grilling chops."

"What the fuck Kevin? What the hell is going on? You'd better not hurt that little girl or you and me are gonna go toe to toe motherfucker."

I calmed him down and signaled for Heather to come get the meat, she gestured at me wondering who it was. I whispered Chris. She grabbed the phone.

"Hi Chris. Yeah, I lucked out and got a ride all the way here with Kevin, I really like him. Here's Kev, gotta go, Carol just came home."

Chris quickly took over the conversation, "Okay Kevin. I want to see you tomorrow. This shit is too heavy for a phone conversation, not sure how my wife Jill is gonna take all this. She's known Carol and Heather since they were little girls. I want you here by ten in the morning. See you then."

After meeting with Chris and Jill they both felt better about the situation, they realized I wasn't interested in taking advantage of Heather and then dumping her, if it came down to it I was willing to do the whole nine yards with her. I was glad I'd taken the weekend to be with her, Monday morning I hit the road running so to speak and had no intention of slowing down. I called her every other night and we face timed twice, she was showing me how big her tummy was getting, once she lowered the camera to catch the very upper part of her bush and then giggled.

"You can have some of that when you come see me. I miss you Kevin."

I didn't make it home the first weekend, on the second weekend I didn't arrive until just before bed. Heather, Carol, and me sat for a bit catching up before going to bed. Heather was so horny she jumped my bones the minute the door was closed, she'd been in sweats and had them off in seconds, grinning at me, her big baby tummy sticking out, her small breasts heavy and full.

I knelt and kissed her tummy, I could feel the baby move, then we both watched as it moved from one side to the other. You could almost make out whether it was an elbow or a knee, I was talking to the baby telling it to settle down so mama could be comfortable. I was standing as she started pulling off my pants when she suddenly stopped.

"Take your pants off Kev, the baby's on my bladder, I gotta pee."

I was lying naked on my back when she approached the bed, my cock was hard and pointed upward toward my chest, Heather scooped it up with her delicate little fingers and slowly bent to put me in her mouth. Bobbing her head up and down a few times she crawled on top leaning forward as far as her tummy would allow.

"Kevin can I have it right away tonight? I don't need you to eat me, I need your cock inside me."

That's basically how the entire weekend went, since I hadn't seen her for two weeks I could see the difference in how much bigger her tummy had become. As I progressed in the training I was getting back to see her every other weekend, it wasn't all sex, I shopped with her for a crib and other things she would need when the baby came. I was falling for this girl and falling hard. The seventh week should have been exciting and adventurous for me, I would be graduating from school and getting ready to ride with a driver for the next two weeks.

As I say, it should have been but wasn't. When I called to facetime on Wednesday I knew instantly something was wrong, we hadn't been in a conversation three minutes when a male figure walked behind her, leaned over her shoulder and said this.

"Hey asshole, I'm William and I'm back to be with my baby. Your history, fuck off."

And then I watched as he closed the laptop. Just like that it was done. I tried calling back only have it go to voicemail. Talk about a kick in the gut, I was literally sick, I threw up so hard my stomach hurt. When my phone rang I thought it would be Heather, it was Chris, he and Jill were on their way over. I wasn't in tears when they arrived but damned near. Chris started.

"Carol called and told me what was going on. All of a sudden William is back and wants to be a daddy, Heather is really torn because she loves you but he is the baby's father. He'll never allow anyone to adopt that baby if he and Heather don't work things out."

Jill was fidgety and finally blurted out, "He always was a dirty bastard, what Heather ever saw in him is beyond me. Chris is right, he'll never give up parental custody. What can you do Kevin?"

I was perplexed by the question and let her know, "What can I do? Are you serious? I can do nothing, she's decided to let him back into her life, I have no claim on that baby, nor her apparently. I think you're right Jill, I think she does love me, she just didn't choose me. To answer your question of "what am I going to do", Chris I want you to team me with a driver beginning Monday. I have no reason to hang around these parts."

It was late Sunday afternoon when Heather called, apparently William went out for a beer with old friends. She conveyed her love for me and asked me to please give her a chance, she was sure he would move on as soon as the baby was born.

"He won't want anything to do with fatherhood once he has to be responsible, please Kev, hang on a little longer, then we can be together."

I'd had a few days to get past the numbness and hurt, "I don't think so Heather. He's gonna stick around to make sure you aren't happy, he's going to want parental visits and there won't be anything you or I can do about it. No Heather, I think it's better if I just go away, I would have loved that baby as my own if he had not returned, it's a different situation now. I wish you well, and so you know, yes, I was falling in love with you."

The next six months of my life were not much more than a blur, days would go by when I didn't think of Heather and her little girl at all, then there were other times I couldn't think of anything else. I was now in my own rig making mainly southwest hauls, as long as there was more freight to haul, I went from one delivery to the next, it wasn't unheard of for me to be gone a month at a time. I heard through the grapevine that Heather had named her little girl Alice and listed the father as William at his insistence. Which basically fucked him, his return meant he was on the hook for child support for eighteen years.

William made lots of noise about a paternity test, Jill said Heather told him as soon as he was ready to pay for the test she was willing to have one. That wasn't going to happen, he barely made enough working in a warehouse to pay child support and keep himself alive. Over the next two years I spent my life being a truck driving hermit, I was gone nearly all the time and not missing much along the way. I quickly learned the lot lizards were bad news for the most part, if I needed sex I knew of a few gals throughout the southwest who were willing to share their bed for a few nights with no strings attached.

Part two is finished and being edited.

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AnonymousAnonymous22 days ago

You got me pulled in to the story, great writing. That's why I hated Heather's choice to go back to the asshole. Just because asshole is the father doesn't mean Heather has to be involved with him. I can't handle the idiocy. The guy fucking abandoned you. What kind of outcome do you think will come? The greatest outcome ever with asshole is less than Kevin. It doesn't make sense by any measure; logic, emotions, safety, support. Fucking bitch. I'm done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Only his mother & sister were mentioned in the beginning of the chapter. Later on the word siblings was used. How many? Where are they?

goodshoes2goodshoes2over 2 years ago

3 stars only. waiting to read part 2 before I think about a better (or worse) rating. Not that it is not written well, just my "cup of tea" is my way of thinking and wanting fictional life to be.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitalmost 3 years ago

Good story, but it seems Kevin gave up too quickly. There’s a lot they could do if heather wanted to be with Kevin. William being on the hook for support doesn’t entitle him access to heather. Kevin could still be daddy, without legal adoption.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I liked the story.. It was really interesting.

RanDog025RanDog025almost 3 years ago

Excellent story! Easy 5 stars. Thank you.

laad4e08laad4e08almost 3 years ago

It seems like he would have gone straight to her as soon as he saw that ass wipe was there. To just run and be gone 2 years... If he loved her, I don't think he would just leave her and the baby to hands of that shithead. I am confused as to where this can really go. Like Harga said and have it be believable.

DunkirkDunkirkalmost 3 years ago

Looking forward to part 2.

ScottishTexanScottishTexanalmost 3 years ago

So many parallels with my own life. I've got 4 kids from 2 marriages, so I've been laid by two different females while they were pregnant. But in both cases, I was the biological father. I've often thought about how fun it would be to screw a girl who was carrying someone else's baby. It's like cum inside as much as you want guilt free. I loved Heather's comment about how she couldn't be any more pregnant than she already was.

Just as a FYI, you might be interested to know that your trucking company isn't totally fiction. There's a real company by that name based in Georgia. I'm in the industry and have run all of the highways 🛣 that you mentioned in Ohio. I agree what you said about the service areas being so nice. They are the only ones outside of commercial truck stops that offer showers. You have to provide your own towels, but what do you want for free? Pilot or Loves or anywhere else for that matter will only give you a free shower if you make a minimum fuel purchase. 😉

nyc1975nyc1975almost 3 years ago

Sorry, displaying a Ranger Tab or Scroll if you don't have either on your DD214 isn't a sign of respect. It's an express ticket to an ass whipping.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Not your best work. The idea is good but your usual presentation is not in this.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraalmost 3 years ago

GREAT story!!!! C'mawwwwwn part two!!!

HargaHargaalmost 3 years ago

Well written and easy to read. Liked the story a lot but those final few paragraphs thru me off. WTF. Kevin was a friggen marine and since when do marines shy away from a problem. They attack it, persevere and overcome it, not run away like a puppy with his tale between his legs. I mean it's as much her fault by even letting the scumbag back but damn just leaving seems stupid. I knew some kind of conflict was going to come but I didn't see this ending. I guess Chris, Jill and Carol had nothing to say about him just taking off and what about heather. She is obviously conflicted but she had to feel awful about him leaving. It will be interesting to see if you can come up with a believable way to finish Kevin and Heather's journey, or not.


oldsage_1oldsage_1almost 3 years ago

Hell of a story and moving right along at the end. Looking forward to part 2. Always happy to see an R410a post!



Storyteller0112Storyteller0112almost 3 years ago

I always get excited when I see a new story from you. This time was no different. Such highs and lows in your story. My heart aches for Kevin. I would have figured Chris and Jill would have kept him apprised of Any developments.

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