Space Wrecker Ch. 02


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Dropping between her legs, I grabbed her hips and pulled myself back into her wet love tunnel. I moved my legs wider, trying to spread Julies. When that did not work, I grabbed her tail and yanked it forward. Julie hissed and rocked her hips back, allowing me to penetrate her deeper.

On an impulse, I smacked her ass making her yowl, "Don't move your hips down or I will smack you again!"

I grabbed her hips again, pulling myself into her. I could see her back fur darken from her sweat. Her blonde hair covered her face from my sight. I knew she was ready to come again when her little ah's turned into hissing and yowling again. I just kept up the brutal pace, pushing and pulling on her hips. Until my orgasm blindsided me. I filled her three or four times. Instead of sapping my strength, it energized me, so I kept up my brutal pace, wanting another.

Julie was moaning, from hers. When I did not stop, she started begging for me too. "Please, no more. I can't take it anymore, please stop."

I smacked her ass again. Her tail shot straight up in surprise, and she yowled. "Quiet! Fuck toy, you're my pussy cat to use as I want, and I want more!"

I growled at her. Julie did not go into ah's but directly into her hissing and yowling. She started hissing louder and fighting to get more of me in her, then went wild when another orgasm hit her. Her bit of fighting took me with her and I moaned as I came, filling her with two quick shots. Julie went dead on the workout bench with me on top of her.

We stayed in that position for a few minutes, but even my knees told me they had enough of the rubberized floor tiles. I struggled to stand. When I finally made it upright, I had to pull Julie up with me. We wobbled into the bedroom.

Julie detoured to the freshly made bed and flopped on it as I made it to the bathroom. A shower went a long way to revitalize my sore knees and muscles. Julie was still cat napping when I came out. I left her to nap and went to the command center to look over the logs.

As I said, I hate the long drift ins. At least Julie was with me. I got morning shower sex and post work out sex. I now believed Chree about my scent thing. I guess I produced some natural pheromones that put furry girls into heat.

I did not know how this was going to work out over time with Julie. Just thinking about Chree got me to worry about her and me again. Damn it, I thought, I never wanted a co-pilot until Chree made a few outbound trips with me. She told me it was hard on her. Then she said she missed her nine-to-five life on Brigg's.

Now that Julie was my co-pilot slash lover? Girlfriend? I shouldn't be thinking of Chree. Damn it, I thought. I tapped the controls for my messages, and got two from home. My father asked if I was all right. And asked how am I doing with my new passenger or should he ready the family for the news of a new litter of kittens.

I sat and thought about that. My father and mother were both ex-military. Mom was a former naval cryptologist and dad was a former navy seal. They met at some duty station and they told us kids it was love at first sight. Dad always changed the story saying lust when mom wasn't around. Both were down-to-earth type parents and would accept the fact I was with Julie. But I didn't know how the rest of the family would.

I wrote dad back saying, No kittens, as of yet. How do you think the family will take THAT news? WHEN it happens, not if.

I read a message from my mother. She wrote, telling me that the Garcia's daughter, Janet, just got home from College and with a bachelor's degree in agriculture. And I should come home to see her. The Garcia's lived next door to our farm, well next door was a relative term too. I shook my head. My mother was back looking for a wife for me.

I wrote back saying I might stop by after I complete my contract with the Felidae-ians but I am looking at least two hundred to three hundred solar's before I would be through. But only for a visit, I still haven't seen all the stars.

I was going to write Chree one last time just so I could talk to her and find out what I did to make her mad at me. But I did not know what I wanted to say. I stared at the cursor on the screen, flashing its little 'I'. Even if I told her that her pheromone theory was right, she would know Julie and I had sex. But not to tell her was just as wrong. I really wanted to talk to her face to face. I sat there staring at the curser.

"Just tell her you miss her and I am really looking forward to meeting her, Mark."

I turned to see Julie standing there. I did not hear her walking up, bare pawed. "But what if she wants to distance herself after hearing that?"

Julie put her hand on my shoulder. "Then it wasn't meant to be."

I nodded yes. And started typing, Hey fur ball, your stupid pheromone theory was right. It got me a female Felidae co-pilot, and I got my first scratch, post workout. Kitty wants to meet you when you coming home?

Julie laughed, "Fur ball?"

I laughed as I hit the send button. "Yes, and bunny girl, bunny slut and other assorted names."

"I thought you said Percherians don't like to be called bunny people."

"This one doesn't seem to mind..., and sort of encourages me to call her that."

"Now what is this pheromone theory you said she might be right?"

I stood up and took Julie's hand. I pulled her into the salon and sat down. "So this is going to sound a little weird. I have been visiting Briggs' space station every few weeks as I bring in a UNN ship. I would stay a day or two and Chree would visit me here."

I took Julie's hand. "If this gets too weird let me know. I thought it was just a sexual thing. It started that way. She was looking for the same thing I was. But by the second or third day we, well Chree, and I guess I as well, but we just wanted to have sex nearly all the time."

I had to close my eyes because Julie's nipples were poking through her top. I took a deep breath and let it out. "Neither one of us complained, really. It was about the fourth or fifth trip she asked me to help with getting her commercial endorsement. She needed to have two thousand hours to get the UN to sign off on her commercial license so she could buy several commercial delivery ships to expand her warehouse."

"So she took a month off and joined me making a few runs from Kazar to Briggs, then Taurus. The first couple of days we were ok, well she was, but the longer she was on the ship, she said my scent started making her go into heat. That is when she started sleeping in the other bedroom. She said just to get away from my scent."

Julies opened her eyes wide, and then looked at me, "You mean this isn't natural but you are making me go into heat?"

"Are you in heat now?"

Julie frowned. "No, very satisfied from earlier, but not in heat."

"And earlier?"

Julie blushed and looked down. She kept her head down, saying. "I thought I was going into heat, with none of the usual build up...,"

She looked up at me and leaned in and sniffed, then licked my neck and cheek. "Like I told you earlier, you smell wonderful. But earlier, I couldn't help myself. Your scent was so overwhelming. I just wanted, had to, you know, had to have you. It is most likely true. Your scent can put me into heat. And if it puts your bunny friend into heat."

I was worried, "How does that make you feel?"

Julie smiled at me. "If you're thinking I would leave because of that? Hell no Mark. It just makes me want to stay longer. I finally found someone who thinks I am not a freak. That is something I never thought I would ever find. Now I learn that his scent can put me into heat." She placed her hand on her stomach. "That is a bonus. Whatever you think Mark, the last couple of days have been the best of my life."

She took my hands and kissed them. "Look at me for a second."

I looked up at her amber eyes, and she smiled at me. She turned her wrist and tapped on her wrist tablet. There was a picture of a female Felidae. She was a little more muscular defined in the body and legs. Way smaller in the breasts over a lean, muscular body.

Julie zoomed in on her face. She had a longer muzzle and no hair on her head, just her regular fur. Her mouth did not flow into her cheeks, which were very angular, almost giving her a harsh look. Like those old Egyptian jackal images. She was wearing an elaborate Kofer with pearls and uncut rubies.

"This is my half-sister Kelsha, on her mating day. They regarded her as the beauty of the crèche. I could never compete with her on looks."

Julie blushed. "I tried so hard when I was younger. I used to cut my hair off and work extra hard in the gym, but no matter how hard I tried, I never came close to her in looks. I had too much human in me." Julie frowned. "Used to cry at nights knowing I was ugly and would never look as good as her. I still..., ummp!"

I clamped her muzzle shut with my thumb and forefinger. "The picture of Kelsha is nice, but as a human I don't find her attractive."

I turned my tablet to her and showed her the picture I took of her. "This is beautiful to me. Never say you are ugly, you are exquisite to me, and all curvy in the right places. I have no reason to lie to you. I find you attractive, sexy and...!"

Julie stopped me with a kiss. She pulled back and looked into my eyes. "You had me when you said you didn't find her attractive."

I took her wrist and looked at her stepsister again. Her stepsister looked very different from Julie. Her lips were thinner to non-existent, just like the males I have seen. She had that longer snout and no hair like Julie did. Broader shoulders and she was missing some of those thin fat layers that rounded Julie's breasts and legs.

"Do all Felidae females look like this?"

Julie nodded yes. "Or they strive to at least."

"Well, your mother must be one hell of a good-looking woman, even if you got half of her good looks."

Julie smiled and tapped her tablet again. The picture that came up was a middle-aged woman with long blonde hair, which would still turn heads today. She had a radiant smile and a long, lean body. I knew where Julie got her breasts. Her mother had large breasts, a narrow waist, and slightly curvy hips. She was also dressed just in her Kofer, she was showing a lot of skin.

"This is my mother, Margret Ann Dobbins Howfio. But no one on Felidae calls her Howfio since father can't officially take her as a mate."

"A shame, she is a beautiful woman."

Julie smiled. "I think so. Mother would be happy to hear that as well."

I tapped my tablet and brought up pictures of my family. Julie pulled my tablet off my wrist and quickly looked through them. She scanned through them, stopping at pictures of the farm and open landscapes. When she got to the first winter picture, she stopped and stared. I looked at it. It was the first snow after harvest. The fields and barns were covered in several inches of snow. It was the last day I was on the farm.

She touched the screen, "Mother described snow once to me." She looked up at me with a wishful look. "Promise me you will take some place, so I can actually see it and touch it someday, Mark?"

I grinned. I could not imagine Julie in the snow, let alone finding snow boots to fit her paws. I looked down at her paws. Julie's paws were twice as wide as my foot. Her narrow ankle look, no it was called a tarsometatarsus. Well it looked just as narrow as mine did. I had a sudden urge to lean down and nibble on her tarsometatarsus it was somewhat sexy.

Then I thought of bringing her home for the holidays. How would my family take it? How would they feel I had a Felidae lover or mate? I looked at Julie, resolving that I really did not care what they thought. "I promise. Right after we finish bring in a few of your father's ships home we will fly somewhere and find you some snow."

She held up the picture of the farm, "Here, I want to see the snow here."

"You want to see my parent's farm?"

Julie nodded yes. "To meet your parents, and I guess seek the permission of the head of the Walker clan to officially join it."

I looked at Julie, trying to decipher her comment.

"It is a custom that a Felidae female asks the head of a clan to join with a warrior of a different clan."

"We don't call it a clan, but if you look at it that way. My grandfather, Sebastian Walker, my dad's, dad is the oldest. And he lives with Grandma on Earth."

Julie looked at my tablet. "Your mother and father don't live with their clan leader?"

I laughed, "No, Grandma and Grandpa live in Galveston, a city in the great state of Texas on Earth." I tapped my tablet showing a picture of my grandfather and grandmother in front of grandfather's new boat. "I took this picture last year when grandad got his new fishing boat. They live on a barrier island. Humans do not live in clans or prides. They rather live in extended families, everywhere. My mom's parents live in Belize City in South America."

"Yet your parents live on Epsilon four?"

I nodded yes. "My mom and dad wanted the country life, so when they retired from the UN navy. They were just opening Epsilon four for colonization. They pooled their retirement and bought a farm. As my father likes to say, far enough away from the hustle and bustle of inner planets and no city lights to block out the sky. They chose a place where they could sit on the front porch and still see the stars at night."

Julie laughed, "The country estate in mother's fairy tales."

"It was what my parents wanted. Growing up was hard for me, because we were homeschooled. I only saw my teachers once a month in actual life as they did the rounds or when we went into town once or twice a month."

"It must have been lonely growing up."

"Not really. I had my brothers and sisters to play with. Then when Denny, my oldest brother, got his pilot's license. All of us kids would load up in the family's flyer and go into town almost every weekend. Got to meet most of my online classmates then." I smiled, "and some girls."

Julie laughed. "Did you use your special scent on them?"

I laughed. "No, or at least I tried to. It did not seem to work on human girls. But that didn't stop me from trying. The best I got was a kiss or two."

Julie grinned. "Only a kiss or two?"

I grimaced while nodding yes. "I only got a kiss or two from one pretty girl on my home world."

Julie looked at me. "What do the pretty girls on your home world look like?"

"Average, really. My brother always called them apple pie and milk braid girls."

"Was there someone special back home?"

I looked up, thinking. "There were a couple that caught my eye."

"So what type of girl caught your eye?"

I reached over and found Julie's picture on my tablet. She was curled up on my couch with her enormous paws tucked under her legs in her tight leathers, with her side against the back of the couch. Her large bubble butt and tail pointed at the camera and her looking over her right shoulder at me as I took the picture. "The one in the picture," I said.

Julie rubbed the side of my face. "No, not me. Human girls. Show me a picture of your ideal human girl."

"Humans come in all different shapes. What I consider ideal might not be what everyone else thinks is the perfect woman."

Julie grinned, "Show me both then."

"You're asking a man to show off his internet porn...,"

"You show me yours I will show you mine."

I laughed and tapped on my tablet. My ideal human woman was always a pear-shaped girl, with thick legs and bubble ass. I surfed several porn sites back on earth when I was going to school there. I had one or two images that I saved for the long nights alone. I opened a hidden file and brought up a particular picture that I liked. I looked up at Julie.

"Are you sure?"

She nodded yes, and I turned the tablet towards her. Shirley Butts, was a blonde with large fake 'DD' boobs, a narrow waist and extra wide hips and legs. Julie looked at the picture, then down at herself several times. Then looked at me. "I can see the body resemblance. Is she what most humans consider the ideal woman?"

I shook my head no and tapped over a few more. Demi Lust had the true porn star body, an hourglass. Thirty-six natural 'C' cup breasts, a twenty-four inch waist and thirty-six hips. A nicely rounded butt, but not a big one, with thin shapely legs.
Julie frowned. "Kind of skinny looking from my point of view."

I laughed, "Didn't know you looked at girls that way."

Julie looked at me, "On a world where there are eight women to every two men, sometimes you find relief in the arms of another woman."

I opened both eyes wide in shock.

"Don't be prudish. There is a difference between love and sexual relief."

Julie flipped through my hidden folder and stopped at one. I couldn't see what one she was looking at but she slowly slid it to the right. She had to be near the end, where Chree allowed me to take a dozen pictures. She handed it back with the last picture showing Chree laying on my bed looking over her shoulder at me. Her bubble butt sticking up proudly and her thigh gap showing me her light pink slit and rose star.

"All of your pictures are nearly the same body types. I say you have a thing for wide hipped girls. Does that include those with digitigrade legs and fur?"

I looked at Julie. I took her lower jaw and pulled her close, then kissed her lips. "Ever since I met Chree, it has been wide hips and fur."

I kissed her again and licked her muzzle and cheek, rubbing my cheek against her muzzle, knowing she would smell my pheromones. Just seeing Chree's naked picture made me hard.

"But since you came on board my ship...,"

Julie moaned, "I think we should...,"

I stood and removed my shirt and shorts. Then I reached down and took Julie's hand pulling her up.

"I think we should go into the bedroom, or I am going to take you here on the couch."

"But don't you want to see the pictures of some of my bedmates?"

"Are they pictures of you?"



"Why? You might find one or two that interest you."

"I have what interests me."

Julie smiled and took my hand and stood up. She put my hand on the clasp of her Kofer and showed me how to twist the clasp to undo it. After removing it I reached up and took off her half shirt, "Don't think you need to wear this anymore" I held onto her Kofer and half shirt in one hand and pulled her, walking backwards into the bedroom.

Her naked hips traveled twice as far as mine, with each step. I already wanted to bite them and lick them. I set her Kofer on the side table and gently pushed her backwards onto the bed. Julie scooted back from the edge with a smile on her face. I leaned down, took her paw in my hands, and started kissing her toes.

Julie giggled. Her paws were massive. With my thumbs on her paw pads and my fingers curled over the top, they did not even come close to touching. She had white, fluffy fur between her toes and paw pads just like her hands. I kissed each toe and pad. Then just to know I licked her between her toes, finding out her toe claws were just as sharp.

I kissed and licked my way up her tarsometatarsus to her ankle joint, then up her tibiotarsus, starting to stay on the inside as I crawled onto the bed. I made sure to spend a little time on her knee, which got me a few giggles and a "stop it. I am ticklish" comment.

Her leg muscles flared out over her femur. The large leg muscle was firm with a soft thin layer of fat covering, which my tongue could press in to.

I could smell her arousal, as I got closer to her sex. Julie fidgeted and tweaked her legs, as I got closer. I looked up and saw her thigh gap, waiting for me to stick my head into it. I scooted closer and licked her labia. Julie moaned as my tongue made the first contract. Her powerful scent and taste assaulted my sense of smell and taste.