Space Wrecker Ch. 03


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Julie laughed, and then looked back to Chree, "So you already hear my preferences. How do you feel about this? How to we make our crèche work?"

Chree blushed. I loved when she laid her ears flat against the front of her head like that.

"I am up for most things," she said shyly. "But I am somewhat limited with the girl on girl part, or what you referred to as shiwin. I am guessing, or assuming on what that means?" With Julie's little nod yes Chree grinned saying, "I only had one girl friend like that, and never from a different race." She looked into Julies eyes, "Speaking of race you would only be my second, Mark being my first."

"If you and me.., well you would be my second, race too," Julie said. "No worries there, we will learn as we go."

Chree blushed again, "What about kinks, do I need to hide that sort of thing from you?"

Julie smiled and took Chree's hand, "Sister Wife, Chree, never be embarrassed by those things. We Felidae-ians believe that making love..., sex, should be dynamic and ever changing for the couple. And those sort of things are considered acceptable."

"I think we just need to consider all three of us as a single family or a threesome couple," Chree said slowly trying to articulate it. "It would just make these things easier," frowning at the both of us. "It, it, is going to eventually happen, that all three of us are going to end up in bed together."

"I am good with it," Julie said reassuringly. "The question here is, are you?"

"I think I will be," Chree said looking down, folding her ears slightly forward. "The only other solution, is finding a way to take turns, and that means one of us is going to have to suffer though the others, screaming. Or spend time on the hanger deck in the gym."

Julie nodded in thought, "I am not a big fitness freak. So several times in the gym a day is a no go. As it would be difficult to listen to you two make love..., without me, but, I am sure you would have same problems listening to us, or are you a gym freak?

"Nope!" Chree replied with a deeper blush, "Like I said, I only had one girlfriend like that and it was only one time. I do not know if I am into Shiwin, but in the beginning, the sharing of Mark..., as long as you are ok with it. I should be good with it."

Julie nodded yes.

Chree nodded back, and then asked, "Sleeping arrangements?"

Julie looked at Chree with a grin, "if we are a couple, all three of us that is, so do we all three sleep together?"

Chree looked at Julie, and then turned to look at me. I shrugged my shoulders frowning, could I please two girls every evening. Chree smiled, "What? Not sure about sleeping in a fur pile flyboy?"

"It is not that," I said hesitantly. "I would love to cuddle with both of you at the same time..., I am just worried that if the cuddling, um gets ahh, a little frisky. Could I, uh satisfy for both of you?"

Chree laughed and patted my hard on. ""You have always been good for two or three times a night, then theirs that slick tongue of yours if something is a little tired."

"Or we can just set-up a schedule like no sex between dinner and bed?" Julie said with an evil smile.

I looked up at Julie's evil grin, as Chree protested, "Don't think that is going happen, unless its dinner, then directly to bed for sex girlfriend."

My tablet beeped and I quickly looked at it. Something came up on long-range radar. I stood and walked into the command center. Long-range radar showed another ship inbound at the furthest extent of the Galveston's long-range radar bubble. Our flight path was on a slight tangent from theirs and they were already out of range by the time I got there. Most likely inbound from Fort Hamilton. I stood up and turned, both Julie and Chree were standing in the doorway. Seeing them side by side with their furry breasts next to each other's made my heart skipped a beat.

Julie laughed, seeing my reaction and put her arm around Chree and pushed her chest out. "Like what you see there Captain?"

Julies large 'D' cup breasts had that nice soft bounciness, stood in contrast to Chree's smaller, tighter 'B' cup breasts, which stood out firm and proud. Both were different in shape and size, yet exciting to see, and play with. I felt a definite twinge down stairs.

Chree smiled and looked down at my kofer, "I say he does." She leaned in, and groomed my right cheek, while patting me down stairs then backed out of the way, as Julie moved in to groomed my left cheek and gave me a firm squeeze instead.

I smiled and moaned at her firm squeeze. I laughed out, "You two are going to be the death of me."

The girls laughed as they turned to walk back into the salon. The view from behind was to die for, Julies long tail dance next to Chree's diamond shaped, upright, fluffy tail giving me a start. It was also their wide hips, and bubble butt's moving almost in sequence with each other's that made me pause, thinking I could die a happy man now. Ok, maybe without their kofers was worth waiting for.

As I stepped into the salon, Julie pulled me in to sit between them. Trying not to stare at my my mates long furry legs next to mine I notice a little maintenance drone stepping into the salon with two small boxes. I smiled at it. I held out my hands saying, "Thank you, my little friend."

It beep once and walked up handing me the two boxes. It sort of bowed and beeped at me before turning and walking out. Chree looked at me, "How did you get the drone to do that?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Don't know, but I always talk to them."

Chree only shook her head, "They should not do that, even if you talk to them."

I just grinned at her, "Guess it's my winning personality rubbing off on them."

Then opened the first box and handed Chree her new tablet seeing the Percherian writing on the screen, then tried to open the second, the top on this box was a little tougher so I reached over and took Julie's hand and kissed her knuckles, then quickly used her claw to cut it open. That earned me a dirty look until I gave her, her new tablet. Got two kisses and a lick for that.

Julie started tapping the tablet, "Now I can actually work out, how to bring in the Conda as a whole without my tablet freezing up."

"As a whole," Chree asked

I tapped my wrist tablet and brought up an image on the Conda and casted it to the large salon monitor. "It's the second Felidae battleship. Her reactor blew and tore her in two."

Chree looked at it, "How radioactive is it?"

"About two hundred and fifty millisieverts an hour." I said, wiggling my hand sideways. "Or around there, if I remember right."

"That's too hot even for the Galveston's shields." Chree said. "What were you planning?"

Julie stood up and walked up to the monitor, "I am trying to talk Mark into cabling the two halves back together, thus encapsulating the main core and taking all of the plasti-steel plating from the Xanadu and covering any holes and reinforcing the two halves by cabling."

"I liked that idea for encapsulating the core," Chree said staring at the monitor, "but I don't think you can get enough lateral support from just Plasti-steel and mag clamps."

Chree tapped her new wrist tablet, "SARA, how many images do you have of battlefield and do you have enough to make a 3D image of this ship?"

"The Conda," Julie supplied.

'Scanning stored images, please wait.'

A single picture of the Conda appeared on the screen. Chree worked the tablet and moved them together. Both images flowed into each other. Chree frowned, and mumbled, "where was that command...,"

I looked over at her as she was tapping on the tablet looking at it, her little pink tongue was sticking out as she worked. She moved the images together again and they stopped when they touched. She smiled and zoomed in, turning it over on its axis until she had a view from the rear of the ship. It looked like the back half would slide into the front. Some of the protruding decking would have to be trimmed, to make them fit a little closer.

Looking at the monitor, it did not look like plasti-steel plates would fill the gaps to hold the two halves tight enough to be stable in flight, the angle was way too steep. One look at Julie told me she realized it would not work either. The tip of her ears drooped a little. She stood looking around then mumbled, "Damn it," then walking into her bedroom with an audible sigh coming from her.

Chree looked up at me, and I nodded yes. We both knew it was a long shot. As Chree zoomed out and looked around the debris field. I pointed at two lines of wrecked ships, "If you are thinking of using the torpedo frigates backbones to weld in lateral support, I don't think we have any that survived." I grinned at Chree, "Standard military procedure is to have the fighters break them so they can't make torpedo runs on the destroyers and battleships."

Chree looked over the debris field and nodded yes. "How were you planning on taking the hot section anyway?"

"As soon as I pull the front half away, I had contracted with the Hennessey group, a reactor breach specialist group out of Dakar. They are coming to coat the reactor and seal it up. They are about thirty six to forty-eight hours behind us."

Chree nodded and looked at the Conda's image again. Then she slid the image over to the line of scrappers and Julies beloved Xanadu. "Why are you hell bent on taking in the Conda as a whole? Logic says you take them in two pieces anyway. The back half is the heaviest anyway. Reactor core and ION drives, has to weigh more than the front half."

I shrugged my shoulders, "I am not. It was Julie's idea. Something about war dead and having to come home whole."

Chree looked at me, and then raised her voice, "Julie Ann! Get your ass out here girl."

Julie was already walking out. She still had a dejected look on her face, but had a new package of wet wipes in her hand. Shit I thought I stole the salon's open package and they were still in the pocket of my gym shorts.

Chree quickly asked, "Why are you hell bent in bringing the Conda in as a whole?"

Julie froze, and then looked at Chree, confused. Then over at me, before looking down at the floor. "It really doesn't matter now," she said. "But I told father if the people see that the Conda came home whole, it would restore some national pride in the hierarchy. Even though she's dead ship, she still contains war dead."

"Our people consider her war dead as national heroes. It is sort of a national mantra, which all her war dead, heroes, are, and brought back home before anything else. If father could accomplish this he could score a win against the Admiralty."

"What? And why does this concern the, um, Admiralty?"

Julie shook her head dejectedly. "My people had just learned how bad they lost at Kazar. Then they learned she's a dead ship too, from the admiralty, as a war loss. Then announced that there was no way they could bring her home whole. The people were devastated, not knowing how bad the Felidae Navy loss. But if we could pull it off, by bringing her in whole, then the people would see truly see the Admiralty does not have the peoples interest in their hearts. Then they would know that the hierarchy does, and went the extra kilometer for her war dead."



"The extra mile."

She looked up and grimaced at us, "It is really a PR thing. Even father said it would boost the peoples moral back to the hierarchy. Mark already knows, but father is trying to change our society back to a hierarchy rule from a stratocracy. This could have been the kill shot father has been looking for. However, even he doubted that we could make it happen. I sort of told father we could do it, I even made a bet with him that we could bring it in whole."

Chree looked at Julie, then me trying to gage my reaction.

I shrugged my shoulders at her, saying. "I already had dealt with Felidae's military leaders. They tried a jerk move on me." I grinned at Chree seeing her shocked face. "They tried to delay me a few days, just for an escort outbound." I grinned evilly, "Had to go all legal on them." I chuckled to myself, "I even broadcasted my threat over all open channels, just to be a dick. But in my defense, I was facing my bonus date with UNN contract. 'Fucking Assholes!'" I shouting at the screen. "So anything to spite them would fine by me. By the way Julie, what did you bet your father?"

Julie grimaced again, "Only a hundred credits. It is kind of the standard family bet thing."

I looked at Julie, wanting to laugh. A hundred creds would not even buy you a cup of coffee these days.

"I know it isn't much," She said with a mocking smile seeing my sneering face, "But I really hate losing to father, he can be such a jerk when he wins, he loves to lord it over us when we lose. Damn it! I was so sure we, you, could do it." Julie shrugged her shoulders in defeat. "Wrong again." She then balled up her fist and waved it at us. "If he..., I want to punch him some times when he wins."

"Darn it girl!" Chree said with a short laugh. "A hundred creds, you got a lot riding on this, and I haven't given up on this just yet. Mark, go put a smile on your kitty's face while I work this out." She winked at me, and then flicked he hand. "Go! I need to think about this. We are not losing this bet!"


Julie looked at Chree. "Really! You still think we can bring her in whole?"

"I don't know." Chree said looking at the screen. "Too bad your ride shot its reactor, with it powering your tensioner...,we could do...,"

The Terarza!" Julie shouted out, "the frigate next to the Xanadu has its reactor still powered up, the hull has a major breech and its spine is broken. But its power junction is fully accessible, and it can power everything on the Xanadu! The Xanadu's reactors cooling system was the system damaged, when the Terarza crashed into it. The rest of the power system was still functioning before I shut it down and shot its reactor. "

Chree grinned, "What is your load out? Drones and plating?"

Julie shook her head no, "Only ten small drones, around the five fifty class if you want to compare them to Millers, but I do carry a full load out of fifty full size Plasti-steel plates and..., oh here" Julie said in frustration and tapped on her new wrist tablet. With a simple flick of a finger, she sent Chree her ships load out. Julie looked at me with her new tablet. The grin said it all, all matching tablets was a good idea. Now shut up about it.

Chree looked it over and nodded, "Impressive, we might want to salvage them. If SARA can communicate with them we could add them to the Galveston's drone load out."

Chree looked at me with a grin, "You really don't have smaller lighter drones to work on smaller types of ships." She frowned at that statement, "Hell, here I go again thinking about expanding your business."

I smiled at her, "You go right ahead and think about expanding 'our' business Chree. We are all three in this together now."

She smiled at Julie and me. "You two go, let me think about this. Mark go make your kitty purr. You're distracting me!"

I laughed and shot an evil grin towards Julie saying, "Are going to be able to think with all that yowling?"

Julie's tail shot out and up, and then she shouted at me, "I don't yowl!"

Chree laughed then looked at me with a nasty grin, "Right..., then why don't you go show Julie your cutter drones?"


Chree smiled at Julie saying "hush." Then looked at me, "Scram, let me try to work this out." She flicked he hand at me, motioning us out. "Go, as the new girl here, I sort of have something to prove. Go!"

I laughed and took Julies hand. "Come on Julie let me introduce you to my cutter drones, while Chree gives this a shot."

Julie frowned at Chree, and then looked over at me saying, "I think I have already met your cutter drones?"

"Not this way girl." Chree laughed out. "I think. Go, now, I need to think and talk this out to myself." She stared at us, "And I don't like to think and talk to myself with others watching..., it embarrasses me."

I nodded and pulled Julie to the elevator as she giggled trying to picture Chree talking to herself. I hugged Julie as the lift took us down to the hanger deck. As we walked towards the drones Julie asked, "And pray tell, what did you and your bunny girl do down here with the said cutter drones?"

I smiled at her as we walked, "Full bondage, slash, rape scenario, vaginal and anal."

That stopped Julie dead in her tracks and she just stared at me.

I looked down with a smile, "I had the cutter drone arm hold Chree against its body while we played. It seems that some Percherian women are a closet submissive. And this one likes to role play"

That started Julie laughing. I looked up at her with that same smile. It took a few moments for her to catch her breath, "It seems I have under estimated my sister wife and her one reference to kinks."

Julie smiled as she put her hand on my arm smiling at me. "I would never have expected that of Chree, a submissive no less, and her eccentricity for anal as well."

I grinned, "Apparently they are naturally lubed back there as well."

Julie's eyes flashed, then gave me a look, "Well just so you know we Felidae are not. Those little touches and licks are fine, anything more might leave you, ah..., little too scratched up to play."

I leaned in and licked Julie's cheek, "Don't worry love, we already discussed those boundary's and I will respect them."

We walked past cutter drone eight and Julie looked at it, and then started laughing again. She looked up at me with a sexy smile and reached over, pulling me towards the far wall and my little gym. We had talked about 'sexual preferences' on our jump from Taurus to Briggs. Julie had a problem expressing herself, but after a long, yet slow discussion, we both knew each other's boundaries. It was one subject, which we needed to discuss as a mixed race couple. I am glad we did, or I might have wound up too scratched up to play later.

I felt the rubber mats when I stepped on one; I was not exactly looking for them as we walked. Julie led me along swinging her wide hips and had her long tail swinging counter point brushing her kofer showing me hints of her bubble butt with each step. Her amber colored furry hips jutted out each step, she took and with her tail swinging counter point, she was showing me just a hint of her white furry bikini butt pattern. With each sneak peak of her white fur and the little crease from her butt to the back of her thigh got me harder and harder with each step.

Julie pulled me up onto the exercise mats where she reached down one handed and twisted the lock on her Kofer. She turned around, letting it drop to the floor at the same time with a smile. I looked into her eyes as she reached over to undo the knot on my kofer. Julie purred looking at me.

I brought both hands up and wrapped her cheeks and resting my fingers behind her ears where I started scratching them as I leaned in and started kissing her. Julie moaned and started purring louder as we kissed. I let my left hand slowly drift down to just above her tail and started digging my fingers in her fur.

"Oh god, no Mark," Julie moaned. "Please, you know what...,"

I stuck my tongue deep into her mouth. As Julie started to shake, I increased the pressure and the scratching speed on the back of her ear and just above her tail knowing, full well, what this, and I was doing.

"MmmAAark peeeasse..., oh..., oh!"

Julie started twitching her hips, I knew she was getting close, to prolong her pleasure I circled her tail with my fingers and pulled it through my hands stroking it. Just softly pulling it sent Julie into a deeper purring and bigger body shake.

Julie pulled back and nuzzled me, "This is so unfair, you know exactly how to get me off...,"
