Space Wrecker Ch. 03


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I leaned in and kissed her to silence her.

I dug my fingers back into the fur at the base of her tail, pulling her body in close and scratching. I rubbed my cock across her sex feeling her wetness. I added a little pressure to my right hand scratching behind her ear. Julie shuddered, trying to dance away from my grip. I did not let her, holding on tighter determined to take her over the edge.

In less than a minute Julie pulled away from my lips, hissing and yowling, then screamed "AaaaahhhHHH!"

My kitty froze up as she pushed me away, she fell backwards onto the mats, then curled into a ball with both hands between her legs twitching and shuddering in her little orgasm.

I laid down on my side next to Julie. With a big grin she leaned over and kissed me, "It is so unfair how you do that to me. You know exactly how to get a Felidae-ian to orgasm."

I smiled, and licked her cheek, "I think I know a few other ways."

Julie blushed laying her ears flat. I rolled her onto her back and straddled her waist. I started kissing my way down her neck. Her chest fur tasted sweeter as I licked down to her massive chest. Julie's breasts were amalgamate of human and Felidae-ian biology. Her breasts were very firm, compared to a human woman's breast. Yet softened, by a thin layer of fat over them, giving them a softer rounded look. At least comparing them to her sister's picture.

I would have to guess she was a full thirty-eight 'D' or a small 'DD'. Either case they stood very proud with a mass of under muscle holding them up. They even held their shape laying on her back. I worked my way to her nipples enjoying the grooming along the way. The low deep purring told me Julie was enjoying this as well.

The soft, fluffy white fur of her chest contrasted from the dirty yellowish fur, more like a light amber color, of her sides and back. Her white chest fur had a light under coat on her chest and inner thighs, just begging me to run my hands and tongue through it. With that soft thin layer of fat over each of her breasts, it made squeezing them so enjoyable, something I could do for hours as I groomed her breast fur.

As soon as my lips touched her right nipple, Julie hissed and reached up and pulled me in tight. She ran her clawed fingers through my hair. I could feel the razor sharp tips touching my scalp. As I licked and tongued her nipple, as Julie played with my hair purring her heart out.

She stopped purring and said, "Your hair is getting longer my warrior; soon we will be able to braid it into a proper warriors knot."

I looked up from teasing her chest, "I noticed your step-sister didn't have hair, so I take it, only male Felidae-ians have hair?"

Julie nodded yes, as I licked her nipple, then I asked. "I noticed your mother has long hair, so are you going to follow her in wearing your hair long?"

Julie hissed, "Ye..., yessss if you want me too."

I leaned over and licked her left nipple getting her to hiss again. "Good, because I really love long hair on girls."

Julie smiled as I went back to licking and nibbling on her breasts. As soon as I started licking, she started purring even louder. I started licking and grooming her down her belly, I was curious about something and was going experiment. Julie was half-human and her vagina was very human looking and felt, well humanish, from my cock's point of view. Like 'he' knew anything.

I crawled between her legs and wiggled myself between them. The fur surrounding her labia was drentched, as I guided my tongue across her folds eliciting a moan from Julie. I let my tongue dance across her outer lips and slowly started opened my kitty's pussy to my tongue.

Julie's hips danced and moved to my tongues licks. Her moaning rose and lowed as I teased her labia lips. I slowly worked one hand closer to her vagina. I had a girlfriend tell me, a long time ago, that a woman's 'G' spot was a mythical thing and was not a defined spot, but part of a whole nerve package attached to her clitoris. As each erogenous zone was slightly different on every woman. With Julie being part Felidae I was curious to see if she had that special place inside, because the base of her tail and ears can set her off.

I was trying not to touch her clitoris as I slowly wormed my finger inside of her, listening to her moans. I went looking for the rough patch just behind the clitoris hood. I didn't find the rough patch but her level of moaning rose several pitches when I hit two rough spots on the sides of where a human woman's should be.

"OH Mark!"

A second finger found its way in and I gave her the peace sign come-hither move, and that seemed to set her off.

Julie screamed, "OH mYYY GOOOD MAAARRrrrk!"

Julie tried to buck me off from the direct stimulus. I started licking her clitoris and doing the come-hither motion at the same time. Julie's screaming turned in to a combination of screaming, hissing and a whole lot of yowling as I took her to the edge.

I had my left arm wrapped over her thigh to hold on, as she was cussing and hissing. Just when I though she was going to buck me off, of her, she froze up and screamed out "Dal lefen Torissa! Ka ma dãtos" (you fucking bastard, Oh my god) in Felidae.

What did not surprised me was when Julie squirting a little, she quickly reached down and pushed me away screaming "Oh my god, Get off! No more, pppplllllleeeeaaaaase!"

Julie pushed me off, of her, with the help of her sharp claws. I had no choice but to let her go. She then rolled over on her other side, curling into a little ball and shaking, as more orgasmic waves passed through her body. I grinned to myself thinking, Felidae experiment number four. A success! Now I wanted to add scratching the base of her tail to this experience.

I stood up and went to the little cabinet under the sink. I grabbed one of the white towels I stored there for cleaning up after my workouts. I got it wet and brought it back over for Julie.

I got back down on my knees crawling up next to her, I snuggled up to her backside. She was shaking in pleasure, trying to catch her breath, as her body shook with tiny tremors from her orgasm. Julie's was human enough to be susceptible to deep 'G' spot orgasms. I ran my hand up and down her side enjoying sensations of the contrasting furs on her body. From the softer white fur to the stiffer, slightly courser side and back fur.

I knew she might be somewhat embarrassed from that type of orgasm. The one human girl, Lana, who taught me how to give her a deep 'G' spot orgasm told me the squirt part was part urine as her bladder convulsed in that type of orgasm.

I met Lana on earth while going to wrecker school and we dated off and on during my second year. She had those extra wide hips that begged me to lick and nibble on them, so I did, often as she allowed me too. She had definite ideas what I needed to do down there between her legs and was not afraid to instruct me. And I, wasn't chauvinist enough not to listen. The more I learned, the more I got to nibble.

She taught me a lot of how to please a woman and make love to her, private parts. Unfortunately, she was looking for that single home planet guy, the preverbal nine to five man. There was a few times, I was willing to give up my dream, just to be with her. Spend one hour between her large creamy thighs, and she would reciprocate, spending nearly two hours going all cowgirl on me. Sadly, in the end, deep space won out and we slowly drifted apart, both realizing that neither one of us wanted to give up their dreams for the other. Deep space frighten her to the point of nearly breaking down, yet the distant star's still called to me.

I smiled at the thought and rubbed Julie's fur, I was glad I, we did finally called it off, or I would not have met Julie. She had similar features, and her fur and tail added to that eroticism I was missing with Lana, it was enough to keep me hard all day. Her body and looks made me want to push myself in making love to her. She is my wet dream come true.

Julie took a deep breath, "Oh my god Mark! That was..., that was so..., intense. I am so embarrassed! You actually made me pee myself."

I scooted back a little and forced Julie to roll back over and face me. I wormed my way in opening her curled up body until we were chest to chest again. Lifting her muzzle, I kissed and licked her lips, then muzzle until she relaxed and returned them.

Then I reached down running the wet towel through her sex saying, "Don't be love. I would have been very disappointed if you did not. That technique causes a deep vaginal orgasm. I was told to expect it and if it did not happen, I was not doing it right." I grinned at her, "Did it feel good?"

Julies smile was all the answer I needed, so I kissed her again. "Don't be embarrassed in whatever we do Love. I love you and will do whatever it takes to make you happy with me."

Julie pushed me on my back and held me down as she kissed and groomed my face. She started kissing her way down my neck but I grabbed her hips stopping her.

She frowned when I stopped her, "I want to return the favor love," she said with a wicked looking grin.

I shook my head, "No I really want you right now."

Julie smiled apologetically "I am a little sensitive down there..., don't think I could last to give you...,"

I kissed her and shook my head. "You don't, but I really want, need you now."

Julie rocked her hips a little and rubbed her sex along my manhood. When we were close, she lowered herself down on me. She was wet and tight. The sensations threaten to take me over the edge as she slowly lowered herself. She placed my hands on her massive chest saying, "Distract yourself with the girls and don't move. It is my turn to rock your world." She grinned wickedly at me, "If I can."

I grinned palming her breasts, as she dug her toe claws into the rubber mat. With her powerful thighs she lifted herself slowly straight up and down at antagonizing slow pace. I felt every fold and crease inside her as my sensitive cock felt her every move.

If she kept up the slow pace, I knew I was not going to last very long, so I concentrated on her breasts trying to ignore what she was doing to my cock. It was a losing the battle as Julie started purring adding a completely different dimension to what I was feeling. She kept me on that proverbial edge, slowing and or stopping when I got close.

Julie wore an evil grin, she knew what she was doing to my body with her slow pace and purring. She had both of her hands on my shoulders, and every time I tried to move or force her to speed up, take me over that edge, she would tap her claws on my bare skin reminding me who was in charge.

I was force to endure her edging of me. I was losing this battle and she knew it. I loved Julie's chest, what man would not love a natural pair of 'D' breasts that were very firm. Not even their charms were doing it for me and I was getting close to losing the battle.

Just when I thought it was over, she lowered herself down then leaned in and started kissing me. She weaved her extra-long tongue deep into my mouth. She reached up to my hand and pinched her nipple with my fingers. She whispered, "Don't stop. Concentrate on them."

"I was trying too!"

Julie smiled down at me 'You were not distracting enough!" She started her slow pace again. I was concentrating really hard on her breasts. I even dug my fingers deep into the fur surrounding her nipples and areola. I wanted to lick and taste them but Julie prevented me, keeping her hands on my shoulders, just when I thought I was going to lose the battle again, Julie froze up and hissed.

The closing of her eyes, the biting of her lower lip and the subtle shaking of her body told me she just came, again. I growled and grabbed her hips, twisting mine and trying to roll us over.

"Huh ah!" Julie tapped my shoulders again with her claws.

When her little orgasm passed, she started that slow, sensual pace again. It was driving me mad! She had to know how close she got me. Her slow rocking and fucking was driving me insane. She slowly increased her pace, as I was getting close. I was just going to hit that point again, when she froze up again hissing out, "FFFfffuuucCCK!"

She lowered herself down onto my chest, shaking. "Can't hold out, you got me too sensitive earlier."

I grabbed her hips and with my left leg I rolled on top of her. I looked down at her smiling face. Her hair was a mess and she wore a lazy smile with half-lidded eyes.

"Do it my mate, and ravish me. Don't stop, whatever I say..., I can't, you made me too sensitiv..., Eepp!"

As she said the last words, I slid myself out and back in silencing her. Julie rolled her eyes as I slowly moved myself in and out of her warm essence. I could feel her vagina's walls tugging and holding me in as I slid in and out. I slowly built up speed with one thing in mind.

Out of the blue Julie tried to curl up hissing, "Fuckkk meee!, stop, oh my god please no morrrreee!"

I had to close my eyes and ears. I was hunting for one thing now. I was getting close and Julie screamed again begging me to stop. I was too close I needed it. Just when the damn broke Julie screamed again and fought back to get me off, of her. I got to cum only once inside her and the rest all over the mat as she curled back into her little ball and shook.

I sat on my back heels enjoying her post coitus glow. After a few minutes I tried, rolling her back over, I was still stiff as a board, but Julie had passed out. I sat up looking, she was breathing fine, I quickly gathered our kofers and wrapped them around Julie's waist and carried her towards the elevator.

In a subdued voice I said, "SARA, Elevator hanger deck now!"

I missed SARA's reply as Julie mumble, "no, let me be, just wanna rest...,"

I walked through the salon startling Chree. She quickly dashed over to look. Julie mumbled, "too hard on the pussy..., cat."

I grinned saying "Ward."

Chree grinned and winked at me laughing, then started unwrapping our kofer's from Julies grasp. As we walked to my bedroom. She pulled the cover for me and I laid Julie down. I covered her up with the sheet. I stood up and leaned back a little to relieve the stress in my back when I felt Chree's hand clamp onto my hard on.

I turned and recognized the look on her face. I should have cleaned up down stairs first. Chree had taken her kofer off and was violently yanking me to the door. She pulled me to her room with a lustful look in her eyes. I knew that look.

She pushed me onto her bed and leaped on me even before I hit the bed. Her nose and tongue hit my neck at the same time. She sniffed and licked me as she rocked her hips trying to get me inside her. This wasn't going to be a tender moment.

As soon as she lined us up, she slammed her hips into me. She put her hands on my shoulders and set a brutal pace for herself. She wanted one thing. I reached up, taking her extended nipples in both hands and squeezed, hard. Chree hissed yes, and continued to pound herself into me.

I rolled her nipples and squeezed them to her brutal pace. It didn't take long before she shot a line of breast milk then froze up on my cock and orgasmed. Chree screamed bloody murder, just as loud as Julie did down stairs.

I wasn't even close as Chree started to lay down on me, I pushed her over onto her back, then spread her legs and slammed myself back into her wet pussy. "Oh hell no bunny girl, I didn't get to finish!"

Chree smiled as I slammed myself into her.

"My kitty didn't last long enough to take the edge off me either bunny girl."

"Use me Mark," Chree said with a grin. "Take your frustrations out on meeeEEE!"

Her ribbed vagina was doing its job. I slammed in and out of her as hard as I could. Seeking my own relief. I could see Chree's eyes were rolling in her head and I could feel her vagina convulsing in a constant loop of little mini orgasms. Having dual clitoris's was her bane in this situation. Her cute little pink tongue was sticking out the side of her mouth and she was reduced to little ah's and oh's as I worked myself into coming.

Chree started moaning, "No more, stop. Please...oh, no NO!"

I did not. I wanted to come, I had too at this point. I could feel it on the edge but I was not there yet. Chree started moaning louder and pleading for me to stop. She started fighting to get me off, of her, which is when she froze up, clamping down on her vaginal muscles with all her might and screamed at the top of her lungs. That was what I was waiting for. That extra tightness took me over the edge and I came with her.

Chree collapsed below me as I did on her. My legs and neither regions screamed in pain. I stayed on top of Chree until I softened, then I rolled off, of her, knowing I was finally done for a while. I turned her onto her side and snuggled in close. I did not know how long we laid there, when I felt a set of clawed hands touch my hip as Julie crawled into Chree's wide bed and snuggled up behind me. I reached back and touched Julie's hip, then gave it a good scratching. She leaned in purring, licking my neck and shoulder grooming me as we all three, drifted back into a fitful sleep.

I heard SARA announce thirty minutes to FTL. I was warm, snuggled in-between two furry girls. It felt good and I did not want to move, but I, we, needed to clean up before we dropped into subspace, plus Julie had to be woken up. However, I was just too warm and comfortable with my two furry girls half piled on top of me. I smiled to myself, thinking this is what Chree called fur-pile. I struggled to move, but both girls had half climbed on top of me as we slept. As I struggled to dislodge them, both moaned no.

"Come on girls," I berated them, "FTL in thirty and we all need to shower."

I had to drag both out of Chree's bed and into my bathroom. I am very glad I went with the largest shower I could get. With two people, it was still roomy, but two naked furry girls and I, it was getting a bit cozy. I was the last one out of the shower as both had to shake the excess water off and use the air nozzles to dry off. Chree walked out after Julie, she looked at me standing there dripping wet from the water from their fur, and laughed.

"Laugh it up fur ball!" I yelled back.

Chree shut the shower door on me, "I just did fly boy."

Julie was laying out a fresh black kofer on my bed for me when I was finally dry, shaved and had clean teeth. She smiled and picked it back up and carried it over to me. I smiled and let her dress me. For some reason she enjoyed doing that, as much as I did letting her do that for me. She groomed my chest and neck and allowed me to groom her cheek several times. But no kissing due to the fact I just brushed my teeth and she hated the mint flovor.

"I enjoyed my work out, my warrior."

I smiled, "Maybe we should work out together more often?"

Julie blushed, "I would like that."

She pulled me out to the salon sitting down on the couch when SARA announced FTL in five minutes. Chree came out and all three of us snuggled as the countdown reached zero.

One hour and forty-three minutes later, we burst back into normal space and started the turn to our next FTL point. Julie got up and went into her room, a minute later she came out with her tee shaped jewelry stand and motioned Chree to follow her into my bedroom. They both walked out putting on new pilots collars.

I looked at Chree as she came out, "Everything good?"

She smiled at Julie, and then me "Just wonderful, no hint of dizziness or a headache. Just to let you know I am buying stock in the company that makes these. They are going to make a killing selling them on Percherian."

Julie laughed, and looked at me, "We set the recharging stand up on your dresser, since we are all technically sleeping in in your room."
