Spinning and I Can't Sit Still


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Travis leans over and kisses Connor on the mouth once he's got his bag zipped, murmuring "you're a good bro, Connor."

"Just want my guys to be happy, y'know? Me and Trey have been through some shit at that restaurant, so I'm pretty sure that counts as family."

Connor slips his hand into Travis's as they walk towards Travis's Jeep, leaving Travis feeling warm right on down to his bones. Yeah, tonight's gonna be just fine, and so are a lot of the ones after.


The sound of Travis Tritt and the smell of booze hits Travis before they actually see anyone, instantly putting him a little more at ease. There are lights on in the backyard of James and Asher's house, and the sound of boozy laughter greets them as they round the corner and come upon what is indeed a party.

"Well well, our guests of honor did decide to show up." Asher's already walking towards them, his hair perfectly coiffed upwards, green eyes lit up by dark eyeliner, extending two cans of Michelob towards them in greeting. Travis can't help but smile, and accepts Asher's hug when he reaches up to put his arms around his neck.

Watching Connor bend to do the same is awfully funny too, but for whatever reason it makes Travis feel a whole lot better about being here.

"Thanks for having us over, Asher, and again, good game. Uh... this isn't... what I was expecting."

"What, a bunch of queer guys liking Michelob and Travis Tritt? Y'all didn't invent it, babe, now c'mon." Asher turns and leads them towards the group, making introductions along the way, Travis receiving all sorts of handshakes and not-so-subtle once overs, feeling pleasantly objectified by the time they reach the back porch and the worn patio set with mismatched chairs and table.

"I know Connor's met a couple of us, but guys, this is James, Clay, and Sean. Now sit the fuck down and stop looking so nervous." Asher gives up his seat to go and sit in James's lap, looking perfectly at home when James puts his arm around him to steady him.

"Did y'al think we were gonna eat you?" This comes from Clay, all smiles and blue eyes, the perfect distillation of a midsummer day. "Promise we only do that with each other."

"Nah, Connor caught me up on the way over. So... are all of the guys, y'know?" Travis doesn't want to misidentify anyone, especially since he's pretty sure he's somewhere in there too. For God's sake, he's fucking dating Connor, so this isn't exactly hostile territory.

"On the spectrum? Yeah, they are. Greek life ain't for just the straight folks. Think everyone deserves a shot at it." Clay picks his beer up and sips, his mouth making a pretty little "o" around the rim of the bottle.

Connor's hand lands on his knee under the table and squeezes, the bare skin on skin making Travis take a long pull of his own drink. "That's actually really progressive."

"Kinda what we want for everyone." James shifts Asher to his other leg and leans forward to pick up his beer mug, exactly like something out of a movie tavern scene. "No one deserves to feel excluded, which is why we wanted to talk to the two of you."

"We're not exactly hard up for a frat, though." Travis can't stop looking at any of them, feeling something shift inside his chest that he didn't even realize was out of place. "Unless you heard something through the grapevine we don't know about."

"Nothin' like that, no - we wanted to ask you if you want to join us." Sean leans back into Clay's body, the two of them on a glider that looks like it might break under their combined, obviously muscular bodies. Jesus Christ, Clay in particular is fucking ripped, and Travis's mouth goes dry when he watches his pecs flex under his t-shirt.

That sense of realization grows a little stronger, and he suddenly wants to kiss the hell out of Connor.

"We've been reading up on the two of you, and it seems like y'all are kinda the idea men behind a lot of Sigma Tau's service projects. Travis, I think you've actually worked with Sean on a couple of the campus beautification campaigns, and Connor, your food drive year before last - I still remember that. That was a hell of a project."

Travis feels like his minor in agriculture might actually be of some use after all. "I had forgotten about that, actually."

"We take notice of things like that, and all of us here - we admire it, which is why we think you'd be an awesome for us. And no, we don't just go around feeling up guys, no matter what Asher told you." James flashes them a smile and squeezes Asher, a knowing look passing between them that a couple of months ago, Travis probably wouldn't have completely gotten.

Sean speaks up again, leveling a soft look at Travis. "We respect boundaries and consent around here, which is why some of these guys joined up in the first place. This is a totally safe space, and there's not a single one of us at this table who doesn't believe in the need for a place like this one."

"And we're madly in love with each other, so we might look but trust us, we're all well spoken for. We're not as slutty as you might be led to believe." Asher kisses James on the cheek and alright, Travis thinks that maybe this wasn't such a bad idea to come over after all.

"You don't have to give us an answer today, tomorrow, or next week - but we do want you to think about it. And congratulations, by the way." Clay's giving them a million watt smile again, and Travis returns a confused look.

"Congratulations on what?"

"Realizing your bi - Connor, no offense, but I think your boy's been staring at my rack since he sat down."

Connor laughs and leans over to kiss Travis behind the ear. "Can't blame him, it's a pretty nice one."

Alright, the laugh they share is very much at Travis's expense, but once that final piece of realization clicks into place, it's not so bad. This group of guys is just as solid as his own back over at Sigma Tau, and as the evening goes on, Travis knows he's already made his decision.

And he and Connor do indeed end up making out against one of the porch posts, right where everyone can see them and you know what?

It feels fucking awesome.


Travis is sure that "Country Roads, Take Me Home" isn't the last thing he listened to before he went to bed - Asher had sent him a couple of Reba's tracks, and alright, he might have sang them very, very loudly while he was getting ready to go out to dinner with Kellan. There had been a lot of laughing, just a couple of beers, Kellan swearing up and down he wouldn't wreck Travis's Jeep, he hadn't drank just so he could drive it...

So why was he hearing it now?

It takes him another ten seconds to register that it's his phone making the noise, and he reaches out in the darkness to try and shut it off.

Connor's name lights up the screen, and Travis sits up the second he puts it together. "Hello?"

"Hey, baby, uh... I need you."

Travis rubs the sleep from his eyes and checks the time - it's after midnight, which means he's been asleep for, hell, almost three hours now. After dinner he'd intended to just sit down and chill with Kellan, but his eyes had closed and Kellan had told him to go to bed..

Travis feels like an old man all of a sudden, and he swings his legs out to the side of his bed. "Yeah, babe, what's up?"

"My battery died earlier, so Trey gave me a ride but he had to take off early and I don't have the cash for an Uber, so-"

"Shh, babe, I'll be there soon. Stay where you are, okay?"

Connor sighs with relief on the other end of the line, and Travis is already getting up to find a pair of shorts. "I love you, Travis."

"Love you too, Connor, I'm comin' for you."

The sound of rain pattering against his window doubles his efforts to get ready.

He tracks down a pair of gym shorts and one of his work tees, figuring that for his current job that's all he'll need. He contemplates putting underwear back on, decides against it, and finds his canvas slip ons, pocketing his phone, wallet, and keys as he heads out the door.

Kellan and Grant are still up, watching The Office in the living room and looking very comfortable with a couple mugs of hot chocolate. "I'll be back soon, guys, gonna pick Connor up."

"This late, man?"

"Yeah, he's... he needs me." Travis can't quite place why that makes such a lump of emotion come up in his throat, but it does. "See you guys later."

"Be careful, bro."

Travis is going to be, because Connor fucking needs him and he's not about to fail him.

The Smiling Mackerel is a solid twenty minute drive away without traffic, and the streets of Wilmington are well and truly empty at this hour, with only a few cars heading in the same direction as him, and none of them really close enough to worry about having to slow down. Travis comes more awake as he drives, his windows up against the rain and his a/c on; by the time he's turned onto the road Connor's restaurant is on, he's cold down to the bone and wishing he'd brought a hoodie with him.

Connor's standing under the eave near the back door, just barely back from the rain with his hands shoved in his pockets.

Travis skids to a stop in front of him, the door unlocked - Connor scrambles in as fast as he can and the second he's able to, pulls Travis into a hug that smells like seafood breading and sweat.

"I'm so fucking glad to see you, man." Connor pulls back, looking exhausted beyond belief both emotionally and physically. "Like, really, really glad."

"Wasn't gonna leave you hanging, babe." Travis puts his hand against the back of Connor's head and closes his eyes, stroking his hair and trying his hardest to hold him as close as he can. "You know I wouldn't."

"Yeah, I know, just... it's been a long, long day."

Come to think of it, Travis hadn't heard from him save for this morning - Saturdays are the one day a week that they get to talk the least, as Connor normally pulls a double and Travis catches up on the homework he didn't get to during the week. "Want me to take you home, or?"

Connor shakes his head and pulls back a little, already looking a little better. "Hell no - I have the day off tomorrow and have no intentions of going anywhere but to your refrigerator and back. What do you say, babe?"

"Damn, there goes my breakfast plans." Travis levels an easy smile at him and Connor pinches his side before slipping his hand up his shorts and squeezing his dick.

"Is this part of it, or can we call this a midnight snack?"

Travis spreads his legs so that Connor can have more access, putting the car in gear and wondering just how fast he can get them home without getting caught. "Keep squeezing my balls and it's gonna be a hell of a lot more than a snack."

Connor does, and Travis doesn't really know why he's surprised.

"You realize it's been four days, babe?" Connor's voice is low, warm, pitched so that it makes a pleasant tingle prickle the base of Travis's spine. "Been missing havin' you."

"Me too, Connor." Travis has to lock his eyes on the road and concentrate when Connor rubs his thumb over his slit. "Was holding off until we could see each other again."

"Means you've got a pretty good load saved up, don't you?"

Jesus fuck, Connor's got him completely hard, the right leg of his loose shorts pushed up so that he can freely stroke his cock; it feels different with Connor's left hand doing all the work, but definitely not unpleasant. "Would rather not blow it here, man."

"Yeah, yeah, I know, just... needed to feel you." Connor leans over to kiss him on the cheek again, only to wince at the change of position.

"You alright?"

"Think so - we got a delivery in today and I may have tried to carry one too many boxes in. Feels like a pulled dorsal."

Travis knows those hurt like hell, and how the hell Connor managed to stay standing through the whole of his shift is honestly admirable. "I'll rub you down when we get home, now hands off the goods so I can drive."

Connor doesn't take his hand completely off his dick, but he does at least stop stroking him so he can focus on the road.

By the time they're back at Travis's apartment, it's raining twice as hard now and trying to get inside without getting soaked is more than enough to kill Travis's boner.

Well, that and how much Connor reeks right now.

Kellan and Grant have retired to Kellan's room - no prying eyes when Connor backs Travis up against the couch and shoves his hand down his pants. "Been thinking about this all day, babe."

Travis dodges a kiss and gently pushes Connor back, wrinkling his nose. "Go wash the fish smell off first - as much as I dig the whole working man vibe, you are not gonna smell like scampi while I'm between your legs."

Connor groans, letting go of Travis with a frown. "Swear you can't make an exception just this once?"

Travis shoos him towards the bathroom. "I'll grab you a pair of shorts."

"You really think I'll need 'em?"

Alright, that's fair.

"Just go. "

Once Connor is down to just his underwear (plain, plaid boxers that somehow manage to look indescribably sexy on him,) Travis takes his soiled work clothes and drops them in the washer, tossing in some of his stuff just so he has a full load. Connor had a point with not wearing shorts, and the second that he's back in his room, Travis strips down again and remakes his bed. He's still thinking about how Connor winced earlier, and an idea starts to take root. He goes over to the top drawer of his nightstand, gets out lube (they've got to get some more soon) and the bottle of massage oil he and Maggie had used last Valentine's Day. It hadn't been much of a massage - mostly dirty fucking - but he'd kept it anyway, just in case. He remembers it warming on contact, and that's gonna feel like heaven on Connor's back.

Travis hears the shower shut off ten minutes later, and he quickly arranges himself on the bed as casually and comfortably as he can. His cock is already hardening again, and all it takes is a couple of strokes before he's leaking precome. The four days of involuntary abstinence has been hell, and even if they don't end up doing anything but rubbing off against each other, it'll be absolute bliss compared to nothing at all.

Connor pushes his door open quietly, dressed in nothing but his glasses and small white gauges - Travis must not have noticed them before, as he wears them infrequently these days. "Well hi there."

Travis rubs the place next to him on the bed and stretches as luxuriously as he can manage. "I want you face down, no arguments."

Connor crawls across the bed and leans over him for a slow, wet kiss that involves a whole hell of a lot of tongue in about two seconds. Travis gets Connor into position while only breaking it once, laying over Connor's back once he's face down and under Travis's hands.

"All I need you to do is relax, babe." Travis sits on Connor's thighs, his cock resting against his ass, still weeping precome. "And not think."

"Trust me, I didn't have any nefarious designs on you." Connor wiggles his ass, the liar, and wraps his arms around Travis's pillows. "I'm more worried about you taking advantage of me."

"Who, me?" Travis drizzles oil over Connor's back, from the nape of his neck down to his spine. "I swear I didn't have anything planned."

Connor hums as Travis's fingers start to dig into knotted muscle, pushing and kneading like he was shown in his therapy class. He can already feel the oil warming up under his hands, just as advertised. "You know I can do this any time you need me to."

"Had I known how good you were at it, I would have asked sooner - you sure you don't want to pursue a career as a masseuse?"

Travis shrugs, thumbs working down Connor's spine. "I thought about it, and know I could make good money from it. But I like what I'm doing, and still want to."

"Which means I'm gonna be the only client for this service?"

"The only one I want, anyway." Travis leans down and kisses the back of Connor's right shoulder, his hands still working there way south. "You're hard to ignore, Connor."

Connor lets out something between a moan and a purr, shifting against the mattress. "Do you have any idea how hard I am right now?"

"With the way you're starting to hump the bed, I think I have a pretty good idea." Travis doesn't let himself drift, intent on working the ache out of Connor's muscles. "There something we should do about that too?"

"Was really, really hoping so."

Connor's ass is right there, and he doesn't exactly seem opposed to Travis being the one driving right now. "Yeah?"

"Yeah, babe." Connor reaches back and grabs Travis's cock, stroking him as well as he can from the awkward angle. "Gotta admit I wasn't washing the whole time I was in the shower."

Travis swallows, his hands paused on Connor's lower back. "I noticed you were in there a while."

"Well, you're big as hell, so I had to make sure I was stretched enough to handle it." Fuck, Connor's arching against him, and sure enough when Travis looks his hole is already gaping - and leaking.

"Holy shit, Connor, are you sure?" Travis has been perfectly happy receiving up til now - it feels fucking awesome, especially when Connor makes him explode hands free. "I don't want to-"

"Trust me, neither of us is gonna lose anything by doing this. I want to feel what you feel, man. You don't think I haven't noticed how fucking happy you look after?" Connor's leaned up to turn and look at him and alright, yeah, the look in his eyes isn't exactly leaving much room for argument. "You're not the only one with intimate knowledge of what's back there."

Travis nods, licking his lips. "Want me to use a rubber?"

Connor emphatically shakes his head, and Travis grabs the lube. "Fuck no, man - I want you to fuck me deep and leave me leaking after."

Travis's brain fries instantly, positive he feels it starting to slide out of his ears. "You're gonna be the fucking death of me yet."

"Yeah, but it'll be a hell of a way to go."

Connor shuts up when Travis starts to slide home, trying to go slowly, only they're both so lubed up that Travis doesn't get the chance to appreciate how tight Connor's ass is until he's balls deep, with both of them breathing short and sharp, the muttered oh, shits and quiet moans making the air seem even heavier, the gravity of what they're doing immense.

And Travis is going to fuck the hell out of him, because after this long apart he's about to go fucking crazy.

"Fuck, Travis, you feel so big. " Connor's about to rip the pillowcase off, trying to give Travis as much leverage and access as he can. "I can feel every goddamn inch of you in me, fuck. "

"Shhh, Connor, just relax." Travis gets up on his knees and rocks forward, hands gripping Connor's hips. "Raise up a little?"

Connor complies, spreading low and making a whole lot of muscles move in his back, ones that Travis wants to trace with his tongue later. "Fuck, Travis, don't fucking hold back."

Travis starts to thrust with long, slow rolls of his hips, giving them both a little extra time to adjust. "Been thinking about this for a while, Connor." He leans down and kisses him between his shoulder blades, picking up speed little by little. "How pretty you'd sound, moaning on my cock."

"Everything you... ngh, fuck, Travis, you're deep. "

That's exactly the answer Travis was hoping for.

"How'd you think I feel every time you're in me, babe? Fucking love taking your big fuckin' cock, but god damn if your ass doesn't look fucking good stretched around me." Travis is already opening him up more and more, pulling all the way out just to see what kind of a gape Connor's got going on.

Travis sees a whole lot of wet, vibrant pink, and it just makes him want more.

"On your back." Travis helps Connor flip over and puts his legs up on his shoulders, locking his eyes on Connor's face as he fucks into him again. "Fuck, that's hot as shit baby, watching you get hooked on me." Travis changes the angle slightly, keeping Connor's thighs braced with his left arm. "Christ, Connor, you feel so fuckin' good."
