Spirits in the Material World Pt. 17


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"It's nice to meet you," Maggie offered, but Dennis and Mary were no longer paying her any attention and Chrissy was looking a little askance at Maggie as if she was uncertain how she felt about her. Jack seemed oblivious to anything untoward and headed to the backroom while asking Maggie to wait for him there.

"So, you're the new trainee, eh?" Chrissy asked. "Any experience working retail?"

"Not really. But I am fairly intelligent and I learn new things quickly. How about yourself? Have you been working here very long?"

Jack emerged from the backroom before Chrissy could answer, and Jack and Maggie returned to the jewelry store together. Along the way, Jack inquired about Maggie's impressions of the second store.

"The products offered do not seem to be anywhere near those sold at 'our' store. Why is that?" she asked.

Jack explained, "Customers of the second store generally won't set foot in the first store. Yet, they have desires and needs for nice things, like watches and necklaces and such. We carry some lesser valued rings there as well. If they have disposable income, I would like a share of that. Was there anything else that struck you?" he probed.

"I got the feeling that none of the others there liked me. Have I taken anything away from them?"

"No, not really. Please keep this confidential, though. Dennis is gay as you probably discerned, and Mary was once Mark. Chrissy may harbor some resentment for you coming in as Alice's trainee, but that's Chrissy's problem, not yours. None of them would do well in our higher-end store. But they are good, dependable workers. I won't ask you to work in that second store unless it truly is an emergency. Your comportment and intelligence make you a much better fit for our main store." They had arrived at the main store, and once again Jack held the door open for Maggie to enter.

= = =

Rose headed off to her last day at the bank. Before she left, she admonished Julie to be sure everything was off, unplugged except for major appliances, and locked up before she headed for Middleburg and Tom. Both of them had loaded boxes of clothing, toiletries, personal items such as jewelry and alarm clocks, and the two primarily black and white drawings by David of Julie and Maggie. Julie was to be responsible for the food from the refrigerator and the pantry, as Rose was leaving directly from work.

Once her mother had departed, Julie took another look around for anything they may have missed. She found some adult toys and lube in Maggie's nightstand drawer, so Julie packed those things away for her sister. Aside from the linens which were remaining behind, Julie found nothing extra to be packed. They would be back after Christmas to get the furniture, and their lease was not up until January 31st. With a small sigh, she turned the thermostat down to 62 degrees, turned off all the lights except the one over the kitchen sink, and locked the handle and the deadbolt locks on the door.

Settling into her car, Julie assured the final boxes were safely stored before she texted Rose and Tom to advise them of her departure from Centreville. She put the car in gear and slowly pulled out of the parking lot. It felt like the end of a significant chapter in her life.

= = =

Alan spent most of that Wednesday reading. He had begun with the local happenings section of the newspaper where he'd read about the toddler being saved by David. He completed all the puzzles (word jumble, Sudoku, and the crossword), and briefly looked at the headlines on the front page. He then picked up the book by Kevin Hearne and was soon completely involved in the story. He was getting up to use the bathroom when he heard a car pull into the driveway. Peeking out the window, he smiled when he saw who it was, and he shouted up the stairs, "Tom, I believe this delivery is for you, son!". Alan then proceeded up to his bathroom, figuring the public half bath would soon be in demand. Tom emerged from the media room, opened the door, and dashed barefoot for his girlfriend's embrace.

Tom held Julie's face in his hands and brought her in for a very loving, very missed embrace while shifting from one cold foot to the other.

"Come on, lover boy. Let's get some shoes and a coat on you and you can help me with my stuff. First, though, I have to pee!" Julie had not stopped at all in her journey, and her bladder was letting her know of its displeasure.

They hauled all the boxes inside and put away the food in the kitchen. The two pictures ended up back on the fireplace on either side of the firebox. The boxes of Julie's clothes were taken up to Tom's room where he had already made room in the drawers. The one box Julie had of Maggie's stuff was set upon David's bed.

Julie spent the rest of the morning and almost all afternoon just sitting next to Tom in the media room. She didn't need sex; she just needed proximity to him.

= = =

When David arrived at the city's pool, he was not as prepared for what he encountered as he would have wished. There were three television camera crews there, seemingly just waiting for him to arrive. They had been told by the helpful staffer inside that David was scheduled to work that day. It happened that one of the crew recognized David and they had clued in their reporter, and the others just flocked as he got out of his Jeep.

"David, how does it feel to be a hero?" one of the pushier, louder ones barked. "Do you think you deserve a bonus for your effort?" another one blurted.

"People, if we can do this in an orderly fashion, I'll have a statement for you up by the building." David bought himself about a minute to consider his words.

"Yesterday, I observed an unattended toddler in a dangerous place, nearing the pool. As there were no other people in the water at that time, I gave my undivided attention to the child. When he toppled into the water, I was just doing what I had been hired to do, that is to keep people safe. I'm grateful I was able to rescue the boy and prevent this holiday season from becoming tragic for the family. I am not usually on the schedule here as I attend the state Art school a few hours away. But being home for Christmas, I wanted to earn some extra money and the folks here go back with me for a few years. So no, I do not believe I am a hero. I'm just someone who has the training and inclination to serve in this very necessary role. And no, I do not believe I deserve anything more than the agreed-upon compensation."

"David, where did you get this training?" a pretty blonde reporter asked, then thrust her microphone to catch his words.

"I earned the Swimming and the Lifesaving merit badges while at scout camp, and the Water Safety Instructor and Red Cross Lifesaving training are kept up to date, annually."

"So, is it fair to say that you credit Scouting for getting you to this place?" she followed up.

"Absolutely. My brother and I are both Eagle Scouts through a local troop and, to my mind, there is no finer program focused on training youth to become the responsible leaders of the future. Now, I have to go clock in. I have another shift today and I hope nobody needs my help in that way today." He turned and entered the building to begin his shift.

= = =

The bank manager told Rose to leave at 2:00 pm, a couple of hours early. He wished her good luck in her next job and safe travels to Middleburg. She quickly made the rounds to tell each of the tellers "farewell" and admonished them to treat all of their customers like family. Then she practically skipped out the door to her car to go be with her boyfriend and his family. She did think to send a text to him that she was rolling and to expect her there for supper.

Rose arrived at the Harrisons' home at 4:15, as she had made one stop along the way for gasoline and to make her bladder gladder. It would have taken a nuclear explosion to get the smile off her face as she stepped from her car. The driveway was getting crowded, and David's Jeep was not yet part of that mix. She looked back into her car and decided the boxes of clothing and stuff could wait. She needed her Alan fix, right away!

She mounted the steps to the front door and was about to ring the bell when the door was practically ripped from its hinges. The storm door went 'bang!' as it was flung open, and she was engulfed in warmth, security, and, most of all, love. Aching lips found their mates, and a strong hand gripped Rose at the back of her head, directing the action at the front of the head. This was the Alan fix she needed so badly! Obviously, he needed his Rose fix just as badly. Giving her no time to object, Alan pulled her inside and closed the doors. He pulled her coat off and completely missed getting it hung up, but he did not care. His Rose was here, in his arms!

He pulled her into the living room and down onto his lap as he sank onto the sofa. The urgency of their embrace had lightened up, but not the sincerity. Lips no longer bruised the other lips, and tongue tips now came out to play. His grip on her head eased while her grip on his increased to match. Eventually, she had to push Alan back so she could talk.

"It seems, Mr. Harrison, that you missed me just as much as I missed you. That's a very good thing! Our nightly calls have been good, but they pale when compared to the richness of your embrace. There'll be time tonight for us to demonstrate how much we missed the other."

"Rose, Rose, Rose. I tried not to show it to anyone, but I felt lost and incomplete with you gone these last three days. Please, let's try not to let that happen again. I don't know if my heart can take it."

"Phew! That's a lot to lay on a girl, Alan. If she were somewhat immature, her head could swell with importance. Fortunately, you've got your hands full of a mature, sensible, and horny woman. I'm here now, Alan. I'm here for you. 'Imagine me and you, I do, I think about you day and night, it's only right, to think about the one you love and hold them tight, so happy together.'" Her melodic voice caused his heart to race and zing. This was right! This was what Laura had wanted for him.

"So, what's for supper?" she asked.

= = =

When David's shift ended at 4:00, there had been no crises or emergencies, for which he was grateful. 'May you live in interesting times' is not the Chinese blessing you want to hear when you're lifeguarding. He showered off quickly and dressed in sweatpants, a t-shirt, and shoes, and headed for his car. He texted Maggie that he was on his way, that he was sorry if he was a little late. The blonde reporter, minus her camera crew, was waiting for him just outside the building. She handed him her card.

"David, I'm Lisa Adams with Channel 4. Is Tom Harrison your brother?"

"Why? Do you know him?"

"We graduated from Middleburg High School together. You have a very similar appearance."

"Yes, Tom's my brother, also an Eagle Scout, but you knew that already."

"I was pretty sure of that. Do you have time today to talk some more about yesterday's event?"

"I have to get rolling to pick up my girlfriend from her job. I'm not scheduled for tomorrow if you'd like to meet somewhere for coffee and to talk."

"Tomorrow would be good. You have my number. Text me when and where, please."

"How about 10:00 am at the Fourbucks on State Street?" he suggested.

"Perfect! It will be just me, no camera crew, but we will be talking on the record. This is a perfect human interest story for Christmas. Thank you, David."

"You are welcome, Lisa. Thank you for being courteous and restrained. See you tomorrow!" And he got in the Jeep and hustled off to get Maggie. They had a stop or two to make on the way home.

He arrived at Johnson's Jewelry at 4:20 and parked. And he waited. Five minutes. Ten minutes. He was getting nervous because Middleburg had a nasty habit of funding some programs with parking fines, and he was totally out of quarters to feed the meter. Sure enough, coming toward him on the sidewalk was a police officer who was checking the meters and writing parking tickets. He got back in his Jeep and pulled out of the parking spot before being cited. He drove around the block three times before the officer had moved to the other side of the street so he could park again. 4:35. Then Maggie exited the store with a big smile, and she ran around to the passenger side before he could get out to open her door.

"Thank you, Davey! I like it that you can drop me off and pick me up. More time together!"

"Did you get my text that I was on my way?"

"No, but my phone was in my purse. Oh, here it is. Have you been waiting long?"

"Only about fifteen minutes. Almost got a parking ticket, though. Had to drive around for a few minutes. But we're good now. We have to make a couple of stops on the way home."

She buckled in, and they were rolling for their first stop, a chain drugstore.

"What do we need here, Davey?"

"Come on, Magpie. You can help me choose which flavor." He tugged her by the hand, and she would not let his go. He led them to the Reproductive Planning case, and she got a bit embarrassed. They would have to get a clerk to unlock the case. Sucking it up, she pointed to a style advertising as 'ribbed for her pleasure'. David smiled and caught the attention of an employee to unlock the case and retrieve the box of a dozen condoms. Still slightly embarrassed, Maggie thanked the girl with a smile and a wink, and they headed to the front. Detouring, David led them by the refrigerated case and Maggie saw a bottle of Amaretto-flavored coffee creamer and wanted to try it. Humoring her, David got a bottle and they proceeded to pay for their purchases and head for home.

= = =

Tom and Julie had spent the afternoon wrapped up in each other, just chilling in the media room. Because they wanted the distraction, the TV was on TCM, and it was showing Frank Capra's "It's a Wonderful Life". You know the story; it's a big what-if tale with a heart-warming finish where the bell rings and the angel, Clarence, gets his wings. They heard Alan's response to Rose's arrival but decided to give them some needed time and space, just as had been afforded to them. With the movie finished, Tom turned off the display and found himself with a lapful and faceful of his beautiful, loving girlfriend. He could not imagine being more contented than he was right then.

David pulled into the driveway which was now completely full. Tom's Jeep, Julie's Camry, Rose's Subaru, and now his Jeep filled the four spots not in the garage, which held Alan's Volvo. Where ever would they put Maggie's car, when she got one? One or two might be relegated to parking on the street. They took their purchases and David's swim bag into the house. David chose to take the creamer and head to the kitchen so he could get his bag's contents into the wash. Maggie scampered up the stairs to stow the box of condoms in their room. A minute later, Alan and Rose emerged from the living room and Tom and Julie from the media room to find neither David nor Maggie in view. Puzzled expressions crossed everyone's faces and Tom peeked out to assure that David and Maggie had arrived.

Maggie came skipping down the stairs, still in her work clothes, and Rose's jaw dropped. How beautiful and mature Maggie looked! Was this the same girl who a week ago delighted in wearing jeans and t-shirts to school? Julie looked at her sister approvingly with a smile and a nod of her head. Then the group heard David coming back up the stairs from the basement, so they moved to the dining room to discuss supper plans.

Chinese delivered was the quick consensus, and Alan soon was placing the order online. Right after Alan placed the order, Julie looked at David squarely and declared, "David, I'm sorry. I did not mean to insult you. Please forgive me." She bowed her head slightly to indicate her genuine remorse.

"I know you meant it to be teasing, but it was exactly the wrong thing to say at that time. Julie, you are forgiven, and I will forget this ever happened. I love you, just not quite as much as I love Maggie." And with his words, a level of tension eased in all of them. And a snort from both Maggie and Tom as David's zinger struck.

"Good one, David. So, tell us about rescuing that little boy," Julie requested.

"There's not much to say. Luckily, there was no one else in the pool at that moment, so I could watch the whole thing unfold. Whoever was supposed to be watching him, wasn't. I was moving and diving before I even realized it. He still took some water into his lungs, so we had to call the EMTs. There were two other lifeguards in the area, but I was the only one who saw and acted. I did get bombarded by reporters this morning as I pulled up to the pool. They'll probably have my statement on the news tonight." He shrugged in indifference. "One of the reporters, Lisa Adams, wants to meet me for coffee tomorrow after I drop you off, Mags. Is that ok?" he asked.

"Is she pretty?" Maggie asked with an edge to her voice. David had not experienced this aspect of Maggie's personality.

"Oh, yes she is," declared Tom. "She graduated from MHS with me. She's now doing some reporting?" Tom asked.

"So, it would seem," Alan chimed in. "Let's go to the media room and pull it up on the larger screen."

"Maggie, she just wants information about the story. She's an old lady, to me. You are my day and night. I love you. Please, never doubt that," David murmured to her as they made their way to the media room.

Mollified, Maggie clasped his hand in hers and would not let it go. They arranged themselves on the furniture, with Rose and Maggie sitting in Alan's and David's laps, respectively, and Alan fired up the system. The local news was just beginning, and the human-interest story was the fourth one of the broadcast. David's statement was captured in its entirety, and then the reporter added some commentary about the boy being the mayor's grandson and how a potential tragedy had been averted just in time for the holiday.

"You were very well-spoken, David," Rose commented. Nods all around agreed, but Maggie was focused on the picture of Lisa. Maggie felt threatened by his having a one-on-one tomorrow when she could do nothing about it. She squeezed his hand tighter, almost to the point of pain. David lifted her to her feet and pulled her across the foyer into the living room to speak quietly.

"What is it with you, Mags? She wants to talk over coffee. That's all."

"She's threatening to me, Davey. She's pretty, she's here, she knows you and your brother."

"And you're here. In my bed, every night. You're beautiful, Kitsune girl, and you know me and my brother, too. What do I have to do to ease your concerns? Take a chaperone?" David meant that last bit as sarcasm, but she grabbed onto the idea with both hands.

"Yes, take a chaperone. Take Tom with you. Or Tom and Jules. Let that Lisa person see what she could have had."

"Ok, ok. I'll bring Tom with me." Just then the doorbell rang with their Chinese Take-out delivery.

= = =

Supper was full of furtive glances and soft, subtle touching. Everybody knew what was on everyone's minds, and it would have been amusing to watch if the witnesses had not been so caught up. Finally, Alan stood up and declared, "Enough. Gentlemen, the cleanup is yours. Rose, if you would please accompany me?" Gracefully, she stood and took Alan's hand in hers and he led her to the stairs going up. Their hurried scamper was muffled but still heard, and the boys just smiled broadly and shook their heads in amusement.

"Tom, go, take Julie to bed. You've been apart too long. Maggie and I will get this cleaned up," David offered. "Just remember Dad's words: 'Be safe. And if you can't be safe, be careful. And if you can't be careful, name it after me.' Now, go you two." Clasping Tom's hand in hers, Julie made no pretense about being sedate and collected. She pulled and tugged and led the way up to their bedroom.