Spring Break Ch. 08: Sunday Home

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Dirk was unsure what to expect from Ingrid on his arrival.
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Part 8 of the 9 part series

Updated 03/31/2024
Created 06/18/2021
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Spring Break Ch. 8: Sun Late - Home

Dirk was unsure what to expect when he returned home.

Category: Incest

Tags: Creampie; Down blouse; Fantasy Pregnancy; Secret; Seduction; See-through; Stepmother; Stepson



This is a work of fiction. The work may draw on actual historic events, but the actions of the characters within these events are purely fictitious. Where actual institutions are mentioned, their names are used purely to fit the plot. No real person, group of persons affiliated with these institutions or the institutions itself, have engaged, to the author's knowledge, in the acts described in this work.

All characters in sexual situations, real or implied, are 18 or above. Any similarities between real persons and characters within this work are coincidental and unintended.



I am much indebted to kenjisato for the thorough editing of the text (multiple times) and making this story much more readable and enjoyable than I could master on my own. I take responsibility for any error that remains.

References are made to the 2005 novel 'Passion' by Lisa Valdez. This novel describes fictitious events which took place at the 'Great Exhibition' of 1851, and the aftermath. The Great Exhibition of 1851 was housed in the 'Crystal Palace' on Hyde Park in London. The Crystal Palace was a temporary structure built primarily from cast iron and plate glass. It covered 92 000m 2 (990 000 sq ft). Over 14 000 exhibitors from around the world exhibited their products and industries. Over 6 million people visited the exhibition, which started on 1 May 1851 and ended on 15 October 1851. This work mostly paraphrases extracts from the novel, which are Italicized to denote contents which were drawn from the novel.



This work takes place in South Africa in September in the early 2000s. The academic year starts January and ends December.


Local words:

Kraal: Small enclosure for livestock, often in close proximity of the homestead.

Maties: A pseudonym for the University of Stellenbosch.

Matric: Grade 12, or the final year in secondary school, equivalent to senior year in high school in the US, a year during which scholars turn 18 years old.

Rage: A short holiday following the final Matric examinations, where scholars celebrate their scholastic freedom. Without adult supervision, some matriculants indulge in alcohol and sex to celebrate their 'freedom' and entry into adulthood.

Stoep: A covered outdoor area adjoining a house, similar to a patio or veranda.


Earlier in the series:

It was the University of Stellenbosch 's 2005 Spring Break, and Dirk and Steve had decided to visit Dirk's home on a farm near Tzaneen, where Dirk's young, widowed stepmother (Ingrid), and his sister Alta lived. Their holiday started when they hit the road on Saturday morning, in Dirk's red Citi Golf, to travel the 1,800 kilometers (1,200 mi) from Stellenbosch where the two study at university.

Chapter 1: With the radio broken, Steve initially hassled Dirk about sexual encounters, or fantasies thereof, with his young, widowed stepmother. When Dirk denied all, they decided to tell each other about past sexual experiences to pass the almost twenty hours they expected to be on the road, travelling over two days. Steve was first to tell about the multiple sex encounters he had with Juliette, a lactating young mother, during his Rage holiday.

Chapter 2: Dirk told of how he took the virginity of his best friend's twin sister shortly after both had turned eighteen.

Chapter 3: Steve told of the recent sex he had with his sister's friend, Sandra, on the role-playing theme of the video game 'Final Fantasy'.

Chapter 4: While the pair overnighted at Steve 's home; Steve's mother, Laura, relived past erotic memories, which triggered fantasies of having sex with Dirk. Sandra and Steve, meanwhile, continued their Final Fantasy role-playing tryst with added quests suggested by Steve's sister, Sis.

Chapter 5: Back on the road after an intimate farewell with all three women, especially Laura, Dirk tells of his adventure with a girl, whose life he had saved after she was swept into the sea, and one of her friends.

Chapter 6: Steve relayed his group sex escapade during his Rage, having sex with three girls during a strip game, on the one day that he hadn't been with Juliette.

Chapter 7: Dirk, trying to hide his partners' true identities, told how Sis and Sandra surprised him in his bed the previous night. See also Sandra's Challenge and Sis's Transformation for more of their adventures.

In this chapter (and Chapter 9), the two friends, horny from all the sex talk in the car, arrived at Dirk's home - where one thing leads to another. Since the events of the two chapters overlap in time, there may be some duplication.


Sunday afternoon: Tzaneen

The loud chirping sounds of African cicadas, where they were basking in the early spring afternoon sun in a nearby tree, came loudly through the open window. Their loud calls were lost on Ingrid, as she was captivated by the book she was reading. When she reached the end of the page, she flipped it over and was simultaneously disappointed and relieved to see that it was the last page. Eager to finish, so she could start with her afternoon chores, she continued to read:

Passion, the female main character, looked as her husband, Mark - the male protagonist, entered the bedroom. He came closer, when he noticed that she called him, and stroked the soft hair of their baby son, who was blissfully suckling onto Passion's breast.

Ingrid sighed, she desperately wanted a baby of her own, who would be suckling on her breast. She had identified with Passion from the first chapter of the book, who was widowed, and childless.

Passion's pregnancy was the result of an affair with Mark, which started due to a fateful encounter at 'The Great Exhibition'. After she remained barren in her marriage, she thought that she couldn't conceive, and regularly allowed Mark unprotected sex.

But, unbeknownst to Passion, until late in the book, Mark was engaged to Passion's cousin, Charlotte. Charlotte's mother had knowledge of Mark's mother's infidelities, and blackmailed Mark into the engagement.

Unlike Passion, Ingrid did get pregnant when she had unprotected sex during a one-night-stand, with Rudy. Stacey, Rudy's wife at the time, filed for divorce and moved to Cape Town along with the couple's two children, Dirk and Alta. Rudy did the honorable thing and married Ingrid, but they lost the baby early in Ingrid's third trimester.

Over the next five years, she got pregnant twice, but both times history repeated itself, and they lost the baby early in the third trimester. Ingrid's gynecologist identified the premature death of the babies as a lack of oxygen transfer through the placenta, and recommended that she take half an Aspirin tablet every day. This would thin her blood, and facilitate oxygen exchange with the growing baby.

She lowered the book as some 'what-ifs', which had haunted her since Rudy's untimely death, six months ago, flashed through her mind. She had already accepted Rudy's death, but what if Rudy had died a day or two later and they had had sex on those 'extra days', like they had planned. His sperm would have survived into her fertile window! Or, what if her thirty-two-day period was the twenty-eight-day norm for most women. The sperm of their sex on day twelve would have survived to fertilize her egg on its release on day fourteen.

If any of these scenarios had played out, she would then have been in her third trimester. And this time, with the aid of the Aspirin program, there would have been hope that she could go full term.

She sighed. It wasn't the first time that her thirty-two-day cycle had interfered with her life. She got pregnant when she allowed Rudy unprotected sex, during a single night of passion, on day eighteen of her cycle, thinking that she was well past day fourteen, and her receptive phase.

A shiver ran down her spine when the detail of another 'what-if' flashed through her mind, a scenario she lately tried to suppress. It had troubled her since the idea first crossed her mind. What if she had seduced Dirk, her stepson, the night after his father's funeral!? The baby would have taken after Rudy, and she could always claim, when anyone, especially Dirk, got suspicious, that the sex they had was on day eighteen of her cycle, which would normally be considered safe. She even had a journal where she recorded her periods, and dates on which she and Rudy had sex. A journal in which they planned her next pregnancy. The diary showed that she and Rudy had sex on day twelve, when most women would be receptive.

At times, she was glad that she only came up with the devious plan after the fact - weeks after Dirk had returned to Stellenbosch. But at times like the current, she wished that she had thought of the plan earlier, and that it had actually happened. The idea, nonetheless, soon became the main theme of her fantasies when she commanded the services of her vibrator. She rubbed her hand over her tummy, thinking how it would have felt with Dirk's baby kicking inside.

The only remainder of the idea, were the fantasies of how she seduced Dirk! She wished for the fantasies to stop, like it did when she had moved in with Rudy. Their frequent, and wonderful sex, left her with no need to escape into her fantasy world. She now feared that she may act out some of her fantasies in real life, and it wouldn't be appropriate if she seduced Dirk in the process.

She sighed again. Her fantasy world, which had returned after Rudy's death, was a wonderful escape once the days without sex started to accumulate, and it became more difficult to suppress them.

The main theme of her fantasies was to ask Dirk to remove a heavy box from a high shelf in Rudy's cupboard. Or, she would strategically leave a personal item, like a bangle or her watch, for Dirk to find and he would then return it to her. Dirk would find her in her bedroom, at a time when she was preparing to go to sleep. Acting as if she was unaware that she was only covered in highly transparent or skimpy sleepwear; that even when putting on a gown, it would create only the impression of modesty, it would be semi-transparent, or not covering her properly.

And while Dirk was around, she would also ask him to do some additional chores. In her fantasy, Dirk himself would be in sleepwear, and his dick would give him away that he noticed her scantily clothed condition. She would then tease him, where one thing would lead to another. In her fantasies, Dirk would invariably fall for her and inseminate her.

Another recurring theme was for her to walk in the house wearing revealing clothes, mostly sleepwear. It may be early in the morning 'to make coffee', or just before bedtime 'to get some water'. But always when she heard Dirk moving around. He would then notice her, and her revealing lingerie. She would approach him, and casually talk to him, as if it was natural. Her eyes would be fixed on his, waiting for them to be diverted onto her breasts, and crotch before she noticed Dirk's tented boxers.

But as the winter break drew closer, she feared that she may act on these fantasies. She desperately needed to replace Dirk as the main character of her fantasies. Initially, she tried to replace Dirk with Steve - she regularly heard him referring to her as Dirk's 'sexy stepmom', in the background, during telephone conversations, even before Rudy's untimely death.

Unfortunately, Dirk returned as the main character of her fantasies during his visit over the winter break. The excitement, in the prospect of the fantasy becoming real, broke through the walls she tried to create. She started to act on these fantasies, subtle at the beginning, but she grew bolder over time. Her emotions were on a rollercoaster ride at the time. She would get an adrenaline rush when she acted on the fantasy, waiting - hoping for Dirk to act on it, not knowing how she would react if Dirk succumbed to the temptation.

But when nothing happened, and she reflected on it when she went to bed at night, she chastised herself for her lapse in self-control. She would be careful for a day or two, but was soon acting out her fantasies again.

She sighed, relieved that nothing came of it, wondering if Dirk was the gentleman, or merely pretended that he hadn't noticed by not reacting to these signals.

Shortly after Dirk's return to Stellenbosch, Alta's commercial sciences teacher, Jim Botha, tested her interest in a romantic date. She didn't expect the 'hunting season' would be open less than four months after her husband's death. She, nonetheless, felt flattered that Jim was interested in a romantic relationship with her. He was handsome, and, according to Alta, the object of several of the matric girls' fantasies.

Ingrid replaced Dirk with Jim in her fantasies, and it worked for a while, but when nothing came of Jim's enquiry, her fantasies reverted back to Dirk. She again tried to replace Dirk with Steve, until Dirk invited him over for the spring break.

As the spring break grew closer, she got concerned that she may unconsciously project subtle hints of interest to either Dirk or Steve. In order to preserve her fantasies as the safe playground they were supposed to be, she was determined to fantasize about anonymous strangers.

Then she heard about Lisa Valdes's book 'Passion' on a radio talk show. Hoping that the hero in the book could become the stranger of her fantasies, she bought the book. And the strategy didn't disappoint, she soon associated with Passion, integrating the events into her fantasies. She transformed the events of more than a century and a half ago in London, into her current situation in Tzaneen.

The thought brought her mind back to the book and she lifted it up again. Her heart was still beating fast from the loaded erotism in the book and the recent thoughts which it had awakened. She transferred the book to her left hand and reached down with her right. Her fingers slid into her thong and plunged into her wet vulva. Then, slowly her index finger circled her clit, while her middle finger caressed her wet folds. Eager to finish the book, she continued to read:

Passion pulled Mark closer, in a kiss. She dared him to show her how much he loved her. She sat his mind at ease, insisting that the baby was more asleep than awake and wouldn't mind if they had sex.

Mark looked lovingly at his wife and son, a tear dropped onto Passion's breast, another on his son's arm, as he lifted her skirt and slid into her hot core.

Ingrid reflected on the book while she closed it. She hoped that Mark would continue to be the stranger in her fantasies. He was the perfect candidate, sensitive when Passion required understanding, but rough when she needed it.

She put the book on her bedside drawer and took a deep breath. It was fantasy time and she reached for her vibrator in the top drawer. Her hands folded in anticipation around the substitute dick. She sighed, the moment wasn't right. Mark was caring, sensitive at the end, but, right now, she needed it to be rough, like Mark earlier in the book. Someone who would leave her pussy throbbing when he was done with her.

She looked at the vibrator and whispered towards it, 'You can't be rough'. With a shock she realized that, for times like these, she needed a dick, a real dick. Carefully, she returned the vibrator, hoping that she'd be satisfied with the gentler treatment of her vibrator when her body would be tired after doing her afternoon chores.

Then, she heard a toilet flushing and movement in the passage outside the bedroom's door. She looked at the door, which was slightly open to allow a draft through the room, and she sighed, relieved, glad that sanity had prevailed. Alta, may walk in on her, like she did on Thursday night while she was in the throes of an orgasm. She consoled herself, thinking that it was too hot in any case, and that an appointment with her vibrator later in the afternoon would, indeed, be better.

Ingrid smiled as she thought back on the circumstances of how Alta walked in on her. The action in the book became too hot for her to handle, so she placed the book face down on her bedside drawer to retrieve her vibrator. She was working the pulsing instrument in and out of her vagina with her one hand, making sure that her vibrating thumb touched her clit periodically. Her other hand alternated between her breasts where it pinched, pulled and rolled her nipples, fantasizing that Mark, in the disguise of an intruder, was administering it onto her.

The duvet was halfway down her body, barely covering her hips and the action between her legs. Her one breast was on full display, while she had squeezed the nipple of the other, and pulled on it.

She only noticed Alta's shocked expression on her face when the throes of her orgasm had subsided and she relaxed from the spasms which left her back arched. She looked sheepishly at Alta, who had already picked the book up and then started to read the few hot lines, from the introduction, out loud. Then Alta demanded to read the book when Ingrid was finished.

And, to add insult to injury, Alta directed her eyes towards the vibrator and told her that she could then switch it off. Just before closing the door as she walked out, Alta hinted that she, too, would appreciate a vibrator.

A cunning smile spread over Ingrid's lips when she realized how she could arrange the necessary privacy to address her horny state. She could hand the book over to Alta, as she had requested. Alta would be preoccupied reading the book, probably next to the swimming pool, while she could indulge in all the soothing pleasures that her vibrator could offer her tired body.

Her mind drifted back to Dirk, who had crept recently back into her fantasies, where he impregnated her the night after his father's funeral. Her fantasies would start off neutral, with an anonymous villain, a Peeping Tom.

In her fantasy, she was standing naked in front of the open bedroom window. Light from her bedside lamp would illuminate her body. The window was protected from unwanted observation by the garden shrubs. She stretched herself out to enjoy the cool breeze which blew in through the window. Her twisting her body often fully lit by the bedside lamp.

But a Peeping Tom was hiding behind one of the garden shrubs, watching as her nipples grew hard in the cool evening air, which swept through the open window. She played with her breasts for a while, before she donned her sleep shirt over her head. She left the window open, to let through the cool breeze, when she went to bed.

The Peeping Tom immediately sneaked to the window and watched her as she slipped in between the covers. He allowed time for her to relax until she switched off the bedside lamp. He entered the room through the window and covered her face with a pillow, fearing that she could see who he was.