Stand by Me - Mary's Side

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She's a mystery to her own self.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/16/2022
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(I wrote a story about Benji and Mary, where Mary's date with a work colleague ended their marriage. It was a first person story, from Benji. Here's Mary's story.)

I don't know what happened to me. I was happily married to a wonderful guy - Benji King. Then I fucked up, and that was it for us. Even now, after a year of therapy, I haven't been able fully to see why I lost my way. I'm usually a level-headed woman. I got top grades all through school, and law school. I know how to think things through and not go off on emotional tangents. But.....something threw me off course. It wasn't the guy, either. It was something in me.

I loved Benji. Still do.

A new guy came to work at my law firm - Bailey Leonard. He was a little older, and a real heartthrob. He transferred in from the NYC office. All the women in the office were interested to try him out, even though he was married with kids. The family was still in NYC. Bailey - Lee - was here. Very much here. And when I say all the women, I mean ALL of them, married or not. Except me. I knew he was hot. But, not to toot my own horn, I got hit on by hot guys a lot, since I was fourteen. That's because I looked hot myself.

The guys who tried for me were usually also very sexy and confident. It seemed as if ordinary guys never thought I'd look at them.

Anyway, I met Benji, who was ordinary in the hot looks department. But, he tried for me right off, when we met. And I found that I liked him. He didn't press, and he was way smart, unlike most guys. (No sexism intended. Only the facts.)

At the time I had three hot guys that I.....used. Nevertheless, Benji appealed to me, and I thought to give him a shot. So, I let him seduce me one evening in his off-campus apartment. We were supposed to be studying. That didn't last long, because I didn't want it to last. Men are easy.

Benji saw right away what I wanted. He wasted no time with books. He pulled me into a long kiss, during which he undid my dress, which buttoned in the back. I never felt that at all, but when he stepped back, he just pushed the dress to the floor. I was standing there in my panties. When he did that, I was on him like a tornado. He didn't have to take my panties off. I found that when I shoved him onto the couch, his pants were down, undies, too. I mounted him, in a frenzy. He had something that I hadn't come across before. At the time I wasn't sure what it was. But after I had him that first time, on my couch, I knew he was for me.

That first time didn't take so long. But it was great. We sat side by side when it was over. He took off his shirt.

He said, "I'd like us to look at each other, completely naked."

So, we stood up and displayed our naked selves to each other. I knew he was twenty. But he was smooth, and looked younger. He had a nice, slim build, with an average size cock. He was very interested in my naked self. He got erect again quickly. I put that down as another big plus for him.

We spent the entire night having various types of sex. When we awoke, it was Friday, and we both had classes. He asked me to go to see a band that night, and I accepted.

I met him at an off-campus dance hall and bar. It was early and he bought me dinner and a beer. At about seven, I saw the band start to set up. And Benji took me backstage. He was in the band. I had no idea. But I got a great seat just off the stage, and the band - The Crescents - started to play. They were an oldies band, fifties to eighties. Benji was the main attraction - the lead singer on most of the songs. They did an hour and a half, and got a great reception. After, I met the other guys, including his bestie, Todd.

Then Benji and I went back to his place. He had to fight off some women outside, when we left. But he managed. I did wonder what he might have done if I hadn't been along.

From then on, we were a pair. We married at the end of senior year and went to law school together. When we got out, Benji quit the band, and we went to work as lawyers. He was a prosecutor locally, and I went with a medium sized firm, doing regulatory things, mainly. He left the band, mainly, because of me. I was not happy with the idea of all those women. The band was now making some waves, locally, but still an oldies group. Benji was unhappy to leave them, but he did it for me.

After about a year, I met Bailey. As I said, he screwed his way through many of the women at the firm. He was discreet about it. He also got very good reviews from them. I was the only woman at the firm that blew him off. The rest just blew him - to start.

Lee was stymied by me, and it only made him more determined. Flowers, little touches, jokes. He was good at it. But both of us were married. And I really, really was in love with Benji. Our sex life hadn't really cooled - when we got a chance. Most weekends we spent all day Sunday in bed. During the week, we might only get one shot.

But......but....Lee was making progress with me. I mean, he was just so good looking, in a hard-guy way. And he had some of his office conquests try to persuade me with tales of his exploits in bed. They said that he was simply the best.

Lee said he'd like to take me out, to dance at the Excelsior. He proposed that we'd spend the night at his condo in Arlington, and I'd be back home the next day. Who would know?

I told Benji that I had an overnight to Pittsburgh. Leave Friday, back Saturday afternoon. I'd drive. He bought it - I thought.

I was a little taken aback when Lee and I arrived at the Excelsior. He had great seats, but it was a band that Benji's buddy Todd led. Still, the band was up on stage, under lights. I just made sure Lee and I danced away from the front man.

I wasn't really having much fun with Lee. He was a mediocre dancer. When a slow number was played, he was good at pulling me close, so I could feel his big cock pressing into me. Not the first time that had happened to me. was exciting that night. I think it was because it was a new dick. I ignored his lack of rhythm. I assumed that he could straight ahead pound me when we got to his place.

I had some serious doubts that Lee was anything close to what the office women had claimed. Or, an alternative, he was okay, but I was used to exceptional. I gave some thought to ghosting him. But, I couldn't go home. I was in Pittsburgh, so far as my husband knew.

Then the band struck up 'Stand by Me.' It had been Benji's special song. And there he was. Jesus! He was introduced, he was on stage, he was looking directly at me. I was close to fainting. My life was gonna change, for sure.

Benji's new version of the song was hard and almost mean. I knew why. Lee asked me what was wrong, since I was staring at Benji like a deer caught in the headlights.

I said, "He's my husband. Shit." Lee backed away. Asshole.

When Benji finished he leapt off the stage, twirling. He landed directly in front of me and introduced me. Then he said that Lee was my boyfriend. Lee shrank away completely.

Benji tossed the mike, and the band played Hucklebuck - an Otis song. Our sex song from college. When that happened, I wanted Benji so much. We did the dance, a real lewd dance, and he led me outside after.

But he didn't want to fuck when we got home. He wanted me out of his life. I never fucked him again after that. My loss.

I never fucked Bailey, either. I came to hate him, and it almost cost me my job, except Benji got him fired. I heard he got divorced. I could care less. He was by far the biggest mistake of my life, and I devoutly hope he remains that.

I tried to get Benji back. I called, texted, emailed. Apologies. Ignored, except for one phone message telling me we were over and to back off.

I didn't contest the divorce. We split the stuff, and he drifted away.

The last year has not seen me celibate. I've been out with three guys. None of them measured up to Benji - not even close.

One guy I liked the most, I took him to see Benji's band. I thought maybe if Benji saw me with a guy, he'd, well, want me again. But the band had a new woman singer. Her name was Jenny Drake. When they sang together it was obvious that they were lovers. They meshed. They were so sexy, and they amped up the room. They did Hucklefuck at the end of the set.

The guy I was with was a better dancer than Lee, and we got down to that song. Then I dragged him to my place and took him. I would have raped him if he had bucked. But men are easy, like I said. Except for Benji.

That next week I was at a Starbucks across the county from my usual haunts, and Benji came in - by himself. He saw me and I waved. He waved back, and came to sit with me when he had his drink. One of his drawbacks was that he liked sweet coffee drinks, like candy. Actually, that maybe was his worst fault.

When he sat, he smiled at me and said, "I saw you at the gig. Who was the guy?"

"Guy. I mean, that's his name, Guy Driscoll."

"You seemed to be...maybe into him. Are you two serious?"

"No, Benji. I have three relief pitchers, for when the starter fades. Which you did. My fault though. I never should have taken you out of the game."

He laughed. "That's kinda creative, spur of the moment. Stuff like that is why I fell for you."

"You mean it wasn't my beauty and tremendous sexual abilities?"

"Maybe that, too. You surely can find a nice guy to get serious with."

"Speaking of serious, your girl singer...?"

"She's great. She and I are about 75% together."

"What does that mean, Benji? 75%?"

"She and I are both gun shy. She's divorced, too. Her husband went off with his old girlfriend."

"Oh. Oh....I'm so sorry, Benji. I messed my life up and yours with it."

"That you did. No doubt. But, I believe I'll get there with Jenny. She's at my place a lot."

"Does she want kids?"

"Gun shy, I said."

"Do you?"

"Yes. And it's about time, but..."

"Your band seems like it's making a buck."

"Yes. But I'm still a lawyer. You know, I went with the Sparks firm. It's nine to five."

"Let's you do the music."

"Yes. I've been writing songs. We're going to do some of them soon."

"Gee. Please let me know. I'd like to see that."

"Okay. I will." Benji looked at his watch, and said he had to go. We swapped numbers.

I said, "You know, a starter gets back every fourth day. A new game." He waved to me as he left, and smiled. No physical contact.....dammit!"

After the coffee shop thing, I knew I wanted him back. I always wanted him. I never wanted to split. But I admitted to myself that he had every right to be shy, with me or any woman. I did him wrong. What's more, I couldn't say for sure that if we got back, I would be true and faithful. I mean, I loved him so much, yet I was still going to fuck Lee last year. Probably more than once, if he was any good. So....if we did remate, how could I be sure of my own self?

Benji texted me that the band was playing at the Oaktree, a week from Thursday. I invited Guy - my treat. We went early and got a good seat, had dinner.

Benji saw me as he was helping the staff set up. He waved.

Guy said, "That's someone you know, right?"

I hadn't told him who Benji was when we saw the first show. I said, "My ex."

He looked at me. "And he's why we're here."


"And he's why we had such a good time last month."

"Yes. Sorry. But, you know, he's with the girl singer."

"She's very sexy. But she's not you. Sexy, though."

Then the opener came on. A girl with a guitar. Not half bad.

The Dorados came on. They did two Stones songs, and started on new stuff. Benji did a good Mick Jagger. But on his own material, he was different. He did a real rocker to start, and he was low down and hard. Then he had a soft ballad, and he was easy with it. It went on like that, and the crowd got into it. Todd had some great guitar work. Everyone had a good time. Jenny was with Benji on the rockers, harmony. Not on the soft stuff.

Guy and I danced through the set. He was handsy, and it felt good. On the soft songs, he was hard. That felt good, too. But Benji and Jenny would sometimes be looking at Guy and me. Not for long, but still looking. Todd, too.

The band ended the encore with Hucklefuck. Benji and Jenny were almost doing it on the stage. Guy and I were almost doing it right below them. I was lost in lust. Guy was right there, and I dragged him to his place, just two blocks away. The sex we had that night was something else.

But the next morning, Guy looked at me over breakfast and said, "You're still way far gone for your ex. I feel like a bench warmer, just a substitute. Not that I can complain. But....I could easily fall all the way for you."

I said, "You're a real nice guy, Guy. And you're great in the sack." I smiled, lewdly.

He said, "Thanks, Mary. get my point."

"Yes, I do. Makes me a little sad, because, if not for him, I might be all the way into you."

He looked bereft. "We'll see what happens, eh?"

"Sure." We went off to work.

Saturday I was at the same Starbucks, and, sure enough, Benji came in. This time Jenny was with him, but he still waved to me. And when they had their drinks, they came over to my table.

Benji said, "Mary, this is Jenny. Jenny, Mary's my ex-wife." Then he waited to see what happened. I was amused. One of the things I liked about Benji was his ability to create and stoke awkward situations. He seemed to be amused by that sort of thing.

Jenny paused. She said, "Hi."

I said, "Hi, back. Have a seat."

And we sat. Benji said, "I saw you and your Guy Thursday night. The two of you were very into it. Especially at the end."

"Yeah. You and rev everyone up."

Jenny said, "I guess all four of us had a good time...after."

I smiled. "That's true for me and Guy."

Benji added, "Us, too. But, we see each other a lot, you know."

Jenny asked, "Do you come here a lot? Cause I haven't seen you before."

"No. I came to see Benji. I like his new stuff. Wanted to say that."

Jenny said, "I see."

Benji watched. I was unhappy about that. He was....playing with our affections.

I said, "Benji's trying to make fools of us. I didn't know you'd be here. I'm sorry. I wanted him back."

We both turned and looked at him. I thought, 'Now who's on the spot.'

He was silent for a longish time. Then Jenny said, "If you're still stuck on her, you have to say it. I won't go through the same shit again."

Benji said, "I have no guarantees for either one of you. I love you both. But, in the end, Jenny can be trusted, and Mary, you can't."

I teared up. But he was right.

I turned to Jenny. "Can you be trusted?"

She said, "Both of us, me and Benji, have been hurt bad. I'd never do that to him, what you did. Never. And I'm damn sure he wouldn't do it to me. If we survive this coffee shop visit."

It broke my heart. Broke my heart. I got up.

I said, "He's yours. Treat him right. He's the best." I was turning to leave, but Benji took my arm and gave me a hug. A long, gentle hug. Then we broke and I walked without turning around.

Benji and Jenny were married about ten months later. At this point they still play gigs, but they have two kids, so they keep their day jobs. I get small notes and pictures from both of them.

Some months went by, and I got closer with Guy. He was a great lover, and hot, hot, hot. And he was solid. He had a good job with the federal government. He wanted kids, and was good with my nieces. He wasn't as spontaneously smart as Benji. He couldn't sing. He could dance. And, he was going to be a good family man.

So, when he proposed, I accepted. Now we have a daughter, and a son on the way. I send Benji and Jenny little newsy notes.

The notes are what we do. No direct contact. No emails, or phone calls. That's by common agreement. Best not to tempt fate.

I have a character flaw. It cost me the best man I ever met. But I have a good man now. And I will never, never mess up again. Swear to God! I'm a levelheaded woman.

The end.

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AnonymousAnonymous26 days ago

Right, she's a levelheaded woman and won't do it "again". Unless of course he's cute, or the stars a line, or or or.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Some would say that levelheaded woman is an oxymoron.

Regardless, never give up your true love for a spouse.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

"I will never, never mess up again". Ahhhh, if you say so. Guy definitely needs a trust but verify philosophy.

Medussa55Medussa553 months ago

I've read both halves and the other one is better. It had a sense of flow and justice about it. This one's plot seemed a little forced and logically didn't make much sense. Maybe just not for me. Well written though

phill1cphill1c5 months ago

Sam Cooke is the King of Soul. James Brown is the Godfather of Soul. Otis Redding is the Crown Prince of Soul (never heard of this...)

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Very good tongue and cheek ending! Yeah right, baby!

WargamerWargamer7 months ago

Guess what?

She’ll mess up again, you just know it. LOL!!!!!!!


PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19817 months ago

Mean while she's off fucking others her character flaw as she calls it is she's a no good for nothing slut

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

A nice remembrance of the King of Soul's music. There will never be another Otis, but at least there was one. We were blessed.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

"remate"???.... really? that dropped you from a 4 to 3 star.

mariverzmariverzover 1 year ago

Muy buena serie, (te escribo en mi idioma materno).

Me encantó

Te felicito autor!!

Schlouis57Schlouis57over 1 year ago

Très déçu. J'ai eu du mal à aller jusqu'à la fin.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesover 1 year ago

Also, Enjoyed this part. Thanks for your writing.

jsch1947jsch1947over 1 year ago

Benji's half was 5 stars.

This one was a solid 8 stars.

Together they're a Masterpiece.

There is a lesson here. The Author gets it.

Most LW readers do not.

More need to understand the dynamics of seduction.

The natural, genetic submissive characteristics that drive most women.

Men.....take charge

Women yearn to be taken.

YET.... We all make mistakes and we LEARN from them.

Yes, she got burned. She burned herself.

Her consequences should be determined by her ability to convince him of her contrition and ability to learn from it.

SteelPaperTSteelPaperTover 1 year ago

Oooohhhhh, poor her. Hurt soooo bad, and hardly at fault. Typical woman.

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