Stealing My Heart Ch. 02


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Settling in his chair with his betas facing him he asked, "What did you find?,"

"The only wolf caught was the one you took down Alpha. However, after talking to each of the teams we identified at least three other unknown wolf scents. They came pretty close to the compound. If we hadn't run patrol they may have gotten closer."

"Patrol teams and shifts were increased until we can determine their intent. We also made sure that all escape plans are clear and easily accessible for all non-warrior pack members," Eva added.

"OK. I want two extra guards on the entrance and a call to each of our pack members in the city. Everyone should be on high alert until we sort this out." The betas left to take care of their orders and Xavier dialed the Carson pack.

"Isaiah Carson,"

"Hello friend,"

"So, did you find your mate? When can Sophie and I come over and meet her?" Xavier could practically feel his friend bouncing with excitement. Xavier had been awake for over 24 hours. He was tired and Carson's joy was sapping what little energy he had left. The reminder that he had yet to claim his mate only added more to his exhaustion. He yearned to drop everything and return to the motel. He wanted to go to her and make sure the world knew she was his. Rubbing his face and taking a deep breath he organized his thoughts.

"No, Carson not yet. Unfortunately, we have had a problem. Turns out Terrence may have been right. Early this morning we had four unknown wolves on our property. One of them was killed but they got way to close to my pack. I wanted to warn you and ask you if you had any intruders."

"What? That's distressing. No intruders here but thanks for the warning. I'll let you know if anything changes,"

"I'm going to call Michaels and see if he has any information. We might need to meet with our region's Alphas again to protect out lands,"

"Well, keep me in the loop."

"No problem. Talk to you soon," Xavier had a similar conversation with Michaels. He had no problem with intruders but promised to stay vigilant. Hanging up his phone Xavier put his head down on his desk. As soon as he shut his eyes Jordan's face appeared. Her bright eyes and soft skin haunted him. Her face gave him a new burst of energy. Xavier jumped up, grabbed his keys, and headed out to get his mate. Leaving his office he ran into the last person he wanted to see.

Delia had piercing blue eyes and exuded an intense sensuality that caught most men off guard. She had almost perfected the art of manipulation. Delia didn't believe in doing anything she could make someone else do for her. When Xavier was younger he had been tempted by her mysterious charm. At one point he had even believed himself in love with her. She had bewitched him with her secretive smile and swaying hips but he soon learned that Delia's one true love was herself. Xavier had only caught on to her schemes for power when he had overheard her speaking with another girl about how she planned on ruling when Xavier became Alpha and they were mated. She had told her friend Rose that she could make Xavier do anything she wanted as long as she was sleeping with him. Rose asked if she loved him causing Delia to laugh loudly. Xavier could still see the cold expression on her face when she had tossed her long hair over her shoulder and said "Don't be stupid. Love is for fools." Xavier had been heartbroken. He never told anyone about the conversation he had heard. That night, when Delia had come to his room, he'd told her they were through and shut the door in her shocked face. Years later Delia still did not seem to understand that Xavier would never take her as his mate.

"Hey there Alpha," Delia said licking her lips and reaching out to stroke his chest. Xavier snarled and took a step back. He was not in the mood for Delia's games, especially now. "I missed you. We should spend more time together –"

Xavier wasn't in the mood,"Delia we have been over for years. Go find someone else to seduce. I have business to take care of." He pushed past her surprised face and right into Mina.

"Hello, son. I was bringing you some food but it seems like you are already on your way out again. Did you even sleep?"

"No time for sleep," kissing Mina's cheek and grabbing the plate off the tray she carried Xavier thought of another way to get Delia off his back. "Besides, how can I stop to sleep when my mate is waiting for me in the city?" Xavier grinned, stuffing food in his mouth. Between Delia and Mina the news would be around the compound in no time but he couldn't care less. Both women were speechless. The grin on Xavier's face made Mina giddy. She had hoped Xavier would find his mate soon. He needed a good woman in his life. Delia, on the other hand, was trying desperately to hide her fury. She had always believed that somehow she could get her claws back into her Alpha but if he had found his mate her chances were greatly diminished.

"That's great sweetie. Tell me all about it. What's she like? What's her name? Why are you just telling me about this now? Why isn't she here?" Xavier was not prepared for Mina's barrage of questions as she followed him out the door.

"Mina, calm down. I promise when I actually get a chance to meet her I will personally introduce you." Rushing to his car he ran into Derek.

"We just finished making all the adjustments in security. Where are you going?" Mina caught up to the pair as Xavier was climbing into the SUV. Leaning through the window Mina grabbed his face.

"He is going to bring his mate back here to meet me. I'm so proud! However, he has told me nothing about her." Derek turned to Mina with a large smirk.

"Mina" Derek beamed pulling the woman off of Xavier "I can tell you all about how they met." Derek took Mina's arm and turned back to the main house as he told her the story. Xavier, thrilled to be back on his search, raced out of the compound and back to the motel.


Walter was just getting off his shift at the motel when the black SUV pulled up. Walter's nightmare stepped out of the car somehow looking just as menacing in the morning light as he did shrouded in darkness. He tried to hide but he seemed to zone in on him immediately.

"Walter, don't try to hide from me. I just have some simple questions for you."

"Wh . . . what do you want? I ain't done nothing. I swear," Walter held his hands up and backed away from Xavier slowly.

"I just want to know about Jordan."

"Sh . . . she's still here. Hasn't checked out. She did make a deposit for the week."

"Ok, go on then," Xavier rushed around the building towards room 201. With each step his heart beat quickened until there she was. Right in front of him. She was more beautiful than he remembered. They sunlight shimmering in her hair. Xavier's human and wolf sides were at war with each other. His wolf, tongue hanging out of his mouth, urged him to run and claim her while his human side knew he needed to wait. He was rooted to the spot watching his mate lock her door and run down the block. Gaining control of his wolf Xavier followed his mate at a distance down the block to a small tourist shop called Small Treasures. Keeping out of sight he watched his lovely mate through the shop window and began to formulate a plan.


After Jordan had liberated the green-eyed man of his wallet she had travelled through the city looking for a job and lodging. Searching every hole in the wall establishment she could find Jordan finally found a small shop in need of an employee. It sat sandwiched between two other more prominent shops. The shop, called Small Treasures, sold worthless trinkets to tourists and those who couldn't hold onto a buck. It was tiny with few employees. The owner, a kind old man named Henry, was thrilled the moment she inquired about the advertisement in the large display window. She was about to give up and find a motel when she had seen the sign. The small bell chimed as she entered and the old man behind the register had greeted her warmly. Following a short chat Henry hired her without reservation. In the few minutes they had talked the pair felt like they had become fast friends.

The cash she had stolen the day before had given her the ability to pay for a room in a rundown motel that offered a bit of privacy and cheap prices. The motel was two blocks up from the tiny shop for which she now restocked the shelves. She pulled the tacky knick-knacks out of the Styrofoam packaging and placed them carefully on the glass display shelves. Snow globes and brightly painted ceramic figurines filled her vision but all she saw were warm green eyes in that handsome masculine face. The shock that passed between them haunted her dreams even now. After watching him disappear into the office building the day before she had not stopped thinking of him. He even invaded her dreams. At one point in the middle of the night she could have sworn she felt him nearby. It was excruciating for some reason knowing she would never see him again but she pushed it aside as well as she could. She knew better than to dream of the impossible.

"Sweetie, it's your lunch time. Go take a break. I'll finish here" Henry smiled kindly as he handed her the bag she kept under the register and ushered her towards the door. "I won't have my favorite employee worked to death on her first day. That would be most unfortunate!" Henry chuckled kindly adding laugh lines to his already wrinkled face.

"I'm almost done here. I have just one more box –"

"Don't be silly dearie I can manage. Go on out into the sunshine. There will be plenty to do when you get back in an hour" The old man hobbled over to the front door guiding the girl in front of him. She had only been working for him half a day and he could already tell she was a hard worker. He liked the dark haired young woman and was happy she walked into his shop when he needed the help.

"Okay, I'm going but I will take care of those heavy boxes in the back. I don't want you to hurt yourself"

"This old man's heart is touched that you care child"

"What are you talking about old man?" Jordan joked. "I just need the job" she said as she skipped out the door pulling a well worn paperback out of her bag. Henry laughed as he shut the door behind her. She was a good child.


It had been a long time since Jordan had actually liked the people she worked with. Usually her job entailed perverted guys who couldn't keep their hands to themselves and buildings full of cockroaches. Small Treasures may not have been an excessively prosperous shop but it was clean and the owner was kind so she was happy to stay.

As she stepped out into the sunlight, book in hand she contemplated where she should go on her break. Her motel was close but she hated to spend any more time there than she had too so she made her way to a small café that had outdoor seating and indulged in a burger and chocolate milkshake with her meager funds. Content with her meal she settled down in the warmth of the sun to try and forget that handsome face and disappear into her favorite book.

The pages of the well loved novel were soft between her fingers as she flipped to where she had last left Edmond the protagonist. She had read The Count of Monte Cristo multiple times. She could tell the long story all the way through without difficulty and recite her favorite quotes as though she had written them herself. Yet it was the only book she carried with her everywhere she went. She picked up the novel years ago in an open trash can. The novel had already been well used and the cover jaggedly torn off probably the reason for it being discarded. But it was Jordan's small treasure.

She had just endured Edmond's tragic imprisonment when her years of experience alerted her to the presence of someone watching her. Not wanting her watcher to know she had caught on to his intent gaze she continued to stare at her book. Trying to determine if her onlooker was a threat was difficult without the visual assessment but she listened intently and felt the tension around her. Living alone had taught her to be vigilant. She could assess the feelings around her and determine if there was any danger. Closing her eyes for a brief moment Jordan reached out but it wasn't danger she sensed. She couldn't identify what it was but it made her slightly uncomfortable. Realizing she was due back at the shop anyway, Jordan swiftly packed her tattered book back into her bag and left the sun warmed table of the little café to begin her journey back.

Passing through the crowded street Jordan began to feel a little more at ease as she left her onlooker back at the café.

"Hello, Henry. I hope you didn't miss me too much," Jordan called as she strolled through door.

"Jordan dear did you have a good break?"

"Just fine thank you. I hope you didn't hurt yourself caring those boxes"

"No, no I left them in the back just as you told me. I swear you're a bossy little thing and here I thought I was in charge"

"I'm just looking out for you" Jordan declared.

"Well, I'm stepping out for a moment. Watch the shop for me?"

"No problem Henry" Jordan called after him. Laying her bag under the register Jordan brought the largest of the boxes into the small store front. Unpacking the box of miniature ceramic animals Jordan began placing them next to the cash register when her day dreams of the green-eyed man began again. Picking up a small black kitten out of the box she held it close unaware of the man entering the store behind her.

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MickeyKayMickeyKayover 3 years ago

Hello! Just wanted to tell you I'm Enjoying your story IMMENSELY!!! And I'm HOPING that chapter 8 is the final chapter because this is one of MANY STORIES I've come across that are VERY GOOD and Enjoyed them only to get to the final chapter and they promise more and its been anywhere between 5 to 11 years ago. Your last addition was in 2015 and its now 2021! I'm not sure what your life is like now But you're a GREAT story teller and maybe Just Maaaaybe you're still writing! But if not then like I said I hope 8 will be the conclusion! If Not than it'll just be Another unfinished AMAZINGLY GREAT STORY that has fallen through the cracks called LIFE HAPPENED!!! You are Very Talented and have a Gift for story telling!!! Thank You for sharing!!! And BELIEVE ME when I say THIS ISN'T LONG AT ALL!!! I've seen and yes even read stories that each chapter is between 2-12 pages and its 32 or even 50 chapters long! So your lil I'd say one in a half to Maybe 2 complete pages is NOT LONG AT ALL!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
fun story

but you need a proof reader. at least four errors so far!


deep from the onset.

SenieceTaOSenieceTaOover 12 years ago
Please Post Next Chapter

Please Please Post Next Chapter Soon

strawberrycandystrawberrycandyover 12 years ago
love it!

i'm still hooked! i really hope to see another chapter soon. lol. have been wondering how the story will develop :D

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I am sooo hooked!!! I'm so excited for the next chapter!! =D =D =D

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
more please

I am hooked and impatiently waiting for more chapter! Keep up the good work!

lost_in_youlost_in_youover 12 years ago

I, like some of the others, was happy to see the update! You've drawn me into these characters and I can't wait to see what happens.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Love it!

I'm not usually keen on non-human romance but this one simply steal my heart!

Alpha_MarmAlpha_Marmover 12 years ago
so glad to find you again

Loved the first chapter and this one too. Please contine weaving this tale.

Great names. Jordan and Xavier, Very nice and regal sounding for an Alpha pair.

Keep it coming!!!

LadyFalconLadyFalconover 12 years ago
Very nice beginning...

..please keep it up. You mentioned on the first chapter you were looking for an editor or a beta reader. Have you found one yet? There are a few things but they aren't serious...your plot and characters are very strong and well defined. Keep up the good work and please post regularly. I am looking forward to reading more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
More more more!!!!!

I love this story so much and I am so glad you continued it. I thought that you weren't going to post anymore but then I check it today and I saw it. I was so excited!!!!! I started to read to right then. I so hope that you will post more soon!!! I love this couple and the cliffhanger is getting to me!!! Please put up more soon!!!!

MizTMizTover 12 years ago
So Happy

to see this posted today. This was on my list of Fav's and I was so hoping you were going to add to it. This has only gotten better and it was good to start with. Since you left us w/a great cliffhanger I hope the wait for chapter 3 is a quick one because I'm dying to know what happens next!

crlockecrlockeover 12 years ago
OK I'm hooked! :)

I was just browsing this morning and saw chapter 2. I clicked on the authors' name that I didnt recognize and ended up reading both chapters. Looking forward to new chapters. This seems like a fun story to read and I hope you add chapters frequently.

huntersangelhuntersangelover 12 years ago
really loving this story!

i'm so glad you updated, i was kinda worried this was going to be another abandoned story, but you're back with another chapter and it's really good! can't wait for your next chapter.

donaldedonaldeover 12 years ago
please hurry

very much enjoyed the chapter and can't wait ofr the next

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Fabulously continued....

A nice continuation, so exciting, can't wait for the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
more please!

Don't hold back - ace story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

More please ;)

NightpleasureNightpleasureover 12 years ago

Cannot wait til you give s more.

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