Stealing My Heart Ch. 03


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Jordan smiled with relief making Xavier and his wolf rumble with satisfaction. He'd give anything to see that smile on her face all the time. Turning her down the street he waved to Ron who looked completely distraught at their departure.

Anne's Diner was a charming little place with checkered red and white table cloths and brown plastic booths that would stick to you in the heat. It wasn't very crowded at this early dinner hour but there was a pleasant buzz of conversation throughout the diner. Finding an open booth near the front they took a seat. An older waitress came up to take their order popping gum and apparently bored. She quickly wrote down their drink orders and shuffled away.

"So, are you going to tell me how you found me?" Jordan asked drumming her fingers on the table between them.

Xavier hadn't thought about that question. He couldn't exactly tell her that he trailed her using his shifter enhanced scent. "I . . . um . . . I just happened to see you at the café this afternoon and followed you back to the shop."

"And instead of calling the cops or forcing me to pay you back you asked me out?"

"I have plenty of cash"

"Clearly," she said rolling her eyes.

"And like I said earlier you intrigued me. I'm usually pretty vigilant but I didn't even see you coming."

"It's a gift," Jordan shrugged.

"How exactly did you develop such a gift."

Pausing for a moment to consider what she should tell him she decided on the truth. Something about him made her want to share. "Not all foster families care about their kids like they should. I learned to steal what I needed at an early age. And when I left foster care it became necessary at times when I couldn't find a job." Jordan looked up from the table to see a strange expression on Xavier's face and felt the need to add "I'm not a professional thief. I don't steal for fun."

Xavier's heart bled for his mate. He couldn't imagine growing up without his family. His wolf howled in sorrow within him. Family and pack members meant everything to a shifter, to know his mate was alone for so long was devastating. "What brought you here?"

"I've been travelling since I was 17. Nothing kept me in the places I was in so I moved on. I guess I've just been looking for somewhere that felt like . . . home." Jordan was shocked that she actually admitted that out loud and to a stranger. Embarrassed she stared at the table. What was it about this man that made her talk so openly? "What about you?" she said trying to change the subject. "Have you always lived in the city?"

"I actually live a little bit out of town in a small community. I just work in the city."

"And your family?"

"It's just me, my parents, and our close-knit community. No siblings, however, I always felt like my friend Derek was as close as any brother."

"Derek? You mentioned him before. He was one of your goons?"

"Yes" Xavier replied with a smile "He works with me. We were on our way to a conference when we ran into you. We manage a bunch of companies that my father built or bought. When he retired he left me in charge. It's really very boring stuff."

Jordan unconsciously leaned forward with her chin resting on her hands a small smile gracing her lips. By the time their waitress returned to take their food orders they had started a comfortable conversation.

"What will you have?" The couple had completely forgotten to look at the menu and began quickly browsing through the menu.

"Do you know what you want?" Xavier asked.

"I don't know. So many things sound delicious."

"Order whatever you want. Get three or four things if you can't decide." Turning to the waitress he ordered. "Can I get the steak special with extra mashed potatoes, toast, and a side of scrambled eggs?" The waitress nodded with a raised eyebrow and turned to Jordan.

"Um, I guess I will have the grilled cheese with a side of fries."

"Are you sure that's all you want?" Xavier asked gently.

"Yea, I'm sure."

"Ok, kids I'll be back shortly with your order."

They continued to talk and getting to know each other a little better. When the food arrived, Jordan's stomach grumbled in anticipation. She hadn't realized how hungry she was until the food covered the table in front of her. Xavier happily watched his mate eat with passion. His wolf was equally excited to be providing for his mate. However, it couldn't wait to hunt for her. She savored every bite she took as if it was the food of the gods. When Jordan realized he was watching her, she set the sandwich down on her plate and looked away embarrassed again.

"I really like grilled cheese,"

"I noticed" Xavier chuckled.

"What about you? I think you ordered enough to feed a third world country!"

"You don't grow this big by eating like a mouse."

"I suppose not. You must do a lot of cooking."

"Actually, Mina my housekeeper doesn't allow me in the kitchen."

"Not allowed in your own kitchen?"

"I may have started a fire. Nothing major."

Jordan's boisterous laughter made Xavier smile. Her laugh was loud and didn't seem to be able to come out of such a petite girl but it was warm and genuine. As they continued to eat Xavier noticed her eyeing his mashed potatoes and he slid the small bowl over to her.

"Have some."

"Thanks," Jordan dug into the mashed potatoes with pleasure.

"Well, I love food. I love anything with cheese or chocolate. And cooking! I don't get to do it often but it can be fun."

"Maybe you could come by my place and cook for me sometime"

Jordan looked up from her meal with narrowed eyes. "You move fast."

"I guess I just enjoy spending time with you."

"You are surprisingly easy to talk to as well. But we barely know each other and you're already inviting me to your house. Isn't this the part in the movie when I should start getting suspicious of your motives and checking your car for weapons?"

"I assure you I have no weapons but my motives may not be so pure" Xavier said with eyes full of heat "but I always keep my promises. And I promised to be a gentleman." The pair stared into each other's eyes. Jordan felt drawn in and began to lose herself in their warmth. His gaze seemed to caress her face and pull her in. Xavier's wolf began panting in his mind as the scent of his mate's arousal drifted across the table.

Gripping the table tightly to control himself, Xavier add "beside, we can't have your boss coming after me. He could really do some damage."

Jordan laughed as the tension was diffused between them. "I can't promise anything but I'll ask him to go easy on you"

The rest of dinner was spent in comfortable companionship. As they walked out of the diner Xavier held his arm out and Jordan hesitantly took it. Closing her eyes for a moment Jordan felt the evening sunlight on her face and when she opened them again Xavier was looking down at her. For the first time since she could remember she felt safe and completely at ease. She didn't feel the need to look over her shoulder or watch out for any unforeseen dangers. So, denying her instincts, as she found herself doing a lot lately, she nestled closer into Xavier's warmth. She felt his chest vibrate sending a similar vibration through her body and into her core causing her underwear to become damp. She found she rather enjoyed the feeling.

Xavier became very aware of the woman pressed into his side. His wolf rumbled in excitement and pranced around in joy. Just hours ago he barely knew anything about this amazing woman and now she willing snuggled into his body. It was all he could do not to pull her closer and kiss her in the street but he knew they weren't quite there yet. They walked in silence on the crowded streets until they reached the car. Helping her into the car Xavier leaned in to help with the seatbelt when she began to wrestle with it. The action brought his nose close to her neck where he inhaled her pure delicious scent.

Straightening quickly when she stiffened slightly he asked, "Would I be pushing my luck if I asked you to stay out with me tonight?"

"I have to work early tomorrow morning."

"Okay. How about tomorrow?"

"You are persistent. Tomorrow I only work until noon."

"May I pick you up for lunch?"

"I'd like that."

"I should get you home now so that tomorrow will come sooner." Xavier said giving her a hand into the car.

"I'm just staying at Central Motel at the moment. It's just a block away from Small Treasures. Not exactly a home but it works."

"I know where that is," he said with a grin.

Rushing around the car without using too much of his shifter speed Xavier hoped into the car to enjoy her scent. The drive was short and unlike their first drive this one had a more comfortable silence. Pulling up to the entrance Xavier was even more unhappy than before to see the sleazy motel. It seemed as though even more lowlifes occupied the darkening parking lot.

"My room is around back." Parking the car, Xavier was out and around to the other side of the car before Jordan had taken off her seat belt. When he opened the door she jumped.

"You're quick," she said trying to slow her rapidly beating heart.

"Can I take you to your door?" Xavier said offering her his hand.

"Thank you," together they walked across the lot and up the stairs to her door. Standing outside the door Xavier took a deep breath as Jordan scavenged in her bag for the room key. He was in awe of the woman standing before him. She was smart, tough, and beautiful and so close to being all his. If everything kept progressing at this rate they would be mated quite soon.

"I know I promised to be a complete gentleman but I would like to kiss you."

Jordan tried to hide her shock. "Um . . . uh . . . I --"

Xavier leaned in slowly trying not to startle her. "I promise. Just one simple kiss" he whispered his face inches from hers. He could feel Jordan's warm breath and hear her heartbeat increasing. When he gently stroked his fingers across her cheek her breath hitched. Her blush intrigued him and his wolf started shaking in anticipation. His green eyes began to glow and he pulled her close struggling not to ravish her.

Jordan's mind went fuzzy. Her body warmed as she felt his arms wrap around her as she'd dreamed. And all she could think of was how good he smelled and how right it felt in his arms. No one had ever held her like this and it felt better than she had ever imagined. Looking up into his eyes she could have sworn she saw them glow but as his lips descended she closed her eyes her fingers unconsciously tangling in his shirt. His soft lips caressed her cheek where his fingers had been and then lightly grazed her own lips. As he pulled back a small moan escaped her lips. She heard him sigh before placing another soft kiss on her lips. The kiss was so short, their lips only touching for a brief second, but a multitude of emotions consumed her and she was lost to the moment.

The chaste kisses were barely enough for Xavier but he had made her a promise. The feel and taste of his mate's skin combined with her body pressed deliciously to his was the most amazing sensation he had ever experienced. Her response was even more appealing. It left him aching to strip her clothes off and take her rough and fast. His wolf liked the idea and kept sending him erotic images of them naked and rutting on the forest floor. It took all his strength to pull away from those lips. He pulled away, gently disentangling her fingers and grabbing her keys. Xavier opened the door, briefly scanning the tiny room for threats and ushered her through the door.

"Lock the door tight," he warned. She still seemed dazed as she nodded.

"Yea, I will"

"Good night kitten." He whispered stealing one last brief kiss before exiting the room quickly before his wolf could change his mind. Xavier drove his car around the block before parking and returning to the motel. He found a darkening corner to hide in. He couldn't see into the room but he could watch over and keep any threats away.

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Curious_Kitten21Curious_Kitten21over 9 years ago
to anon. before me...

No, the story didn't change. You must be thinking of a different story.

This is my third or fourth time reading this story. Keep up the good work Greenly!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
I thought I read this story

But it seems different from my memory. I thought the story centered on the girl being homeless and taking up w/other child vagrants. Did the story change?


how they are for each other. Good to see that she has a backbone and is very strong.

Archangel_MArchangel_Mabout 12 years ago

I love the way you take the protective instincts all men (well, all good men) feel for their women and take them to their logical, primal conclusion. It really resonates with me.

If only it was so easy for humans to tell when we've met our intended mates... *sigh*

Tafudi2000Tafudi2000over 12 years ago
Please I need more.

This is such a great story. Please keep going!

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