Step Sister Corruption 181 - 190


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Besides with my plethora of girl's visiting my dick who needs porn.

I was living the porn life. All I needed was the stupid silly scenes in porn before the actual act happens and then you'd have my life.

Ok some of the scenes in porn do play out in my life....though mainly the school girl scenes. One minute we might be doing homework then BAM we're suddenly making out followed closely by sex. Though none of the females who are in our little circle of fun haven't really dressed up as a school girl but you get my point.

And yes I've had the I accidentally fucked my mom scene that has been portrayed in porn. Though I still say I was tricked and seduced not like I actively wanted to fuck my mom. It just sort of happened.

But never once have I dressed up as handy man or pizza boy to have sex with any of my girl's.

Though the idea might be fun just to do some role playing.

I chalked up the idea and filed it for another time.

So no though my life would be an interesting porn series that I'm sure most guys would pay a hefty fee just to watch my so called porn life and would give even more to be me.

I shook my head out of the train of thought realizing that I was in fact diverting my attention and was playing the mind game to prolong my endurance as it defeated my purpose which was to quicken it.

Then I went on the offensive and played out every single scene in my accumulating spank bank to help quicken my orgasm.

Which surprisingly there was A LOT of scenes in my spank bank that I replayed in my head as I was fucking the very vocal Summer at this moment who was undergoing yet another orgasm.

Lucky bitch!

Now did any of these tactics help me with my trek up orgasm mountain?

A little but it was so minimal as I kept diverting my attention away from the act so it was pointless.

I noticed that Summer was quivering really bad as her orgasm was probably stretched out from me pounding of her body.

Should I stop and move on?

Or should I continue?

Should I change positions?

If I were to change positions no matter which position I choose there's a high chance because Summer's pussy is more than likely sensitive....and sore, she'll more than likely try to instinctively get away from me so she can heal.

Or I could just keep going and pray I don't break Summer's pussy to where she's out of commission for a little while and hope she'll be ready for more pound town until I eventually cum.

Or I could use one of Summer's other holes. I mean I could use her mouth, she does love using her mouth on me.....constantly. Then there was the one hole that had been used once....before I got bigger.....her ass.

Or I could be nice and use the ridiculously sensitive Kel and pray I get to the top of orgasm mountain ready to jump off and enjoy the euphoria of the illustrious orgasm before Kel was nothing but a quivering mess on the ground twitching.

Yeah right, I had a better chance convincing an alligator that it's a cheetah.

Yes I know that analogy doesn't make sense but neither does fucking Kel and actually cumming before she's spent at the moment so I'm going with my analogy because it makes sense to me.

I was about to say fuck it and accept that I was forever destined to please my girl's and never ever fucking orgasm on command again.

My balls might as well be there for decoration as they'll never push their cum through my dick ever again.....well not without vigorous long sessions before I ultimately pass out.

It was a damning life I had fallen into.

Just then Summer moaned, "I want to feel you fill me up Gabe."

I looked at her, "But I'm not ready."

She smiled, "Then use me as you please until you do."

That was the only answer I needed.

I restarted my rhythm as she moaned out YESSS!!!

The entire time I kept looking for inspiration or help so I could fucking cum. Even if it was one more time just so I could fulfill Summer's request.

Then something happened.

At first I thought it was my mind playing tricks on me.

My muscles inside my groin flexed and my imaginary trek up orgasm mountain had sped up like I was sprinting up orgasm mountain and was making actual head way.

Then my flex released and my trek was back to its snail pace.

How did I do that?

I tried to flex the muscles in my groin but ended up flexing my asshole instead.

Well that wasn't the right muscle at all...unless I needed to take a shit and I don't think taking a shit while my dick is in a girl would be the best option.

Definitely the mood killer. And I don't care how freaky a person may be just ew.

So I tried to reuse the same muscles as before focusing on my groin to flex.

This time I got the muscle hiding in my taint.

At least I'm getting closer.

I tried again focusing on the muscles that were in front of my asshole in front of the taint and behind my dick.

When I was able to flex said muscle it didn't feel right like I was flexing a portion of what happened earlier.

Then I tried again...same thing.

Then I thought about how my body goes into orgasm mode and thought of the muscles involved thinking they were essentially the same ones used during my orgasm state.

So I tried again but didn't get the right ones.

I felt like I was getting nearly all the ones that happened.

Fuck me this hard.

Ok what could I do to get all those muscles?

Think damn it.

I tried again. Then again.

Then finally I hit the right muscles combo's and got the right sensation.


But was only able to flex the muscles combination for a few best.


I tried again.

And again.

And again.

Each time I flexed those muscles in my groin it felt like I sprinting up orgasm mountain and making some head way but then I'd release my hold and my imaginary self would be panting trying to get air before I flexed again.

Then it happened I felt my nuts begin to bounce telling me I was close.

It was the sweetest sensation I had ever had.

It was like I drinking the most delicious water after running a mile. The most delicious cake after being on a diet for months.

I just needed to do a few more flexes and I'd be there.

Summer sensed I was closely approaching my orgasm as she moaned/screamed Yes baby fill my pussy!

I kept flexing with each thrust now.

I was that close.

Then it happened.

My sack tightened around my nuts. My nuts bounced almost painfully and my dick spammed....hard as my orgasm had released its accumulated load.

My body tensed up as I under went my orgasm.

Both Summer and I grunted as we experienced our own individual orgasm and Summer got to feel her insides flooded.

It was glorious.

It was fantastic.

I was in bliss.....tense bliss.


Step Sister Corruption Part 185 - Day 103 Thanksgiving Pt 8 Gabe Tries Again




I can't believe it actually fucking happened. I came!!!

I want to sing to the world I can actually cum on command again.

No arduous long process as the girl's are completely used. As the previous times took FOREVER!!.

Ok well maybe this time I may or may not have over used Summer.

I looked at her as she had completely checked out with a goofy stupid smile on her face.

I waved my hand in front of her face and she didn't register it.

I pulled myself out and Summer reflexively quivered and lightly moaned as my length exited her possibly overly sore pussy.

Once my dick fully left Summer's pussy I watched and was surprised to see my definite cum overload inside her didn't leak out.


That's weird.

Usually when I fucked Summer or Kel my cum would just leak out if not just pour out.

Now when I looked there wasn't a drop just a gaping hole where my dick had just been. A hole that looked like it was closing.....rather quickly.

I blinked at Summer's pussy just mesmerized at what I was watching.

Was this a side effect of the enhanced formula?

Dr. Braxter did say that the girl's would undergo various changes and only speculated at possible changes. But she didn't mention this.

Did the regular plain fertility formula do this to girl's so they could maximize their pregnancy potential?

If so then it would explain why Summer's pussy wasn't leaking my cum over flow and possibly why they craved cum so much.

It made sense in my least that's what I thought. Or the only reason I could explain what I was seeing.

I shrugged at what I was seeing and thought my new technique had to be tested to make sure it worked.

How does the saying go?

For once is a chance, twice is a coincidence and a third time is a pattern?

I had just done my technique once and I needed to try it again to see if I could get the same results.

I looked over at my only viable option and saw Kel looking at me with a smile, "Are you going to fuck me like you fucked her?" as she pointed to the unconscious Summer.

I smiled at her, "If you'll let me."

She bounced up and down with a shit eating grin as she nodded rapidly, "Yes please!"

She laid down and quickly opened her legs, "Fuck me and fill up my pussy. I need it."

I smiled, "Yes ma'am."

I crawled over to Kel and was able to quickly mount Kel as her and I shared a kiss while my soldier slowly grew back to life after having been recently used.

I quickly slipped my pussy drenched dick into Kel's waiting wet pussy.

I quickly started pumping my soft rope into Kel causing her to moan and wrap herself around me.

Inside Kel's wet confines I felt my dick quickly harden and elongate which each pump.

Soon my dick was at its full length and full strength but not before Kel's special ability activated and her body tensed as she sprayed against my body and well....went everywhere.

I had to quickly start my technique for I knew once Kel started squirting her body wouldn't last long.

I quickly started flexing my groin muscles now that I knew which muscles needed to flex.

I felt my climb race up orgasm mountain.


Kel moaned out Yes Gabe fill me up.



I kept going as Kel endured another squirting orgasm as she grunted and tensed while my dick kept pounding her pussy.

I needed to be quicker.

I tried to flex my muscles longer and harder causing my stimulation to increase while I kept thrusting my dick inside the quivering pussy.

I had to keep going and was punished for over taxing the muscles as they rebelled and cramped.


Not what I wanted. I wanted to cum. I needed it. I needed my muscles to work properly.

Then my dad's advice echoed in my head If you over strain your muscles they will rebel and cramp and possibly tear. They need to be exercised and nurtured.

Damn him.

He was right.

I had over used my muscle's in my groin.

Looks like I'll be going up orgasm mountain the slow way.

I pounded Kel harder and tried to flex again ignoring my dad's advice as I promised myself to exercise this new muscle later to make it stronger.

But for now I had to use it and only hold it for a few seconds at a go.

This was a bad idea.

Each time I used it caused a slight tinge of pain as I used the muscles again and again as I continued using the muscles.

I had to finish this now or my continued usage of my muscles will tear them and no telling how long it will take before they heal. If at all.

I continued flexing ignoring the pain and prayed that they don't tear and can heal.

I needed to orgasm for Kel.

Kel started shaking as she endured another orgasm and moaned loudly Please Gabe fill me.

I had to answer her call.

I ignored the pain and continued using my muscles as each flex felt more and more painful until finally I felt the rush as my orgasm start.

Both our bodies tensed and I felt intense pain as my muscles were used for my orgasm and my muscles rebelled.... hard.

Pain and pleasure mixed making my eyes roll due to everything as my body was locked into position.

Until finally I collapsed onto Kel.

The last thing I heard before I blacked was Kel whispering "I love you Gabe."


Step Sister Corruption Part 186 - Day 111 Vuse Visit



God am I so nervous.

I looked over at Kel who looked even worse than I did.

I looked around our surroundings at what is 'Vuse Productions' or at least the lobby for our meeting with Morgan Guzman.

I still say 'Morgan Guzman' sounded like a girl's name but taking dad's advice I looked up Morgan to find out he is a talent scout for Vuse Productions.

What? I never met a 'guy' who's name was Morgan. I've only met two people with the name Morgan and both were girl's. One was a primadonna who was drama queen in high school. And the other was......well in our circle of fun.

I used my little bit of knowledge of research and tried to research both Morgan Guzman and Vuse. I would have talked to Ben about doing some research for me but in all honesty I imagined he was I didn't want him to find out that Kel might be going into Porn.

All while trying to figure out how they found Kel though I'm pretty sure Morgan or one of his people found Kel's adult page and simply brought it to Morgan for consideration.

That had to be a job title that a lot of pervs would love to have. Go online and visit the different adult sites where you have to donate money to see girl's or guy's, more than likely masturbate to their content, and determine if the person is worth an opportunity to be suggested to your boss, in this case Morgan Guzman, for the person to be brought in for a try-out.

If I weren't in my situation I would more than likely love to have that job.

I lightly wondered what a job like that would pay. Was it a 'good' paying job? Or a 'horrible' paying job? Would you get bonuses? Do you have to pay and donate for your account's out of your own pocket only to have the company reimburse you back what you spend or do you get some type of company card?

Then I tried to do research on Vuse but ultimately gave up chalking up my research to it being a porn studio.

It's not like they have a detailed plan on their website of all the things they do beyond offering photo's, video's, and merchandise at low low rates for member's, which you pay for to be a member.

The biggest help we found was dad's lawyer that he pointed us to....Deiter Phillipsburg.

We quickly called Deiter shortly after the Thanksgiving weekend in between our classes and introduced ourselves and explained our situation.

Deiter sounded nice over the phone and exclaimed that our father explained a brief summary of our situation. Then he told us that we were his client's from this point forward, after we signed some documents of course, and would only help advise and guide us until Vuse offers up a contract to Kel.

Then he told us under no circumstances to sign the contract until he reviews it and gives the ok to sign it.

Then he gave us some things to do in preparation of the meeting.

Things he told us were:

Get your own hotel before you go. Don't accept any hotel arrangements from Vuse.

Don't accept any beverage's and/or food when offered.

Remain together at all times.

Clearly state what you're willing to do and what you're not willing to do.

Make sure in the contract, if offered, it clearly outlines any and all expectations.

Do not under any circumstance's accept any and all offers to switch your adult account with them.

Pay attention to their clothing. If they're wearing a suit then they mean to intimidate you. If they're wearing casual clothing then they mean to be friendly. Do not fall for either. Keep your guard up.

And he highly suggested that Kel start copyrighting her current videos if Vuse hasn't already done so.

Then he sent over three documents. One was the document stating we were his clients and showed that dad was picking up the fees, which was very nice of him. The second was a document making me Kel's agent. And the third was the document to allow all of Kel's current videos to be copyrighted by her, all she had to do was sign and send to the site.

Naturally we signed all the documents, scanned, and resent to him.

Then Kel got her scheduled appointment and was, just like Deiter predicted, offered hotel accommodations which she kindly declined and didn't tell them where we would be staying.

Then last night after school was done we hopped in Kel's car and let the car take us ten hours from our home to the hotel in the next state over to where we would be meeting with Vuse.

Naturally we may have had fun during the trip and then slept only to get out and charge when the car stopped at a charging station before we continued the trip.

We pulled in to the hotel this morning and was able to do an early check in. We got into our room and Kel quickly changed and applied make-up while I dressed up for the occasion.

Naturally we had to leave Summer behind because she couldn't get the time off fast enough as the gym, like most places I imagined, needed a two week notice for any and all vacation/time off requests unless it's an emergency.

Summer was a little irritated that she couldn't come but made us promise to call her when we got in and what happened at Vuse.

We, of course, called Summer letting her know we made it to the hotel safely and would be heading off to Vuse shortly for our planned meeting with Morgan Guzman.

We left the hotel and quickly drove over to Vuse, walked into the lobby, checked in, and sat waiting.

That's where we were now.

We had waited for roughly five or ten minutes though it felt a shit ton longer.

I looked around and noticed there were other girl's sitting in the lobby.

One of which I thought I recognized.

I looked at the person more closely thinking that my mind wasn't playing tricks on me.

I leaned over to Kel and whispered, "Is that the Cassi Everlove?"

Cassi Everlove was a big name in the industry and was a huge influence in my porn preference as she was a center of focus in my spank bank in my youth.

Cassi, in the videos that I watched I didn't watch all of her content as she had multiple genres she was very prevalent in, I thought stood roughly 6', another reason I liked her.  They always made Cassi seem like she was this tall petite thing and her co-stars were these giants.  I was shocked to see she stood maybe Kel's height if not a little bit shorter.  Stupid camera angles making me think she was taller.

Her hair looked more normal now compared to her usual flair and wild hair colors from the last video I watched, it's been a minute since I've watched any video....let alone her's.  Now it was a normal light brown color that went just passed her shoulders.

Her makeup looked more elegant compared to her past style which looked like she was hiding a lot of acne but at the same time somehow made her look beautiful.  Though she was still beautiful it looked like she needed less makeup to accent her natural beauty.

Her clothing looked more normal, granted she wasn't in front of a camera, as she sat in jeans and a regular shirt.

Though I knew she was much older than me...though not by much.  She still looked young though she was probably in her late 20's if not early 30's.  Well passed a person's potential when it comes to porn.

I thought she had retired about the same time I actually lost my virginity to focus on a different career or something along those lines.  Why was she here?

Was she making a cum-back?

I internally laughed at my own joke.

Kel looked at the person who I was talking about and whispered back, "I have no idea Gabe.  I don't pay attention to that type of thing."

I looked at her incredulously and whispered back, "Really?  Do I need to mention how many time's I've caught you watching porn?"