Step Sister Corruption 181 - 190


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Kel blushed, "Fine!  But I still didn't memorize the girl's names."

I smiled, "Just the guys?"

Kel blushed harder and murmured, "Yes."

I smiled and put my hand on her leg and squeezed before I let my eyes wander off towards the other potential girl's that Vuse had invited.

In the time we had been waiting, and were still waiting, roughly a dozen different girl's had checked in and I heard them check in each stating that they were here to see 'Morgan Guzman' each claiming to have an appointment......nearly all had the same time......the same time as us.

Each girl that checked in had roughly the same type as Kel.....cute and easy to look at.

Uh oh.

I looked at Kel and spoke, "I think we are in trouble?"

She looked at me, "How so?"

I whispered to her, "Each girl that has checked in has the same appointment time with the same person as us."

Kel's widened, "So what does that mean?"

I looked around as I counted roughly eighteen girls, including us and Cassi.  I'm not sure about Cassi or at least four other girls because they were already here when we checked in.  But the rest after of them had checked in saying they had an appointment at the same time with the same person as us.

And our shared appointment was roughly in eight minutes.

And I had no idea how they were going to handle having so many people having a meeting with Morgan Guzman.

Where they going to call us in one by one?  Do a group call in?

There was just too many scenarios that could take place.

My only hope was that we were seen and not separated.  And we were only seen by Morgan Guzman.

That was my hope.

I looked at her and whispered, "I have no idea.  We could sit and chance it.  Or we can say Thank you but no thank you.  But I'll leave that up to you."

She looked around as she was clearly thinking before she looked at me, "Let's see what they do first before I make my decision."

I nodded.

The minutes ticked down and the time just made me nervous.

I played all sorts of scenarios in my head like they might separate us and trick Kel into becoming a potential star but she needed audition for the role.  All without signing a contract.

They could talk us into being stars ourselves.

My quickly wiped my mind of all the scenarios both good and bad that played out in my head and tried to stay in the moment.

Who knows it could all just be for nothing.

But why would they call us?  and All these girls for the same time?

Was there a reason behind it?

Finally the time came and within a minute a man stepped into the lobby where every girl sat instantly calming the mood in the room.  

The man, who I assumed was Morgan Guzman, stood in the lobby in plain jeans, plain t shirt with the Vuse logo on the right chest, and plain white sneakers.

He was dressed casual but stood with confidence and exuded power.

He looked around the room at the plethora of girl's before he smiled and spoke, "Thank you all for coming and taking time out of your day to see me.  I greatly appreciate all of you being here today."

He waited a minute looking around the room as he was more than likely gauging each and every single girl before he continued, "I'm sure all of you have possibly realized that all of you have a meeting with me at the same time.  Relax we're not going to do a group call or anything like that.  I will be calling you one by one for a casual sit down and go over why each and every single one of you has been called in today.  I may do groups of two depending on your situation as well.  So though all of you have the same time I ask that you hang out here while I call each person back.  Can you all do that?"

He looked around the room to see each girl sigh a sign of relief before he smiled and spoke again, "Now I'm not going in any particular order or anything like that.  Nor am I going to call you back in the order you came in.  It's not first come first served.  So keep in mind each of you are not more important than the other.  It's just how I decided in which order you will be seen."

He looked around the room and each girl pretty much nodded towards him.  He continued, "If you feel that I'm taking too long we understand and it is your choice whether you want to be seen or not.  So if you decide to leave before I see you that is your choice.  However if you decide you are not ready and would like another time to come back please let the receptionist know and give them your information in which we determine if you should be called back or not.  You may get called back today or you may not at all if you decide to leave.  That is your choice.  Understand?"

He looked around the room and waited patiently for anyone to have cold feet and decide to leave at that moment.  He smiled when no one got up, "Perfect," he held up a list in his hand, "Can I get Cassandra Everlove?"


Cassi got up and Morgan escorted her back leaving us to look at each other and go back to our own lives.

We sat and waited.

One by one the girl's dwindled down as either some stayed behind when the next was called.  A couple of girl's left looking pissed.  Some left with a smile on their face.  And some left like they were in a trance.

It was all weird looking at each girl and I started playing a game called How did their meeting go?.  Each guess on each girl was just that....a guess.

Finally after have the first eight girl's called Morgan came out and spoke, "Can I see Kelly Michaels and...." he looked down at his paper as he raised his eyebrow, "her agent, Gabriel Newman?"

Both of us stood up and followed Morgan out of the lobby, zig zagged through some halls with posters up of all the movies that Vuse has produced along with posters of Stars.  Finally we got to where we needed to go as Morgan led us into an office and smiled, "Here we are."

We walked in and Kel sat down in one chair and I sat down in the other next to Kel.  Morgan walked around the table and sat down.

He looked at both of us as he probably judged us trying to make a determination about us before he spoke, "I'm sure you are wondering why you are here Ms. Michaels?"

Kel nodded as well as I did.

He smiled, "Well as I'm sure you know from your account that we sent our request to that we would like a meeting with you as a potential talent and see if we can gain enough intrigue to promote you to a full fledged star."

I knew it.

I spoke, "So you mean doing porn?"

He smiled, "More or less yes."

I spoke, "And what types of roles would you have my client doing?"

He shrugged, "Just your normal vanilla stuff.  Some pictures here.  Maybe a video there or a series of videos.  Just to test the water's mind you.  If we get a high enough feedback from our member's we could possibly talk about real scenes and get your client into movies and getting real money."  He scoffed, "Certainly a lot more than what you were getting on your site."

I looked at Kel and she shook her head.  I looked at Morgan, "I believe my client doesn't feel those terms are favorable for her."

Morgan frowned and raised his eyebrow, "Oh!"  He looked at me, "Well what was your client expecting?"

I looked over at Kel and she sheepishly spoke, "I don't know maybe some modeling.  Or product endorsement possibly?"

Morgan laughed.....hard.  After he was done laughing he looked at Kel, "What makes you think you qualify for endorsements?"

I spoke getting Morgan's attention, "My client already has a variety of other channels outside of her adult account where she has a healthy amount of viewers that some companies have endorsed her.  Maybe because of the current amount of viewers on her adult account might warrant a reconsideration for endorsement."

He raised his eyebrow at me and then looked at Kel.  He smiled, "I'm well aware of your various channels Ms. Michaels."  He looked over at me, "You as well Mr. Newman."  He returned his attention to Kel, "Though your current channel's subscribers is impressive it is no means the same number's as your adult account.  So while you may think you are hot.  Trust me when I say you're not, you're cute at best.  I have another dozen of more girl's today willing to sell their souls for what I'm offering to you.  Take my offer or," he shrugged, "leave.  It's no skin off my back."

Ok his snugness has pissed me off.

Time to put this smug asshat in his place.....diplomatically.

I refrained from reaching over the table and socking Morgan in the mouth for calling Kel regularly cute like she was ordinary trash that only he could elevate.

I mustered my most charming smile and spoke, "I beg to differ Mr. Guzman.  My client here has worked on her channels tirelessly to gain so many followers and acquire as many sponsor's as she has.  Most of which took years to acquire.  Her adult channel was only created a couple of months ago and has already gained roughly 10,000 views when she's live and another 100,000 to 250,000 views when offline.  In two months?  Imagine if you will three or even six months down the line.  Imagine the potential of growth that might occur in that time frame.  It could double.  It could triple.  There's no telling how many viewer's my client can get.  I believe my client has real potential to expand her clientele exponentially given the chance."

Morgan looked from me to Kel.

He squinted his eyes as he returned his attention to me, "So what are you talking?"

I shrugged, "Like I stated.  A chance at a sponsorship.  If your company sponsor's my client," I changed my wording, "call it a partnership if you will.  My client will talk about your company to find maybe a product you sell, maybe a vibrator that only you produce and say thanks for the sponsorship and possibly talk about the star it's modeled after.  Maybe it's clothing and lingerie.  Maybe it's some device.  Maybe it's bdsm equipment.  My client provides the links in the videos where she uses said item.  It's a win win.  My client get's products from your company.  Your company pays my client to talk about them before her video's start.  That's roughly 100,000 to 250,000 more people going to your company's site and much more people possibly buying your products.  And all because my client advertised your company."

He looked from me to Kel again before he sighed, "Fine.  Leave your contact info at the front desk.  I'll talk to my higher ups to see if they like the idea."

He looked at me, "Mind you they may need some type of guarantee."

I smiled, "You have your people send over their request to me in full detail what they want.  I'll bring it to my client and go from there."

He looked at me, "And what is your client willing to agree to, specifically?"

I looked at Kel, "Tell him my dear."

Kel blushed, "I'm willing to model only.  No sex with any man in any form."

He raised his eyebrow, "Really?"

I spoke for her, "That's what my client wants.  Be sure to tell your bosses."

I looked at Kel, "Come on Kel."

We both stood up and left Morgan in the dust.

I tried to follow the same zig zag pattern but heard a female yell at me, "HEY YOU!!!"  Followed by another female, "WAIT!!!"


Step Sister Corruption Part 187 - Day 111 Gabe Becomes an Agent



How in the fuck did this happen?

One moment I was advocating for Kel and defending Kel's honor from the smug asshat other wise known as Morgan Guzman. The next I'm sitting in our hotel's lobby surrounded by eight girl's, not including Kel, staring at me. I told them what happened at Vuse.

I had intended leaving Vuse Productions with just myself and Kel then two girl's ran up asking me to wait up.

I turned to them confused as to why two girl's were running to me.

They finally caught up gasping for a minute before one of them spoke, "We heard what you did with that asshole."

The one that spoke stood about 5'1", was about 100lbs, long light red hair, blue eyes, and curves in all the right places.

The other spoke, "Can you do the same for us?"

This one similarly looked almost exactly like the other but looked younger and had more doll like facial features.

We're they sister's?

I looked at both girl's, "I'm sorry whoever you are but I'm only here to represent my client here."

One of the girl's looked at me, "Then do the same thing for us. Let us be your client's."

I looked at both girl's, "I'm sorry again girl's but I don't know anything about you so I don't know how to help you."

The more doll looking one pouted and pushed her tits together, "Please??"

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. I looked at the two, "Did you say yes to their offer?"

Both girl's looked down as the non doll one spoke, "He made it sound like we didn't have a choice." The doll looking one spoke, "Then while we waited for the contract we heard you speak to the asshole."

I sighed, "Well since you said yes and probably on camera no less you're pretty much fucked."

Both girl's frowned and I looked at Kel who gave me a look of concern and I could tell it told volumes. I looked back at the girl's, "But you do have some wiggle room seeing how you haven't signed."

One of the girl's looked at me, "We do?"

I smiled, "Sure until you sign you can ask for girl only scene's if that's what you're into for example."

The doll looking one, "But that's not what we want."

I looked at her, "Ok what do you want?"

Both looked at each other as they nodded, the non doll looking one, "We just wanted a sponsorship like what you got her," they pointed towards Kel, "to help with her site. That's what we want."

The doll continued, "And to help with our habits."

How come that sounded familiar?

Oh yeah that's because that's what we wanted.

I looked at them, "So let me get this straight. You want to continue your account and get a sponsorship? Not do porn?"

Both girl's looked at each other before they looked at me and nodded.


I wonder how many of the other girl's were here hoping for the same thing?

I looked at both girl's, "Follow me."

And I started walking towards to the lobby.

We quickly got back to the lobby to see the remaining six girl's.

I spoke quickly, "How many of you have adult accounts where you tease guy's and rely on donations?"

All the girl's looked at me confused for half a second but all of them raised their hands.

Looks like they all had a theme.

I wondered how many of the girl's before us were adult entertainer's having their accounts. Probably all of them except Cassi.

I spoke quickly, "And how many of you were hoping for a sponsorship?"

Again all of them raised their hands.

Now for the big one, "And how many of you actually want to do porn?"

All the girl's looked at each other before they looked at me and each quickly shook their head's.

Definitely a theme.

I looked to Kel, "Stay here and explain to them what is going on."

Kel looked at me, "What are you going to do?"

I spoke, "To have a word with Mr. Guzman."

And I walked back ignoring the receptionist who had asked me during my questioning of the girl's to stop. When I walked back the receptionist quickly ran to her phone quickly dialing someone, probably security.

I didn't care.

I took the same zig zag pattern using the poster's as check points that I was on the right path.

I quickly found the room where we were to find it empty. Then I moved to the one next to us where the two girl's were to quickly find Morgan Guzman.

He quickly spun to see me, "What are you doing here?"

I entered the room, "Just the man I was looking for."

He pointed to the contract, "Where's the girl's that were here?"

I smiled, "Yeah about that. They're my client's now."

He frowned.

I pointed to the chair, "Sit."

He looked at me quizzically before he shrugged and sat down.

We heard security run by before they stopped and knocked on the door.

Morgan Guzman looked at me for a minute before he addressed the door, "Yeah!"

A gruff voice spoke, "Who's in there?"

He answered, "It's Morgan Guzman. Currently talking with a potential client. What's going on?"

The gruff voice answered, "Sorry Mr. Guzman but one of your appointment's barged past reception."

He smiled at me before he answered, "The boy?"


I'm a man for fucks sake.

But I let it go.....for now.

The gruff voice answered, "Yes sir."

Morgan chuckled but he answered, "He's with me. But it's fine. Just stand at the door for now. I'm entertaining him for now."

The gruff voice answered, "Yes sir."

He looked at me, "Speak quickly before I let security bounce you and your sister out and I forget about your negotiations."


In less than two seconds I went from having a lot of bargaining power to none.

I nodded and spoke quickly, "It appears my sister Kel isn't the only one you've offered a chance at porn. Am I correct?"

Morgan smiled and nodded.

I looked at him, "And how many of them have accepted doing porn?"

He smiled, "So far five."

I raised my eye brow, "Really?"

He sighed, "Ok three the siren sister's would have made five but they haven't signed the contract."

I looked at him, "How about I propose a different offer you can take to your bosses?"

He raised his eye brow at me, "I'm listening."

I had to think quick.

What could I offer that would sound intriguing?

Each of these girl's have their own adult accounts where they show off their bodies for money. And I imagined from their looks they were good enough to where a talent agent like Morgan here saw potential to offer a chance at porn.

Was there a better way to get these girl's what they wanted AND what Vuse wanted?

No matter what I choose these girl's were Vuse's competition.

But were they really?

Fuck it. Might as well go for broke.

I spoke, "Instead of seeing these girl's as possible rivals or future employees that you can exploit, why not make them advertiser's? Just for a measly sponsorship, think of the possibilities. You pay each of these girl's to test your product's. They give shout outs for your lingerie, your product's, and maybe just maybe they star in a film of their own choice and get their loyal followers to buy your products. The possibilities are limitless if you do it right."

He looked at me, "Hmmm. I see your point but why should we change business just for you and your amateurs?"



Ok change gears.

I looked at him, "Ok I'll agree that most of the girl's out there are very amateurish. But why not help them up their game. Become established and remain independent. Not bring them into the fold and maybe one or two of those girls become real stars while the rest get kicked the curb."

He rubbed his chin as he thought it out.

I quickly talked, "What's a better scenario one or two girls out there becoming stars making you money. Or ALL of them making you money through advertisement? Trust me I'd want the lather not the former. Having eight, nine, fifteen different girl's advertising your company via already established viewing base. A base that I need to remind you will constantly grow the more they do videos and everything. If you help them move from amateurish into the moderate and semi professional that only helps you guys as that will allow to expand their viewer base and in turn expand and deepen your pockets."

I could tell I was appealing to him.

I kept going, "Let me ask you this and you answer honestly. What are you more likely to do? Are you more likely to, just for a few bucks, watch a girl online as you jerk off? Or are you more likely to pay $20, $30, $50 dollar's for one of your companies movies just so you can jerk off?"

Morgan smiled and spoke, "The few dollars."

I smiled and lightly slapped my hand on the table, "That's what I'm talking about. Your company is missing an entirely different demographic. All because of what, you hate competition? I say let them be and let them be allies. Not subjects that need conquering because your company is afraid of potential."