Step Sister Corruption 091-100


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Summer took a full day entering into the fridge a list of items that we had and each item that we took all we had to do was hit the minus sign next to it so it showed exactly how many we had left.  Which was nice and brilliant.....that's if ALL of us adhered to Summer's fantastic idea.  One guess who always forgets to do this....that's right the gorgeous slob otherwise known as my step sister lover called Kel.  After the first few times Summer gave up on this endeavor and we just added what was needed and a wish list of items we'd like to have occasionally.  Granted mom has been very generous to include our items when she goes shopping but not always.  Apparently Jason told my mom now that we technically are living on our own we should fend for ourselves aka get our own fucking groceries.  Though my step dad has so far paid the rest of the bills.

Now that I got the kitchen cleaned up, I moved over to my phone.

16%....well fuck.

I lightly picked up around the place trying to avoid the disaster zone but knew either myself or Summer was going to break down and clean Kel's room because she never fucking did.  I swear if mom or I never cleaned Kel's room when WE all lived under one roof Kel's room would have all sorts of nastiness flung all over the damn place.

Yes Kel did do the occasional clean up but it was half assed.  The only things she kept in order and meticulously clean was her hidden items and her work out gear and clothes.  Oh and also her beautification regimen.  The rest was a complete and utter disaster.

Sigh if only she could transfer those OCD tendencies from those small aspects to the rest of her life she would be the perfect woman.....almost.  There was still room for Kel to grow.  Like cooking.  And not spending so much fucking money when she shops though she's not using MY money so I really don't care.  And let's not mention her slut game has risen significantly where any guy would be a fool to let her go.  

I slightly wondered now that Kel was so much a part of my daily life if I could give her up?  Could I?

I know I couldn't get rid of Summer if I tried.  I would have to royally fuck up for Summer to consider leaving me.  Especially how she has admitted that she loves me and that I complete her.  Also she has admitted if my hunger for her didn't help her push her own game then she would have left me from the start.  Now I think she's a little addicted to me.

Who was I kidding, I was addicted to Summer as well.  Though I'll never admit that to her.

Still haven't said the L word to her or Kel.  Just 'you too's' and 'same's' and 'dittos'.  

I went back to my phone and saw it was at 22%.

I growled at the charging gods.

Why is it when you charge a fucking electronic device the first 40% was always so painstakingly slow but the next 50% was so fucking fast?  And that's not even counting the last 10% was stupidly slow.


I growled and frustrated as I spoke, "God damn it."

And I walked into Kel's room to tackle the formidable beast otherwise known as Hurricane Kelly.

I raked off the covers, sheets, and the other elements from Kel's bed throwing them into the washing machine.  I had to start with the cover because that had absorbed the blunt of 'Operation: Deflate my fucking solider' from last night.  And the washing machine wasn't so large it could accept ALL of the bed coverings.

Then I threw all of the clothing I found on the floor from both the bathroom and bedroom into the conveniently placed often missed laundry basket.  I would say always missed but Kel did throw her workout clothes into the laundry basket.  Odd that was the things she concerned herself with was her fucking workout gear.....oh and her sexy clothing.  Not that her behind the ass zipper pants would be considered as a sexy piece of clothing which I found on the fucking floor.  Or the overly tight oddly placed rips top would be considered a piece of sexy clothing because that was laying right next to the pants.


Still I picked up.  I wasn't sure what was clean nor what was dirty.  And I sure as hell wasn't going to play the sniff game with either girl's clothing.  Especially their missed workout attire.  I may do it to mine but their's.....OH HELL NO!  During my pick up I even had to use MY fucking laundry basket for all of Kel's and oddly enough Summer's fucking clothing as Kel's basket was so over flowing clothes were just falling.  

With the floor cleaned....finally.  I moved both baskets next to the washer for their turn to be cleaned.

I mildly wondered how in the holy hell can two girl's who normally wore work out clothes for EVERYTHING can go through so many clothes.

But then I remembered I couldn't remember for the life of me when was the last time either of them did laundry.

I did mine on a weekly basis.  But both of them.  I just couldn't remember.

Which is weird because Summer became a weirdly all the time person who just about lived with us she claimed she was a neat freak. But I had been keeping her spare time occupied with my cock in either her pussy or mouth.

But still you would think she'd pick up Kel's room. Though she did help keep my room tidy and the main house pretty much clean.

It was just Kel's room that was always a disaster.

I wonder if Kel talked to Summer about her room being hers?

With Kel's room modestly looking somewhat presentable I exited to check my phone.


It was at respectable level for me to check out what was on my phone because after looking at my tablet Dr. Braxter and Brynn obviously did something.  If nothing else the note flatly TOLD me they had done something.

I pulled my phone off the charging pad and walked over to the sofa.

Time to see what was here as I held the ON button.


Step Sister Corruption Part 100 - Day 64 An unusual view



My cell powered on and I had to wait for the system to fully check into the cell towers because I have no idea when the device detached itself from the cell carrier's servers as it powered itself off when it died from the over usage.

I didn't have to wait long as my phone went crazy with everything coming in from all the messages from Kel and Summer....which I knew about as they were worried after I hadn't text Summer after my meeting with Dr. Braxter.

Then a notice popped open letting me know that my phone's internal storage was at near full capacity sitting at 98%.


Before my meeting with Dr. Braxter I knew my phone was sitting at roughly 46%....I think.

I didn't keep much on my phone. The only thing that ate my phone's storage was all the saved texts though all of them were uploaded to my significant cloud storage that I pay a measly $4.99 a month for.  My cloud storage was roughly twenty times larger than my phone's capacity and my phone's capacity was impressive.

Which means those two bitches ate nearly fifty some odd percent of my phone's internal storage with their private weird photo shoot while I was knocked out.

And I was a little irritated that I missed out on their private photo shoot.  At least they were kind enough to include me in it and allowed me to keep the photos.

I went into my phone's photo app and found that those bitches took roughly 50 photos.

Which made no sense.

Why would 50 photos eat so much data?  It's not like my phone's camera was a stupid high megapixel that would eat that much data per photo.

There had to be another reason.


Still I looked at the photos.

I skipped the photos that I had already seen on my tablet though on my tablet it only registered about ten photos that my phone had successfully uploaded to the cloud.

I jumped to the fifth photo and found a nice selfie of Dr. Braxter and Brynn smiling for the camera with their faces stupidly close to my lower region but my lower region was still clothed.

The next photo was another selfie with Brynn's face smiling as she pulled my underwear down showing a small portion of my lower region.

The next was the same selfie with more of my flesh showing.

The next was a nice selfie of Brynn smiling as I had been released.

The next was her shock at seeing my sleeping dragon.

The next was Dr. Braxter looking hungrily at the sleeping limp flesh.

The next showed Dr. Braxter kissing the limp flesh.

The next showed Brynn kissing the same spot.

Then Brynn kissing the head.

Then Dr. Braxter kissed the head.

Both kissing.

On and on the photos went.  Licking.  Kissing various parts.  Them hovering their exposed lips to my face as I slept.  Single lips.  Both lips.  Lips on my nose.

Then there was a video.

The video showed Dr. Braxter talking into the camera as she spoke, "Seeing how you are out of it and won't be enjoying this Mr. Newman what I hold in my hand here is a nice mixture we use at the Range for special events."  In her hands was a needle with some liquid in it.  Dr. Braxter smiled, "Trust me you'll love this nice concoction.  I know Brynn and myself will love it."  I watched as she carefully inserted the needle into the base of my flesh and pushed the plunger until it sank home.  I heard Brynn speak on the video, "How long before it takes effect mom?"

Dr. Braxter looked at the camera, "Shouldn't be long dear."

I heard Brynn, "Oh oh I think it's working now mom."

The camera took focus on my member as it started to elongate before it was hard and then stand.  Slowly my veins started to pop out.

Dr. Braxter spoke off screen, "Perfect.  Now it's time to test Mr. Newman's endurance.  Though I doubt he'll last long seeing how his brain isn't talking to the rest of his body."

Brynn spoke off camera, "Can I go mom?"

Dr. Braxter spoke, "Sure honey.  Make sure you get off occasionally while I time him.  Also make sure you put a condom on him."

Brynn spoke, "Right.  Here you hold the camera."

There was a shifting before the camera zoomed out and the camera could see all of me laying on the ground with my flag pole standing at attention.  Brynn came into view as she leaned down and rolled a latex covering over the pole.  Brynn then stood up and hovered herself over me and started to rub herself and lick her fingers then return to rubbing herself until she felt ready and lowered herself down.  She reached down and guided me to where she needed me to be before lowering herself.  

As she lowered herself she moaned out, "Oh fuck!"

Dr. Braxter spoke off camera, "How is he, dear?"

Brynn looked down and spoke, "God he's big."  She looked into the camera, "Are you sure you want to change him?  He's already freaky big."

Dr. Braxter lightly chuckled off camera, "Of course I'm sure dear.  His genetics will prove my suspicions with the formula."

Brynn lowered herself, "God this feels so damn good." She grunted as Dr. Braxter spoke off camera, "Is something the matter?"

Brynn spoke, "Nothing he's just fucking big I'm having a hard fitting all of him in."

Dr. Braxter laughed but spoke, "Remember to relax that should help."

Brynn nodded, "Right." She let out a long breath before she tried again and was able to lower herself down further as she exclaimed, "Holy fuck!!!"

Brynn looked into the camera as she smiled and started to laugh, "I feel like he's knocking on my stomach mom."

Dr. Braxter spoke off camera, "I doubt that honey."

Brynn looked off camera, "I don't know mom he's really really large."

Dr. Braxter spoke, "Quit exaggerating and start."

Brynn nodded, "Right. Ok mom you can start timing him."

Dr. Braxter spoke, "I started as soon as you lowered yourself dear.  Just do what comes natural.  Let me know when he cums.  Ok?"

Brynn nodded and moaned, "Got it!"  And she started bouncing.

Brynn started moaning and letting out various sounds and profanities.  Brynn's legs shook and she groaned as an obvious orgasm hit Brynn.  Then again.  And again.  Each orgasm threw off her momentum making her stop and breath heavily before she got herself under control and resumed bouncing.

After some time Dr. Braxter spoke off camera, "We're approaching five minutes dear how is he?"

Brynn spoke between moans, "He's amazing."

Dr. Braxter spoke, "That's not what I'm asking dear."

Brynn stopped and looked at the camera before it dawned on her, "Oh right."

Brynn got up to release me to the world and Dr. Braxter walked up to show my helmet was still unfilled.

Dr. Braxter spoke, "Still haven't fired off huh?  Impressive."

Then the camera shook as I heard, "Here honey.  It's my turn."

Brynn breathed heavily, "Right."

The camera shifted back to nearly the same location and I saw Dr. Braxter stand over me.  She looked at the camera, obviously her daughter, "What's the time right now?"

Brynn responded, "Five minutes thirty seven seconds."

Dr. Braxter spoke, "Ok let me know when he hits seven minutes or until I say stop.  That should be a good time that a normal guy cums and we'll check him then."

Brynn answered, "Right."

Dr. Braxter looked down and lowered herself like Brynn had.  She moaned out as soon as her entrance was invaded by me and she moaned, "Oh fuck."  Her legs shook lightly as she lowered herself until our hips touched.  She adjusted herself just like Brynn had before she started bouncing and she started enjoying herself.

I watched and was glad I was watching this in only my boxers as my soldier came out and said hello.

Still I watched.

I got half way into Dr. Braxter's performance as it stopped and my text app told me I had received a new text from Summer.

I switched to the text app kind of irritated that I was interrupted from watching a VERY interesting video.

Summer: You awake yet

I sighed.

Me:  Yeah I'm awake and my phone is charged

Summer:  good.  I completely forgot your phone died yesterday

Me:  yeah

Summer:  anyways I'm texting for a completely different reason other than checking on you

Me: ok whats up?

Summer: can I ask what exactly you and Dr. Braxter talked about again?

Me: just want I told you why whats up?

Summer: umm check your bank account just in case it's just me

Me: OK....?????

Summer:  just check

I sighed as I switched from my text app and pulled up my bank's app.  I quickly logged in and instantly found my account was off from the last time I checked it.

My account had gotten $25,000 richer.

I blinked and looked at my checking account and found that the deposit was still pending.  Looks like the transaction was initiated this morning.  Because my bank app sent my phone notifications whenever something happened to my account and I don't remember seeing a notification on my phone yesterday from my bank about anything.....granted it did die yesterday.

Must be in the fuck ton of notifications sitting in my phone that I hadn't looked into as I powered my phone on and started my investigation as the only notification I focused internal storage was near capacity.

Still I blinked in astonishment.

I switched back to Summer's text.

Me:  you mean the $25k increase?

Summer: so you got it too

Me: yep

Summer: I've texted Kelly but she isn't answering

Me: might be asleep or at the match

Summer: you might be right.  but still what did you talk about?

Me:  like I told you just what happened

Summer:  you have her number?

Me: yeah....

I was afraid she would bring that up.  Last thing I want her to do is ask for Dr. Braxter's number or at least the number I had when I received her address.  And have Summer grill Dr. Braxter why we had suddenly become $25k richer.

Summer:  well text her why she had Muschi send us half our bonus if that's what I think it is.  It's the only thing I can think of why I'm suddenly $25k richer.

Me:  will do

Summer: and babe

Me: yeah

Summer: if she invites you up again wait until I'm off work and we can go together so you don't get another black out spell or whatever she did to you

Me: you got it

Now I had a quandary before me.

I could either text Dr. Braxter about the mysterious $25k. Which I'm pretty sure Summer was right but for the wrong reasons. It was probably half hush money for Dr. Braxter and her daughter for raping my unconscious body that THEY made unconscious. The other half I had no idea as to why.

Granted that was because I played my hand wrong as I threw down a pair, get it a pair, ok bad joke. And she used her cunning by throwing down a full house. Their two pairs and Brynn's gun beating my lonely pair of stupid photos.

Though with the new photos that SHE took I could REALLY blackmail her ass now. Especially the video.

Or I could go back and watch the video they so graciously let me have giving me full wood.

Like a stupid minion in that really really old hero cartoon movie I rubbed my hands and sinisterly said through a cracked voice, "Both. Both is good!"

Or was the minions voice really stupid and sort of high pitched?

I shrugged not really remembering the exact voice used on that little horned devil.

I pulled up the text app and switched over to Dr Braxter's text and typed.

Me: Is there a reason all of us $25k richer?

Then I quickly added.

Me: and what the fuck did you give me?

I switched back to the video and was happy it hadn't restarted itself and was right where I left it.

I pushed play and watched the video unfold.

Dr. Braxter was bouncing on my cock moaning. She was leaning back with her hands on my legs alternating between bouncing and grinding her pelvis.

Before Brynn said time Dr Braxter's legs violently clapped close and opened and clapped as they shook and she screamed in the air.

Good to know I made the doctor orgasm.

Before she could resume Brynn yelled, "Stop."

Dr. Braxter breathed heavily but still got off my dick to look down and she uttered, "How?"

Brynn spoke, "What?"

Dr. Braxter looked up at the camera, "He still hasn't cummed!"

Brynn, "Really?"

Dr. Braxter spoke, "No come look!"

The camera moved and came up on my dick and sitting inside the condom was just my meat and no fluid.

Granted I could see Dr. Braxter's pussy in the background but still.

Dr. Braxter spoke, "What's his time?"

Brynn spoke, "Hold on let me check."

The camera moved further away from my sleeping unconscious body and Dr. Braxter before Brynn spoke, "Seven minutes and twenty seven seconds."

Dr. Braxter spoke, "Ok let me know when we hit eleven minutes and thirty seconds or until I say stop."

Brynn, "Got it."

Dr. Braxter huffed as she lifted herself and lowered her pussy until my flesh rocket had disappeared back into her moist confines and proceeded bouncing not carrying her tits were bouncing with each bounce of her body.

I watched in fascination as Dr. Braxter fucked my unconscious body lightly cheering my unconscious body to keep holding that nut back.

This was better than any sitcom because I honestly have no fucking idea when I popped.

I was so enthralled with the action I didn't notice I was fondling myself to this weird ass porn.

I watched as Dr. Braxter stopped as another orgasm ripped through her body. After she finished she got off me to look down.

Brynn, "Anything?"

Dr. Braxter answer by raising herself back off on my flesh and looked down as she shook her head before she resumed the position of reinserting my latex covered dick into her pussy.

Go go

Dr. Braxter bounced and bounced succumbing to her own lust until Brynn spoke the magical words, "Time!!"

Dr. Braxter got off my cock her own body shuddering as her sensitive pussy was pulled off her

She looked down and even I heard, "You got to be kidding me!!!"

Brynn spoke, "What?"

Dr. Braxter looked up at the camera and spoke, "He still hasn't cummed!"
