Stepsister Succubus Ch. 04

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Marc's comfort with Sophia leads to curiosity.
17.4k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 04/22/2024
Created 06/28/2022
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After months of hiatus, I have finally found the motivation to continue. I hope the delay hasn't been too frustrating. To make up for it, here is the next chapter of Step Sister Succubus. I hope to upload more stories as well now that I'm writing again.



Marc grumbled and pressed his hand into the side of his head; he didn't think choosing University courses was going to be so difficult, but it would seem planning for one's future wasn't all that simple.

He'd borrowed Maria's laptop so he could set up on the dining table, trying to choose a university and a course he thought would suit him, but when he thought about going into the 'sciences', he didn't expect that to be so broad.

Well, he should've. And now he was bemoaning his generalised take.

"Physics, chemistry, metallurgy... computer sciences... fuck."

The course list at one of the local universities was rather comprehensive, and that was Marc's problem; scrolling through it just left him indecisive. Whenever he leaned towards one, thoughts popped into his head about another that might've suited him. Worse, there was also the thoughts that intruded with their lack of confidence, second guessing whether he actually would've done well in a certain course.

Though it wasn't leaving him dejected, just exasperated.

He heard the front door open and shut.

"I'm home!" came Sophia's voice. Musical as ever, and it even seemed to buoy Marc's spirit.

Just a tiny bit.

She entered the kitchen, placing some shopping bags down on the counter, before leaning over.

"Whatcha doing?" she asked.

"Looking at uni subjects. And choosing none of them," he muttered in response, as he scrolled back to the top of the screen.

"I didn't figure you were thinking about going to uni so soon."

"Well, that talk we had the other day got me thinking, maybe I should plan ahead. You know, maybe look at my future and stuff."

She smirked at him and then wheeled around next to him, leaning her back against the counter, elbows on the bench all casual-like.

"You know you don't have to do it now, right. You can always wait a bit," she said.

"I know, but I talked with dad, he thought that it might be a good idea to get it done sooner rather than later. Then, I have the education to help with future jobs, and I'll be a little older, so I might be able to get better interim jobs while I look for something in my area of expertise."

He paused for a moment, and then ran his hands down his face tiredly.

"But I know it's never that simple. People get their diplomas and their PhDs and still end up in office jobs or working minimum wage nine to fives."

"Like they say, it's more often who you know than what you know," Sophia added.

"Yep... though I suppose that's not a big deal for you," he mused.

She gave him a narrow look.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked pointedly.

In a moment, Marc felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, adrenaline going through him as he panicked; did he just insult her real bad?

He was scrambling for an apology before Sophia mussed his hair and chuckled jokingly.

"I'm just messing with you, bro," she reassured.

He deflated a little, but gave her a moderately annoyed look.

"That was uncalled for, I thought I just put my foot in it," he complained.

"You kinda did," she confirmed. "But I can't really get mad about it because it's true. We do use our... talents to gain favourable outcomes for us, be it physical or supernatural. Of course, mum's been rather clear on the fact that getting anywhere, even for us, requires a bit more effort. She could snap her fingers and make any deal for the company she wants, no one would bat an eye. But even she's not above the all-encompassing behemoth of market forces. Someone might notice a pattern if companies start failing one after the other because poor deals keep getting made. Mum has to know what she's doing for her talents to be the most use. Know what I mean?"

Marc listened, and paused for a moment.

"I think so... there are still things bigger than charm magic, and getting involved in those things means you can't just boop someone's brain with a suggestion and expect to always get away unscathed," he said.

"Exactly," Sophia confirmed again, leaning in to 'boop' him on the nose, no doubt because of his choice of words. Her smirk confirmed it. "Otherwise, you have to coast along in the shadows off the work of others. Which may strain our already rather parasitic nature to limits that we don't want to test, or things might go bad very suddenly. Or worse."

Marc saw her get a little serious with those last two words.

"What do you mean, 'worse'?"

Sophia seemed to stiffen a little, and then shook her head slowly.

"Nothing," she said.

Marc didn't accept that.

"I know that's bullshit, what is 'worse'?" He'd turned on his seat, facing her directly and staring her down.

Sophia sighed out, and sat down herself.

"I didn't really want to tell you this. But, I guess our history is something you should know. I won't go deep into the many, many things my kind's been involved in over the millennia. Just that, in times past... well, there were others that knew what we were. Not just our partners... and slaves, in some unfortunate cases."

She looked aside, as if telling Marc this was something she thought was shameful.

"Not all of us were the nicest sort. We kept to the shadows, succubi and incubi alike, for good reasons, though some of us effectively enslaved humans, as servants at best, cattle at worse, though they were never open about what they were, lest that draw violent attention. But as I mentioned, there were others that did know."

She paused again, tapping her fingers on the counter. Then she continued.

"You know how I said the morning after you found out I was a succubus that my mother said there were dedicated hunters? Succubi and incubi, to deal with 'dangerous demons'? Well, that came about because others started doing that. Humans. And they found ways around our powers. Ways to resist, or to shield themselves, so they could get close and... 'exorcise the demons'. Usually with fire, or steel. Often both. We're not indestructible, just resilient. It really pushed us into the shadows further, and made the... well, 'kinder' among us, for a lack of better word, really hide what we were, be cautious, and like I said, make sure the more wicked among us were dealt with before they could threaten the rest of us with the consequences of their actions."

She sighed out, crossing her arms against the countertop and looking off into space.

Marc was similarly quiet, glancing down at his lap.

"I didn't know," he said quietly.

"I didn't want you to know," Sophia admitted. "I guess because I was worried."

"About what?"

"About how you'd react. Worried that there might be these people around now, out there, hunting us down. Or that you'd be in harms way yourself. You're my Soul Mate, Marc, that means I do care about you."

There was something weird about seeing her in such a state of... vulnerability? No, that wasn't quite right, but she seemed less confident, less herself.

Whilst Marc didn't like being lied to, it wasn't a lie. Just uncomfortable history someone didn't really want to share.

And there was something uplifting about her saying she cared about him so openly.

"Well, there's not any of these people around today, right?" he asked.

"Not that we know of. The world's a big place, but neither my mother or I have ever heard anything. Just the stories about our hunters, and I'm not sure how true they are either. But it's stuff I don't really like sharing because... look, I'll be honest, you are kinda cute when you're scared, that night was kinda... thrilling, when I saw your face. But I don't want you feeling genuinely afraid to be around me just because of what I am. That's not thrilling."

Whilst he wasn't sure how to feel about her finding him cute when scared, or the implication that they didn't mind a bit of fear 'in the moment', at least with Sophia, he did feel for her anxieties. His relationship with her was... bizarre, to say the least, especially knowing her proclivities. But as messed up as she was, she did seem to genuinely like and care for him. And he couldn't really complain, he was a bit messed up himself.

He reached out and held her shoulder gently.

"Hey, as long as no assholes come around here, I think we'll be fine. You haven't lied to me yet, right? I think I can keep trusting you just fine," he said, his turn to reassure her.

She turned to him and smiled softly.

"How do you know this isn't some extremely elaborate long con to steal your soul?" she said in jest, echoing old sentiments he had.

"Guess I don't, but I guess I'm a fool."

She chuckled, and she leaned in to peck him on the lips, a miniscule tingle of magic buzzing across them. He blushed, and then shook his head in embarrassment; she'd done all sorts of freaky stuff to him, and yet a small moment of affection from his Step Sister seemed to trigger his lingering reservations about being so intimate with a family member. Well, 'reservations' didn't seem like the right word. He just still had moments where it was all so bizarre to him, since morally it was a taboo. Rather ridiculous given how many times they've stomped taboo into the ground.

"Well..." he uttered.

"Don't tell me you're flustered over a little kiss now," Sophia teased with a small giggle. It was both a little annoying and somewhat heartening, she was back to being herself. Marc wasn't used to her being so serious.

"I suppose I'm still getting used to your idea of affection and intimacy," he admitted. He was quiet for a moment, and then rubbed his head. "How did we get here? We were talking about university courses."

"You said something that wasn't really offensive because it's pretty true, but also kinda rude to say casually," she reminded with a smirk. "And personally, I think we should both go to the same university. You wouldn't want to be deprived of me, now, would you?"

He gave her a lopsided look.

"I think if I can't go a while without fucking you, then I don't think I have a future regardless. Besides... wouldn't that be pretty risky? Or do you just want a new hunting ground and to keep me around?" he inquired with his own smirk, his turn to needle.

"I've never done college life. The amount of prey, the fun..." she let out a seething sigh of delight at the thought, closing her eyes, probably imagining it. "It'd be great~ Plus, who'd suspect the girl studying literature of being a soul-sucking slut from hell~?"

"Everyone, with the way you flaunt yourself," he muttered, prompting a giggle from his stepsister.

He was still somewhat... weirded out, by himself, when it came to how readily he accepted Sophia's nature, her lascivious attitudes and behaviours.

"True, but only you'd get to remember every delicious detail~"

"I am not fucking you in the kitchen, dad and Maria will be back soon," he chided rather casually, heading off any attempts at seduction.

She gave him a mock pout in response.

"Aww, you're no fun~"

He shook his head, but failed to stifle a small chuckle, before he glanced at the bags she'd brought in.

"What did you buy, anyways?"

"Some clothes, lingerie - maybe I'll show 'em off to you later - and some new perfumes. Girl's gotta live a little~"

He should've shaken his head at the remark about being shown the lingerie, but it actually kinda excited him, just a little. Marc made sure she didn't know that.

"You're always 'living a little'," he joked drily.

"Speaking of which, I spoke to Chaney again," she revealed. "She asked about you."

Marc raised an eyebrow.

"Did she?"

"Yeah. I think she thinks you're cute, from what I felt skimming her mind~ You know, I can still hook you up with her, if you want~"

He felt flustered again.

"C'mon, you can't be serious. Actually, wait, you are serious. And I know what you said last time, about joining in. Isn't that a little too much?"

Sophia shrugged.

"Honestly, it's your call, but I wouldn't mind if you said yes. I won't lie, there's a bit of selfishness here; Chaney's cute, I'd love to hear her moan~"

"I'm surprised you haven't already."

"Hey, sometimes I hold myself back out of respect, she's a good friend."

"That makes me think you'd want to do it more."

"You'd be thinking right~"

He threw up his arms in defeat, turning back to his laptop.

"Sometimes, I can't get a read on you, Sophia," he admitted.

She slipped off her stool and hugged him from behind, pressing her breasts against his back and pecking him on the back of his head.

"I know, Marc~" Always teasing. She pulled back and grabbed her bag of clothes. "But if you want, drop in tonight, and I'll show you my newest purchases~"

"I guess I can, if I have time," he conceded, though admittedly he was a bit eager to see how she'd flaunt herself.

The front door opened again.

"Hello all!" came his dad's voice.

"We're back," Maria's followed, as they sauntered into the kitchen with bags of groceries.

Peter placed several heavy cold bags on the kitchen bench behind the central counter with a grunt, before he turned around and glanced quickly between Sophia and Marc.

"So what've you kids been talking about?" he asked.

"Nothing," Marc said quickly, trying to suppress any more... overt display that might've hinted at the not-so-moral things he and Sophia were talking about. "Just discussing college plans."

"I see you've taken my words to heart," Peter noted. "Found anything yet?"

Marc shook his head.

"Nothing," he admitted.

"Peter, there really is no rush," Maria chimed in, placing down some bags of fruit and veg. "You pressure him, and he might have an even harder time."

Peter rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"I suppose you're right. Still, it's an important decision."

"No pressure, right," Marc added sardonically.

"Well, you want a job, right?" Maria began. "I'm happy to support you and Sophia both, but it'd be good if you got work. It's not about 'free rides', it'd just be good for you to have something to pursue, keep you occupied, support yourself a little. Just don't let it be everything, or get stuck paycheck to paycheck. People deserve better than that."

The 'free rides' remark made him stiffen a little, trying not to make a joke, considering what he did with Sophia most nights and given what Maria was. Though in retrospect, they weren't totally free...

He shifted focus to her following remarks, Marc always surprised by how 'pro-worker' she seemed.

"I know, honey," Peter agreed, "That's why you should be the boss at your company." He leaned in and pecked her on the cheek, Maria chuckling girlishly.

"I basically am with the work I do," she joked. She turned back to Marc, and Sophia. "You think you can help us bring in the rest of the shopping?"

"Sure," Marc said.

"Of course," Sophia added.

As they got up to go outside, Sophia leaned in teasingly, whispering, "No 'free rides', huh~?"

"Shut up," he muttered as she skipped ahead of him with a giggle.


After dinner, Marc quietly slipped into Sophia's room, though he really didn't need to sneak; Peter and Maria were again sharing wine in the living room, they were even watching a movie. A horror movie, of all things, but regardless, it meant they weren't exactly paying attention.

He knocked on Sophia's door, and quickly got an answer.

"Come in~" she sang quietly, and deviously.

He slipped inside, and she was on the bed with her phone, bags of clothes next to her. He could smell lavender with a hint of roses, perhaps her new perfume.

"You know you don't have to play coy~" she told him. "I knew you wanted to see me show off~"

"I'm being honest here, seeing you in sexy clothes? Not the worst thing in the world," he answered.

"Well, if it's just 'not the worst thing in the world', then your expectations must be grand!"

She laughed it off and bounced off the bed, gesturing for him to sit down. He did, and got himself comfortable.

"Well... guess the show starts?" he said.

She held out a finger.

"Not quite. We need to do this properly~ With surprise~"

There was a strange edge to her voice. And what did she mean by surprise?

She walked over to the door, and he saw the brief glow of runes as she cast her privacy spells, and then walked back to the centre of the room.

"Just sit back, and watch~"

Then she reached out, fingertips glowing as she drew more runes in the air. For a moment, Marc forgot his arousal or his eagerness to see his Stepsister in revealing, sexy clothing, fascinated by what he was seeing; for someone interested in getting into the sciences, he had found himself immersed in a world that defied them. Yet there seemed to be... mechanisms to what they did. Spells and enchantments seemed to have purpose, and elements behind them that made them work. It wasn't just them willing things to be. Maybe partly, but he was intrigued by the intricacies of how their magic worked.

About her kind in general. She was a huge demonic slut, he knew that much.

But it was kinda like encountering an alien, when he thought about it; she wasn't human, she operated on a different level. But she wasn't quite alien either, she existed alongside their world. Adapted as a predator with a very specific diet.

He was brought out of his analytical thinking when he suddenly saw Sophia obscured from view, as a blurry, shimmering veil appeared between him and her, Marc sitting up.

"Whoa," he uttered.

"It's nothing fancy, pretty much a magic privacy screen, simpler than what I do to keep hidden," she said, almost as if trying to lower his expectations. She certainly saw it with little fanfare.

He decided to put aside his fascination for now, he was supposed to be enjoying a fashion show.

From behind the blurry veil, he saw clothes being flicked to the other side of the room; short jeans, a pale green tank top, and some blue silk underwear.

He felt heat across his face; as many times as he'd seen her naked - hell, he'd eaten her out - he always got excited.

But there was something about the anticipation that was getting to him. She wasn't just stripping, she was stripping, but he couldn't see her. He knew she was stripping, she was there, in front of him, but obscured from view.

It was different.

Her hand slipped out from behind the veil, and waved in front of it, drawing it aside and revealing herself to Marc.

He let out a soft whistle of appreciation as she struck a sensual pose, running her hands down her torso and showing off some black, lacy lingerie, including a garterbelt and stockings, the Brassier's cut low enough he could just see the very tops of her areolae, where the discolouration began. The bra also seemed to push her breasts together, presenting rather deep cleavage to him that he couldn't quite tear his eyes off.

She ran her fingers down her body, and then up her thighs in sensual display when she straightened out. She wheeled slowly on the spot, fingers traipsing across the small of her back, whilst she kept her eyes on him over her shoulders whenever she could, twisting her body about, spine undulating not unlike a belly dancer's, just in slow motion, bringing her hands up her body and above her head before splaying them out in a sensual flourish, before turning around to face him, putting herself in another pose.

"What do you think~?" she asked, though the smirk on her face and the tone of her voice made it clear she was being rhetorical.