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Stephanie was still where I left her. Her knees were in the air, her legs were wide open and her pussy had cum leaking out of it.

"Mom. Mom. Wake up. Too much information," Lorie said as she gestured with her hands for her mother to close her legs.

"Oh Lorie. I feel so good. I can't remember feeling so relaxed." She rolled her eyes back and closed them.

Lorie looked at me.

"Don't look at me. She is your mother. Besides, I think she is beautiful, just like her daughter." I gave Lorie a hug.

She hugged me back. "Okay, but only because it is your cum and I have a thing for your cum."

I walked over to Stephanie and closed her legs. "Sunburn is a very real thing and not the thing you want in Lady-land." I looked over at Lorie to see if she approved. I then rolled Stephanie over on her side and placed a towel over her and let her sleep.

About 2 hours later Stephanie woke up and by then Lorie had the boat turned around and headed back to the marina.

"Did you have a good rest?" I asked Stephanie.

"Oh my. I slept like a rock. What time is it?" Stephanie struggled to wake up as she stretched and yawned.

"Sorry but we are about 30 minutes from the marina and that means the sails will have to come down and the clothes will have to go on." I said.

The clothes went back on and the sails came down with everything stowed and cleaned up just as we entered the harbor. When we tied up to the dock, Lorie and Stephanie both gave me a huge hug and a passionate kiss as they left for the car.

My goal for the evening was to clean the boat, have a light supper and turn in early for the evening. I was down below just doing my dishes after supper when I heard a voice.

"Got room for one more there skipper?" came Lorie's voice from the dock.

"Hey, this is a very pleasant surprise." I said, coming topside to see Lorie looking happy and carrying a small package.

"Mom said it was a special day for me and I should see if there was a spot on the boat for me to spend the night. Any chance?" she smiled knowing the answer.

"Perhaps, but not dressed like that." I smiled back.

"Mom and I went to a restaurant and had supper. She talked about my father for over an hour. I can't believe she went through all that stuff but I'm glad she finally told me. We have a closer relationship that I know is going to help both of us."

"Oh, we also stopped at the pharmacy. We each got a morning after pill, which she insisted on watching me take. She also said we were both going to the clinic on Monday and go on the pill. Oh, and this is for you." She said handing me the package.

I pulled out a box of condoms.

"It comes with a message from my mother. Use them or die." Lorie relayed Stephanie's message.

I looked at the box and then looked at Lorie. "That is a mothers love".

Part 2

I knew this day was coming and I knew from what Stephanie had told me, I probably wasn't going to enjoy it. Lorie came down the dock in her typical morning shuffle and behind her were the two girls I had seen her with several weeks ago, that first day when Lorie stowed away on my boat.

Lorie approached the boat and introduced her friends. "Tom, these my friends Suzie and Paula."

"Hi." I replied back, noting that Suzie had the dark short hair and slightly shorter than Lorie and Paula was blond, slightly taller than Lorie and definitely skinnier and didn't have the figure that Lorie had.

"They were wondering if they could go sailing with me today," Lorie smiled at me.

"Ah, sure. If it is okay with their parents?" I inquired.

Suzie and Paula nodded their heads and all three of them got onboard.

I took the opportunity to give the rule of the boat. "I have only one rule and that is you need to do exactly what I tell, you as soon as I tell you."

Suzie approached me and half whispered. "So that is how you got Lorie to fuck you. You're kinda old and ugly."

I ignored that comment and continued. "Things on a sailboat can tip, slide and swing and can sometimes do it without warning. Pay attention so no one gets hurt and we'll all have a great time."

Usually I let Lorie pull the boat out of the slip and take it out of the harbor but today I thought it might be the right thing to do was for me to tend to the boat and let Lorie stay with her friends. It had been awhile since I single handed the boat without Lorie but it quickly came back to me and I was able to get it out of the slip and out of the harbor.

The girls had gone below and came back up into the cockpit just as I was raising the mainsail. Lorie was now wearing her orange bikini under her life jacket that I had seen several times and the other two girls were wearing suits that were even smaller. The old saying is definitely true "give them an inch and they'll wear it."

"Okay, everyone should wear a life jacket while we are under sail." I motioned to the 2 life jackets I had set out. Lorie and I had already put ours on when we left the dock.

"You're such a fucking weenie." Suzie flipped me the finger and put on a life jacket.

I turned to Lorie. "They are your friends. They can either behave like normal adults or I can turn the boat around and we can go back to the dock. What do you think?"

"No, they'll behave. I promise. Right girls?" She looked at her friends and they both nodded.

"Okay, they cause problems and I'll throw them overboard." I said loud enough so everyone could hear.

I had a couple of things to do and I coiled up some lines and stayed busy in the cockpit. Susie came up to me and I thought she was going to apologize.

"You are a worthless piece of shit. I bet you have a small penis. I don't know what you did to make Lorie like you but I always thought she had more common sense that to hook up with a shithead like you." She lashed out at me.

I quickly scanned to make sure her life jacket was properly fastened. I grabbed her by the waist and spun her around 180. Then I picked her up, carried her over to the side of the boat and dropped her into the water.

She went completely underwater and a second later she bobbed to the surface with her life vest fully inflated.

Lorie was at the helm and was looking horrified at her friend in the water, now getting further away from the boat. I went over to Lorie.

"I want you to keep your eyes on her at all times. No matter what happens do not turn away from her, okay? I have the helm," I said to her in a very calm voice.

Lorie went to the stern of the boat to watch her friend. I spun the wheel and brought the boat directly into the wind and it came to a stop. I finally turned on the engine and kept it in neutral.

Lorie stayed at her post but hollered up to me. "We are not getting any closer to her."

"Then she must not be swimming very fast." I replied.

"You're not going to go back and get her?" Lorie asked.

"Nope, sometimes I'm just not a people person. I prefer them in the lake rather than in my boat," I replied back.

Paula was completely freaked out. I suspect she was impacted by my lack of feelings toward her friend and the efficiency of carrying out my promises. From that point on I heard a lot of sir, please and thank you from her.

It took 25 minutes for Susie to swim to the boat and she was fairly exhausted when she arrived.

I saw Lorie head over to where the button to the swim platform was. "Lorie, when you hear the words I'm sorry, go ahead and lower the swim platform," I said loudly enough so even a person in the water could hear over the engine noise.

There was a lot of whispering back there but eventually Lorie lowered the swim platform. I handed Susie a fresh dry towel and all she did was take it and glare back at me.

Then Paula ripped into her. "You fucking bitch. All you had to do was behave yourself for a day. He didn't do anything to you other than let you ride on this wonderful boat and you had to give him a bunch of shit. Why don't you shut your trap and be nice for a change. If you say anything bad to him again, I'm going to throw your fucking ass overboard and I'll make sure we keep sailing!"

Then Lorie got in on the action. "I love him. I love him more than anything. I love him more than my own life." [Lorie has never told me how she feels about me.] "I vouched for you. You made me a liar to the man I love. He is kind and sweet and gentle and you gave him a lot of shit for no reason."

"Hey girls." I interrupted the cat fight that was sure to erupt. "How about we anchor and spend some time swimming."

It got nods all the way around and within 15 minutes we were anchored and ready for swimming. Lorie was the first one in. She quickly got out of her suit and the naked Lorie jumped into the water. Susie and Paula kept their suits on and slowly slid into the water from the swim deck.

I thought it might be best to follow our guests lead, so I went below and found an old pair of swim trunks. However, when I got to the swim platform there was a pile of wet bikinis laying on the swim deck.

I jumped in anyway and by the time I got to the surface Lorie was waiting for me. She gave me a kiss and then disappeared below the surface. In a flash my trunks were gone and she threw them up and into the cockpit.

It was apparent the girls were friends again as we all played keep-away with a ball and there was plenty of horsing around and touching. Paula was all over me and clearly enjoyed rubbing up against my now erect cock and putting her amazing nipples in my face.

We swam for about an hour when I finally gave up and swam over to the swim platform, laid on my back and collapsed. Lorie came over and got between my legs and began sucking on my cock. Then Paula came over and Lorie moved my legs to make room for her and they both began taking turns sucking on my cock.

Suzie came over and tried to wedge her way in. Lorie grabbed her and pushed her back.

"No bitch! This is mine. When you start acting like a woman you can enjoy the benefits of being a woman," Lorie said with fire in her voice.

Lorie and Paula returned to their task. I moved my hand over and stuck a finger in Paula's pussy. She started moaning like nothing I had ever heard before. I wasn't sure if it was genuine or if it was for the benefit of Susie, who was watching and sulking from the edge of the boat. I started finger fucking Paula and she started screaming. It wasn't 30 seconds when her pussy started clamping down on my finger and Paula began to howl as her orgasm ripped through her.

Lorie climbed on my face and I gave her a tongue lashing that she will soon not forget. Paula took solo duty on my cock as Lorie screamed and whaled as her orgasm ripped through her. Lorie climbed off me with a renewed sense of purpose and began sucking and deep throating me like nothing she had ever done before.

I knew I wasn't going to last and gave a warning to Lorie. I blasted two jets of hot cum into Lorie's mouth and then she quickly put my cock in Paula's mouth and I unloaded until I had no more to give.

As Paula was swallowing and enjoying the creamy contents of my love stick, Suzie came over and kissed Paula on the mouth.

"Eew bitch! No tongue!" Paula scolded her friend.

"Sorry, but those seconds were really good. Yummy." Susie licked her lips.

"Don't tell me. I think you have some apologizing to Lorie and Tom," Paula said.

Suzie went over to Lorie and gave her a hug and whispered. "I'm sorry for being such a bitch."

Lorie hugged her friend back and then quickly released her and pointed at me.

Suzie got on top of me and whispered. "I'm sorry, please forgive me?"

She lifted her head and planted a kiss on my lips. She tried to slip her tongue in my mouth but I was expecting it and I lip blocked her. I picked her up by the hips and lifted her off of me.

"Forgiveness is going to be earned. I have a pail, scrub brush and lots of deck to clean." I set her to the left of me, got up and went below. I returned a few minutes later with a pail and scrub brush and approached Susie who was still laying where I left her. I gave her my hand and lifted her upright and handed her the pail and scrub brush.

"She needs to stay naked," Lorie said with a smile. "Ass in the air and tits hanging down."

"You heard the lady." I gave Suzie a light tap on the ass.

I expected a comment or look from Susie but she took the pail and brush and headed to the front of the boat.

She worked for about 15 minutes on her hands and knees when I realized she really needed some sunscreen. I grabbed a bottle and headed to the front of the boat where Suzie was working.

"I've got sunscreen. Do you want to put it on or do you want me to put it on for you?" I asked.

Suzie spoke a single word, "you." She stayed perfectly still and stayed on her hands and knees waiting for me to apply the lotion.

I started on her back and then worked her neck and arms. I then applied more to her back and stooped over her and rubbed down her sides and onto her front. Both hands rubbed her stomach and then I did her tits, carefully massaging each nipple until it was rock hard. At the same time my cock was dragging along her back. She remained perfectly still but was making a slight moaning sound that was barely audible.

I moved to her back to her legs and was going to do her ass and legs. I gave her ass a slap and she moaned loudly and muttered the word "yes". I did it again, only a little harder and she did the same thing only louder. I did it a third time and she screamed it loud enough for the girls in the cockpit to hear.

I started to apply lotion to her feet and worked my way up. I got to her upper thighs and she raised her leg like a dog at a fire hydrant. I could see now that she wasn't just wet, she was dripping, with pussy juice running down the insides of her thighs. I applied lotion to her thighs and by now Lorie and Paula had arrived to find out what was causing all the noise from Suzie.

Lorie saw what was happening and gave me the hand gesture to fuck her and mouthed the word "hard". I gestured to Lorie to get me a condom which we had stashed all over the boat. I didn't really know anything about Suzie and decided caution was definitely needed. In the meantime while Lorie was gone, I decided to give Suzie a couple more smacks on the ass, bringing a moan and scream "YES!" each time I did it.

Lorie returned with the condom, unwrapped it and rolled it onto my cock. She lined it up with Suzie's pussy and I grabbed Suzie's hips and rammed it into her as hard as I could. Suzie let out a scream, "Oh Yes!"

It was at this point I realized that the condom was a good idea. I was in the wettest pussy I had ever been in but she was not a typical tight 19 year old.

I began slamming my cock into her as hard as I could and Suzie began screaming like she was on the best ride in an amusement park. I was sure I was going to knock out a tooth or filling but Suzie kept screaming "YES" and I never heard the word no. After about 10 minutes I felt Suzie's pussy begin to contract around my cock. I quickly pulled out of her and yanked off the condom. I shot jet after jet of hot cum onto the deck of the boat.

Suzie quickly recovered and saw me dribble the last contents of my cock onto the boat. She went after it like it was the only thing she had eaten in a year, lapping and sucking the cum off the deck. When she was finished she rolled over on her side into a fetal position and fell asleep.

I moved her over to the little lounging area near the bow of the boat, covered her with a towel and put the little Bimini over her to protect her from the sun. I just let her sleep.

The rest of us had lunch consisting of sandwiches and fruit. When we were done we lifted the anchor and decided to do some sailing and then slowly make our way back to the marina. The wind had picked up so the afternoon sail was fun and exciting.

Susie woke up and after a quick lunch joined us in the cockpit. The rest of us had put clothes back on but Susie was still naked. She came up to Lorie and put her arms around her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Don't you ever let him go. That was the best fuck I have ever had. I might give up my dildos and go back to the real thing. My pussy tingles with happiness. God, I feel wonderful." She kissed Lorie again on the cheek.

Suzie walked over to a cushioned bench, laid back, opened her legs slightly and sat there quietly looking at the water and had a contented smile on her face. Lorie and Paula looked at each other a little confused, then looked over at me. However, I had no idea what was going on either.

For the rest of the sail, Suzie was a changed person - polite, courteous and respectful. She asked questions about sailing the boat and asked to help with the lines or sheets when she could.

When we got closer to the marina, Suzie put her clothes on and I let Lorie take the boat and pilot it into the slip while I readied the lines and fenders. Lorie did her typical stellar job of parking the boat while I jumped off and got all the lines cleated off.

As I was finishing docking the boat I spotted Jerry and Tony. Two guys about Lorie's age that had an old day sailor and were in the process of fixing it up. They seemed like nice guys but they had an annoying tendency to hang around some of us that had larger, newer boats with the hope we would ask them to crew. Some of the owners did but I never did because one of the challenges I liked was to handle the boat myself.

I whistled and shouted for them to come over. I suspect they thought I was looking for crew for tomorrow so they hustled over.

"Hi guys. I think you know Lorie. I want you to meet Paula and Suzie. Girls this is Jerry and Tony." I gave introductions all the way around. "Hey, I was wondering if you could do me a huge favor. It is getting late and I was wondering if you guys wouldn't mind escorting these ladies to their car and make sure they get there safely?" I asked, hoping they would agree.

"Oh sure. We would love to." Jerry quickly agreed.

I handed the girls their bags and Jerry held out his hand to help the girls off the boat. They quickly paired up and began walking toward the parking lot.

Lorie looked at me funny and cocked her head. "That was an interesting thing you just did. I do have one question for you. Was it Suzie and Paula or Jerry and Tony that you never want to see hanging around your boat?" she asked not quite certain of the answer.

"Yes," I replied."

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

White trash

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Absolute trailer trash with a man slut

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Really enjoyable little fantasy. So what if everything was just a little too good to believe - that’s what fantasies are for. The errors were getting a little frequent and interrupted the flow, so it would be good to sort with Word/Google Docs, then Grammarly. ‘Doggie’ or ‘Doggy’ work, but not ‘Dogie’ which would be pronounced like ‘low’.

KachinaDollKachinaDollabout 1 year ago

Enjoyable but a little predictable. Big cock and has sex with every female in sight?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

There is a link to part two but it doesn't exist. Great writing and look forward to the rest of it.

Rapierwit24601Rapierwit24601about 1 year ago

A double fantasy: hot sex with a myriad of babes AND sailing the Great Lakes (though I prefer my Lake Michigan to your Huron).

Fun story. Can’t wait to read ensuing chapters in the series.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The prior reviewer is kidding themselves! I couldn't count ALL the mistakes on Page 1!!!

WalterWoodyWalterWoodyabout 1 year ago

Very good job. It read very smoothly and I never felt like anything could have been better if done differently. A story to be proud of!

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