Succumbing to Menudia Ch. 03


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His jeans still around his ankles, Ellis gradually drifted toward the ground and fell into a heavy, euphoric slumber.


The sun tickling his face, Ellis woke up in a serene field, surrounded by daisies, poppies, and tulips, his pants again pulled up to his waist, feeling renewed, refreshed, and re-energized. A heavenly voice, commanding and yet seductive, filled his cranium.

"I knew you would enjoy succumbing to me, Ellis." There was no mistaking the sound of Menudia. "How nice to awaken from a deflowering ... surrounded by flowers! Rachel has served me well, has she not?"

"Yes, Menudia."

"A shame that such an alluring specimen of the female sex spent so much of her time failing to capitalize on her gifts, don't you think? Fortunately, we've rectified that potentially tragic situation. Coming dressed to a picnic with her little denim blouse all tied up around her midriff? A girl like that is practically begging to be taken by me. Let's just say you'll probably never see Rachel worrying about that silly little boyfriend of hers again."

The tenor of her voice alone was giving Ellis a pleasant erection.

"Though she was not the only one living under unnecessary delusions. You can see now that your fealty to that strange version of the religion your people call 'Catholicism' was only preventing you from enjoying yourself to the fullest. Well, those misbegotten notions will no longer be a concern for you. You have a new religion now, and fortunately for you, to worship properly, one must practice the opposite of chastity.

"My philosophy is that, well, some young men in your position might need a little time to get the hang of things, while others, as we can see, are ready to hit the ground running. I think you are going to have a fabulous time!

"And so, now that Rachel has brought you over, it is your turn to find any of the remaining members of your party who have yet to understand what you have finally come to understand, and it is your turn to bring them over."

"Yes, Menudia."

"You will now do as Rachel did, if necessary: pretend that you have not yet been taken, and, if you can skillfully utilize your victim's fear and uncertainty -- as Rachel did with her victim -- you will bring someone new over to me, and you will enjoy it as Rachel enjoyed it. Do you feel that you are up to the task?"

"Yes, Menudia."

"Excellent. Please proceed."

OK, here we go! Ellis couldn't help but relish the manner in which the tables had so dramatically turned: the preyed-upon now having become the predator.

He listened intently for any sounds of human activity in the vicinity, but, only detecting eerie silence, he resolved to make his way past the pond and over the nearest hilltop. After marching down the hill into another meadow, he thought he heard the rustling of branches in the cluster of trees to his right. Darting between the trunks was the familiar form of a girl wearing a black zip-up hoodie and grey corduroy pants.


Oh, how pleased Menudia would be if he'd managed to take Karen!

Gazing at the seemingly timid, mopey, gangly girl in the distance, but now through Menudian eyes, he could suddenly see the layers of ferocious sexuality that were trapped within her, waiting to be uncovered.

Contrary to being the asexual wallflower that he and his classmates had automatically assumed she was, Ellis now realized that here, in fact, was a young woman filled with just as intense and voracious a sex drive as all the other girls who'd come to the picnic, but alas, that sex drive had been buried beneath musty heaps of doubt, insecurity, and self-loathing.

He knew that, if taken, she could be transformed into the most enthusiastic Menudian.

But he had to play his cards right. He had to be careful. He had to be convincing.

Observing her stumble through the foliage, he could sense that she was exhausted, losing her will, aware that so many of the others had already been taken. Indeed, that nearly-defeated state of mind would play into his hands quite nicely ...

"Karen! Karen!" He waved his arms frantically, like a stranded hiker signaling a rescue plane. Just the right amount of urgency in his voice to convince her that he was still a fellow soldier in resistance ...

"Ellis!" She ran into the meadow and rushed toward him.

"It's OK, I'm not taken!" Surely a performance even more worthy of his thespian classmate Jen?

"I thought I was the last one ..." She wheezed as she caught her breath.

"No, there's still a few of us left."

"You ... you ... slept in the forest?"

"It was a pretty rough night, but yeah. Same?"

She nodded yes, then paused in thought, looking down toward the dirt.

"I'm too tired, Ellis. I ... I don't think I can run anymore."

"Don't say that, Karen."

It was as if he could read her thoughts. She was longing for Ellis to bolster her resolve, to counter her defeatism. He could pick up on the sting of betrayal she'd felt, not just in the effort to escape Menudia, but in the experience of having stood idly by while so many of her more confident, more attractive peers got all those first sexual experiences out of their systems. One by one, her companions in virginity, slowly slipping "over" into the realm of adult pleasures ... he could sense the bitter residue of loneliness, resentment, and abandonment.

Little did she know ...

"I just never thought ... first Liza, then Vanessa, and then ..."

"Just keep your guard up! We'll make it out of the village eventually, I swear."

"I'm tired, I'm confused ...."

"They're never taking me, that's for sure." Oh, Menudia was going to be overjoyed!

Pondering Ellis's resolute tone, it seemed as though, much as she wanted to agree with it, she felt it was simply unrealistic.

"Maybe it's just meant to happen eventually."

"Don't think like that!"

He could see it on her face: "Finally, someone who feels exactly as I do about all this, someone who I can confide in ..."

"A few times, you know, even I have started to wonder just what it would feel like."

"Karen!" He'd never heard her be so talkative before. She was really opening up to him ...

"Because ... it's a natural part of life, right?"

"To be possessed by some sick cult lady?"

"I know, I know ..." For the very first time, Ellis could pick up on Karen's attraction to him, and how skillfully she'd managed to hide it.

"But you and I, Karen, we weren't meant to be like the others."

"Maybe you're right."

"I know it seems bleak. They've taken Curt."

"Oh geez, I don't want to hear it ..."

"Looks like they even took Rachel."

"But why would she ... when did they ... well that's it then. We can't hold out like this."

"The moment you think that, the harder it's going to get." Did she have any clue? Any clue whatsoever?

"Ellis, I just want to say, because I might not get the chance to later ... how glad I am that you've continued to fight. I take back what I said. As long as you're resisting Menudia, I think I can resist her too."

She'd been staring into his eyes for about a minute straight.

"Actually, Karen, there is something I ought to tell you."

"Uh, what's that?"

"They've ... well ... they've already taken me."

Karen let out a quick chuckle, and yet, the unease was unmistakable. "What ... what are you talking about? But you've been right here, talking to me."

"I know. And they've taken you too."

Only for the tiniest fraction of an instant, after his eyes emitted that fate-sealing flash, could he see the howling thoughts of betrayal roll across Karen's unsuspecting face. "It was an act! His sympathetic talk was merely a ruse, bate, and I, so desperate for a compatriot in resistance, soaked it up without a single misgiving!"

He watched as her eyes screamed out for someone, anyone to help her, to listen to her last independent thought, to record it for posterity perhaps, but he knew that no one would be there to catch it.

Then those same eyes, almost defiantly, returned Ellis's signal with a nasty flash of their own, her features hastily relaxing, as she absent-mindedly rose into the air, with him following. The pounding of her heart switched from being a result of her fear to being a result of her excitement. A slight moistness began to build in her confused sex.

"You have succumbed ... to Menudia."

"It is a pleasure to serve Menudia."

Ellis found it so strange, and thrilling, to hear that normally mild-mannered voice take on such a husky, perverted quality. As for himself? Tempted to give a gloating little "victory speech," (as Rachel had done the moment she took him), he decided to dispense with the chit-chat altogether.

Reaching toward her black hoodie, he gently tugged on the zipper, which that was all the spark her hoodie needed to finish unzipping on its own, before violently thrusting its ends out to the world in one grand flourish, revealing the small pink t-shirt Karen had been wearing underneath, which sported a funky, multi-colored "Aztec-inspired" graphic that Ellis found quite eye-catching, and more than a little sexy?

He fiddled with the button on her grey corduroy slacks, which happily loosened, and after a hint of resistance, the slightly rusty zipper did the same.

He had done the impossible. He had brought Karen over to Menudia.

While an array of possibilities suddenly opened up to him, he knew he needed to trust his instincts. Before taking her virginity, which he was only too glad to do, Ellis first decided to treat Karen, this vibrant, alive, and woefully inexperienced young woman, to something that no one had ever treated her to before.

She lay back, her face toward the sky, the fly on her trousers parted, her black hoodie sliding off her arms and floating off toward the trees, never to be seen again. Ellis pulled her non-descript black panties down with his index finger. Exposing her unshaven cunt to the air, he almost felt like someone clearing the ivy off a brick wall, only to discover a secret engraving that had been resting there, unseen by the human eye for hundreds of years.

The moment she felt his mouth find its way to her hitherto-neglected clit, Karen's body was overcome with an unfamiliar mix of sensations, her head tilting back and her own mouth snapping open on contact. Ellis sensed an amusing disconnect between the cautious, hesitant nature of Karen's body and her suddenly Menudian-controlled mind, as if the physical side of her could hardly comprehend what the mental side of her was now telling it to do.

While Ellis continued to orally please her, his goatee tickling her thighs, a dull twinge slowly formed in the neglected, almost annoyed nerves of Karen's vagina, as if, upon having found their peaceful existence rudely interrupted, they were sticking their heads out of the doorway and complaining, "Excuse me, do you want us to feel something?"

Inch by inch, the twinge grew and grew, and spread to her legs, stomach, and spine, and she felt like she was on the verge of behavior beyond the realm of her known experience.

The tiniest hint of female secretion trickled out of her hole and onto Ellis's chin, like a dry creek bed coming into contact with rain for the first time all winter. She let out a gargled cry, and her hips twisted, as if what was about to escape her was almost too big to find its way out.

For about ten seconds, she didn't breathe, or move, or do anything at all. Her body emitted one more funny twist, and one more funny noise. Then her breasts pushed upward into the air, the bottom of her slightly-too-small t-shirt climbed up against her belly, her legs squeezed Ellis's ribs, and her breathing resumed at almost triple its normal speed.

At 22 years of age, through the pleasure of Ellis's tongue on her sex, Karen experienced her very first orgasm.

"Succumb! ..." She heard a distant voice whisper invitingly. "Succumb! ..."

Although his face was buried in her thighs, Ellis could almost see the momentous occasion as if he were a spectator: the combination of surprise, confusion, excitement, and discovery that permeated Karen's acne-covered expression in that moment ... it was equal-parts chilling and beautiful.

Although Karen would go on to enjoy sexual activity in many of its various guises, this first orgasm, courtesy of Ellis's spur-of-the-moment instincts, had a strange, "scarring" effect on the young woman. A powerful psychological bond of sorts inadvertently formed between Karen and the particular arrangement of her wardrobe during that first unexpected climax. For Karen, being orally pleased while still being almost fully dressed in her t-shirt and her pants, but with her fly open, would become her absolute favorite kind of sexual activity.

Nevertheless, she had hardly gained her breath back when Ellis tugged her corduroys and her underwear down around her knees, thrust his hardened member into her virgin slit, and popped her cherry, giving her some brief discomfort, which quickly turned highly satisfying.

He soon learned that there was nothing like the sensation of helping a fellow inexperienced (but slyly cute!) classmate discover her dormant sexuality by showing her the ropes. Rachel had trained him well.

As he felt her spine roll along with his, and felt her gasping breaths against his cheeks, he knew that he and Menudia were transforming Karen into a fetching fuck toy par excellence. A hot white glow gradually began to increase in both his eyes and hers.

But he had apparently forgotten about -- or had been so overwhelmed during his deflowering by Rachel as to have been unaware of -- that special Menudian treat given to the taker of a new Menudian's virginity. For when Ellis released his slippery string inside her, all four of his limbs instantly stretched upward behind him, turning peculiarly lifeless, and warm bolts of electrical energy fluttered across his athletic body.

A loud crack echoed across the forest. Karen's chest abruptly pressed up against Ellis's through her t-shirt as a man's seed came into contact with her body for the first time in its existence.

Having gone her entire 22 years without even experiencing one solitary orgasm, within the span of five minutes, Karen had now experienced two. :)

Her head snapped back, her tightly-braided hair instantaneously unraveled, her cute t-shirt slid even further up along her torso, her eyes glowed the purest white they ever would, and her arms and legs dangled limply beneath her hips. A vertical beam of light burst from her body, passing through Ellis and supercharging his own brutally draining orgasm.

That dowdy little student who had never even touched herself, in the blink of an eye, was no more. This second orgasm, equally as sublime as the first in its own unique way, was truly the dagger that vanquished her maidenhood. Once that tennis hunk's penis served its fateful volley, her former persona, which the world had assumed to be an almost permanent one, was irrevocably ruptured, eternally severed.

The old Karen was dead. Long live the old Karen!

Her hungry, gawky body continued to draw Ellis's cum from his reservoir, her Menudian need pulling and pulling each and every wiggling sperm into her invigorated being, sucking his brain dry as well as his body.

Then, the massive vertical beam grew faint, the last few sparks of electricity darted across Ellis's muscles, his seed dried up, his eyes lost their glow, and he gracefully slipped out of her.

They hovered side by side in post-coital exhaustion for perhaps ten to fifteen minutes, both recovering from the strain of the majestic Menudian ritual, before slowly drifting onto the grass and continuing their sorely needed rest.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Why is there a smiley face though.

Just kidding, love your stories!

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