Summer Camp


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"Beth, you are in the process of destroyed a very good man, your husband. I can promise you, what you're doing is not going to be worth the price."

"I would like for you both to be gone within an hour. This is something I won't tolerate." Mary turned and walked away.

Gerald and Beth just stood there in shock. Finally, Gerald said, "That was a surprise, but it really doesn't have to alter our plans. I have a rental car. We head to Chattanooga, and get a motel room. Everyone expects us to be at camp for the next two days anyway. We'll just spend that time together in a motel, then both fly home the next day.

Mary Scott isn't going to be calling people to make accusations against us. She's not the type. Trying to add a little levity to break the chill, he added; "I think we can both forget about applying at the camp next summer." Beth tried to smile, but was still in shock.

Knowing the damage Mary Scott could do with a few phone calls, they were out of camp well within the timeframe given them.

They found a nice motel in Chattanooga, and were just getting unpacked, when the manager knocked, and asked them to take another room. He said, "The room above you has a water leak, that could drip on you." They grabbed their luggage and went with the manager. He took them to a room that was much nicer than the first one. The manager apologized and left them to unpack again. Beth started thinking, things aren't going according to plan, but she liked this room much better.

The motel had a small restaurant, and after a quick lunch, it was back in bed again.

Sex this time was less urgent than the night before in camp. They took their time, first just enjoying looking at each other's naked bodies, as both were excellent specimen of their gender. As they gradually blended together in each other's arms, a passionate kiss led to their hands finding each other's most sensitive areas, and then their mouths found those same areas. Eventually Gerald was inside Beth, and they were both into passionate fucking. Beth tried, with little luck, to muffle a scream as the first orgasm hit her, and anyone walking by would know what that sound was all about.

The remaining time together was all about sharing each other's body. When they weren't in bed, which wasn't often

they were holding hands, or Gerald had his arm around her.

The last morning was both sad and happy for Beth. She had loved the, once in a lifetime, fling with Gerald, but was anxious to resume her normal life, one she also loved, the one she shared with her husband.

The two had one more passionate kiss at the airport before Beth boarded her flight. Gerald would catch his flight in another hour.

Beth knew Tom would still be at his budget meeting, so see took an Uber home from the airport. It struck her on the ride home, she hadn't heard from Tom since he left the camp. Neither travel much, and she had been sort of preoccupied, but now it seemed strange that he hadn't called her even once. Oh well, she'll be home shortly.

Beth unlocked the door and walked in, expecting to be there alone. She set her luggage next to the door, then went to the bathroom. When she came out, she turned on some lights, opened a window shade, then saw him. She jumped in fright when she saw a figure sitting in Tom's chair, then almost immediately realized it was Tom.

He had on clothes that looked like he slept in them for a month. He hadn't shaved in days, which she had never seen in their 22 years. His eyes were bloodshot like he had been drinking for two days, but she knew he didn't drink.

"Tom, what happened, why aren't you at the conference? Are you sick? Oh, Baby, what's the matter with you?" She ran toward him, but Tom put up both hands, demanding that she stop.

Tom pointed to the kitchen counter, "there's a paper with a phone number on it. Call that number; they're expecting your call. Just say your name."

"Tom, can't we talk, I have to know what's going on with you. Are you sick or hurt?"

Tom said, "JUST CALL THE DAMN NUMBER!" Beth was scared! Since she had known him, Tom had never raised his voice to her. He knows, she thought to herself. Oh, my God, he knows!

Beth took her cell phone out of her purse, and keeping her eyes on Tom, began to push the numbers shown on the paper. A voice answered, "This is Ellen Walters, may I help you." As instructed, Beth just gave her name. "Beth Martin." "Oh, Hi Mrs. Martin. May I call you Beth. How was your stay in Chattanooga, and flight home?" Beth was scared to death, and didn't answer. This lady knew she had stayed in Chattanooga. Beth had this immediate overwhelming fear that there were a lot more revelations to come.

"Beth, in case you haven't placed me yet, I'm your friend Gerald's wife. I'm sure he either said or inferred he was divorced, he always does, but he isn't, not yet anyway.

"I suggest you sit down. This is going to take a while.

"I've had several conversations with your husband in the last few days; what a nice man.

"Just so you know all the players; you remember your friend from camp, Kay Bradley. She is a teacher, just as advertised, but in the summer, she is also a private investigator, a damn good one, and this summer she works for me.

"A little about me. I live on a trust fund, the same trust fund that Gerald has been living on, until he gets home, and is served divorce papers for adultery.

"My family has money, not just some money, I mean LOTS of money. There is also a prenuptial agreement that says if I divorce him for adultery, he gets basically nothing. He gets a little, but just enough to make the agreement legal.

"This is not to imply that you were the first. There have been many before you, and with a promise of 'never again' I've let it slide. Not this time! I've found someone else, and also Gerald has pissed me off one too many times.

"Gerald was given an ultimatum after he was with the woman that was just before you. I know, it's hard to keep track. Anyway, he was to pick a place where he could spend much of the summer, and be able to come home and honestly tell me he'd been faithful. An employee of mine looked at a lot of places needing volunteers, and came up with a list of ten places for him to choose from. Gerald laughed when he chose your little summer camp, because he said there wouldn't be a woman there under 65. Unfortunately for him, you were there. Also unfortunate for both of you, I sent Kay Bradley there.

"The last picture Kay sent me of you two, is a big kiss in the Chattanooga airport. Do you remember that? Also, in Chattanooga, do you remember having to change motel rooms, because there was a leak over your room? There was no leak. Kay needed a little time, so you were put in the first room. When the cameras were ready you were moved. So, I have pictures of everything that happened in your room, and a lot happened.

"You may wonder how Kay knew where you went when you were kicked out of camp. GPS in Gerald's rental car, and a rather large bribe to the motel manager.

"As you can imagine, I also have video of everything that happened in your cabin the last night you were there, including Mary Scott kicking your asses out. My lawyer and I watched that over and over this morning. That part is hilarious.

"I even have photos of the two of you sitting by the lake, during one of your hikes, with him trying to seduce you.

"I just want you to know, there is nothing personal here. Kay tells me you're a very nice person. There was no investigation targeting you. You were just collateral damage.

"As I mentioned, your husband and I have had several conversations in the last couple of days. The reason it took several calls is that Tom would get so emotional he couldn't continue, and would have to settle himself, then call me back. I've never experienced the kind of love he had for you, but I would like to someday.

"Tom only has a few pictures. I didn't think he could handle seeing some of them, but all are available if he needs them.

"However this works out for you, I wish you a good life, and am sorry you got tangled up with Gerald. Just to reiterate, you are just one of many.

He is a handsome man isn't he! Good bye!"

Beth sat quietly, unwilling to take the phone from her ear, knowing that would mean looking at Tom.

He let her sit there, holding the dead phone for ten minutes. Then he said, "please leave now. Your daughter is so pissed at you she was screaming, but promised to take you in until you can get settled. I don't think your son will even talk to you, but you should try.

"Our mutual credit cards have a zero balance, and reduced limit of $1,000. I think you have two of them. That should take care of you until you can get cards and a bank account in your name. I've converted all the liquid assets into my name only. Text me your bank information when you get it, and I'll wire your half.

"I'm talking to a lawyer tomorrow. His card is on the counter. Please take it. I have no unusual demands, and if you don't, we should be able to get it done with just one lawyer, for a straight 50-50 unreconcilable difference divorce."

"Please Tom, I don't want a divorce, can't we talk about it, maybe see a counselor, maybe work this out. I'm so sorry. I really don't want this."

"Beth, I don't want you to have lied to me. I don't want you to have chosen Gerald Walters over me. I don't want you to have fucked Gerald Walters who knows how many times. I don't want you to have shattered the myth I was living, that we were exclusively for each other. I don't want any of that, but I've got it all.

"I've loaded your car with everything I thought you might want short term. You can have anything else you want, except a few of the kid's pictures. I'll get rid of everything else when the house is sold. You have a key to the house. It still works. Just call the lawyer and set up a time when I won't be home."

"Tom, you can't sell the house. We love this house."

"There is no more "WE" Beth. That died when you lied to me, and I left the camp alone, while you stayed with Gerald Walters. If you can afford to pay me my half of the equity, you can keep the house. If not, we'll sell it. I don't want the house, and its constant reminders of what you and I once had.

"Beth, I'm going to try to sleep for a while, something I haven't done much of lately. Please be gone when I wake up."

The divorce went rather smoothly. Beth didn't get her own attorney, and signed the papers without even reading them. She tried to call Tom many times through the months, usually after being alone in her small apartment for an evening. He never answered, and when she left a message, it was just to say she was sorry.

The house sold quickly, and both were settled in their apartments when school started.

On the few occasions they were forced to be at the same location due to school functions, Tom and Beth were cordial but brief with each other. All the teachers and administrators that knew both of them, tried to keep these situations to a minimum. Many people knew they were divorced, but only a very few close friends knew the details of the divorce.

Tom didn't socialize at all for several months. The first-time he went out in public for an evening was when he was coerced into it. His office staff had decided to go bar hopping on a Friday evening, and informed him, no ands or buts, he was going with them. No matter how he tried, they weren't taking no for an answer. The evening out redirected his mind for a short time, and started him realizing his whole life was in front of him, and he better start living it. That evening started the process of getting out of the shell he had built around himself.

A few sessions with a school counselor helped a lot, and Tom even started working out at a local gym several times a week.

By the end of the school year Tom even considered asking Mary Scott if she needed volunteer teachers for her summer camp, but decided to wait at least another year to do something like that. The camp would bring back too many unpleasant memories of the prior summer.

For the first time in months, Tom heard from Beth. She sent him an e-mail regarding their daughter Nancy's upcoming wedding, and asking if he would split the costs of the wedding dress and reception.

Beth had reconciled with both of their kids, daughter Nancy more so than son Tom Jr. Nancy knew that her mother was well aware that she had fucked up royally, making probably the biggest mistake of her lifetime. Son Tom Jr. wasn't quite as forgiving. He would speak to his mother, but that was about as far as he'd go. He never called her. If there was any communication, it would be her calling him. Both kids talked freely with their father though, at least once a week.

Tom readily accepted Beth's offer, and since weddings were mostly a woman thing, he wired $7,000 to her bank account, and told her to let him know when she needed more.

At the wedding, Tom gave his daughter away to a young man that both Tom and Beth liked very much. As parents of the bride, they stood together in the reception line, shaking hands with all the guests, many of them having been friends of both Tom and Beth, and all had gravitated to one side or the other, and were now a friend of either Tom, or Beth, mostly Beth.

After all the formalities with the cake, and toasts, the party started. The groom danced with the bride's mother, and the bride's father danced with the bride, and all of this, plus an open bar, had everyone in a festive mood.

Tom was at a table across the room from Beth, and you could feel a slight hush in the crowd when Tom, after a couple of drinks, got up and walked toward Beth. There was applause from several people when Tom and Beth went to the dance floor together. It actually made the party more fun for everyone, having that source of tension gone.

Bride and groom had spent more time at the reception than they had planned, and were anxious to get away, but on their way out, Nancy took the time to whisper in her dad's ear, "Dad, she loves you so much, you're all she talks about when she and I are together."

Finally, the bar closed, and people started filing out. Beth took the chance to briefly pull Tom aside. "When you feel you can, would you give me a call so we can talk. I really need it for closure." Tom surprised her, "next Friday, 6 o'clock, I'll pick you up... casual!"

Beth felt like a school girl again, going out on her first date. It crossed her mind that the last time she felt that way was on a hiking trail with Gerald, the first step to ruining her life. She got that thought out of her mind, and got her hair done, bought a new dress, casual but sexy, and something she had never done before, had her makeup applied by a professional on Friday afternoon.

Tom was punctual as usual, at her door at 6:00. Although all he said was, "you look nice today," Beth could tell that her ex-husband was very impressed, as she had hoped he would be.

They went to, what used to be, one of their favorite restaurants, and when they finished ordering drinks, Tom told the waiter they had some business to discuss, and it would be a while before they ordered food.

They chatted for a few minutes about the wedding, and friends that showed up that they hadn't seen for a long time, then Tom said, "Beth, we both know that we need to talk. It's been almost a year, and we haven't said more than a few words to each other. Why don't you start, and go in any direction that you want?"

Beth gave Tom a silent nod, then sat gathering her thoughts for a short time. "Tom, I don't think there's any point in telling you again how dumb I was, or how sorry I am for what I did, and how I hate myself for the hurt I caused you. I do want you to know that there was nothing between Gerald and I but short-term lust. I haven't been in touch with him, and really haven't thought about him, except for negative thoughts about what he and I did to our marriage.

"I would like the opportunity to earn your friendship, and although it might seem silly, maybe in time, even earn your trust again. That's what I hope to come away with this evening.

"Please Tom, don't laugh at me, and I say that because when I was preparing this speech, that's what I was afraid you might do. What I really want is to someday be your wife again," as tears came to her eyes."

Tom realized, although he had thought about and prepared for this meeting, he wasn't quite prepared for this.

"Beth, let's enjoy the meal, then I'll take you home. I have a lot of thinking to do, but if you're available next Friday I'd like to take you out again, not to discuss anything, but on a real, boy-girl date."

"I would love that Tom."

"And if you don't mind, please wear that dress again. I might take you dancing, and it's been a year since I've enjoyed watching all the other guys on the dance floor eat their hearts out."

It was six months before Tom and Beth moved in together, and another year before they remarried, in a very private ceremony, with their kids as best man and maid of honor.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

She didn't earn a reconciliation in my opinion, but otherwise a decent tale.

AllNigherAllNigherabout 2 months ago

Nah. I can maybe see overlooking a drink or hear of the moment thing. But they placed this pretty well. It didn't just happen in the heat of passion.

Then, after their planning failed then, they continued on somewhere else instead of her cuttingit off realizing how bad it could be. Hard pressed to trust again on this one.

That said, I've seen people forgive worse on real life so not unrealistic as commentors are stating.

mndhanson017mndhanson0172 months ago

As everyone has said, good until the ending, which was true, when she was getting kicked out, she should have confessed and then maybe they could have worked on the marriage, but nope, she went on ahead to continue the affair. Claiming that it was only short term doesn't make it any better, you're married, you're supposed to be no term with anyone else besides your significant other.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

This was a well written story but for me the ending was a complete farce and didn't work with the character of the husband. BardnotBard

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This was a good story right up to the mindless ending. Would that really happen?

Yes it's your story but you want us to read it otherwise you're writing in the dark.

Why did you get get lazy?

chasbo38chasbo384 months ago

Well written but the ending was a female pipe-dream. This woman planned and carried out a weekend of cheating. She deserves no second chance.

MountainMan1336MountainMan13364 months ago

Well, I gave this story 2 stars only because Tom was such a wimp. Why, oh why would he take that cheating bitch out on a date? Was he that hard up for sex or companionship? I mean let's face the truth. Everyone knows that all wives cheat on their husbands if it is only in their minds.

Kernow2023Kernow20235 months ago

no way wrong ending

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

NO, no, no. The divorce ended the marriage. If he felt it ok to get back together on a new footing that was down to him. They were both single so a new start. That said, I would never do it and the trust issues would be unsurmountable. Good luck to them, he needs it.

NoBullAlNoBullAl8 months ago

Aaawwwwhhhh!!! What a piece of BS!! Another weak minded husband!!! Kick the bitch to the curb! There are all kinds of good trustworthy women out there. Find one and don’t look back!!

If your weak mind can’t handle making a the right choice at least always, ALWAYS REMEMBER::


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