Sweetest of Hearts - Melissa

Story Info
Two broken souls find love with one another.
22.3k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/06/2022
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A/N - Hello all. So 'Sweetest of Hearts' was a five-part story I posted in the 'Incest/Taboo' category. However, during the story, I mentioned a relationship between the father and a woman named Melissa more than once. I won't give away too much regarding the relationship, but I'm considering this an 'Alternative Reality' story compared to what happened in the original 'Sweetest of Hearts' story. (The father and daughters ended up in a relationship, spending their lives together. That won't happen in this story.)

Like my introduction to the original 'Sweetest of Hearts', divorce rules in Australia are rather different to other areas in the world, so though it's set in my homeland as always, I've completely ignored the rules and pretty much made it all up for entertainment purposes. Check reality at the door regarding the divorce process if you're a fellow Australian.

For anyone who did read that story, this will be different in regards to the relationship between the two characters. I didn't just want to do a re-skin of that story. Unlike most other 'Romance' stories I've written, there are a couple of detailed sex scenes.

Usual caveats. Written in Word. Spelling is usually on point. Grammar can be ropey in places. Editing is done by the author but I'll still miss little things. I'm not perfect.

Note that some parts of Chapter One from the original 'Sweetest of Hearts' will be re-adapted for part of this story.

Comments and feedback appreciated as always.



The first time Mark walked through my office door, I knew I was looking at a man who'd had his heart ripped out. Men usually carry themselves in a certain manner, and Mark looked like the sort of man who'd had his soul crushed and everything he'd once believed true was now a lie. I'll be honest, I rarely represented men in divorce cases. A purely personal thing as my husband had cheated on me with my best friend for five years. Walking into the bedroom I'd shared with him to find them together in the marital bed pretty much crushed my heart into a little black ball. My opinion of the male side of the human race couldn't have been lower after that. I trusted very few men after that.

One man I did trust was Bill. He was a good man, a fellow lawyer, and someone worthy of my respect. A loving and loyal husband to his wife, and one of the few men I trusted without reservation. When he sat me down one morning and explained the situation his best friend was facing, for the first time in a long time, I felt a wave of sympathy for my fellow man.

"He doesn't deserve what he's going through, Melissa. He loved and adored his wife, never giving another woman so much as a passing glance, and he'll do anything for those two daughters he's practically raised by himself for the past decade. I want to ensure he'd protected and has someone fighting his corner when the inevitable happens. I want to see him come out on top in the divorce."

"What do you need me to do?"

"Speak to him first. Let him know someone cares, that he's going to have someone to support him. You know what it's like for men in a lot of divorces, particularly when it comes to custody. I swear, if they take his girls, Melissa, it will end him. Meet with him and ask about his daughters. They're the only thing that bring light to his eyes at the moment. I want to prevent him becoming a bitter old man who thinks the entire world is against him."

"When can he come in to see me?"

"Whenever you can meet him."

"Ask him to come in tomorrow morning. I'll assess his case and see what I can do."

Rising from my chair when Mark walked in, I managed a tight smile as he met my eyes. He had the most gorgeous blue eyes I'd seen on a man in my life. They were so gorgeous, it actually made my heart flutter. But though his eyes were gorgeous, there was little of that zest for life. He was frowning and he looked utterly miserable. The weight of the world appeared to be on his shoulders.

Offering from my hand, I introduced myself. "I'm Melissa Bonny, but you can call me Mel or Melissa. And you're Mark, right?"

"I'm Mark. Thanks for meeting with me, Melissa."

"Can I get you a drink? Coffee? Tea?"

"Got any liquor?" he asked, completely deadpan, before he quickly added, "I'm joking. A coffee would be grand."

"Emily?" My secretary stuck her head through the door. "Can you get us two coffees please? How do you take it, Mark?"

"Black, one sugar."

Gesturing to one of the chairs opposite my own, I sat down and appraised the man for a moment. I already had his details, but words on a piece of paper didn't tell me the whole story. He was clearly fit, as in he exercised regularly and likely had a good diet. He had what I'd call designer stubble. His hair was rather short but long enough to be combed. But those eyes were something else. They were rather distracting, to be honest.

Emily walked in with two coffees, placing them down, Mark politely thanking her, before she disappeared through the door, closing it behind her. He sipped at his drink, looking rather thoughtful for a moment, before he met my eyes. "I didn't expect you to meet with me," he stated.

"Why is that?"

"Bill was honest and admitted you generally didn't represent men in divorce cases."

"He was right."

"Then why represent me?"

"Because I've reviewed the facts of the case and the evidence discovered to prove your wife is committing adultery."

He lowered the mug onto the table and leaned forward, resting his hands on the desk, one in a fist, the other folded around it. "Melissa, I will say only one thing. I won't have my daughters taken away from me. I don't give a fuck about anything else, but I will not lose my daughters to her. I've raised those kids practically by myself since the day she went back to work. They love and adore me as much as I love and adore them. I will not live the next however many years being a weekend father. If you can't guarantee me that I will get custody of my daughters, I won't waste any more of your time."

I had to sit there in silence for a second. I'd heard plenty of men and women talk about getting custody before. But I heard in his tone a firmness that suggested he'd go to war, fight the entire world, to ensure his daughters remained with him. When I met his eyes, his glare was almost off-putting. Despite all the hurt he was no doubt feeling, I knew in that moment that he was enduring everything else, particularly the infidelity of his wife, simply for those two girls.

Leaning forward, I had to stop myself from reaching across the desk to take one of his hands. I glanced at his forearms and saw the muscles. Moving up towards his biceps, there was no missing the strength and power in his arms. His jaw was set and despite the weight on his shoulders, there was no missing the man was also angry. Not just angry, he was almost apoplectic with fury, a volcano ready to explode.

But it was obvious the anger was due to his love for his wife being thrown back in his face, and the idea that he'd lose his daughters was enough for most men to lose their shit. But I'd never seen such anger before. Having read his file, though, I could understand. No man would tolerate their wife cheating on them. But Mark was enduring for the moment because he knew the chances of him getting custody was so low.

Even I could admit that family courts were entirely unfair towards men and fathers. Too many deadbeat mothers were awarded custody of children when they should have been given to their fathers instead.

"I want to help you, Mark," I said softly, "I have your file, but please, tell me everything."

The anger dissipated almost as quickly as it formed, and I watched this obviously strong willed man slowly fall apart across the desk from me. Without even thinking, I was up and around the desk, taking the available chair next to him, reaching across to take his hand. He didn't sob or start to blub. He let his emotions flow for a few seconds before he took a few deep breaths to control himself, watching him close his eyes and regain himself.

I'll admit, I was impressed. When he opened his eyes, they were focused again, turning towards me. Then he smiled, and it was genuine. And my god, he was handsome. "Thank you," he whispered, "I'm finding what I'm going through rather isolating at the moment."

"Can you explain what you know?"

"My wife is having an affair. And if I walk out on her, she'll get the kids. And I can't kick her out because we own the house together. And knowing what it can be like for men, I won't take the chance of leaving and taking them with me because I'll find the police on my doorstep within hours. She'll use them as a weapon against me. She knows how much I love them, and she knows how much they love and adore me in return. I'm certainly the favourite, though considering her role as a mother pretty much ended a decade ago when she returned to work."

I was still holding his hand, and when he squeezed it, I knew that small gesture was doing him the world of good. When I squeezed his hand in return, it earned a tight grin. Not that same smile of earlier, but I could see he appreciated it. "How do you feel?" I wondered.

"Humiliated. Emasculated. I've read this word online. Cuckold, I think it is? I mean, whether you think that's what this situation is or not, she's sleeping with another man while still married to me. I've given her over a decade of my life and love, yet this is how I'm repaid for taking my vows seriously."

"Do you think she might want to divorce you instead?"

"I hope not. I want to serve her first. I don't want to face this on the back foot. It's why I'm here today. Claire believes I don't have a clue what's going on."

When I took my hand back, he met my eyes again and nodded once, I assumed in thanks. Returning to my own chair, I started to explain his options. We could file on adultery as, though not a crime, it was still a reason for divorce. If we filed with that being the reason, as long as the evidence was clear, it would look better for him when standing in front of a charge. If we were to prove he was the major care giver in regards to his daughters, he could retain hope that he would get custody of his two daughters.

"One more thing, Mark. Figure out if she is looking at divorce options. If she is, see if you can find out who his lawyer is. I like to know who my opponent is on the day."

"Trust me, I'm not clueless about what she's up to nowadays. I just hate having to bite my tongue and play the oblivious fool. My friends know why I'm enduring it, but sometimes it's just too much. She's pretty much flaunting it all in my face though it's subtle enough I can't just flat out accuse her without showing her that I'm onto her."

"Just play it cool, Mark. Get me information on anyone who might represent her. And start acquiring friends and allies. If it gets ugly enough, you'll want as many people in your corner as possible."

"And what will you do?"

"Do you want to destroy her?"

"There's a part of me that does want that. The other part just wants the house, the kids, and her out of our lives." He looked down for a moment, taking the time to rein in his emotions once again. "Just promise me that I'll keep my kids, Melissa. It's the only reason why I'm still doing this. I don't want to be married to her anymore."

"Mark?" I asked softly. Those blue eyes raised to meet mine again. "I promise you, I'll do anything I can to ensure those two girls remain with you."

"How much is this going to cost me?"

"I'm worth every cent. I'm not cheap, but if you want someone in your corner during a divorce, particularly one as bitter as yours will be, then you want me fighting your case."

"Sold," he stated, hearing humour in his tone for the first time.

Getting to my feet, he did the same, realising he was quite a bit taller than me. I felt a flutter again, not because he was tall, but because he was handsome and I was left wondering how his wife could possibly think about cheating on him. Shaking his hand, he smiled again, not quite as brightly, but I could almost feel the relief that he had someone helping him.

"Thank you, Melissa."

"You're welcome, Mark." I took a card from my pocket and handed it to him. "My number is on there. Call me if you ever need a friendly ear. Or message me if you think of anything you need to share." I rested a hand on his forearm. "It's awful now, Mark, but I promise you..."

"Another promise?"

"It gets better in the future."

That was a lie. I still carried the scars of what happened to me on my heart and in my soul, but I wanted this man to feel better about things. He was almost a gentle giant. I could hear the love he had for his daughters. Hell, there was no missing that he'd genuinely loved his wife. Little wonder he was so heartbroken but also angry about what she was doing to him.

"I'll try and find the information you need, Melissa."

"Look after yourself, Mark."

"I'll be good."

I found myself thinking about him over the next few days. It was the first time I'd ever found myself attracted to a client. I was usually so cool and professional, but as soon as he sat down and explained his situation, I couldn't stop my heart going out to him. Having gone through the same thing as he was currently experiencing, I sympathised with his plight.

But I hadn't felt that sort of attraction for any man in a long time. After closing the door to my office, I sat back on my chair and took a deep breath, noticing I was feeling rather warm. And then I realised that I was also feeling rather warm between my legs. Wearing a skirt as always, I checked myself and felt my cheeks get warmer as I realised I was wet, reckoning I could take my panties off and wring them dry. I hadn't been wet like that in years.

I called Bill and let him know Mark had visited. Immediately asking what I thought, I think even he was surprised when I said I'd represent him. He couldn't resist asking why, and I admitted that his story got to me, and I wasn't going to stand by and watch a father who so genuinely wanted his daughters with him taken away.

"I told you he was a good man, Mel. I hate seeing him how he is. He used to be so full of life, the centre of our universe in a way. But she's crushed his spirit, ripped his heart out, and I'm not sure how much more he can take." He paused a moment and I heard the emotion in his tone when he said softly, "I love the man like a brother, Mel. And I'll do anything I can to help him through this."

"I promised him and I'll promise you, Bill. He'll get what he wants in the end."

I had a couple of other cases that I was working on but Mark was an immediate priority. Once I'd reviewed his case, I started to put together at least three divorce agreements. The first would be considered 'soft', pretty much letting the wife off for being a cheating slut. The second would be considered 'normal', what Mark wanted but remaining generous to his ex-wife. The third would be the one I'd want him to take. He'd get what he wanted and we'd blackmail the bitch into accepting it.

To my surprise, Mark called me within a week. When he announced who it was, I felt that flutter again, shaking my head at the fact I was acting like a girl in high school talking to her crush. All he wanted to do was talk about what was going on, hoping he was mentioning anything that would come in handy. But I think he really needed to hear a friendly voice who was also a neutral party.

"I find it difficult talking to friends because they know the whole story. It's humiliating."

"Does your family know?"

"They think I should just leave, but I can't leave my daughters, Melissa."

"Have you managed to find out anything?"

"Yeah, her lover has pretty much convinced her to start looking into a divorce, thinking they'll catch me unawares and play hardball. As soon as I know who, I'll pass on the information."

"Just don't let on how much you know, Mark. We want the element of surprise on our side."

"I'll do my best. The only thing keeping me sane here are my girls."

"Do they know?"


"Don't feel guilty about that, Mark. They deserve to know the truth."

"I would say I don't want to turn them against their mother, but they don't particularly like her anyway. I've spent nearly the past ten years raising them myself while she's off doing whatever she's wanted to do."

He turned up at my office the next week. Emily let me know and I had to stop smiling as I asked her to let him in. I greeted him with a handshake again, and there was a knowing grin on his face this time, his eyes now rather mischievous. I couldn't help smile as I offered him a coffee, which he accepted again. Emily brought them in a couple of minutes later before I simply had to ask what had him so excited.

Without a word, he took a card from his top pocket and slid it across the desk. Picking it up, I read the name and couldn't help burst into laughter. "I take it you got this from her?"

"Well, yes, though technically I took it from her handbag."

"Is this the lawyer her lover recommended?"

"I think so."

"Mark, this guy is an absolute clown and he knows nothing about family law nor how divorces work."

"How do you know?"

"Because I used to work at the same firm as him. Your wife's lover isn't thinking this through. He's just thinking he has a friend at a law firm who can play you for a fool. Throw money at the case and hope it works." She grinned and she enjoyed the smile that formed on his face. "Once he knows he's against me, he'll think very carefully about taking me on."

"I heard you had quite the reputation, Melissa. Bill highly recommended you."

"I hope he told you good things."

He looked ready to say something but seemed to think again. I was almost hoping he would say he found me attractive. I had to take a deep breath as I was left feeling rather foolish, almost slapping myself in my mind to think professionally and keep things neutral.

"I heard you don't tolerate cheating spouses," he finally stated.

"I don't," I retorted bluntly. Even after all these years, just thinking about it hurt far too much.

"I'm assuming there's a story."

"Not one I'm willing to share right now, Mark."

"That's fine. At least I understand why you're so willing to help me now."

"I've put together three separate agreements. Once I have them completed, I'll ask you and Bill to come here and review them. I'll make my suggestions, and I'd listen to what Bill says too. In the end, it's your decision but we'll hopefully guide you to the right one."

"When should I come in?"

"When are you prepared to serve your wife?"

"It's my daughters fourteenth birthday party this weekend. I want her served on Wednesday. She has a 'business trip' from Thursday."

"I'm assuming that's a euphemism for..."

"She'll be off fucking her affair partner," he stated bluntly, devoid of any emotion. I knew he'd hardened his heart regarding it, cut off any feelings. It was just something happening.

"I'll come by on Saturday. I'd love to meet your daughters."

"Claire will be there, but I can fob her off, suggesting you're just a friend of Bill's."

"Come visit me on Friday, Mark. Bill will be here and we'll review the three agreements I've formed."

Walking him to the door, before I opened it, I broke all protocol and hugged him. It took him a couple of seconds before he hugged me in return. When his arms squeezed me, feeling how strong he was, I felt myself almost melt into him. "Thanks," he whispered, "Can't remember the last time my wife just hugged me."

Letting him go, he smiled at me and I couldn't resist smiling back at him. "Thanks, Melissa," he stated softly, "I'll see you on Friday."