Taken by the Amazons Ch. 03


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Daniel and Liz were getting tired of glancing at each other, so they decided to look around the house instead. It was much larger than their place back in town. There were doorways to at least two other rooms, though the air was smoky and dark. Open windows let in some light, but not much, while a simple bench and table stood in front of the cooking fire. Along the back wall was a bed, large enough for the four of them in relative comfort. Judging by the lumps, it was corncob, a step up from the straw mat they'd slept on before. There wasn't much on the walls, just a few carvings, and the floor was the usual mix of reeds and dirt. Not as many bundles of food or other necessities as they were used to. Maybe one of the doors held a storage area. The most impressive bit was that the ceiling was tall enough for them to stand upright under, and not even need to worry about banging their heads against the rafters.

"Ok, what the hell is going on?" Liz asked, crossing her arms, as soon as her impressed gaze lighted on their new housemates.

Ezekiel cringed, and fell to their knees. "I.. I'm sorry, great warriors, I did not mean to give offense."

Daniel fell into his normal role of good cop. "Look, we're not mad, we're just annoyed at all the unspoken... things we keep running into. Like, why every one keeps being surprised that there are two of us, for a start."

"Well, I'm mad, but I'm willing to listen if he is." Liz shot back.

"We both know what would be happening if you were mad."

"Yeah, I'd be fucking your wonderful ass."

"Hey, that's no fair! I have a perfectly serviceable slit for you to enjoy too."

"Ok, so I'd fuck your slit, then your mouth, then your ass."

"After last night? I don't think you could go that long without something thicker than my arm inside you."

"Well, I'm glad that you're so gifted, because I was thinking the same thing."

"So, you fuck me while sucking me off, then we switch it up?"

"Why plan? Everything's going to get fucked sooner or later."

"We really really need to find some good oil around here. We might not need it to slide anything in anywhere, but I love how they make your muscles glisten." The couple's third legs were slowly extending out of their sheaths, already starting to drip, filling the air with a heady musk.

"I was thinking the same exact thing. Wonder how strong our hair is? I bet it could make a pretty good rope for... leverage."

"Oh, gods, that sounds so fucking hot. You think we could get hooks set up in here too? With how much leather clothing they wear, the cuffs shouldn't be too hard."

"With your muscles, we might need to go on a raid just to buy chains." Daniel said, stepping in towards his wife, running his hands up and down her arms.

"I've always wanted to see if your legs could break a watermelon... Now, I think they could crack a barrel." Liz said, running her hands up his thighs.

"We've been tasked to learn about ourselves and obey our instincts... I can't imagine that a barrel would be too difficult to come across sooner or later." Daniel said, stepping in, pressing lightly against his mate. Liz moaned and ground her cock up against Daniel's washboard abs.

Daniel began to gently kiss her, head flooded by her warm scent, and she kissed him back, the both of them leaning into each other.

Ezekiel and the other slave stared at each other, mouths open in surprise, pheromone enforced lust washing over them.

"What are you two doing?!" The other slave yelled.

Daniel and Liz jumped a bit, suddenly jerked back to the present. Liz turned and licked her cheek, wishing the cum was real, memories coming back so rapidly they hurt.

"Well, mother, I think I am spending time with the man I plan on marrying."

"Aww..." Daniel said, reliving the same path down memory lane. "Of course I'll marry you."

Ezekiel and the other slave stared at each other, dumbfounded.

"But, wha- how- Warriors hate each other?!" Ezekiel half shouted, looking like one of the certainties in their life was unmoored.

Daniel and Liz were kissing each other, their cocks firmly rammed between them, painting their chests with pre. Liz broke the kiss with a gasp, and stood there panting. Daniel took a few moments to answer.

"Well, we're probably going to spend the next few hours fucking and fighting, but I wouldn't call that hate."

"If anything, it just shows how much we like each other. It takes a lot of strength to force someone else's cock up your vag."

"I think force is a bit exaggerated. We're definitely going along with this a bit."

"That's fair, but I really- really fucking love the idea, nothing makes me harder than taking your two foot length, your fist, and making out with you."

Daniel laughed softly, and leaned in for a kiss. "I feel the exact same way."

Ezekiel rubbed their forehead and looked at the couple in exasperation. "That doesn't answer anything!"

"Look, we've made peace with our hormones." Daniel said.

"And they say that we're going to fight and fuck and be fucking happy the entire time." Liz responded happily, staring into her lover's eyes. Her eyes narrowed, and she shifted her weight, lowering her center of gravity, then lunged forward, trying to force Daniel to the ground.

Daniel twisted anticipating it, and sidestepped, causing Liz to stumble. And he yanked her arm, causing her to tumble into the table. She fell to the ground heavily, gasping with pain, as Daniel jumped onto her.

"That's- why you- need to- pay... attention!" He hissed, getting her arm into a hold between his legs, a few degrees from dislocating it. Liz was flushed, panting with sudden exertion, glowing with suppressed rage, arousal, and excitement. She tired to pull her way free, to get up with her other arm, but Daniel shifted his weight, and she collapsed back onto her chest, groaning with annoyance. "Call it." He said calmly.

She tried to flex her abs and arm, tiring him out, but he grunted and pulled a bit more. Her arm twisted painfully, at the edge of what she could bear, and she groaned. A few seconds later, she tapped him twice on the thigh with her other arm. "Fuck... you win. What the hell did you do?"

Daniel relaxed instantly. "It's about pulling your muscles into positions they're not usually supposed to be in. So, you fix joints in place, stop them from moving, then you just push beyond what they can normally deal with." He said, slowly showing how it worked, and where exactly he pulled and twisted.

"You two want to get in on this?" Daniel asked, looking at the slaves in question. "It's fun, and you might be able to sway the results, since we're pretty evenly matched."

Ezekiel and the other slave looked terrified, but then stared at each other. Some complex calculus passed behind their eyes, focused on some relationship between implied orders, likelihood of survival, and getting to fight a warrior without dying, Ezekiel eventually decided to shift into a half remembered fighting crouch, and the other slave followed. Daniel and Liz both got up, and started circling, each trying to concentrate on the other three. Their instincts cried out to them to focus on the other warrior, and the slaves faded into the background.

A few steps later, Liz stumbled, tripping over the rocks in the fire circle, and Daniel darted in. Liz tried to block him, but he managed to get his arms around her chest and neck. She tried to squirm her way up and out, but Daniel got a grip on her and held her in place, Their breasts pressed against each other, their hard cocks jutting between them, and Liz desperately hooked her legs around Daniel's hips, holding him down.

Daniel tried to push up, but Liz just pivoted, forcing him around. She leaned back, then lashed out, punching him in the face. The blow sent a shiver through him, feeling good. He wanted to take a moment to process this, enjoy it, when Ezekiel jumped on his back, trying to wrap his arm around Daniel's neck, while the other slave jumped from foot to foot, then dove for Daniel as well.

The fight just became a mess from that moment forward.

Daniel tried to defend himself from the attacking slaves, while Liz tried to get out from underneath him. The struggle went from unpolished but practiced to drunken tavern brawl, knocking over the table and bench, nearly ending up in the fire. Liz slipped out and got behind Daniel, arm around his neck, while Daniel managed to get his legs around Ezekiel. Then the other slave ran and tackled the lot of them, knocking them all to the ground.

Daniel and Liz burst out laughing. The two slaves looked somewhere between terrified and apprehensive.

"You two are little fighters, aren't you?" Liz managed, gasping. "Was sure you were little conditioned sluts."

"Oh, we absolutely are." the non-Ezekiel slave said, seeming to calm down slightly.

"What's your name?" Daniel asked.

"Mary, was taken on the same raid as Ezekiel." She replied, seeming to relax around the couple.

Liz and Daniel rolled into a sitting position, and looked at the smaller Amazons. "So... what's your deal? Half the slaves look like they can't wait to jump on a cock, the other half look half terrified when we walk by."

Ezekiel coughed. "Both, really. We... respond to whatever a warrior or priest wants. You two are... not so direct. Some aren't used to it. Others just act the way they normally do. The alternative is getting filled with cum until we can't move. It's not good to be... wrong... around a warrior."

Liz looked at Daniel, and leaned in. "I always wanted a servant..." Liz murmured and Daniel nodded.

"Alright, you keep this place clean, and help out with some random stuff and we won't force you to do... whatever. Sound fair?" Liz's eyes were half hooded with lust. She inhaled his scent, and started kissing his shoulder and neck. Daniel breathed in heavily, and the same expression drifted over his face, pure lust and desire.

He turned into his wife, leaving the question dangling. He put one arm around her, their breasts pressing into each other, hard nipples radiating spikes of pleasure, as they gently collapsed onto the floor. Daniel started kissing his way up Liz's neck, onto her face, and the two started making out, their cocks smearing their chests with pre.

Ezekiel and Mary backed away slowly, gradually feeling the couple's pheromones fill the room. It wasn't long before they were dripping and nearly moaning with need, their hand length cocks hardening, their slits and ass rapidly becoming slick.

Daniel and Liz didn't pay them any attention, as Liz slowly slid her husband up, working her blunt head against his lips, feeling it slowly slip inside, the warm tightness leaving them both shuttering in enjoyment. She slowly pressed in, the pleasure ramping up once it passed the medial ring. Daniel's body eagerly accepted the invader, her panting making his massive breasts heave, sweat starting to bead on his body, dripping down his cut muscles.

He slowly thrust forward, his cock slipping between Liz's sweat slick breasts. He worked his way deeper, feeling the sheer throbbing mass push its way through his body, clearly bulging through his stomach.

"I love you." He said, leaning down and kissing his wife, and she kissed him back.

The two slaves were starting to drip, and they were slowly drawn to the lusty couple.

"Please... mistress..." Ezekiel begged, not sure what they were begging for. Liz broke the kiss, as Daniel slowly kissed his way down her neck, thrusting up and down, his cock lubing up her chest. Liz stared the slave up and down for a moment, then gently pulled them close. Ezekiel groaned as Liz's fingers ran down their back, feeling their crack, working further down until they were playing with Ezekiel's experienced holes. Ezekiel squeaked, their cock leaping in excitement, prostate swollen and ready to be milked. Liz started pressing in, pulling closer, and closer, groaning in time with Daniel's thrusting.

Liz opened her mouth, and moved forward, easily engulfing the entirety of Ezekiel's tiny cock. She started sucking and licking, her fingers skillfully playing with their rear. "Mistress!?" Ezekiel managed in surprise, then groaned as she started pressing in.

Mary went wide eyed, as Daniel exposed himself, his ass practically winking, asking them to fill the other hole. They slowly approached, and Daniel slowed his thrusts, sensing them behind him. He leaned back and gently kissed the unconfident slave, drawing them nearer, then led their cock into his ass. Mary groaned as the tight hole engulfed their cock, and they started making slow hesitant motions, the sensation entirely different from what they were used to. Daniel grinned, and flexed, pushing back, feeling the blunt head pop in completely, and began thrusting again.

The four kept thrusting, sucking, and fondling, back and fourth, Liz and Daniel carefully feeling out their new partners preferences, even if they were too overwhelmed to do much other than moan and thrust themselves. It wasn't long before Daniel erupted, painting Liz and Ezekiel white with sweet smelling cum, while his ass milked Mary's cock until he felt a welcome warmth. He kept thrusting, his balls already recharging, as Mary collapsed, overwhelmed by the sensation. Liz and Daniel grinned at each other, shared sparks of pleasure radiating, and they went in for another kiss.

Then they really picked it up, dragging the willing Ezekiel and Mary along for the ride.


So, fun fact, there was once a chess piece with all the capabilities of the queen and the powers of the knight. It ended up falling out of favor as overpowered, since it could take a king completely by itself, but it was called the Amazon, and was generally represented by the shape of a knight (so a horse) with a queen's crown on top.

So, I'm totally claiming this as a post hoc justification for why my Amazons have massive horsecocks with an idealized (well, my preference) female form.

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MAUL467MAUL467about 2 years ago

Great story so far, I look forward to future chapters

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Truly enjoying this story, it's one of the few that I genuinely look forward to reading despite my tastes leaning more towards straight sex (y'know, without a guy taking it up the ass or having a vagina or boobs lol).

Don't worry so much about the pacing though, focus on enjoying creating this world and the journey of this couple within it. If you do that, the end result will be well worth the time—however much that may be—it took to complete this journey.

And while it may seem strange to say this, thank you for providing me with this experience that's made my life just a tad bit richer.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This chapter feels a bit slow which is unfortunate considering the long wait. Still a great story and I’m glad to see it continue.

DracumSumDracumSumover 2 years agoAuthor

A lot of the reason why this was slower in coming out was that I did get an editor and I tried to catch as many errors as I could. Part of the problem is that my editor is going through a lot of stuff IRL, so it's going to be a bottleneck. I'll do my best to catch the errors in the future, but... there's only so much I can do while the writing is fresh in my head.

LiterKnightLiterKnightover 2 years ago

Excellent. I love it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Nice, good to see the story developing, I'd suggest you get an editor/proof reader, I seem to remember someone suggesting it in an earlier chapter, and I'm still seeing a handful of typos, otherwise no complaints, I just hope you can get the next few parts out quicker, it was a long wait and I'm eager to see where the story goes, as it doesn't seem to follow the bog standard futa dominant route.

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