That Girl Next Door Ch. 05


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"Don't forget to tell her about the damaging 'evidence'." He said and then he chuckled heartily. Jessica also giggled before she continued.

"Oh, yeah...because you were not with us last night to lick me clean like you love to do, my pussy leaked some of the leftovers and it dried on my legs. My mom is really sharp and doesn't miss any details. We were totally busted and there was no way to explain away any of the evidence that she found."

"Okay," Melanie pondered, speaking to Jessica. "But why is everything still so calm around here? This place should be a crater in the ground from the nuclear explosion! Also, you need to tell me how the subject of our lesbian stuff come out? She caught the two of you after the fact, but there was nothing to lead to me and you, right?"

Jason answered for his sister, "Baby girl, there are a whole host of skeletons in our families closet. Mom and Dad are extremely worried about me and Jess. But not because of the sex. They are more worried about the emotional side of our relationship. Their greatest fear is that we might hurt each other so badly in the future that it would tear our entire family apart. If you remember, Jess and I already had that conversation after our camping trip. So we reassured them that we understand that ramification and we're going to work extremely hard at never hurting each other in that way."

"Just a minute ago, Dad whispered in my ear that it was okay to swear Melanie to secrecy and let her know everything," Jessica said directly to her brother. "Is it safe to assume that he told you the same thing?"

Jason nodded an affirmative answer.

"Honey, keep calm. I swear that after we drive back to Nacogdoches this morning that we will share EVERYTHING with you. I promise," Jessica asserted to Melanie. "You're not going to believe our family secrets. Absolutely scandalous! But for now, just trust us when we tell you that our parents are totally chill about our threesome. Your parents are the only ones that we have to worry about.

"So that is why Jase and I are going to keep the secrets just a tiny bit longer. There is a HUGE one that you're going to have to get used to keeping secret from your parents, even though I know that you rarely do that. But trust me, hun. This time it is imperative! Even more than the relationship that you and I have and my thing with Jase. But I can also promise you that if they find out about the lesbian side of the two of us, it will not be from my Mom and Dad. Trust me because Mom and Dad want us to keep their secrets every bit as badly as we want our own secrets kept too."

That satisfied Melanie for the moment and she didn't press the subject further. A few moments later, Melanie's father stepped in the door to announce to his daughter that he was departing with his best friend to go shopping. He had already determined correctly that the Three Musketeers would probably hit the road shortly and be on their way northbound upon his return. He shook Jason's hand before kissing Jessica on the cheek and hugging her as well.

He took a moment to whisper encouragement into Jessica's ear and wish her well. With moist eyes, he also expressed to her just how much he was going to miss seeing her daily. Then he took Melanie into the den for a little privacy as they said their goodbyes. He made Melanie promise to think about safety and being careful at all times now that she was heading out on her own. He also ran through the standard list of 'Daddy to Daughter' stuff that all fathers follow. They kissed once more and then he was quickly out the door before his emotions could overtake him and cause him to break down in public, as it were.

Melanie ran after her father, not because she had more to tell him. But because she realized that she hadn't said goodbye to Mr. Stewart yet. He was a surrogate uncle figure in her life and would no doubt be her father-in-law at some point in the near future. She and Jason were not officially engaged, but everyone in both families acknowledged it as a foregone conclusion. She opened the car door and asked him to exit, which he did without hesitation. They hugged each other and held each other closer than they had ever done before. Then they exchanged 'I love you' and said their goodbyes with kisses on the cheek.

After that, both fathers were in the car and driving away. As he turned the next corner, Mr. Stewart realized for the first time that he actually had two daughters and not one. His eyes became misty as he realized that his world had just suddenly altered in that one profound moment. Mr. Stewarts heart swelled with a father's love for Melanie. He glanced over at Mr. McLaughlin and thought to himself, 'Fuck me! I have a brother too! I never had a brother before!'

About an hour and a half later, the Three Musketeers were ready to make their departure. Their mothers both gathered with them outside to say their goodbyes. It would be a three vehicle caravan led by Jason driving the rental truck. Melanie would follow second driving Jason's car since she didn't own a car herself. Jessica would cover the rear in her Honda Pilot. The caravan departed and headed out on the shortest route to Nacogdoches. They had already left the neighborhood behind and were just about to hit the highway when they passed their fathers who were traveling in the opposite direction since they had completed their trip to the store and were now headed home. All four vehicles beeped their horns in greeting as they passed one another.

They drove their caravan as far as the village of Seven Oaks before stopping to top off their fuel tanks at the Shell gas station beside the highway. They also took a break for lunch at the Dickey's Barbecue Pit® in that same location. So including the time for the rest stop, it took a little more than four hours to arrive at their new home. A half hour later they were unloading the truck and carrying their belongings inside of their new two-bedroom apartment.

Emptying out the truck didn't take nearly as long as loading and they were done in less than an hour since the girls hove to this time and didn't slack with helping Jason out. Once the truck was totally empty and everything was inside, Jason took a moment to relax as the girls began unpacking all of their clothing plus linens and other assorted items. All of the moving chores were nearly finished before suppertime with only a few minor details left to attend to.

To celebrate their first night together as a throuple in their new home, Jason had acquired a rare bottle of Messina Hof 'Glory'®. Their wine glasses had not yet been unpacked after being boxed up in Jason's one bedroom apartment, so Melanie started searching through those boxes until she found them. Jason had chilled the bottle in the brand new refrigerator installed by the apartment owner. All of the appliances had been replaced with new ones as part of their renovation and rebuild.

All three of them gathered together in the master bedroom and Jason uncorked the wine. After he had filled all three glasses to the standard 2/3rds mark, they stood facing one another and raised their glasses together.

"To our new home and being reunited at last. May we enjoy much happiness here and also much happiness together. May our disagreements be few and far in between. May God bless our happy home and keep us safe within!" Jason intoned.

"Here, here," Both girls shouted! "All for one and one for all!"

The three of them clinked their glasses together to seal their toast before taking a hearty but respectful sip together. Later when they had finished the bottle of wine, they prepared themselves for bed. Jessica and Melanie stripped down totally bare, then disappeared into the master bath together with the intention of showering at the same time.

Jason was suspicious of their actions, but a few minutes later when the need to relieve his bladder became overwhelming, he discovered them industriously bathing each other. They still occasionally kissed each other with some small amount of passion, and their hands lingered a little longer when cleaning each other's breasts. But aside from massaging the breast and some nipple teasing, they remained on course and finished their shower in due time.

Both of them exited the shower together just as Jason finished peeing and was tucking his manhood back into his underwear. Jessica quickly dried off her arms, then held her wet towel in front of her body to keep her brother from getting damp as she closed the gap between them. Keeping her elbows tucked in close to her tummy and her fists holding the towel under her arms as she held them at her shoulders, she leaned into her brother as he wrapped her up in his arms.

"Your turn with the shower, honey. That's why we left it running for you," Melanie said just before exiting the bathroom.

Jason looked down at his sister and their eyes made contact. Gazing into his sister's eyes, he could easily read her happiness and contentment. He snuggled her in tight pinning her arms between them and she sighed. Jason could hardly believe his good fortune. It was as if he had suddenly found Heaven on earth. The two women that he favored above all others had chosen him as their lovers. They both shared him without reservations, jealousy, or resentment.

"I love you so damn much Jessie," Jason exclaimed before leaning over to kiss her, slipping his tongue easily in her mouth as she gladly submitted to his ardor. Jessie moaned into his mouth and kissed him back just as passionately. Time seemed to stand still for the siblings as they bestowed their love and affection for their opposite upon each other.

"I love you too Jase," Jessica gasped out when they finally broke their kiss. "I have been in love with you for as far back as I can remember. I still notice cute guys whenever I cross paths with one. But mostly, I tend to go for the nerdy types for some reason." She giggled before she continued, "All that doesn't matter though because you captured my heart when we were still preteens. Well...okay, I was still a preteen about twelve years old. But you were not quite 15 years old yet.

"I'm not entirely certain what brought it on. I think that earlier in the day, you and I had been playing 'house' with my dolls. The thought hit me all of a sudden that Mom had Dad as a husband. Mam-maw had Pawpaw. Mel's parents had each other. It was in that moment that I had an epiphany about life. One of the major goals in life was family. Little girls are supposed to find husbands when they grow up and make babies with them.

"That was the moment that I realized that someday I would have to pick someone to be my husband and make babies with me. It was obvious to me that I had to consider that decision carefully and with due diligence. Who would I choose?

"I wanted him to be charming and handsome of course. Someone who I could relate to and work side by side with on common goals. But the physical looks of my future husband would have to come in last place. The more that I considered it during the next few days, I came to the realization that the most important thing was that he had to be a good person with a huge heart. I thought about Mr. McLaughlin and how he took such good care of his wife and Mel. I thought about my own father and how he was so good to Mom, and to us too.

"I thought about some of my classmates and their own parents. None of them matched up to our parents or Mel's parents, but there were still a lot of good people out there. But I also noticed quite a few losers. I was awakened. I was learning!

"You and I have always been good to each other and I never took advantage of that, at least not intentionally. Melanie straightened me out numerous times when I started taking you for granted. Deep down inside she envied me for having you. She didn't have anyone for a brother or sister. It didn't take long for the two of us, meaning you and me, to fall into that role for her. I'll never forget the first time that she chewed my ass out for mistreating you.

"She really shook me up when she told me to stop and imagine just how my world would be if you suddenly took sick and died. Then she reinforced it by reminding me of when our dog Lucy got so old that she couldn't get out of her bed and we had to have the vet put her to sleep. 'Look right at your brother and think about him being buried right beside Lucy. He is gone now, Jessie! How do you feel?' She had nailed me good with that concept and I totally lost it. I ran into the house and went straight to my room, bawling because it hit me so hard.

"A short time later, you knocked on my door and called my name. I rushed to the door and threw it open. Then I jumped into your arms and you held me tight. I remember trying to tell you how sorry I was, but I think that I was still crying so hard that you might not have understood me. I was so focused on you that I didn't even notice as you carried me back to my bed and then lay down beside me.

"You held me close and shushed me and whispered caring words into my ears. When you did that, it totally finished off what Mel had started a few minutes earlier. The two of you working together without any coordination or conspiracy totally broke me. I swore to myself that I would never take advantage of you again. But, that is off on a different tangent from how I started wanting your babies.

"Getting back to how I was learning about what to look for in my future husband. A couple of weeks had past since my epiphany moment and you were out in the garage working on something you needed to complete on your way to earning Eagle. But when I asked you to play house with me, you dropped everything that you were doing and immediately paid attention to me. Curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to see if I could push your buttons.

"I scolded my dolls and generally did everything I could to act like some of the abusive parents that I had noticed during my learning experience. You stepped up and protected my dolls since they represented our children while we were playing. But you didn't scold or abuse me when you did it even though I was acting like a psycho bitch. You corrected me and taught me. You didn't stop loving me, but you put me in their shoes and made me see how I was hurting their feelings.

"You became the role model for who my future husband had to be that day. He would have to be your equal in every way. Little did I know what I had done to myself. I had unintentionally set my own self up for failure. It probably wouldn't have taken much for me to figure out that our father was your role model. But I hadn't factored in Mel's father either. Whether it was intentional or not, you had started taking on the best of his qualities as well.

"As messed up as it sounds to everyone else in the world, I fell madly in love with my own brother and didn't even know it. There isn't another man out there who is your equal. No one even comes close. Some other guy might make my pussy tingle with his good looks, but he will never be your equal. I knew that I loved you with every part of my heart and soul. You're my favorite brother and I have always loved you."

Jason snickered then, interrupting Jessica's long winded confessional. "Favorite brother? Sweetheart, do you have any other brothers out there? If you do, I had no idea that they even existed! I thought that I was your ONLY brother!"

With her arms pinned between them, Jessica couldn't give Jason the playful 'love slap' that she wanted to, so she settled for swatting his chest with a snap of her wrist.

"Shut up, you jerk! Anyway," she continued, "I wasn't aware that I was IN LOVE with you. Not until you sat me down and warned me that other people would look cross-eyed at us if we were TOO CLOSE to one another. You warned me about the school having bullies and you were right. You saved me from letting other people figure out that I had feelings for you. But at the same time, that awakening changed our relationship. You had just begun the first steps in putting some space between us.

"As you pushed me further and further away, distancing yourself from me, my heart began to break. I had been head over heals in love with you for several years by that time. But it was when you forced us into a new reality that I suddenly realized that I loved you as more than just a brother. I wanted to marry YOU. I wanted to have YOUR babies. To hell with the rest of the world. My hand to God, after we were busted, if Mom and Dad had told us that we couldn't be together anymore, I would have kicked them to the curb too. I love Mom and Dad so very much, but I will choose you over ANYBODY else at anytime. I'm totally yours, Jase. Yours and yours alone, forever."

Melanie had finished drying off and returned to the bathroom with her damp towel. As Jessica was speaking to her brother, Melanie dried off all of Jessica's back and legs using her own damp towel. After she was finished, she decided that she needed to step in and divert Jessica so that her brother could finally get his turn in the shower. After she hung her towel on the rack to dry, she took Jessica by her shoulders and spoke softly into her ear without whispering.

"Jessie, lover? You have been talking to Jase for more than five minutes now sweetheart, and the water is still running. If the apartment complex didn't have a central boiler for heating the water used by the entire building, Jase would be taking his shower with cold water. Please let him get clean and then we can all make love together in our new bed. Okay?"

Jason smiled and stepped under the warm running water while Jessica dried her hair and hung up her own towel. Neither one of the girls got dressed into any night clothing. Jessica came up stealthily behind Melanie and shoved her into the bed before pouncing on her. Both girls immediately began kissing and making love.

After Jason finished his shower and dried off, he discovered his girlfriend and his sister fingering each other's pussies while their faces were locked together in a passionate kiss. Heavy breathing and moaning filled the room as the two girls made love to one another. Jason crossed the room to their new bed and joined into the tangle. Having been with his sister most recently, Melanie would receive first penetration this night. But Jason was resolved that both girls would receive a share of his semen inside of their cunts before the three of them would let sleep overtake them.


A few weeks later, summer break was over and September was well under way. The new school year had begun on schedule a couple of weeks earlier and while Rebecca Broussard had hoped for a happier life this year, it currently was not shaping up that way at all.

She was enjoying her Saturday as best as she could, considering that she and Edward, her new beau, had fought terribly last night just before they should have fallen asleep. Currently, she was sitting down to eat her dinner this night alone, at a local Chinese restaurant. Becky fumed as she thought about her other ex from her previous long-term but broken relationship. 'That man!' she shouted inside of her own head. Both of these men were driving her crazy and she was absolutely livid.

The student gossip circulating the campus had indicated that her ex-boyfriend, Jason Stewart, was dating some little tramp fresh out of High School and that they were already living together. When you thought about it in a common sense manner, she had only broken up with Jason in the first week of May. That was only four and a half months ago! But not only that, the rumor mill indicated that he had started dating the little trollop almost immediately after Jason and Becky had parted ways. Try as she might, the only other information that she could gather was that this new chick was some blonde from 'back home'.