The 14-Year Itch Ch. 01


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With a contented sigh, Samantha carefully slipped out of bed, trying not to disturb Lowell's peaceful slumber. The cool air kissed her bare skin as she stood up, sending a tingling sensation throughout her body. She walked over to the window to look out at the sun rising over the city. The morning air was crisp and fresh, a welcome change from the stuffy air in the suite.

Samantha felt a presence behind her. A soft rustle of sheets and the sound of footsteps drew nearer, and she sensed Lowell's warm breath against her neck. He wrapped his strong arms around her waist, pulling her close, and planted soft, tender kisses along her neck, sending shivers down her spine.

Feeling his lips brush against her skin, Samantha turned around. As they locked eyes, an unspoken understanding passed between them. She knew she needed to leave, a mix of anxiety and responsibility tugging at her heart. She reached out, her fingers lightly brushing against Lowell's cheek. She looked at Lowell with a mixture of longing and anticipation.

"I'll come over again next weekend when Doug is out of town. I'll tell my mom that I need her to take the girls again since I'm swamped with work. It will be the weekend before school starts, so it's totally believable," Samantha said, her voice filled with a sense of excitement.

Lowell nodded, his eyes reflecting the same emotions. "I'll spend this week getting ready for school. The only thing I'll have left to do next weekend is you," Lowell grinned.

Samantha laughed and got dressed, her mind already rehearsing the conversation she would have with her mother about the girls staying with her again next weekend. She cast one last glance at Lowell before making her way out of the suite. The door closed behind her, sealing their secret within the confines of Lowell's suite.

She arrived home and made a beeline for the shower. The warm water cascaded over her body as she thoroughly cleaned every area and crevice of her body, ensuring that no trace evidence or lingering scent of Lowell remained. Doug usually never attempted to get intimate right when getting back from his three-city trips, so her pussy should have plenty of time to recover.

Once she deemed herself fully cleansed, Samantha stepped out of the shower, feeling both physically and emotionally renewed. Thoughts of her upcoming conversation with her mother swirled in her mind as she put on her typical weekend attire: a t-shirt, sweatpants, and tennis shoes.

​​Samantha embarked on the short drive to her mother's house, where her daughters eagerly awaited her arrival. The anticipation of seeing her girls after their weekend apart brought a smile to her face, momentarily pushing her illicit encounters to the back of her mind. As she entered the house, Megan and Kayla's faces lit up with joy, their genuine affection bringing a smile to Samantha's face.

"Mom!" Kayla exclaimed, running with Megan to embrace their mother tightly. "We missed you!"

Samantha returned the embrace, her eyes filled with love. "I missed you both too, my darlings. How was your time at Grandma's?"

Kayla chimed in, her eyes shining with excitement. "Grandma baked cookies with us, and we watched movies all night!"

Samantha smiled, grateful that her mother had provided such a joyful time for her girls.

"Mom, remember you promised to take me shopping for a new outfit?" Megan reminded her, a hopeful glimmer in her eyes.

"Megan, my sweet girl," Samantha said, her voice filled with warmth. "I haven't forgotten about our shopping trip. We'll go today, I promise."

Megan's face lit up with excitement. "Yay! I can't wait!"

"Grab your stuff and put it in the car so we can head to the mall," Samantha said as the girls raced to gather their belongings.

When the girls were out of earshot, Samantha turned to her mother, "Hey, Mom," she said, some weariness creeping into her voice. "I hope the girls weren't too much trouble."

Her mother chuckled. "Oh, they were angels. They had a wonderful time with their grandma."

Samantha sighed inwardly, relieved to hear that her daughters had been blissfully unaware of the weekend she had.

"I'm so glad to hear that," Samantha replied, her eyes meeting her mother's. "Listen, Mom, I have a favor to ask."

Her mother turned towards her, a kind smile lighting up her face. "Of course, dear. What can I do for you?"

Samantha took a deep breath, buckling up for the carefully constructed lie she was about to weave. "Next weekend, I have an overwhelming amount of work that needs to be done before the school year starts. With everything going on, I won't have enough time during the week to get it all done. I was wondering if it would be possible for the girls to stay with you again. Just for the weekend."

Her mother's eyes softened with understanding, her own experiences as a retired kindergarten teacher providing insight into Samantha's predicament. "Oh, I remember those days well. The start of a new school year can be quite demanding. Of course, dear, you know I'm always here to help. The girls are more than welcome to stay with me. I'll make sure they have a wonderful time."

Relief washed over Samantha, mingling with a tinge of guilt that she skillfully concealed. She embraced her mother, grateful for the support she offered without an inkling of suspicion. "Thank you, Mom. I truly appreciate it. You're a lifesaver."

Her mother chuckled, patting Samantha's back affectionately. "It's what grandmothers are for, my dear. Don't worry about a thing. I'll take care of everything."

Samantha nodded, a mix of emotions swirling within her. She suppressed a surge of excitement from the anticipation of spending next weekend with Lowell. She vowed to focus on being a devoted mother and wife around her family, ensuring they remain oblivious to her double life.

With a determined smile, Samantha led her daughters out of the house and headed to the mall for Megan's shopping trip. As they drove away, her thoughts drifted to Lowell and how the journey ahead would test her resolve and push the boundaries of her carefully crafted facade.

Doug arrived home later that evening. As expected, he was too tired for intimacy. The two didn't have sex again until the next day, another one of Doug's three-minute specials. By then, Samantha's pussy had returned to its pre-Lowell condition. Doug was none the wiser about his wife's extramarital adventures. It was business as usual in the Wallace household as the week flew by.

Samantha and Lowell had another amazing weekend together. The intensity and passion from their first weekend carried over, as their lovemaking seemed to get more animalistic and raw. When the school year started, Samantha continued to seek sex with Lowell as much as possible. They established a routine where they would meet at Lowell's suite after school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays for their version of a quickie, which lasted about an hour.

Lowell did a number on Samantha's pussy after each tryst. She knew Doug would feel the difference if she ever had sex with him right after meeting with Lowell. Therefore, Mondays were always off-limits. They had their weekend fuckfests when Doug was out of town working his Thursday-Sunday three-city trips.

Samantha's life and marriage have improved tremendously. Lowell fills a need for her. No longer does it bother her when Doug gets home, tosses his luggage on the floor, puts on his pajamas, and gets into bed with nothing more than a perfunctory kiss on the lips before saying "Good night."

When Samantha is at home, she is Mother: the matriarch of her family, keeper of her daughters, and wife of Doug. When she is with Lowell, she is Lover: a sexual being focused on giving and receiving pleasure, taking her body places she never thought was possible, and feeling desirable, passionate, and alive.

One month into her torrid affair with Lowell, Samantha found herself unexpectedly falling ill. Fatigue settled deep within her bones, accompanied by waves of nausea and bouts of vomiting. She tried to brush it off as a case of the flu, attributing her symptoms to the changing season and the stress of the new school year. However, a small voice inside her urged her to seek medical attention, just to be sure.

Since her doctor was booked solid for the next two weeks, Samantha made an appointment to see another doctor at an urgent care center. As she sat in the waiting room, her mind raced with worries and questions. Could it be something more than the flu? Fear mingled with anticipation, knowing that a positive outcome would bring relief.

Finally, her name was called, and Samantha entered the doctor's office. The physician, a middle-aged woman with a gentle smile, listened attentively as Samantha described her symptoms. The doctor asked a series of probing questions, her voice gentle yet inquisitive.

As the questions progressed, Samantha carefully crafted her responses, ensuring they aligned with her narrative. She spoke of her routine, her lifestyle, and her overall health, leaving out the illicit affair that had consumed her during the past month. Samantha felt a pang of anxiety as the moment of truth approached. With a deep breath, she composed herself and prepared to answer truthfully, yet selectively.

"Have you been sexually active recently?" the doctor inquired, her eyes fixed on Samantha, searching for any hint of hesitation.

Samantha's heart raced, and she weighed her words carefully, knowing the importance of her response. She had to maintain the illusion that her intimacy was confined to her husband, Doug, alone.

"Yes," Samantha replied, her voice steady. "My husband and I have been intimate."

The doctor nodded, her expression remaining neutral. It was a routine response, one that she had likely heard countless times before. Samantha exhaled silently, relieved that her answer seemed to satisfy the doctor's initial inquiry.

"Do you use any form of birth control or contraception with your husband?" the doctor asked, her eyes peering over the rim of her glasses.

The truth was that Samantha had never used birth control or contraception with Doug. Her two pregnancies occurred 12 and 10 years ago. Samantha had attributed their lack of success in conceiving a third child to her declining fertility since she was in her mid-30s at the time.

Four years passed without any pregnancies after Kayla's birth, so Samantha and Doug shrugged their shoulders and decided to be content with two children. Samantha's assumption about her fertility had led her to stop using any birth control or contraceptives with Doug and, recently, Lowell.

"My husband and I don't use any birth control or contraception. I haven't gotten pregnant in over ten years, so I don't see the need to start."

The doctor scribbled some notes on her clipboard before speaking again. "Well, Samantha, it's important to be aware that fertility can be unpredictable, even without the use of birth control or contraception. Sometimes, chance plays a significant role. I recommend conducting a pregnancy test, just to be thorough."

Pregnancy test. The word echoed in Samantha's mind, reverberating through her thoughts. The realization hit her like a tidal wave, threatening to drown her in a mix of emotions—fear, shock, and a profound sense of uncertainty. Samantha felt numb.

"Okay," Samantha replied, trying her best to maintain her composure. "Let's do the test."

Minutes ticked by as Samantha anxiously awaited the results. Her mind raced with the implications, the potential consequences of her actions. What if she was pregnant? How would Doug react? Could she keep her affair hidden? The weight of her choices settled heavily upon her shoulders, each second feeling like an eternity.

Finally, the doctor returned, holding a small plastic device in her hand. Her demeanor was gentle as she delivered the news. "Samantha, the test results are positive. You're pregnant."


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Agree with WhoGivesAShit. Karma will get it's due.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShit8 months ago

Doug is a jackass who doesn’t appreciate his family. That said, no man deserves a cheating slut wife.

PrincessNutNutPrincessNutNut8 months ago

So if Doug's co-pilot hadn't of got lucky Doug could just get him drunk? That will work out well, plus domestic turn round times aren't so leisurely.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Amazing story. Love the wife soo much

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Intriguing tale. The husband is a self-involved jerk. And the wife has likewise become the same. Both are good at their work. And both seem good parents. But there is little quality time in the marriage. So it is no wonder the wife is vulnerable to straying. And now, pregnant pause....

GrassIsGreenerGrassIsGreener12 months ago

Looking forward to the next part. Doug was an ass, but he doesn't deserve a cheating wife. Samantha should have a) suggested that she try other men if he is not interested in getting help or b) if Doug didn't agree to plan A, then give him an ultimatum divorce or therapy.

I am hoping that Lowell tells her he isn't ready to be a dad the relationship end, Samantha does get divorced. She becomes a single mom for the bastard kid. Girls will suffer, but the marriage was doomed anyway. Lowell is also an ass for sleeping with a married woman. They are both morons for never even discussion protection. Good story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

@mattenw i think lw stories hit the worst because alot of people have felt betrayal and felt first hand the destruction brought on by cheating.

When authors try to normalise or praise such reprehensible behaviour it is one of the worse things that can happen as some readers take them to heart and through repeated exposure form sucg things as the basis for their behaviour. I.e.: women who grew up on romance novels and have dangerously unhealthy attitudes, behaviours and definitions for what constitutes a healthy and loving relationship.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Friends that fuck married woman say they are the best because everything is in the table out to prove. The longer they are married and younger the guy makes it more taboo plus the sneaking idea of being persued by a young guy makes it hotter . He said it’s easy because you tell them everything they want to hear and the right time stopmp. The poor hubby is working trying to give his family everything and when the wife gets mad of feels a bit neglected is how he captures her mind . He said he does the most deprived sexual acts . They all Tim his ass , facials anal and the dirty talk is a must . He had one flat slow fucking her ass after pounding her pussy facing a video camera making her talk dirty how she loves his young big cock fucking her , how it’s bigger and better than her hubby’s, he tells her how she’s cumming on a cock younger than her kids, how she will think about him taking her ass whiles she’s talking with hubby and kids then he pounds until she squirts and he pulls out turning her over Cum s on her face dick slapping her then turning her to face camera again . That was one video of many he showed us. Then one of the other guys confessed that he’s been fuck a guy we knew well mom for a year . He said the hottest was he went late when hubby was away on business he snuck in late while the friend and siblings were sleeping or in there room . She locked her door and he took her in her marital bed all night . He was whispering in her ear while he gucked her ass saying he’s been trying to hook up with her daughter to see if she takes it up her tight ass as well and who is the better fuck. She gets mad and he fucks her harder. For me I hate cheaters but it makes for hot stories. People don’t realize the destruction it causes to not just hubby and kids but both families and friends . Another friend said they need it and I want as much as I can get, men are just dogs . He only felt bad once at a happy hour a very attractive 59 year old married 35 years with four adult kids and s as away talks up her hubby who is a great guy . They all did shots for a retirement coworker her being drunk as she don’t drink he saw an opportunity followed her in the second bathroom upstairs in bar taking a aggression kiss then groping . He went for it pulling his cock out putting hand around it then pushing her down to sit on toilet . He pushed his cock in her mouth and she started sucking for a few then he pulled up by her hair spun her around bent her over pushed panties aside and fucked her . He pounded telling her how slutty this is her taking his cock in a bar bathroom., if your family could see you now then quickly pulled out spun her sitting her down again putting it back in her mouth face fucking her shooting down her throat then resting in on her face telling her how hot and slutty she looks . She broke out in tears and he felt bad . After two weeks she finally talked to him and he apologized but said to her how hot she is and would never tell anyone but just know your pussy was so tight and seeing her talk his cock down her throat swallowing his load is something he will forever remember and be greatful for and he pecked her on her lips

mattenwmattenwabout 1 year ago

In his comments, "ReedRichards" keeps forgetting that this is Lit and not real life. In reality, everything "RR" tries to explain may be true. However, the readers of the stories on Lit., especially "LW", are about people who have had experiences that they find reflected in some of the stories. They express their feelings in their comments. Some moderate, others excessive.

These people have values they believe in. Whether these values are our values is completely irrelevant. They react according to the values they live by. Bombarding them with disapproving or doctrinal comments is of little use!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Funny the misogynists see it only one way. The guy is a total loser, he has had the warning signs, he is leaving the marriage by neglect. If you cannot deliver a worthwhile amount of intimacy do not expect monogamy. She should serve the dud and find a real man.

centralsquareguycentralsquareguyabout 1 year ago
Great Story!

An empowered woman, a loser husband, a wonderful lover. All the elements of a great romance. She'll get the house, the kids, alimony, and get to keep her side piece.

Doug will end up a bitter impotent old man, masturbating to online porn.

More, please,



cucked05cucked05about 1 year ago

Fantastic story, waiting for part 2

KiwihunterKiwihunterabout 1 year ago

Lol. All the anonymous incels are at it again. What poor sad muddyfuncsters they are.

A good story showing how the anonymous commenters on this site become the incels they are. They were all Doug at some time in the past and have now become the misogynistic incels that comment anonymously on this site.

Well done by the author for showing these excuses for men up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A slut and a dud. Why are they even married. She's a fucking whore, if she doesn't like what she's getting, at least do it on the up and up and divorce before cucking him.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

@reedrichards - ReedRichards about 8 hours ago

"I’ve said it before: if you don’t take care of your wife, including in bed, someone else will. Doug is getting exactly what he deserves."

I agree that Doug is not giving Samantha what she wants and needs from Doug. But I don't think that Doug 'deserves' what Samantha has done to him by going behind his back and entering into an adulterous relationship with Lowell. Samantha should have continued her assault on Doug's lack of performance simply telling him " aren't the stud you think you are, honey...!" She could have gone as far as telling Doug that if he didn't step up, then, she would step out. This would possibly create a negative outcome. But her cheating and newly created embryo has definitely removed all doubts of a positive outcome for Samantha and Doug's marriage. Unless Doug turns out to be the new stereotypical Loving Wives husband who is a weak wimpy wuss and closet seeker of humiliation and emotional abuse. We'll see in the next installment I suppose if Doug trades in his pilot wings for a cage and pink panties. Here's hoping that isn't the case.

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