The 3rd Penetration of Deanna Troi


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As soon as he entered the room, the doors closed, he smiled. At first neither of those two androids spoke. His brother was busy gathering his belongings. Then they both faced each other and smiled as Data for spoke, "the plan worked perfectly brother".

Lor grabbed his brother by his shoulders and smiled, "well Brother, I got you laid and you got me out of that damn brig. These humans are so trusting and easily fooled. I thought Captain Picard was going to break down and cry for a second".

"What took so damn long? I was in that brig for days trying to convince these humans I was you" Lor said slightly perturbed.

"But anyway, I am out now brother, let's talk about you”.

So data, how was it finally getting laid experiencing the full complement of human emotions? How is it hanging my Bro Fro?" Lor said excited, bursting with pleasure.

Data paused momentarily than smiled and said "it was fucking great man. I mean I drove that woman hard skipping past the first three levels of pleasure programming and started at five. It was damn beautiful! Data exclaimed.

"I am awfully glad for you brother. Who did you choose for this auspicious moment in your life? Lor said inquisitively, "there are many beautiful humans on this ship not to mention the other minor races of women".

Lor continued on like a proud brother, "But I must predicate my question by saying, if you tell me your fucking gay or, even worse, fucked the ships Doctor, I would have no other choice but to kill you for your own fucking good, understand" Lor humorously said.

"No way, give your brother some credit. It was counselor Deanna Troi" Data said beaming with pride.

"Great, good job. That bitch Doctor crusher examined me while I was in the brig".

"Yes, yes I know her, congratulations. It's also great doing the ships counselor because she provides the simplest and most of unsuspicious of reasons why you may decide in the future to need her private counseling, if you know what I mean".

"I have been tracking your ship for some time now. It is presently cloaked and orbiting 3000 km of our starboard side" Data informed his brother.

"How long will this pleasure chip you gave me work Lor?" Data inquired.

"That pleasure chip should last most if not your entire lifetime. I am only sorry that I couldn't also give you an emotion chip that worked independently of your sexual programming. Unfortunately, you will feel human emotions only during or when you initiate your sexual programming. Blaine our blessed father for that" Lor informed Data.

"Thank you brother" Data said.

"You are very welcome brother. Now you better shut down your sexual programming and return to the very unemotional android these humans love" Lor expressed. . "We fooled these stupid humans didn't we brother?" Lor said, "Did you initiate site to site transport my brother? Lor inquired.

"Yes, everything is as you requested. Your ship is de-cloaking as we speak" data informed Lor.

“I hate long goodbyes, so until we meet again" Lor smiled as the transporter initiated.

Data left his quarters and met the Captain in the hallway informing him that his brother threatened the survival of the ship and he was forced to let him transport himself off the ship.

The Captain was quite angry but also realized how unprepared his ship really was. Not only was he suffering the effects of this virus but that almost every available female officer was currently on her back getting stuffed by every male officer and passenger on the enterprise.

Wesley crusher reappeared in the sick bay and with the traveler close behind, he entered the office.

"I must speak to the Captain Mommy" Wesley said enthusiastically.

"What is the matter my dearest and lovely Wesley" Doctor Crusher said in a suffocating tone of voice.

"I am back with another prospect. One, in which I believe, the Captain would like to inspect himself" Wesley said anxiously.

Doctor crusher was unaware of the Captain's whereabouts. So hoping to keep his information secret, he decided to initiate site to site transport and beam directly to the Captains quarters. From there, he would call the Captain and inform him to meet at his quarters.

The Captain heard Wesley's call and headed immediately to his quarters. He dismissed the security personnel, instructing that whoever had not yet been treated to go to their assigned places and all others to confine themselves to their quarters, until further notice.

The Captain decided to walk much of the way to his quarters trying to work off some of his repressed sexual energy. It took him roughly 20 minutes to arrive at his quarters. Once there, he walked into his quarters and was immediately greeted by a smiling Ensign crusher and ‘the traveler"

"I have a very special surprise for you Captain" Wesley enthusiastically said, "but first my friend needs to ask a favor from you".

"Captain, I should also inform you that I was able to recruit more than enough women to accomplish our medical requirements. Everyone or should I say every man has been either been medically treated or is currently receiving medical treatment. You, sir are the last" Wesley said.

"I have spoken to my mother and she says that within hours all members of the crew should be quite safe" Wesley continued, "but my friend needs of favor from you".

"Yes, of course, I will do whatever I can to help him. What does he required? The Captain asked.

"Well my friend ‘the traveler’ has visited many worlds in many times and it has been a while for him, understand? To be frank Captain, he is overdue" Wesley implied.

"I don't understand Ensign Crusher".

Wesley mumbled some utterings before he blurted out, "Captain, he wants to get laid. He feels kind of left out, that we owe him".

The Captain signaled for ‘the traveler’ to come closer. He put his hand around his shoulder and walked him to the doorway. "How can I help you?

‘The traveler’ informed the Captain of his needs and preferences. Afterward, the Captain understood and instructed Wesley to remain while he and ’the traveler’ left to resolve this problem.

Vash walked onto the empty bridge. She casually walked towards the ready room to recover her personal items dropped earlier. Walking in front of the large viewing screen at the front of the bridge, she was startled to see commander Riker and the Captain's chair.

"My, you surprised me. I didn't expect to see anyone" Vash said with a pleasant smile on her face. "I am here to get some stuff I left".

"Do you need some help" commander Riker said, resting one arm on the armrest and the other covering his arousal.

"I think I will be OK. Thanks" she said in her soft wispy voice.

She had always liked commander Riker. She thought he was cute, kind of a dullard but a very nice guy. The fact that he had the reputation of being a player or ladies man, did not escape her attention, either.

"Don't be silly, I would love to help you look. Please use all my years of experience as a Star Fleet officer and someone who is in control of one of the most powerful weapons between two legs," he whispered back.

She crooked her head, not entirely sure what commander Riker said or even what he meant. "I'm sure I can find what I am looking for" she repeated.

"I have nothing else to do ma'am. I am alone here, unable to leave the bridge by orders of the Captain. And those orders also included helping all female personnel with any difficulties that may arise. So you see, I must offer my services".

Her face became slightly flushed and smiled, "well, okay, I guess".

He put his arm around her shoulders and led them both into the ready room.

In the sick bay, Captain Picard walked into Doctor Crusher’s office. The Doctor was seated at her desk hard at work compiling information on the progress or remaining crew members needing to be treated.

When he approached her desk, Dr. Crusher smiled, "how are you feeling?"

"I am very tense Beverly which is why I need to speak with you”

“As you know, the circumstances upon which many ship personnel are currently intermingling are less than ideal. As you also know, I have tried to adhere to the time-honored code among ships Captains in being the last to leave the ship or in this case the last to be medically treated".

"I know Captain. I know how difficult it has been for you" Doctor Crusher said in a very sympathetic tone of voice.

"Yes, and that's why I'm here to see you now" he said humbly.

Taken by surprise, Doctor Crusher covered her mouth as she gasped. She believed he chose her to treat him. She was aroused by him but has been unable to act upon her feelings not wanting to alarm her son or start gossiping among the crew.

She looked down and vividly saw his large erection, pressing against the thin fabric of his uniform. Emotions stirred inside her, staring down upon and dreaming of Captain Picard inside her.

"So Beverly, I hope you understand when I ask you if you would be willing to help me with a problem. You may refuse but hopefully you'll understand".

"Oh, I'll being more than willing Captain" she said in a very spirited and sensual tone of voice.

"Let me finish, please. I want to show you what to expect" he said as he reached inside his uniform.

Fixated on his groin, the anticipation of seeing him remove his cock from his pants was thrilling for her. Her imagination was out of control, for the Captain lowered his hand to adjust his large erection.

"Let me introduce who I would like you to speak with Doctor" he informed her.

Dr. Crusher slowly came out of her passion induced haze, slowly taking her eyes from his groin and up to view the alien the Captain stood alongside.

"We call him ‘the traveler’. He has asked to meet with you. Now consider that without his services, the entire ship and all its crew would be in a very bad state indeed if it were not for him. I'm sure you would agree".

"Yes, um, hello. I believe we have met" she very awkwardly said, as her prior assumptions of dropping to her knees to suck Jean Luc’s cock quickly dissipated.

"Beverly, this is your most opportune time to help, to play your part in this crisis. I can think of no other woman more capable to complete this critical assignment" the Captain said in a very dramatic and enthusiastic tone of voice.

"I understand" she said in a very dispassionate tone of voice. Though the Captain did not come out and say exactly what he expected, the inference of the statements and tone of voice made it quite clear what was expected from her.

With such a terrible case of blue balls, he did not care how Beverly reacted to his expectations and said, "I'm glad. I'll leave you to alone then". He smiled to her then quietly left the room to return to his quarters.

‘ The traveler’ stood about six-foot 1 in. compared to Beverly at about 5 ft. 7 in.

She walked from out behind her desk and smiled slightly. She had given thousands of physicals throughout her medical career and hoped to remain as detached and professional with this one.

"Hello, I'm unsure as to how to proceed, it's kind of awkward" she said softly.

"I understand completely. May I suggest we both make ourselves more comfortable" he replied.

He came closer to her and began to undress. Taken back by his forthrightness, she did not know whether to comply with his actions or just observe.

As he slowly removed his uniform from his lower body, the light bluish skin of his chest and body came into view. She sat down on the chair adjacent her desk, her mouth gaping open and her face dumbstruck as he undressed before her.

He tossed his clothes to the side and stood before her, sporting three large protuberances between his legs. His genitalia consisted of three seven inch long extensions more than three quarters inches in width. She did not know how to react, frozen in her chair.

"Please Doctor, it's your turn" he insisted.

She hesitantly stood up, all the time fixated on his three appendages. Quite nervously and frightened some of the crew might see her, she began to undress, slowly bringing down her uniform from her chest to her toes.

If she was caught, her entire persona would be ruined. What would Captain Picard think of her, her medical staff, my god what about her dearest Wesley not to mention the respect of the entire crew, were some of the haunting thoughts racing through her mind.

In her bra and underwear, she stood before him.

"Please, do not insult me kind doctor" “the traveler” suggested.

Assuming he meant for her to completely undress, she slowly undid her bra exposing her modest chest and pulled down her underwear around her very wide hips to her feet. She was completely exposed now. She humbly crossed her arms to cover her chest.

"Thank you, we will now continue" he said as he took firm hold of her wrist and led her quickly out of the office and into an unoccupied examination room in the sick bay.

He walked in a very determined manner towards the room, pulling the Doctor behind him as they walked. It seemed foreplay was not an aspect of lovemaking in his culture.

"Excuse me please, my god. What, um, what are those?" She reluctantly asked him, referring to his groin.

He didn't reply at first. Once in the room, he took firm hold of each side of her waist and placed her on the table. Resting on her elbows, she raised her head in the air desperately hoping to get an answer. After he closed the curtain, he paused and viewed his bounty.

He smiled and said "Doctor I am a creature of time and thought. My three cocks, as you humans refer to male genitalia, signifies my existence. I use all three simultaneously. One organ represents present time. Another signifies future time and the last will signify past time, understand".

"Oh my" she murmured, grasping her breasts in excitement.

Ensign Row quickly drew back the curtain of her examination room and headed for a sink outside her room. She quickly cleared her long brown hair away from her face and flipped it upon her shoulders. She then leaned forward to spit repeatedly the white creamy liquid from her mouth.

Soon after, a deep male voice rang out into the sick bay emanating from nurse Omagala’s examination room. "Ug, yes, umph, mmph".

Nurse Omagala could be heard whispering, "Please, please, no I'd rather not swallow this time, okay, please?"

A few moments later……

“Yes, yes, suck it, more, more, yes, more…" the same male crew member deeply sighed.

Soon after, nurse Omagala came out from behind the curtain. She walked to the sink near her room only to retrieve a towel to wipe the sweat from her face and mouth. She noticed Ensign Row standing nearby.

They glanced at each other both completely naked. "Are you swallowing?" Ensign Row snickered..

"Why do you ask? She indignantly replied.

"It just seems obvious" Roe insisted.

"How dare you say that" the nurse softly yelled "I never”

At the same moment she finished her sentence the male crew member behind the curtain yelled " I can't believe you swallowed it all. I guess I'm good to the last drop, you know.”

Her face turned red embarrassed. "Well, um, um, yes and why not" the nurse replied unable to deny the facts.

" I'm surprised?" Ensign Row said.

"Who has the strength, you know" the nurse replied.

"I tell them I don't up front and they listen to me" Ensign Ro insisted.

"You never swallowed Ro, bullshit" the nurse said indignant by Ro’s attitude.

Ensign Row stammered before she responded, because upon reflection she believed she did come off a little prissy. Not to mention the fact that she has allowed men to release themselves in her mouth.

"I'm sorry. You're right, who hasn't" Row apologized.

"I mean I swallowed the first time for my first patient. The word spread between all the guys in line outside and now each expects it from me. They're all a bunch of fucking kids. It's like if I give one guy a toy for being good they all want the same toy" the nurse explained.

"But all your patients?" Ro said

"yes" nurse said.

"I guess. It is the greatest male fantasy. Besides having a three-way with two women, cuming in a woman's mouth and having her swallow all of it is probably what these guys dream" Ensign Row explained.

"Yes it is" the nurse said.

"But all of those guys" Ro whispered.

"Yeah, it is alot of batter. I'm glad this is my last patient Ro because I barely got his load down. It was huge and I'm full".

"I guess, I haven't swallowed yet today"

"But Ro it has its good side too, you know. I've learned if a guy knows he could cum in my mouth and I'll swallow, he finishes faster. That means less time sucking cock and being manhandled by these well-equipped men. Besides, I love the taste and texture of it in my mouth, againt my teeth, my lips, tongue" the nurse explained.

"Really?" Ensign Row replied puzzled.

They heard a female voice similar to Doctor Crushers emanating from one of the examination rooms.

Their bodies still moist with perspiration, they walked in the cool air of the sick bay to investigate. As they approached the room in question, they crept closer hoping not too alert the occupants to their presence.

They both bent over, hoping they would be able to observe the activities through a parted curtain. Ensign Row placed her eye near the opening, as did the nurse crouching underneath her.

"Oh my god" Ensign Row whispered to herself. Nurse Omagala covered her mouth with her hand, astonished at what she was witnessing.

‘The traveler’ mounted the table, opened up her legs and whispered, "of course I would need to penetrate you with all three simultaneously, just as the three phases of time act as one”.

With a terrified look in her eyes and face she whimpered, "My god, that's impossible, no, please, I don't believe I'm capable". She tried to push him back with her hands but was unable to hold his forward progress.

The terrified Doctor looked down to his groin as he lowered himself onto her. She was both terrified and extremely sexually aroused, contemplating something of that size being thrusted into her.

She witnessed his three individual appendages meld into one much larger and intimidating organ close to 7 in. long and 3 in. in diameter. Her once standoffish and dismissive demeanor melted away into one craving beastly satisfaction.

"Please Doctor, women of my species with extremely wide hips like yours are known as breeders, women who have a demonstrated ability to withstand strenuous mating sessions”.

She spread her legs and anxiously prepared herself to receive him. She clutched at his shoulders, digging her nails into his back. He slowly arched his back and then forcefully thrust himself hard into her. The girth not to mention the length was much more than she expected. She lost independent thought, dropping her arms from his shoulders and collapsing on the bed.

From behind, Ensign Row and the nurse witnessed the tall light blue alien forcefully penetrating the arrogant Doctor crusher. They even saw the tool between his legs, horrified as to its length and girth.

They were able to see her face flailing against the pillow. Very small tears formed in the corner of her eyes. Though her tears suggested a painful experience, her mouth had a large smile, exposing her bright white teeth.

It was difficult for Ensign Row to decipher whether her nemesis was actually suffering or may be experiencing a release of sensual emotions she had pent-up for many, many years.

They both withdrew and allowed the Doctor the privacy she deserved, as ‘the traveler’ continued pounding himself into her. Walking back towards their respective rooms, the doctor’s tightly wound pretentious demeanor snapped, as she began to scream out in violent bursts of emotion, "fuck me, fuck me, my god, yes, fuck, fuck, ooooooh I love it”.
