The Actress & The History Teacher


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"I'm cummmmiiiing, cummmminggggggggggggg, ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, arghhhhhhhhhh," Sophie said as she felt Mark send a large dose of his seed into her pussy.

She rolled off of Mark and they cuddled.


For the next two weeks they spent as much time as they could with each other. They went to two Broadway matinees. She knew she was recognized by the whispers in the theatre as well as cell phones taking pictures. People sitting next to them left them alone, aside for being complimented for her work.

On the Friday, two days before she was to return to Los Angeles, Sophie was surprised to find her manager, Ryan Thomas waiting for her on the set.

"Hey Ryan, what are you doing here?"

"CBS is still waiting for your answer?"

"Answer for what?"

"Didn't you get the letter I left for you two weeks ago."

"Shit. I just picked it up and threw it into my bag. What does it say?


"They want you to star in a police drama as the lead actress. It's all in the contract."

"Will I be happy with the financial terms?"

"You most certainly will."

"What's the downside?"

"It's not being filmed in Los Angeles?"


"New York City. Will that be a problem?"

Sophie just smiled.

"Read the contract and get it signed. I told them that you will have it back to them by Monday."

"Thank you."

During a break, Sophie took the time to read the contract, The best thing is that she gets to stay with Mark.


On the next day, Saturday, they were going to dinner at Augustino's. It was supposed to be their last dinner for a few months or forever. Sharon greeted them as usual, cursing like a drunken sailor.

"You must be fucking special Sophie. He's never taken a woman out to dinner more than once."

"I guess fucking his brains out is good for something." Sharon was now laughing hysterically.

Sharon greeted Mark while cursing up a storm.

Before they ordered Sophie reached over and grabbed Mark's hands. They were now resting on the table.

"These last two weeks have been unlike anything I've ever experienced," Sophie said.

Mark thought "Okay, here it comes. I'm being dumped."

"You know I have to go back to Los Angeles for three weeks." Mark was ready to say something, when Sophie held up her hand and said, "Please let me finish. I thought I would have to stay in Los Angeles when I finished working on the movie, but that's not the case. For better or worse, I've been signed to star in a television series that's going to be shot in New York. Shooting starts in September. I can be back here on July 1 if you want me."

There was stunned silence.

"I love you. I was afraid I was losing you. Of course, I want you here.

Congratulations on the television series." He went over to where Sophie was sitting and kissed her, not caring if all the eyes in the restaurant were on them. In fact, they applauded when Mark came up for air.

Sophie explained the situation to Sharon. Mark said, "Sharon, please send over a bottle of champagne."

"Mark, I love you so much that I was not going to work unless the projects were going to be filmed here. I couldn't think about not being near you. As it is, the three weeks away will drive me crazy."

They finished dinner, Mark paid the check and they both said their good-byes to Sharon and Christine. "I'll see you in August," Mark said. "I have a table for four and I'm going to bring in my parents."

"Who is your fourth,?"

"Go fuck yourself," Sophie replied.

Sharon started laughing. She gave Sophie a very nice hug. "I'm so happy for the both of you."


They were screaming their passion as they made love that night. Mark brought Sophie to orgasm by his fingers, tongue and his cock. He dumped what felt like a gallon of semen into Sophies pussy.

At the end of their love making, he went down on her again. With his hand and fingers, he toyed with her bush. He loved the feeling of her hairy pussy on his face. He sought out and found her clitoris peeking out from its hood. He didn't play around. He wrapped his lips around her clitoris and with his tongue, teased the magic pearl. Sophie was primed for another orgasm. It took all of two minutes for her to yell that she was cumming. "Fuck, Mark, you are making me cum again, and again. "Ayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Damn. Oh fuck, I'm cummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmg, cummminnnnnnnnnnnnng on your tongue."

As she began to cum, Mark shoved two fingers into her pussy. Finding her g-spot made her orgasm that much more powerful.

"Don't stop. Use your fingers. Feels so good, so good. I'm cummmminnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng again. Fuck. You're making cum again. Cummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmming." Then it was over.

Sophie was covered with a fine sheen of sweat, Mark less so.

Mark moved over to her, placed the covers on her and held her tightly.

Sophie spoke first, "I love you so much. I didn't think I could love anyone like this. You are an amazing man, I love you."

"I love you, Sophie. More than you can imagine, I'm so glad you came into my life."

When Mark looked at the clock it was close to 4 AM. Sophie had to be at the airport in six hours.


All they had to say to each other they did in bed last night. There was one last passionate kiss and off she went to catch her flight to Los Angeles.

They spoke every day, reaffirming their love for one another. The three weeks felt like three years, but on July 1 she arrived back in New Jersey. The passionate love making continued.


Sophie had another surprise for him. "There is this movie that will knock the socks off the public. To me, it's a lifetime opportunity. The good thing is that it will shoot in New York City, with an occasional trip to Boston and Washington, DC. My TV series shooting begins just after Labor Day and ends in early March. The movie begins shooting in Mid-April and goes through the end of the year. I can move in with you permanently! I would have to ship my stuff from my house."

"Am I going to be stuck with the shipping charges? Are you going to be paying me rent," Mark said tongue-in-cheek while smiling.

"Nah. I think I can handle the charges. How about I fuck you as much as you want instead of paying you rent. Do we have a deal?"

"I think I can live with that." He was now laughing.

"I also made the decision that if I'm going to work, I will only work if the TV series or movie is shot primarily in New York City. I don't want to be away from you. Also, I told my agent to tell the executives that I want to be known as Sophie Weiss going forward."

"You are a bundle of surprises. That's what I love about you."


With Sophie free until after Labor Day, Mark surprised her by setting up a trip to Israel. They spent two weeks touring, with a personal guide, the Jewish state.

Later in the month they took another trip. This one started in Amsterdam and went on to Norway, Sweden and winding up in Iceland.

They had dinner with his parents at Augustino's in August. Sophie told her about her work and they were very pleased she will be here for Mark. A mother knows. She had a feeling that they would eventually marry, sooner than later.

Later that night, as they were walking to Augustino's Sophie told Mark that her parents wanted to come to New York to see her. He never asked her, but now he did, "Do they know about us?"

"Just a little that I have a boyfriend. Nothing about us living together."

"Don't you think you should?"

"I will. They are going to stay at the W Hotel."

My parents have an annual Labor Day gathering at their house. Invite them to attend."

"I think that's great."

"Do they need kosher food?"

"Not really, but they do not eat pork, mix milk with meat and so forth."

"When will they be coming in"?

"Thursday before Labor Day and will stay about two weeks. The last week they are going to stay with my uncle, my father's brother on Long Island. The first week he 'reserved' for me."

"Let me get Sharon to see if she can get us a table for that Saturday."


After traveling in July, they spent the month of August at the Beach House. They took long walks on the beach each morning. Sophie was recognized but her fans were respectful of her space, except for the children who loved her movie. They thought it was okay for them to come up to her and say hello. Sophie didn't mind, even if they wanted pictures together. When she spoke with the parents they were respectful. In fact, there were some of the same parents and kids that walked near her every day. They stopped and talked. Sophie invited them to join Mark and her while walking. Wearing skimpy bikinis didn't hurt her drawing crowds while on the beach.

After a while she knew the people at the bagel place and the wine store as well as some of the restaurants Mark and her frequented. She was becoming part of the community. She loved being here, especially here with Mark. She loved the community and the people.

Labor Day was fast approaching. Sophie was busy studying her lines for her new television show and Mark was preparing for the new school year.

They were having breakfast on the last day of their vacation. Sophie's parents were arriving the next day from Los Angeles. They will be arriving around 5 PM.

"Hey, Soph," his new nickname for her, "Why don't we have your parents stay with us for the week?"

"You don't mind?"

"Not at all."

"I'll cancel their hotel reservation."

"Thank you." Sophie went over to Mark and gave him a kiss. This kiss involved her tongue while he groped her tits through her tee-shirt.


"Mom, dad," Sophie shouted when she saw her parents by the baggage claim carousel. She embraced her parents and went on to introduce them to Mark."

"Rebecca, Sam, this is my boyfriend, Mark Steiner. Mark, my parents."

Mark shook the hands of both parents. "It's a pleasure to meet both of you."

"Likewise," Sam said.

They got into the Uber and it was time for Sophie to open up to her parents about her relationship with Mark. They were in a large SUV with Sophie and Mark sitting behind her parents.

"Mom, Dad, there's a few things I have to tell you about Mark and me. And no, I'm not pregnant." She spent the trip from the airport to Mark's house talking about anything and everything.

After they settled into their room at Mark's house, they met with the kids in the den where Mark served wine.

"Now it's my turn." He told them about his undergraduate work at Yale, his work with his dad and fulfilling his dream as a teacher.

"Can you afford this house on a teacher's salary?" Rebecca asked.

"No, I can't. However, I managed my father's business for six years. His profits increased ten-fold. We agreed that when I turned thirty I could follow my dream. He gave me a very nice going away present where I would never have to work again. Or I could always sponge off your daughter."

Sophie's parents waited a minute and then started laughing when they saw Mark smile.

"But I love teaching, so I would not think about retiring now."

"By the way, you are invited to my parent's house on Sunday. It's their annual end of summer barbeque. There will be fish on the menu. Is there anything you would prefer?"

"Salmon would be good for us."

"No problem."

Sophie gave her parents a tour of the house.

"It's a great house," Sam said.

"I love it."

"Tell us about Mark. Your feelings toward him and anything else."

"I love him more than anything in the world. He is genuine and treats me like a lady. He is a great teacher. His students respect him, the other teachers respect him as does the principal and Board of Education. I can't believe how supportive of my career he's been. I know he feels the same way about me. I can't believe that I've found him."

She told him more about Mark's parents, Mark's graduating from Yale with two-degrees, finance and history and how he went to work for his dad. "His parents were very happy that he gave the company six years and during that time the profitability increased by seventy-five percent.. During that time Mark earned his PhD in History. Mark's dad gave him $50 million dollars when he left with instructions to enjoy life, get a nice car, a nice place to live, enjoy teaching and perhaps find a nice girl along the way. I'm that nice girl. It just happened. And you should see him teach. I never had a teacher lead a class like Mark"

"He offered to cancel our first dinner date and go to Shabbat services instead. That had no chance of happening," Sophie was laughing.

Rebecca said that she was very happy for Sophie. Sam also said the same thing.

"Thank you both." She gave them a huge hug. "Why don't you rest for a while. It's been a long day. I've prepared dinner. Take a nap and we'll eat when you get up."


The next day, Sophie took them on a tour of Hoboken. She showed them where they would have dinner on Saturday. Sophie called in for pizza on Friday night. Sophie's parents were seeing why her daughter was in love with this History teacher. They also found him to be so right for their daughter.

While Sophie was cleaning up, Mark asked her parents to join him as he wanted to show them one other part of the house. He showed them the fireplace that had been there since the late 1800's. It was still a working fireplace.

With Sophie away from them, Mark told her parents how much he loved her and wanted their permission to ask her to marry him. "I would like to propose on Sunday when my parents and the two of you will be at my parent's house".

Sam said, "We see how you make her feel. We see how she makes you feel. We know you will treat her with respect."


Rebecca nodded to Sam as he said, "You have my permission." Rebecca gave Mark a kiss and Sam shook his hand and surprisingly, gave him a kiss as well.

"Thank you very much. I will tell my parents, but let's keep this a secret."


Saturday's dinner at Augustino was a laugh fest. When Sharon found out that Sophie's dad was a Rabbi, she let loose with her finest cursing. Sam was equal too that challenge and Mark and Sophie could not believe what they were hearing. Even Rebecca was laughing hysterically.

Sophie's parents loved the food. Sharon said goodbye to the four of them and they walked home. It was getting late so Sam and Rebecca bid them a good night. There room was at the other end of the house away from the Master Bedroom. Sophie kissed her parents and Mark did the same to Rebecca.

"Your parents are super. They will have a great time at the party tomorrow."

"Do you we have to bring anything?"

"Nope. Just ourselves."

They got into bed naked and Mark said, "You will have to be extra quiet when I make you cum."

"You throwing me a challenge."

"In a manner of speaking."

She kissed him. "I'm always up for a challenge."

Sophie's pussy was soaking wet. Mark eased his cock into her hot furnace.

Sophie was on her back and Mark had lifted her legs behind her ears. He was fucking her so hard and so fast.

"Fuck. I'm cummming. Cummiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng,"

"Quiet. You'll wake up your parents."

She put her mouth to her arm as she exploded when Mark came in her pussy.

"You bastard. That felt so good. I love to scream."

"I owe you one," Mark said.


Mark, Sophie and her parents arrived at Phil and Laura's house around noon. Sophie's parents were greeted like they were family.

Phil said, "The rest of my family and friends will arrive shortly. In the meantime, let me offer you a glass of wine or whatever you want." He led them into the den where drinks were served.

Phil said, smacking his forehead, "I forgot to buy the salmon."

Sophie's father said, "We forgot to bring the salads."

Mark said, I brought what I think is more important than any of the stuff both of you forgot.

"What did you bring? Sophie asked.

With that, Mark produced a Tiffany box. Opening the box, Mark took another smaller box out. On one knee he opened the box and pulled out a magnificent engagement ring. Sophie started to cry as did both mothers. "Sophie, you are the most magnificent woman I've ever known. I love you more than you can imagine. I want to marry you. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"



Sophie and Mark got married after she finished taping her television series and before she began working on her feature film. After finishing the film, she went back to work on the television series. She was nominated and actually won an Oscar for Best Actress. During this time, Mark continued to work as a History teacher, and was very supportive of his wife's career.

Sophie got word that her television series was ending after two seasons which was fine by her as she became pregnant. While she had many calls to do another movie she decided to become a full-time mom. Eli was born and then, two years later, Sharon joined the family.

Mark and Sophie wanted a house with a fence for a dog and in a community where the kids could grow up. They settled on a large house with a spacious yard and swimming pool in Short Hills. As mush as they loved the place in Hoboken it was not the right place to raise their family, so they sold the house.

Sophie decided she wanted to get back to work. The kids were six and eight years old. They found a great nanny and Sophie started looking for anything that she could do locally and would allow her to be home every night. Producers came to her showing her a script for a Broadway dramatic play. While the work was grueling, Sophie loved the story. When the Tony nominations came out she was on that list and eventually won a Tony.

A year later she decided to retire completely. Her kids were getting older and she wanted to be a full-time mom. Mark, obviously, was fine with her decision.

Mark 's love for Sophie never waned throughout their marriage. Sophie felt the same way about Mark. This was evident when they took a vacation celebrating their 10th anniversary. His parents watched the kids and Mrk arranged for a romantic weekend in New York City.

They fucked like rabbits. Sophie had one orgasm after another. She took Mark's cock in her mouth and pussy as he filled her with his cum. He fucked her doggy style every night and she came, screaming out his name. She sucked his cock until he came in her mouth. She rode him with her tits flopping from side to side, but with Mark grabbing and pulling at her nipples. He put her in a reverse cowboy position, drilling her pussy from behind while squeezing her tits and very hard nipples. The second time he was grabbing at her bush until she begged him to touch her clitoris. That set off a massive orgasm for both of them. They never left their room.

On the way home they stopped at the W Hotel in Hoboken to have a drink remembering the first time they met and how lucky they were to find each other.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Quite enjoyable

SlithyToveSlithyTove8 months ago

Seriously? He's got a PhD and fifty million and he gets a job teaching High School? And the story starts out with him being bored with an education seminar. Lost me right there.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Loved the story. Everyone must remember that this is a fantasy. Yeah, the author is not Hemingway, and there are some issues with grammar, but overall, I did want to fuck Sophie from the very beginning.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

This story had promise but everything came too easy. Im not saying there should some sort of conflict between them, but perhaps a conflict that they needed to face together. It seemed like an abridged romance novel for men. It's the first story I've read of yours, but had enough promise I'll check out some of the others.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

boring.................. absolutely nothing jumps off the pages that makes go how interesting, or that was exciting or that grabbed my attention even from an erotic moment.........

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Also Yale does not have a finance major.

muskyboymuskyboy10 months ago

Very nice story.

lAnatomistelAnatomiste10 months ago


It wasn't bad enough to "dislike," it wasn't good enough to like.

tellmeagoodstorytellmeagoodstory10 months ago

Heh, not impressed at all. If you're looking for a romance move on. This is more of a fantasy fuckfest.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy10 months ago

If my father gave me $50 million, I don't know what I would do!


naughtyandy4unaughtyandy4u10 months ago

Very good. So nice to read a story where the female lead has a lovely bush and keeps it. Yes it was about people in a financial bracket I could never dream of and yet you made them very likeable.

ArdieffArdieff10 months ago

Super hero characters tend to bore me quickly. Sorry.

LudvigBlomSELudvigBlomSE10 months ago

It was a really nice romance story that got turned into erotic couplings. I think that you should have confidence in the way that you can deliver a romance that you won't have to stack one sex scene on top of another, ;-)

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