The Aftermath Ch. 02


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"Hey, you're the guy who had the graffiti painted on his locker aren't you?"

"Yeah." I responded, rubbing my face.

"Okay, off to the principal's office for the both of you." He marched us off holding Sean by his cuffed hands behind his back. I walked in step with the cop who was between me and Sean.

When we got to the principals office we were taken immediately into his private office and made to sit down.

I whispered to Sean before the principal arrived. "Sean, you're in a world of shit now. Not only are you an arrogant, stupid liar, now you're going to be a criminal because I'm filing charges against you. Not here in the principal's office but downtown. You know the real deal at the police station. You may have beaten me up but now you're in deep shit and going to get the beating of a life time tomorrow to. Maybe you better confess and get the school and this cop on your side and against your so called friends. Or you can file charges against them just like I'm going to do to you but after they get their five hundred bucks worth of your ass." He just sat there, slumped forward with his hands cuffed behind him and with this "going down the toilet" look.

I had him exactly where I wanted him. It cost me a bruised cheek and sore ribs but that was a small price to get him to where he was now. I was more worried about shat my friends and school would think of me for not fighting him back. I was no wimp, or was I. Anyway he was in deep dodo's not me.

Well, Sean was suspended for a week for fighting. That delayed his getting beat up by a week or so because he wasn't allowed on campus. He told the cop and the principal the story of the bet. He didn't fess up to the part of making out with my mom but did say he had made a bet that he lost and was going to have to pay up or get beat up. He finally gave the names of the guys who he had made the bet with because he was going to be expelled if he didn't give up their names. They were subsequently hauled into the principal's office and severely warned. Later hall rumors had it that Sean was going to pay the price but not on school property and would never be able to identify who took it out on him. Sean was not in the clear on that yet.

I told the principal and the school security guard that I wanted to file real criminal charges against Sean. They tried to talk me out of it but I told them. "Look at my face. My reputation is all shot to hell to. Now I'm the class wimp. If I don't do something to him what's that going to make me look like. I'll be the 99 pound weakling, laughing stock of the senior class. No way is that going to happen."

I turned to the security cop. "Listen, you heard what was said this morning. You know about the graffiti on my locker and I got more evidence that Sean was going to beat me up. I have a solid case against him. I'm going to subpoena you if you don't go to the police station with me after school today. (I was mad and red in the face besides swollen for the hit I had taken) I know lawyers are going to get involved in this and the papers because I intend to make a big stink if you won't help me."

Well what happened is; I didn't file charges. I thought about what mom had said about Helen and the stress this would place on her. I compromised but held out the possibility of filing charges later. The principal called a mandatory attendance school wide meeting of all the students and teachers. He wanted to make a statement to the students about fighting. He did that then, as Sean's punishment, he made Sean apologize to me publicly and to the school as a whole. He had to tell the whole student body that he was the one that hit me without provocation during an argument. He was then publicly suspended for a week and put on indefinite probation. With the suspension and probation, he lost his eligibility for the National Honor Society and his spot on the baseball team. I was already a member of both. I still had the option of filing charges but had only 90 days to do it in. By that time, however, school would be out. I was satisfied, mostly.

I had to explain to mom and dad what had happened because my face was so swollen and blue they could not miss it. Dad called the principal the next day and confirmed the whole story. Mom called Helen and talked for a long time. Then she went over and spent the better part of the evening with her on several evenings. Mom is a terrific gal. She just got carried away that one time.

They congratulated me on checking my emotions and not fighting but letting the law and reason take over. I think that is what really turned dad in favor of getting me a car. He saw I was a responsible son. I did get a really sporty three year old Chevy coupe. The girls loved it and I had hopes of 'loving' them soon.

It took a week to clear the air on the fight thing. I had a car and the principal got me a really good parking spot. I guess that was a reward for not getting the papers and lawyers involved in what was only a school yard fist fight. Surprisingly, the girls didn't think I was a wimp. I had been sure that my manhood would be in serious question with the members of the fairer sex but it was just the opposite. I guess girls didn't view being attacked and beat up as being unmanly. I noticed that they pretty much avoided Sean the rest of the year.

While helping take out the garbage and trash, mom took me aside. I again mentioned to mom about the recordings she promised to allow me to make. She told me that both Mother's Day and Father's Day were coming up soon and she always 'treated' dad to something special on those Sunday afternoons. She also said that Mothers Day was her day for dad to treat her in some special way and Father's Day it was always her turn to treat him special." She winked and continued. Those afternoons always ended up in bed. This is the videos should be made. Until then" she insisted "the cameras will be turned off." I was disappointed to have to wait but agreed. Mother's Day was the next Sunday so it wasn't to long a wait.

We finished the chores. I was heading out to hang with some friends when mom called me again. This time on the front steps with the front door closed.

"Josh? Helen and I have been talking a lot this past week. (I knew they called each other frequently and went shopping together a lot.) Some of what we talked about was you and Sean. He won't tell her what your argument was all about so she is clueless about Sean's visit here. She is very glad you didn't file charges or cause her to have to hire a lawyer. She is especially glad the newspapers were not involved. She said ever since she and Sean's dad split, she has had trouble with Sean's arrogant and aggressive behavior. She said he has inherited his dad's behavior. She does believe that Sean has learned a lot from all this. (I hope he had.) Anyway she wants to thank you. You don't get over there anymore and, believe it or not, she misses seeing you and would have told you in person but just hasn't had the opportunity.

"Mom, I think she is a real cool mom and a beauty like your self. I would love to tell her thank you for being so understanding. Of course, I'm not one to turn down either flattery or a 'thank you." I'm just not going to be anywhere near Sean again for a long time. He beat me up and I screwed him over but he deserved it." I didn't see anything wrong with destroying his pictures.

"I know you are busy at school and after school with baseball but I think it would be very helpful for you to go over and let her thank you in person. If you don't object I will call her sometime and see if we could arrange that. How about it?" She smiled at me and I thought I saw a little bit of grin and a twinkle in her eyes coming through with her benign smile. Of course I would like that. Helen had great tits like mom and I could at least admire them from up close.

"Yeah, okay with me mom." I didn't want to seem too interested. I was also thinking of when she had told me how she liked my stroking her arm.

"Josh, in your room is a set of DVD's I bought. You can view them. You should enjoy them. It's all part of my 'lesson plan' for you that we agreed on." I thanked her.

"Would it be bad if dad knew I had these mystery DVD's.?" I needed to know how secret this part was.

"Josh, I must confess that I didn't buy these just for you. Your father and I have just finished looking at the last of them together and even practicing some of what is in it. I think it would be okay if he knew you had the DVD's but I would prefer you not tell him I gave them to you. It's more of a loan rather than a gift. The knowledge in it is a gift but the DVD's themselves are just 'on loan' to you."

She suggested. "Maybe you found it in the den by the DVD player where I forgot to put them away? Who knows? Now she had a big smile and a purposeful wink for me.

I immediately went upstairs to my room. Now my room is pretty completely outfitted for surround sound, DVD's, my computer etc. On my computer desk was a set of DVD's. They were educational videos in the "Better Sex" series. Wow! I didn't even know such existed. Mom called upstairs.

"Josh, be sure to view these in order. It's a series. Some of the chapters won't apply to you but most will. Have a good viewing and don't hurt yourself." I was to soon find out what she meant by that last quip.

I was glad supper was already past. Dad had gone to a lodge meeting or something so we had the house alone. I turned on my computer and slipped the first one in. Well let me tell you, this was some serious high quality live sex education. No animation either. I was into the first scene when I just had to get up and lock my bedroom door and get a wash cloth. These turned me on and I masturbated and came three times watching just the first half hour video. My cock was swollen, red and tender. Now I knew what mom meant by "don't hurt your self". I have a great mom and the more I thought about it the more I hated Sean for what he did. I decided to have KY jelly before I watched the next one. Or maybe, I would watch the first one again, ha-ha. I went to bed very satisfied if not a more than a little sore.

Next morning I was off to school as usual. Nothing of particular interest happened at school during the entire week. Our baseball team was not doing well as a team. Sean's absence was not a factor. However, I was batting just over 400 and was building up an impressive number of steals while playing very good defensive second base. The coach didn't have to make me take extra laps for disciplinary reason and I was now doing at least one extra lap after every practice. The coach told me if I kept up my current pace and didn't get into the error column, I might get a baseball scholarship. His comment made me feel good.

Evenings, after practice and homework, if I had any, (seniors didn't get much homework toward graduation time) I devoured the Sex Ed DVD's. I think I had them memorized.

Some time during that week, maybe it was Wednesday, I don't remember exactly, after supper and with dad in the den, mom called me upstairs to help her with something. I got up and went upstairs.

She pointed to my room so I went in and she followed me in. Shutting the door, she told me that Sean was going to be gone the entire weekend to see his dad out of town. Helen wanted me to come over so she could give me a personal thank you. I readily agreed.

"Mom, she could come over here just as easily." I indicated. "But I'm happy to go over there if Sean is sure to be gone. When would be the best time and how long should I stay?" We have a game Friday night so that might not be the best time."

"Josh, your game will be over by 8:30 pm. You could come home, bathe and shave put on some casual clothes and be there by 9:30. Helen wants to fix desert for you. I know you like banana splits with vanilla and cherry Ice cream."

"Mom, not Cherry, it's strawberry I like." She looked at me then grinned.

"Well, a little slip of the tongue can get you just about any flavor you like." She smiled at me. "If she serves cherry flavor rather than strawberry, you just be the perfect gentleman and eat it all. She will appreciate your good manners in accepting what ever she serves. I can assure you, she will take pride in fixing something for you and watching you enjoy it. I'm sure she will join in. After all, she is going to be alone again this Mother's Day. You have earned a special place in her heart and I know she wants to thank you. Dad and I are going out on a special date after we watch your ball team. We won't be back until early in the wee hours. Curfew for you will be 2 am rather than midnight." With that she went down stairs to sit next to dad on the couch. I got my KY jelly and towel.

I called downstairs telling my parents that I was going to study then shower and go to bed. I locked my door, clicked on the first DVD, sat back and watched again for the umpteenth time. I needed a shower after a satisfying hand job. A hot shower followed then off to bed with visions of cherries in bed and strawberries on a banana split.

Tomorrow was Friday. We had the final regular game of the season. If we won we might get a bid to the playoffs as a wild card. If we lost then the season was over. Tomorrow night was looking more and more like a set up by mom with the Helen of some of my dreams. The way mom talked, she had almost said she had set it up. She never said Friday night was another 'lesson' but it sure sounded like it. I hoped so. Armed with all the information contained in the sex Ed videos; I was ready to do some serious practicing.

I never in a thousand years thought that mom would set up something like a date with a mature but beautiful sexy lady like Helen for me. I thought the DVD's were the 'something special' she had alluded to earlier. Maybe they were and maybe this going over to Helen's was not what I was thinking it was. This all seemed a little strange and out of synch. I had envisioned recording and watching the two DVD's of mom and dad in action in their own marital bed. Then mom's reviewing them with me. Now here she was giving me these incredibly erotic sex education DVD's followed by this potential live encounter with the sexy beautiful Helen who wanted to tell me thanks. Then the home DVD's were to come last. Oh well. Who was I to complain? It was like the difference between a million dollars and a million and one dollars. It was all mind boggling. Life had turned incredibly good for me. Disaster had been overcome, I had a new sexy car and my sex life was looking very good. Even some of the sexiest girls at school wanted to hang with me now.

That was the absolute best night's sleep I had ever had. Tomorrow promised to be the beginning of my adventure into reality, or at least I hope so. First, I had the baseball game and the chance to shine in front of the college recruiters.


Chapter 3 is under construction. I appreciate any constructive feed back. If any of you have some ideas to put into chapter three, which will likely be the final chapter, let me know.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I would love the read the next chapter of Helen and Josh

GoodalphamaleGoodalphamaleabout 1 year ago

Simple sequel

Josh and helen fucked. Sean gets cuckolded


Now get a life

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I would love to see Josh and Helen get to get together on Mother's day

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It's a good story. How about a cheating wife with young high school quarterback

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Please write chapter

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

good story, anxious to read the suite

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Slightly better then Aftermath 1

As others pointed out he had his teammate Jeff probing for answers not Jason the guy that Sean made the bet with. In the real story Sean was in the stands with Josh's mom so clearly was not on the baseball team and no allusions to the story being set in the deep south. If it were the notions of incest would not be so vehemently opposed. Still this is such a dismantling of the original story that inspired it you have to ask why it was even composed. That said I'm slightly disappointed we probably won't get Aftermath 3D. Even though it has ventured off so far away from what the original story's author was probably going to do, there are still so many shoes left to be dropped.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Promises promises

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
too bad

there was never another chapter

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Is Josh that stupid? His mom is going over to Sean's house to suposedly spend time with Sean's mother... where has Sean been on these nights???

BfreetorunBfreetorunabout 9 years ago
Of course he will make love with Helen. And probably make it a semi-regular thing.

Later he can fuck his Mom but I would not mind if they skipped this, they are getting along so well now. Of course since she screwed Sean her son deserves a slice, too. Either way will be fine. And he should take up with one or two of the high school girls.

Get Sean taken care of some way, my way would be his getting the crap beaten out of him and that he would elect to live with his father, in that way Helen would need more company by our hero.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Yes , where is chapter 3 ?

when you will put it ?

guan818guan818almost 11 years ago
Where is Chapter 3?

It has been five years since the last wonderful chapter was posted. Please finish the story that you've committed.

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