The Awakening Of Kim


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"Kim! Wait up!"

It was Brad.

"You were at the show too? he asked. "I didn't see you."

"We weren't sitting in the front row like you probably were."

"Is that a crime now. You used to like it."

"I did, but I never felt that I was sharing the experience. You were always texting and sending selfies to your bros."

"Kim, I think about you all the time, trying to figure out what I did wrong."

"You didn't do anything wrong. I was simply dissatisfied with my life the way it was, and you were part of what needed changing. I took a good look at my values and decided that they didn't align with yours. I'm with someone now who complements me and I'm feeling much better than before. I'm actually surprised to see you at a show like this. It isn't your usual thing."

"My date is a fan. I think I made some points tonight."

"Yes, everything is a transaction, isn't it."

John had spotted the two talking, but declined to bust in on their conversation. He figured there might be a need for closure, and he trusted his girl.

"You know, Kim, I would take you back in a heartbeat. I miss you."

"I'm not coming back Brad. I was with you for too long as it was. I was just too foolish to see what others saw."

"Oh, your lesbian nigger girlfriend finally got into your head, didn't she?"

"That's it! This conversation is over. Have a good life Brad."

Brad grabbed her arm as she started walking away. John got up immediately and made his way through the crowd.

"You're just going to treat the last two years like it didn't happen! How about the great sex we had? Can you replace that?"

Kim snorted at that.

"You're not capable of great sex. Quantity is not quality."

John got to her at this point.

"Do you need my help?"

"I know you. You're the guy from the museum. I thought you might be poaching my girl."

"He did no such thing. I still didn't even know his name till after I dumped you. Our breakup was strictly between the two of us. We'll be leaving now."

"I should punch out your skinny ass for stealing my girl."

John just stood up straighter, glaring at Brad. His street smarts were sensing a sneak attack, and surely that's what happened as Brad threw a punch with his right hand.

John was ready. He leaned back and swiped his left arm in the same direction the punch was going, turning Brad's body a little sideways, nullifying his ability to throw his left. John hit him with two quick, hard jabs to the face, then another left to his exposed ribs, which made Brad lower his head. John then hit him with a hard right uppercut that hit Brad's nose flush. You could hear the break, and Brad was on the floor.

John leaned over and told him: "Don't you ever come near Kim again. If I find out you've been harassing her in any way, this is going to feel like a love tap by comparison. Got it!"

Brad could only nod. His date had seen the confrontation, and she had heard and seen enough. She only stuck around in case the police were called so she could give them an honest witness statement. She was done with this cowardly pig.

John was shaking a little after they had reached the subway. There was still the rage running through his body. The adrenaline wearing off.

"Thank you baby. I'm sorry that happened. I appreciate your laying back to let me handle it. I didn't think he would get so aggressive or violent. You knew he was going to hit you, didn't you."

"His body language and his eyes told me there was a good possibility. I just wasn't sure when, or from which side."

"Where did you learn that? Those were like pro moves."

"I took some boxing lessons over the years, but the instincts were drummed into me by experience. I don't ever go looking for trouble, but I'm prepared."

"My hero." Kim hugged him tight. "Let's get home. I want to fuck your brains out."

"No argument from me."

Kim was all over John the moment they walked in the door. She ripped his cloths off and squatted in front of his already hard cock. John was aggressive from the start this time, and he grabbed her head, shoving his cock down her throat.

Bobbing on the throbbing hardon, then pulling her head off and mashing her mouth into his balls. Kim grabbed him by the thighs for balance, and snaked her tongue into his ass crack. John helped her along, pushing her head up there so she could tongue his bung. They hadn't done a lot of this, but John really liked it. He wouldn't even mind if she fingered him.

The scene with Kim and Jeri with the anal beads had awakened something in him that he was willing to explore. Kim was thrilled. The dirtier and more taboo the act, the more turned on she got. She crawled around back and gave him an extensive rusty trombone. Precum was leaking on her hand, providing some good short term lube before getting too sticky. His cock was really hard, and her loins ached for some action.

"You don't have to eat me. Just bury that bone in me. My cookies are ready to pop."

John picked her up by her hair, another thing Kim was really starting to love, and instead of bringing her to the couch, he took it to the bed. Bending Kim over the foot of the bed, John slammed into her pussy. The invader was greeted by a massive shot of lube. His cock looked like an ice cream cone already, and they hadn't even started fucking. After a few strokes, John pulled out and spread the lube in the crack of her ass with his cream covered penis.

"Ohhh we going there tonight, huh?"

"Yep! Spread 'em."

"Yes master."

More pussy fucking, John pulling out occasionally to taste her creamy cunt. He could never understand why some men won't eat pussy. It was the greatest delicacy he could think of.

Continuing with the vag fucking till Kim had a massive orgasm and partially collapsed on the bed, John picked up her ass and stuck the head of his cock inside the willing hole. Working it in slowly as she recovered her senses, then pounding as she came alive again, driven by pure lust.

Hair pulling and slapping tits and ass had become a normal part of their sex. They tended to save the loving sex for their morning trysts. This was physical and somewhat challenging.

John flipped Kim on her back, still hanging over the edge with her legs, and exposed her butt to his new onslaught. Deep and hard. Just the way she liked it. John was getting his ass and hips into every stroke, and Kim was grunting with every deep dive into her tender hole. Squirt was coming out of her pussy every time her g-spot was bounced off of.

John thumbed her clit and pinched her nipples. Kim was wiggling her ass the best she could in this position. Orgasms were coming strong and fast. John bent her legs back all the way and got his right leg up on the mattress just to the side of hers. He was in really deep, making Kim cum even harder.

"Aaahhh! Aaahhh! John was cumming. Cream spilled out of Kim's nasty hole even with his cock still embedded and still pumping. That set Kim off yet again, and John pulled out.

"I love you." John said to his barely cognizant lover.

Kim got the warm and fuzzys to go along with the aftershocks of their fucking.

"I love you too. You're the best thing in my life."

That said, they cleaned up as best they could and settled into a deep, well earned sleep.

Chapter 13 - Trouble With The Law?

John and Kim were getting ready to make their way to Brooklyn when Kim got a text from someone she didn't know.

"I'm the woman that was with Brad last night, and I think there's something you should be aware of. Please call me at this number."

Kim phoned her and it was picked up immediately.

"Hi, I'm Amy. I got your number from the friend that set me up with that creep. I was at the bar last night and saw what went down. Brad called the police and tried to have your boyfriend arrested. The responding officer, a detective named Perez, questioned everybody who was around the altercation, as well as me. He also got a look at surveillance video.

He's definitely not going to charge your boyfriend. He actually said that you have a better case for assault than Brad does, but Brad has money and who knows what he can do. The detective would like to talk to the two of you, just to get it on record. I'm sorry for what happened, and needless to say, I won't be going out with that homophobic racist ever again."

"I appreciate the heads up Amy. Text me the detective's number and we'll take care of it. Maybe we can meet for lunch sometime."

"That would be nice. My friend said you were a great chick. I don't think she knew what Brad was all about."

"He puts on a good front, and he's not really that bad. I almost was ready to marry him, for god's sake. He was right about one

thing. My friend never liked him, but she let me find out for myself. She was very relieved when I broke up the relationship."

"I think I'd like to meet you, and from where I stood last night, you struck gold with this new relationship. He looks like a standup guy."

"Thanks, we were actually on our way out. Call me. We'll do lunch."

"Will do. Have a nice day."

Kim told John what Amy told her.

"Let's give the detective a call now and see what's up."

Kim clicked the live link Amy sent her.

"Detective Perez speaking."

"Hi, my name is Kim. I'm the woman from the bar altercation last night. I understand you'd like to speak to me."

"Yes, thank you for calling. I'd like to speak to both you and your boyfriend. I'd like to start by saying that he's not in any trouble from me. I spoke to whoever was there at the time, and the date. Everybody said basically the same thing, that Brad threw the first punch. His date Amy actually saw more. She said he grabbed you. Is that correct?"

"It is, but I'm not interested in pressing charges. It's over. Let it lay."

"I understand, but if he can somehow turn this around, give me a statement and provide yourself with some legal leverage. Any investigation would have to go through me, but who knows who he knows, if you know what I mean."

"Where would we have to go to give our statements?"

"I'll text you our precinct address and you have my phone number. Sooner rather than later, but no pressure, neither of you did anything wrong."

"We'll be in touch. Thank you, detective."

"Let's go, don't want to keep Jeri waiting."

Walking into their usual Sunday haunt, Kim spotted Jeri and Susie at a corner table nursing their drinks. Mimosa for Jeri, and orange juice for the underage Susie. They sat down and Kim spilled all about last night and the call this morning.

"You can't say I told you so because you always kept your trap shit about Brad, but I could tell you didn't like him. I just was hoping that he would grow on you."

"He did grow on me. Like mold."

"Very funny. By the way, Susie, do you have any conservative clothes?"

"What do you mean, conservative?"

"You know, not punky or club wear. No ripped jeans or short dresses. Never mind. When we leave here I'll take you shopping. You have an interview tomorrow morning with an executive in my company. She needs a personal assistant, and is looking for someone bright and energetic. The hours could be long, but you'll be paid fairly for your time. I mentioned the tattoos and piercings but that didn't faze her. She said that if she excluded people for that these days, she'd never find anyone. Just don't flaunt them and wear appropriate attire for the business world, and you'll be alright."

"I don't know how to thank you. I can take out some of the piercings, if you think I should."

"Keep them. The only thing I need from you is to do the best job you can and be reliable. My reputation is important to me, and I recommended you."

"I will not let you down. I promise."

Kim and Jeri got up to go to the ladies room together, leaving John and Susie at the table.

"John, do you think it's wrong that I want to have sex with any of you?"

"Wrong. No. But you need to know why we don't think it's appropriate. We like you and sincerely want to help, and we want you to trust us. Having sex with any of us, especially Kim and Jeri could make it feel like quid pro quo, and that's something that can break that trust. I don't doubt that you're honestly attracted to them...?

"And you" Susie broke in.

"Ok, and me, but you're still raw and vulnerable, maybe not in the best position to make a move like that right away, although I understand that Jeri was a little weak on that already."

Susie laughed "Don't blame Jeri. I raped her. She's so fucking hot, and I was so horny."

Now John laughed "You'll fit right in with them. Don't be rash. Get a life of your own started, then you can revisit this. In the meantime, I'm sure there are plenty of nice people you can get busy with besides us. Just let us be your new family for now. Ok?"

Susie just gave him a big hug.

"What's going on here?" demanded Jeri as the girls returned.

"Just getting advice from Uncle John."

I think we're ready to leave. Susie go with Kim. John, you're coming with me. We have something to do too.

"What might that be?"

"I'll tell you on the way."

Leaving the cafe, the two couples went their separate ways.

"Ok, where are we going?"

"To a furniture outlet to buy a new couch."

"A pullout, I presume."

"You are smart. Very perceptive. If Susie is going to live with us, she'll need something more comfy than the sofa we have. Kim and I both feel that you have pretty good taste, so help me find something that fits with what we already have in the living room."

"I can do that."

"You two looked like you were having a deep conversation at the table. Anything important."

"Susie wants to have sex with us. I explained why it wasn't the best idea right now. Having said that, you and Kim have to consider the possibility that she knows her own mind. She seems to be kinda stubborn."

"She'll fit right in with us, I guess."

"I actually told her as much."

Jeri and John found what they thought was a perfect match, and something easy to clean for those pesky spills that could ruin a fabric fast. The mattress seemed comfortable. The color was right. John had a good eye for that. They reconvened at the apartment with Kim and Susie, who came in with a bag of new duds.

"Can I try these on for you guys?"

"You want to put on a fashion show?" Jeri laughed.

"Just wanted to know what everybody thinks."

"Ok. But just one outfit."

Susie went into Jeri's room to change, reappearing in a business suit.

"Very professional" John said. "And very cute. Is that what you're wearing tomorrow?"

"I think so. I want to make my best impression."

"You will." Kim responded. "You'll do just fine. Jeri, what time are you meeting us at the clinic tomorrow?"

"I'm going right from work. Six o'clock, ok?"

"That works."

The four of them settled in for some Flix and chill, passing around popcorn and a joint. Something about pot makes people horny and Kim was getting a little frisky.

"Didn't you want to stay celibate for the week before your big date?" asked Jeri.

"I can start tomorrow, when John won't be here."

"Resist, slut."

"You resist. I want cock. John...?"

"Ok, but there will be no sleepovers this week. No temptation."

"Thank you baby. I know you're just as weak as I am, and Jeri is no one to talk."

"Guilty as charged, but we did something to relieve the pressure from our horny charge today. There will be a new couch delivered on Wednesday. It's a pullout Susie, so you'll have a proper sleeping arrangement."

"Fuck! I really love you guys. You're better to me than my own family."

"We are your family now. Don't sweat it."

"Speaking of family, Susie," John intervened, "try to forgive them, especially your brother. He doesn't know it yet, but he needs you. He's just bent by the pressure your father has put on him from birth. The indoctrination is insidious. Someday he's going to wake up, hopefully, and you should be there to guide him away from all that claptrap. He's obviously not as strong as you are. As far as your mother and father are concerned, forgiving them will help you heal. Anger and pain are tough things to carry for a lifetime."

"It sounds like you know something about that, Uncle John."

"Maybe, a little."

"Uncle John! And we've all already known each other in a biblical sense, haven't we. We're some kind of perverted family." said Kim.

They all laughed, then Kim pulled John up by the scruff of his neck.

"Service me, stud. I need something to tide me over for almost a week."

"Your wish is my command, princess."

Kim pulled John into her bedroom and pulled down his pants. Pulling out his flaccid penis, she immediately got down on her knees and went to work on making it functional. Licking and sucking the head till the shaft started to expand, then deep throating till it was nice and hard.

Kim tickled her tonsils repeatedly, getting that good throat lube she could smear all over and stroke. Sticking her tongue in the pee hole, deep throating some more, then working her way down to the balls. Suckling them gently had John going wild, but he held firm and let Kim do her thing. From the balls, she crawled behind him and stuck her tongue deep in his ass. An excited gasp from John, and Kim grabbed his cock again and played the rusty trombone.

Precum was leaking out of his excited member and Kim was using it for lube. John reached behind him and pulled her head in deeper. His eyes were getting glazed over by the intense sensations. She stepped things up another level by fingering his asshole, then tonguing even deeper.

Kim laid her head back onto her bed, still on her knees and John sat on her face with his ass and worked the tongue to his delight. He turned around and stuck his dick in her wanting mouth and skull fucked her. Kim's pussy was leaking profusely, her hand in her pants, which were still on.

John picked Kim up by her hair and turned her around, bending her over the foot of the bed. He yanked down her jeans, pulling her panties with them, puddling by her ankles. The cleft of her vagina was dewy, and the odor intoxicating. The urgency John was experiencing to just rail her was overruled by his need to taste her love cream and he swiped his tongue up and down, then in, to pry the lips apart.

Kim's body met his ministrations with ardor. She couldn't hold back the orgasm that had been brewing. It wasn't major, but she knew it wouldn't be the only one. John drank the heady juice, raised up, and buried the bone to the hilt in one strong shove. Kim's natural lube rushed to the rescue and surrounded his hard cock, making for a flesh creamsicle.

Kim couldn't resist tasting it, stepping out of her pants, turning, and licking it off his cock. A few bobs of deep throat, then back around for another invasion. A deep dick dive that hit her cervix elicited a grunt. Grinding that got her moaning. A thumb in her butt, smacks on her sexy ass, then a hair pulling pounding that had Kim screaming.

"Boy these walls are thin. It sounds like a cat in heat in there." exclaimed Susie.

"Tell me about it. Those two are the horniest couple I've ever known." said Jeri, whose hand was down her pants. "I've been wearing out my toys ever since they got together. I've even bought a new one for my part in the gangbang."

"I could help you with your problem at the moment. I really don't mind."

"I thought we'd agreed that you'd cool it for now" answered Jeri, who was seriously considering the offer. Her pussy was on fire, and Susie's hot little tongue would feel so good now.

"Ok, but you let me know if you change your mind. This is all making me pretty hot too."

John turned Kim and threw her on the bed, on her back. She spread her legs as wide as she could, locking them with her arms. John took another swipe at her cunt with his tongue, giving Kim a shiver, then plunged into the defenseless pussy.