The Bet Ch. 02: The Challenge


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Once inside the man turned around, oh my god! He was gorgeous, he looked like a model for an Abercrombie poster. He was wearing slim gray slacks and a loose white silk shirt that was half unbuttoned. He had light blue eyes and shoulder length blonde hair with a hint of pale stubble on his chin.

"Hello ma cheri, I'm Remy Labeau. Tu es beau," He spoke with Cajun accent, taking my hand he brought it to his lips and kissed it, causing me to blush with delight.

"Alright, alright," Michael said disengaging my hand from Remy. "Try to restrain yourself, she's mine."

Remy threw out his arms, "Of course mon amie, I would never, you would not expect me to have bad manners in front of ma cheri, especially when she's such a wondrous beauty."

"Yeah, whatever," Michael said rolling his eyes.

Breaking into a laugh they hugged each other.

"How are you?" Michael asked.

"I've been fine..." Remy said.

I studied them as they chatted about their lives. They were a marked contrast, Remy was thinner with pale but healthy-looking skin. Whereas Michael was bigger and darker and while not huge he had a more muscular definition. Remy was much better looking but his features were beautiful, almost feminine, he reminded me of the elf, Legolas, from the 'Lord of the Rings' movies. Where Michael reminded me of Aragorn but with shorter black hair, he was good looking but his features were more rugged and manly. Remy was also casual, moving with an indolence and haughtiness, even out of uniform Michael moved with a straight bearing that practically screamed military.

I looked around the gallery. There were separate rooms and each on had a name above the threshold. Jia Lu, Bill Mack, Chris De Rubeis and a few others. Each room held breathtaking works of art and I noticed immediately they all featured nude or partially nude women. The colors from each artist were distinct and each painting looked fantastic. Even my untrained eyes noted each artist was a master and each had a unique style. All were extraordinary and I could easily tell one style from the other.

I realized the room has gone quiet, I looked over and found them staring at me.

"You like, ma petite?" Remy asked.

"They're beautiful."

"Not half as beautiful as you," he said with a small bow. Michael rolled his eyes, making me giggle.

"Tonight is a gallery showing of some very famous artists and Remy also wants to display some jewelry he's been creating. He's a bit of an artist himself," Michael said.

"You're too kind," Remy replied.

"How do I fit in?"

"Michael informs me that you have something of a fantasy, and that we're going to do our best to indulge it tonight while helping me out."

Michael moved behind me and whispered in my ear, "It's simple, you're going to model his jewelry tonight."

"That's the big surprise?"

"Not quite," Michael said.

He reached down and put his hand on my thighs, sliding them up and slowly bringing my dress with it. I gasped and my eyes went wide and my breath sped up as I looked at Remy, I had a quick second of premonition where I knew what was about happen. Michael continued pulling my dress up and I reflexively lifted my arms as he slipped the dress over my head and off my body. Unexpectedly, I was standing in only my violet thong and black heels.

My body flushed pink and my nipples instantly got hard.

"Oh my god," I whispered.

Remy chuckled, "Don't worry ma petite, we will be here with you all night."

"Have you heard of 'Nyotaimori'?" Michael asked.

I shook my head no.

"It's the art of displaying sushi on a young women's naked body. She lies still while the food is displayed on her," Remy explained. "I had the idea to do the same type of thing with my jewelry. People with money love this kind of foolishness."

They led me into the main room where there was an opulent lounge divan in crushed red velvet and black wood centered under a soft light. Michael moved to the back side of the divan.

"Of course, I want to modify the display a bit," Remy said. "So I had this divan altered."

He pointed to three small metal rings in the cushions. He grabbed a small black bag by the base and reached inside, pulling out two silver wonder woman style bracelets, each about two inches thick. He moved over to me and brought my hands behind my back, I felt the cool metal surround my wrists and the click of it closing.

I didn't try to hide my excitement, I was practically panting as I tested the bonds and found I was securely restrained. I looked at them, everything was happening so fast it was making me lightheaded. I felt I should say something, with the feeling of helplessness, the excitement of being displayed, I found I was strangely eager to do this. I had never done anything this wild and I knew that if I didn't do it, I would be disappointed.

Biting my lip, "I assume one of you will be next to me all night for protection."

"Of course cheri," Remy said. "But we must hurry, the show starts in half an hour."

I nodded.

He guided me to sit on the divan and then positioned the cuffs to the ring and attached them. Suddenly I couldn't get up without him undoing them.

"What's next?" I asked.

He pulled out another set of thick silver cuffs, he set them next to my ankles.

"First we must take care of these," Remy said as he hooked his fingers into my panties and slid them down and off my legs. I groaned as a thrill went through my body and I involuntarily squirmed a little, Remy grinned knowingly.

He brought my ankles up on the divan and cuffed them, then did the same thing he did to my hands and locked them into the ring on the cushion.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back, I'm naked and helpless. The sensations are extraordinary, I finally notice light music playing in the background, I took a deep breath and smelled the musky scent of Michael and the clean, slightly citrusy scent of Remy. I wiggled a little to feel the smooth fabric of crushed velvet beneath me my ass and opened my eyes.

Next Remy pulled out a large hinged silver ring, he reached up and placed it around my neck, once again he attached it to the divan. Now I was stretched out laying on the divan, well and truly helpless.

I tested each cuff and found no give or movement in them. I had no idea how they opened so I couldn't try to get free even if I wanted to. The bonds at my neck, arms and legs held me in three tight positions against the divan, I could only squirm marginally. My arms behind my back had an enhanced effect of thrusting my chest forward. While I was always happy with my boobs, I had to admit they looked spectacular in this position. The nipples stood proud and erect and my chest was firm without any sag. Suddenly I was very grateful of all the hours I spent in the gym. My body was going to be on display and I wanted people to be impressed.

Remy turned to Michael, "I left the jewelry in the back, it's a black wheeled case, can you bring it out here?"

Michael left immediately.

"Now, we're almost finished getting you ready."

He pulled out a small bottle of baby oil. I watched as he poured some in his hands and then spread it over my body, he had no hesitation or shame as he spread it everywhere. He started at my neck but quickly spread to my chest, stomach and legs. He cupped and massaged my breasts making sure the oil was thoroughly rubbed in. He tweaked my nipples a little making me squeal. He laughed at my reserve and continued to rub, his hands felt good as he worked the oil into my skin so I closed my eyes and relaxed. Soon he traveled down and massaged my pussy; I couldn't believe how bold he was but I was helpless to do anything and to be honest I didn't want to stop him anyway.

I had enjoyed the back and forth teasing with Michael but with Remy it was different. He oozed sexual conquest, if I let him, he would take me, ravish me, and no doubt move on to the next conquest by the end of the weekend.

Still, I was getting very turned on!

My lips were parted and I know he noticed my breathing had gotten harder. I opened my as he continued rubbing the oil into my sex. Almost against my will I let out a moan, wishing I could spread my legs to give him better access. He traced my lips and stroked them up and down, his fingers magical.

"Ahem," Michael cleared his throat.

My eyes flew open and I saw Michael standing there, the black case next to him. I blushed in embarrassment and struggled briefly against Remy's fingers.

Remy looked up at Michael but kept massaging me.

"I think she's got enough oil on her," Michael said.

Remy looked at me and back up at Michael, "I suppose so, what do you think, ma cheri?" he asked me while still stroking my sex.

I nodded dumbly, unable to trust myself to speak.

"Well then, I guess I will consider you ready," Remy said as he stopped stroking and then stood up.

I let out a breath that I hadn't realized I was holding. They stood on either side of me, looking down at my oiled body. I was flushed and smelled my own arousal, it was a little embarrassing that Remy had managed to get me so excited and it was impossible not to squirm in frustration.

Quickly, they grabbed some jewelry. Michael took out a large diamond and sapphire necklace and placed it around my neck. Remy had a variety of necklaces and bracelets that he artfully draped across my stomach. The metal slithered across my skin making me giggle and twist.

"Ma petite likes that," Remy said taking a bracelet he snaked it across my chest making me whimper.

"Remy," Michael whispered warningly.

"I'm just teasing the belle fille meuillar ami." Remy shrugged. "You know it is my way."

Michael rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"What did he say?"

"He called you 'beautiful girl' and me 'best friend,'" Michael said.

"He's very smooth," I replied.

"Isn't he," Michael said drily. He held up another stunning necklace, this one white gold with rubies. "Last one."

He draped it on my pussy, the metal felt cool and wicked.

Finally acknowledging my feelings, "I can't believe you set this up and I really can't believe I'm doing this."

"Me either, I thought you might freak."

"But you still brought me here."

"Is that a question or a statement?"

"I'm not sure," I said. "You'll be right next to me?"

"I promise I won't leave this room the whole night."

"How long will I be like this?"

He looked at Remy.

"Three hours," Remy said, holding up three fingers. "You will be the central display for tonight, and don't worry cheri, this is an invitation only event. All the guests are wealthy and dignified."

"How many guests?" I asked.

He shrugged, "Three hundred invited, more than 150 RSVP'd yes."

"How wealthy are these people?"

"I expect to sell most of the jewelry and art tonight and the least expensive piece currently on your body will sell for $5,000 and the necklaces will go for $15,000 to $25,000," Remy said. "The other artwork ranges from $4,000 to $75,000."

He inspected my body, reaching down he adjusted a bracelet on my breast and absently stroked my nipple as he talked, "With all the bracelets and necklaces I've displayed on your body and nichon, and of course the piece de resistance on chatte piece de resistance..."

He paused and did some mental calculations.

"You are currently worth more than $100,000."

"Wow," I said.

"One last thing," Remy said.

He produced a black silk sleep mask, bending down he placed it around my eyes.

"And now we must prepare, I see some people waiting to come in. Five minutes." he said and left. Before he walked away, I felt a small pinch against my nipple making me squeak in surprise.

"Remy..." Michael said.

I heard a laugh fade as Remy walked away.

Michael shifted next to me, "Your friend is quite the devil."

"Yeah, tell me about it."

"What did he say a minute ago?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I forget you don't know French."

"And you do?"

"Only the words that Remy uses most often," Michael replied. "Nichon is boobs, and chatte is pussy. He said the masterpiece is on display on the masterpiece pussy."

I laughed.

Michael chuckled, "Yes, he is quite the character, isn't he?"

"Yes he is, he's very... playful."

Michael snorted, "You know I'm going to spank your little butt once we get out of here right?"

"WHAT?" I whisper shrieked. "What did I do?"

"Somebody was enjoying that oil massage a little too much."

"No fair, you can't blame me for enjoying something you set up."

He laughed, "True, but I don't really need a reason to spank you so I think I'm going to do it anyway."

I felt gentle pinch on my other nipple and I let out another small squeak he laughed again.

"That's not fair," I pouted.

"Is it really going to bother you?"

I blushed and didn't say anything, all I needed was for him to learn that I liked spankings and I was sure I'd regret it.

"That's what I thought," he said. "So, are you ready for this?"


With my eyes covered my other senses were heightened. I heard the front door being unlocked and the change in air pressure as the door was opened, the whispers of people moving inside and I sensed bodies all around me.

Over the course of the next few hours I heard hundreds of people in the gallery. I felt their movements as they passed by me and the constant barrage of whispers and laughs.

"Oh my."




I heard men and women and as each passed me giving me compliment after compliment, boosting my ego. The voices were refined, polite, and in awe of my beauty. I was constantly blushed and felt a growing sense of satisfaction, I knew despite the other works of art all eyes were on me in admiration tonight. Jewelry was taken and put back on my body throughout the night and as each piece sold it was replaced with another for display.

Just as satisfying were the touches, light feathery caresses and gentle traces all over my body. My legs, arms, and tits were commonly touched and some of the more daring would stroke a nipple. In my heightened state, each one sent a thrill of electricity coursing through me causing me to shift slightly.

After a couple of hours Michael asked, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," I whispered back. "But I would like to see for a minute or two."

A few seconds later the blindfold was pulled back from my eyes. I tilted my head as best I could as I looked around the lobby, the gallery was filled with elegantly dressed people. The men were all wearing suits and the women were in beautiful dresses. As I scanned the crowd, I noticed one gorgeous redhead had noticed my watching. She winked at me, then went back to talking to her small group of friends. I watched her for another few seconds, she was younger and had a terrific body, she wore a sleeveless white dress that was accented with rhinestones and a thigh length split on the side with silver heels. While I watched she laughed at some joke by her friends.

"Are you happy?" Michael asked, breaking my scrutiny.

"Very," I whispered.

I rested my head back and let him re-blindfold me.

A few seconds later I felt a presence, then the most daring touch of the night as a finger slowly traced back and forth over my sex. Instinctively I knew it was the red head.

"Hello lovely," she purred.


To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Getting jealous

Dang, this is hot! You have me wishing I was the girl in this story! So hot . Very good writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

This is great! Can't wait to read the entire series!

SwingwifeySwingwifeyover 6 years ago
On Edge

This is one H O T story! I read chapter 1 and immediately started Chapter 2...and now I feel like Im the one being tested lol my pussy is dripping and I want to cum so hard. Please keep writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Outstanding Storytelling

This is the best that I've had the privilege to read in a long time. You have a unique ability to spin your tale in a way that leaves the reader wanting, no needing more. Great job, can't wait to read more of your outstanding story, Semper Fi!

LoonytuneLoonytuneover 6 years ago
Love the story

I'm loving the story the imagery is great I look forward to reading more

EmeraldGreenWhoreEmeraldGreenWhoreover 6 years ago
Very Seductive

This story is superbly written.

The seduction is nicely paced and not too over the top.

What a fabulous way to wake though, trussed to the bed and just taken...... phew!!!

Looking forward to the next chapter

nicewon4unicewon4uabout 7 years ago
So enthrallingly luscious

I so desire to be the bejeweled female.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
More please!!

Loving this story. Getting me going in a big way. Can't wait to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Waiting for more

I 'am in love with this story

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Really enjoyed this. Looking forward to the next installment. I hope it's soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Truely a most interesting story.

I'm enjoying your writing and look forward to more in this "The Bet"

Your one of a very few writers here that I have enjoyed. And enjoying the switching between the two in telling the story.

Thanks for sharing,

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
More more more!!!

When is the next chapter coming out? I need to know the end! Both chapters were very well written and I like that you switched view points. Also thank you for not using the same words and phrases repeatedly; I love that you were able to switch it up so it wouldn't get boring. Start typing!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

You can't leave that there!!! Really awesome story. Love the switching view points. Want to know the outcome of this bet!

storm_usmcstorm_usmcover 7 years agoAuthor

Ya know, I'm not really sure why they have this story series duplicated on my profile. I thought it was a little weird and that maybe it was just a glitch I saw. Good to know everyone sees it. Thank you all for commenting, I've been messing around with multiple 1st person narratives. Trying to write a novel, so this writing helps me practice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
extremely good!

I like you profile picture! This style of writing is refreshing from the many disrespectful "loving wives" and "shame" stories where I often drop-out feeling disgusting....

I perfectly dig you change of "I" person, I love the build-ups...

Hoping to see chapter 3 way before march 2017! do not leave this one unfinished, please!

(why is it published duplicated? I thought it were a variation...)

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