The Bondage Laboratory Ch. 02


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"It seems we have a winner," the Doctor said softly beside Reagan, the sound of his voice making her skin crawl.

Silence filled the room, broken only by the occasional grunt of discomfort from one of the other women as they shifted in their chains. Reagan could hear the Doctor speaking in hushed tones with the nurses but she couldn't make out what any of them were saying.

"Move the bottom four subjects tot he holding room," the Doctor at last said. "Prepare the rest for the next test."

Reagan heard the sound of a door opening and cuffs being released as the other women were moved around the lab. She briefly wondered what was happening to them and whether they would be given the same choice to leave this place as she had? Maybe they wouldn't be stupid enough to stay...

She tensed as she felt someone approach her from behind, shivering as she felt the Doctor dig his fingers into her hips and press his crotch against her ass. His dick was hard beneath his pants and she felt an involuntary shiver run up her spine as he ran the fingers of his right hand up her side and pinched her nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

"I thought you might break first," he whispered in her ear, the scent of his aftershave and the feel of his warm breath on the back of her neck making her toes curl. "But now I'm glad you didn't."

A whimper escaped her lips despite her best effort as he twisted her nipple. She had always enjoyed having her tits played with and was starting to get turned on again. He rolled her now hard nipples between his fingers before tugging on them sharply. She moaned softly but the pleasure soon turned to a yelp of pain as two cold, metal clamps bit down on each of her nipples in quick succession. She staggered on her toes as the Doctor stepped back from her and immediately felt the clamps pull taught on her already burning tits as she heard Alyss cry out in discomfort in turn. She imagined the clamps attached to her nipples stretching to Alyss' tits and realised that if one of them moved the other would feel it. They would have to keep as still as possible if they weren't going to tug on each other's clamps.

"Initiate phase two," the Doctor announced before dropping his voice to a whisper that only Reagan could hear. "Try to enjoy yourself."

She gasped as the vibrator taped to the top of her pussy began to vibrate once again. There was no build up this time, it came on on full power and the suddenness of the activation made her flinch hard enough that she heard Alyss cry out in pain as the shared clamps tugged on their nipples. She moaned into her gag, her eyes rolling back into her head beneath her blindfold as she felt herself rapidly approaching another orgasm when suddenly something hard struck her ass. She cried out, both from the stinging sensation on her ass cheek and the sudden flare of pain in her nipples as she recoiled from the paddle that had struck her. She heard one of the other girls cry out as they were slapped in turn followed by another, then another. The sound of the paddles striking the other girls, the pain in her own ass and nipples as Alyss squirmed opposite her was too much. She fought to control the pleasure rising within her but it was pointless. The second orgasm came, harder and stronger than her first. She moaned loudly as her legs shook and gave way beneath her, her arms throbbing in protests as the shackles were left to support her weight as she slumped forwards, saliva dribbling from around her gag onto her aching tits.

Her cheeks were burning as the Doctor loudly and smugly announced that she was the first to cum but this time the vibrator didn't turn off and the clamps were not removed from her nipples. Her head spun slowly and she shivered and twitched where she hung as little aftershocks of pleasure shook her body. She was dimly aware of the other girls whimpering and moaning as they climaxed one by one, the sounds of their shared pain and pleasure always followed by the Doctor's cold, impassive voice as he announced the results of this particularly sadistic test.

It seemed to Reagan that the girls were working in teams now and that their vibrators were only being switched off when both members of the team had climaxed. Alyss had been the last to cum in the first round and this round was no different. She could hear her sobbing as she fought against the vibrator taped to her pussy, her constant fidgeting causing the clamps that bit down on Reagan's tits to jerk and tug at her already stinging nipples. The pain was intense but though she was reluctant to admit it, a small part of her was enjoying the sensation. Her inner thighs were slick with her own excitement and she was teetering on the edge of another orgasm when she heard Alyss let out a loud, juddering sigh as she was finally driven over the edge.

"Subject three is the last to climax once again," the Doctor announced. "Nurse, move the others to the holding cell then prepare our winning team for the final test."

Reagan heard movement and the sound of a door opening and then closing before the clamps were pulled from her tits and she yelped in pain as the blood rushed back to her burning nipples. Her blindfold was pulled roughly from her eyes and her cuffs were unshackled from the chains above her head. She grunted as she fell unceremoniously to the floor, squinting her eyes against the harsh lighting of the laboratory. She blinked as she looked around. Alyss knelt opposite her, her head bowed and her eyes wide and unfocused. The Doctor stood to her right, a holographic note pad held in his hand as he discussed the results of the tests with one of the nurses. The other girls were nowhere to be seen.

Fear and anger roiled within her as she stared up at the Doctor. She reached up and tore the ball gag from her mouth before shouting, "Are you enjoying this, you sick freak? Does this make you feel big and powerful?"

He glanced up from his screen and she saw his lip twitch in amusement. "Subject one, were you given permission to remove your gag?"

"Fuck you!" she spat. "Fuck all of this! I want to leave! We all want to leave!"

The Doctor frowned. "You cannot leave during a test," he said bluntly. "Once we have concluded matters here you will once again be given that option. Though you saw for yourself the choice you made last night."

"I don't remember what happened last night!" she hissed. "You stole my memories! This whole place is fucked up!"

"You need to calm down."

"No! You need to tell us what the fuck is going on here!"

"Reagan, stop this now or I will have one of the nurses sedate you."

"Do it then!" she shrieked. "You can't keep us all here forever! You have to tell us what is happening!"

The Doctor glanced at the nurse beside him and nodded. Reagan scowled as she approached, unable to back away owing to the fact that her ankles were still shackled to the floor. She gritted her teeth as the nurse approached, drawing her stun baton from where it hung on her belt. She was determined to fight but her legs were still shaking and the nurse easily overpowered her and jabbed the crackling tip of the baton into her side. She shrieked as she lost control of her body, her arms and legs spasming as she slumped backwards onto the hard, cold floor. The nurse swiftly rolled her onto her front and she groaned as she felt her pin her to the floor with her knee before dragging her wrists behind her back and securing her cuffs together once more. She then grabbed a fistful of Reagan's hair and dragged her head back before pushing the ball gag back into her mouth and pulling the straps tight around the back of her head.

ead back before pressing her ball gag back into her mouth and tightening the straps once more.

"You always were a lively one," the Doctor said, stepping forwards and crouching down in front of her. "But don't worry, you'll learn your place here eventually."

She shuddered as the nurse removed her knee from her back and pulled her up onto her knees, wincing as her side tingled unpleasantly where the baton had jabbed her. Alyss simply stared at her from the other side of the room, her eyes glassy and distant.

The second nurse approached and crouched in front of Reagan, her short dress riding up and giving her a good view of the impossibly small thong that she wore beneath her uniform. She ignored Reagan as she pushed a large pink dildo complete with a suction cup at the base onto the floor before crossing over to Alyss and placing a second in front of her. Reagan scowled at the sex toy before glaring up at the Doctor. If he thought she was going to climb on top of that thing he had another thing coming.

"This test is simple," the Doctor said. "The difference being that whichever of you lasts the longest will win a treat for this evening... Should you decide to remain in this process, of course," he added with a sideways glance at Reagan.

The nurses stepped forwards to move the girls into position but to Reagan's surprise Alyss was already lifting herself over her toy. She watched as she balanced herself on the tip of the dildo, reaching beneath her to hold it steady before slowly lowering herself onto its length. Her eyes widened, her pupils rolling up in her head as she began to grind her hips up and down the silicone shaft.

"Subject one," the Doctor said sternly. "Begin the test."

Reagan stared from the Doctor to the dildo between her knees before looking back up at Alyss. She was leaning backwards on the dildo, her fingers splayed on the floor as she tossed her long blonde hair over her shoulder. Her tits, that only a few hours ago she had been so desperate to cover up, bounced up and down before Reagan's eyes, her nipples hard and pink where the clamps had squeezed them. Reagan shifted, a twinge of desire rising within her as she listened to the sound of Alyss moaning into her gag as she rode the toy. Her pussy tingled and the thought of the orgasm that she had been denied only added to the wetness between her legs.

Gingerly, angry at herself for giving in so easily, she raised herself on her knees and shuffled forwards over the dildo. She lowered herself slowly onto the tip of the toy and to her humiliation it slid inside her pussy without any kind of resistance. She groaned as she slid further down its length, resting her ass on her heels as she took a moment to catch her breath. She could feel the Doctor staring at her and felt her cheeks flush red but she refused to acknowledge him. She stared across the room at Alyss, watching the other girl as she moved and slowly began to match her rhythm. A groan escaped her lips as pleasure speared her body with every thrust of her hips, the sound causing Alyss to look over at her from where she rode her own dildo. Their eyes met and neither of them could bring themselves to look away, not even when the bullet vibrators still taped to their clits began to vibrate to add to the sensation of pleasure building inside them. Drool bubbled around the gag in Reagan's mouth but she did not care. She had shut everything out but the sight of Alyss and imagined that they were alone together, the muffled sounds of their shared pleasure driving her over the edge.

Her body shook and her vision blurred as she sank all the way down tot he base of the dildo, her orgasm exploding out of her in a wave of pleasure so intense that she thought she was about to pass out. A moment later she heard Alyss squeal and saw her sag forwards onto her elbows as she shook from the intensity of her own climax. The bullet vibrators fell silent and for a moment the only sound in the room was that of the two women panting as they fought to catch their breath once more.

"Subject three was the last the climax," the Doctor noted, his voice sounding distant and far away. "Lets log the results and then see to the aftercare."

Exhaustion threatened the edges of her vision as Reagan shuddered and lifted herself off the dildo. She collapsed sideways onto the floor, resting her head on the cool tiles and closed her eyes. A moment to gather her strength... That was all she needed...


"Reagan? Reagan, wake up!"

She groaned as she reluctantly opened her eyes, squinting in the low lighting of the laboratory. The Doctor was crouched by her side and was gently shaking her shoulder to rouse her.

"You!" she hissed, pulling away from his grip and looking around. The nurses were gone, as was Alyss. They were alone.

"It's alright," he said. "Here, have a drink."

He held out a glass of water which she instinctively wanted to bat out of his hands. "I don't want anything from you," she growled.

His expression wavered for a brief moment and she thought she saw hurt in his eyes.

"Take it slowly," he said. "That was an intense afternoon that you went through."

"That you forced me into," she snapped angrily.

The Doctor sighed as he stood up and walked back to his computer. She noticed that a chair had been placed opposite his desk. SOmething about it seemed familiar.

"I knew this would be hard," he said. "The others I can just about handle... But you..."

"This is hard for you?" She growled. "Are you fucking kidding me!"

He held up his hands defensively. "You don't understand," he said. "Sit, please."

She glared at him, reluctant to follow any instruction that he gave her, yet her desire to know more outweighed her pride. She stood and walked over to his desk, dropping sullenly into the chair before waiting for him to speak.

"We used to work together, you and I," he said quietly. "Do you remember Project Inferno?..."


Reagan gasped as she bolted upright, her head spinning as she looked around wildly. She was back in her cell, the now familiar blue glow of the energy field door washing over her still naked body. She remembered the lab, the lights and the nurses stood over her as she climaxed over and over again. She remembered the Doctor and something about... Fire? Some kind of project?

She snarled as she swung her legs off the bed and buried her face in her hands. She must have been given the choice again. She had taken the pill and chosen to forget again. She had walked back into this cell willingly yet she had no idea why.

A thought suddenly occurred to her and she leapt from her bed and hurried to the door of her cell. The corridor outside was dark and silent and she guessed it was already late.

"Alyss?" she hissed. "Alyss?"


She looked across at the cell opposite her own to see Milly climb out of bed and stumble towards the threshold. She looked tired and was sporting a small round mark on her side left by the crackling tip of a shock baton.

"Milly!" she called, relieved to see her friend. In her moment of panic she hadn't even thought about the other group. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," she said. "I... I chose to come back here, Reagan."

"I know," Reagan replied. "I did too."

"Why would we do that though?"

"I don't know," she replied. "Did anyone leave?"

Milly nodded. "Four girls left from my group I think," she said. "Three went from yours. Alyss is still here though."

Reagan realised she wasn't sure how that made her feel. On the one hand she was glad that Alyss was safe, but on the other she wished she had left. She had been so nervous, so clearly out of her depth... Why hadn't she left? What could the Doctor possibly have said to make thirteen of them want to stay after what they had experienced?

"Reagan?" Milly said uncertainly, drawing her attention back to the present. "I don't remember why I stayed but can I tell you something I probably shouldn't?"

She nodded, leaning in close as Milly smiled shyly.

"I think a small part of me enjoyed what happened today."

Reagan blinked in surprise before saying quietly, "Get some sleep, Milly. Who knows what we'll be made to do tomorrow."

She turned her back on her friend and climbed quickly back into her own bed, pulling the sheets up over her head. She closed her eyes and tried to sleep but the more she thought about Milly's comment the more she couldn't help but realise she had to agree with her friend. The Doctor's tests hadn't been all bad...

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SiarSiarabout 1 month ago

I really like where this is going. More kinky devices, please.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Ich freue mich, mehr darüber zu erfahren, weshalb die kandidaten immer wieder die pille nehmen um zu vergessen und zu bleiben. Natürlich freue ich mich auf weitere tests.

GortmundyGortmundyabout 1 month ago

Great story. It very much piques the interest with its mystery, making it more than simply a bdsm erotica tale.

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