The Brothers


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I hurried to it, going in and locking the door, but was immediately let down. There was no window. There was no medicine cabinet either. All that was in there was a shelf with towels, washcloths and toilet paper.

I got in the shower with a sigh and turned it on, grateful to at least get a shower. When I came out, Jason was sitting on the edge of the couch, waiting on me. The smile he gave me was charming and sparkling. He was happy and he was him. I grinned at him and went to him, slipping my arms around his neck and going on tiptoe to kiss him.

He pulled me in close and rubbed my back. "I need a shower, sit out here a few with Logan?"

"Ok. You could have joined me," I smiled, kissing his abs.

"Mmm, next time, my love," he smiled, chucking me under the chin.

I curled up in a chair and looked at the TV, trying not to be obvious about looking at the door. A deadbolt and a chain. Easy enough if I could buy time. I glanced back at Logan and he was glowering at me. I offered him a shy smile, then dropped my eyes and bit my lip. I saw him sit up slightly from my periphery. He leaned forward and I glanced at him again. His look was very interested and full of lust.

Jason was fueled by lust as well, but he also wanted love and adoration. Logan was pure lust. Nothing else. There was no bringing him around and I knew that just looking at him. He wasn't the killer. He took what he wanted again and again, he had no issues using the same girl. It was Jason who soured once he was rebuffed.

Jason came out of the bathroom drying his hair. He smiled at me and I jumped up as he came to me. "Baby you look good enough to eat," he said throatily, picking me up and carrying me back to his room. I giggled as he tossed me on the bed, then went and found himself a pair of boxers. He threw himself on the bed next to me and lifted his arm in invitation. I snuggled in, holding onto him tightly as he picked up the remote and turned the TV on.

He turned on a show I had never seen before and put an arm behind his head as he watched it. He stroked my shoulder lazily and I reached up to trace my finger over his jaw.

I fell asleep curled against him and only woke briefly when he turned off the TV and rolled to put his arms around me. He woke me in the morning with a kiss, holding my face and smiling down at me.

"God you are beautiful, baby."

"Hey you. You ain't so bad yourself. Come here."

"I wish I could, baby, I am running late. I left my phone and therefore my alarm in the kitchen last night. I need you to hang out downstairs today, ok?"

"Ok. Logan won't be here?"

"He will, I just don't really trust him."

"Oh, yeah. You're right. Ok. What time will you be home?"

"Soon as I can get away."


"Yeah, baby, I promise. Come on, I have you some donuts and milk to take down with you."

He locked me downstairs, but not to the bed. I stood at the door and listened as he told Logan to stay away from me, then listened as he left. I waited, trying to gauge the time of day, but I knew I was out of time when I heard Logan start watching porn. If he spent himself, I wouldn't be able to talk him into letting me out!

I banged on the door.

A few seconds later, he cracked it open and looked down at me. "Hey. It's lonely down here. Can't I come up and hang out with you and watch TV?"

"Jason said you had to stay downstairs."

"I won't tell."

"I want to eat your pussy."

"Ok!" I said excitedly. "Can I suck your cock again too?"

His eyes lit up and he pulled me to the couch and shoved me down. He went to his knees in front of me and yanked me to the edge of the couch before hiking my legs up over his shoulders. He didn't wait or warm me up, he dove right in, licking and sucking eagerly end expertly.

I gasped, grabbing handfuls of his hair as I cried out in bliss. "Oh! Ohh, yes baby, that's fucking amazing! Finger me too baby, I love feeling so full like that...nnnn, oh god baby you are so good! Oh! I'm so close!" I tensed up, panting now and unable to think of things to say to spur him on and stoke his excitement. I came with a real cry of pleasure as wave after wave wracked through my body and I squirted all over his face, something I had never done before. "Oh god!" I wailed, my body contorting as I tried to ride it out. It ebbed and I went limp as he came up, his eyes shining in near madness. He undid his pants and pulled his hard cock out, pressing it to my slit.

"I want to suck your cock!" I said quickly, rolling away and moving down.

"I want to fuck you!"

"Mmm, after baby, let me feel you in my throat again. I want you to make me choke on it again. Sit down baby," I said, moving him to the couch and pulling his pants down to his ankles and spreading his knees wide. "You are so big baby, I can't wait to put my mouth around you and then ride you like the stallion you are. Lay back baby, relax. Let me take care of you now."

He laid his head back, but he was still watching me wide eyed. I took hold of his cock and wrapped my lips around it, sucking eagerly and moaning around his cock as I stroked him with my hands. I looked up at him with my lips around his cock and he bit his lip and laid his head back, relaxing. I started sucking again, getting into it, then went down slow and as deep as I could without gagging. I did it again and again, then on the fourth stroke, I clamped my teeth down as hard as I could as he screamed shrilly and grabbed my hair trying to pull me off of him. I released my hold with my teeth and threw myself backwards as he fell to the floor, holding his bleeding dick. I jumped up and ran to the door, unlocking it and running full tilt towards the road.

Please don't let it be too early!

I made the road and ran right up the bank to the fence that cut off Jakes property and dove through the barbed wire, ripping my shoulder open. I didn't care, I kept running.I finally saw it, the discer out in the field and I adjusted my course and ran for it a split second before I heard the loud crack of a rifle. I went down, terrified as I looked back.

Logan was there on the hill on his property, pointing a rifle in my direction.


I scrambled up and started running again, trying to change directions, my heart hammering in my chest. I knew I was going to be shot in the back any second. There was another loud crack and I went down again, panting. I knew the sound was slower than the bullet, hearing it meant it was too late, but it still scared the shit out of me. I jumped up again and ran towards the discer, waving my arms and screaming.

There wasn't another crack, though I expected it at any second and I made it almost all the way to the discer before Jake finally turned and saw me. He killed it and jumped down, grabbing me up as I broke down sobbing in his arms.

"Ally! What the hell Ally? Your dad said you must have went on to Tennessee?"

I couldn't stop crying as I shook my head and held him as tight as I could. He got me up onto the discer and drove us back to his farm before carrying me into his parents house. It was closer than his.

"Allyrra?" his mom asked , jumping up

"I don't know what's wrong with her!" Jake said desperately. "She showed up in the field like this!"

"Police," I managed.

"Frank, call the police! Jake, go get some clean washcloths and the peroxide and a few bandaids. Then get her some shorts or something. Ally, look at me, sugar. Tell me what happened?"

I shook my head, still sobbing, so full of relief and fear that they were going to come looking for me.

She got my shoulder bandaged up and Jake got me some of his old sweatpants, then held me on his lap and rocked me until the police arrived. I had finally managed to stop crying and just sit with my face in Jake's chest when they got there.

The police came in and I finally started talking. I felt Jake go still, then start trembling in rage as I talked, telling them what happened. Less than halfway in, they called for an ambulance and called in for Jason to be picked up and someone to call in staties for the armed gunman at the brothers house. I heard Frank call my dad and tell him to get out of the house quickly and come down to their house.

My dad arrived before more police or the ambulance did, while I was telling the police what happened. I hugged him, but immediately let him go and went back to Jakes arms.

Near the end of my story, dad interrupted. "Ally, why didn't you run home? It's so much closer!"

I sat there, frozen as I thought about it. It had never occurred to me to run home, just to Jake. I knew he would be out discing after he finished with the cows. I realized the answer. My dad didn't represent safety to me. I loved him, but he was a weak man. Instead of answering, I shrugged and finished telling them what happened.

Jake was squeezing me so tight I was sure he never intended to let go. When the ambulance came, I refused to go unless he could ride with me and they let him. He stayed with me through all of it, even when they did the rape kit. He had tears of rage and sorrow in his eyes as he looked down at me.

I had to tell the story again, and then again as state cops arrived. Then a third time as the FBI arrived. The brothers had killed several girls across several states, they matched the DNA but didn't have an ID until now. They were both gone when the police had come. Logan must have called Jason to warn him, then took off himself.

Sitting in the hospital room, surrounded by police with Jake on one side holding my hand and dad on the other, I just felt lost. Looking over at Jake, he looked as tired as I felt. It had been a very tense 36 hours and now there were TV vans outside the hospital.

I didn't need to be there, but the police had commandeered a room that wasn't in use and kept me there to question me and keep me safe from the brothers and from the press. The girl who escaped the serial killers.

I turned to my side and put my head on Jake's arm, holding his hand in both of mine now. He stroked my hair back with his other hand and bent down, kissing the top of my head. I heard Gen's voice outside, raised as she demanded the nurses let her in. I turned and looked at dad and he got up quickly to go tell Gen to go away. She was only here for the attention and the publicity and he and I both knew that. I looked up at Jake and he gave me a halfhearted smile. I scooted over as far as I could and patted the bed and he laughed and squeezed in next to me. I turned so he was spooning me, then finally fell asleep after he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in tight. I was safe.

When I finally got to leave the hospital, I got a police escort to Jake's truck. I laid in his lap all the way home and he went in with me. Dad sat in his chair, looking at me sadly. They'd told me I couldn't leave the state until this was all taken care of. The brothers were in the wind. I had no idea when they might be captured, but I knew I didn't feel safe. Not at all. I think dad knew I didn't want to stay here.

I looked down and went back to my room, Jake following me. He sat on my bed as I stood looking around.

"Hey, turnip face, come sit down."

I sat next to him on the bed.

"So, we haven't had much chance to talk, have we?"


"I'm going to say something you might not like right now. You might argue with it, but you know I'm right."

I nodded and looked up at him. "I guess I never did pay up on that bet, did I?" I asked, knowing what he was going to say.

He grinned slightly. "No. You haven't."

I nodded again. "I don't want to stay here right now, Jake. Not until they're caught."

His lips twitched slightly. "I have an extra room and an extra bed."

"I don't want to sleep alone."

"I can probably help you out with that. May cost you."

"What were you thinkin?"

"I was thinkin' that if you stayed till this was over, however long it takes, that you should just stay after too. May as well just work here instead of Tennessee and just stick around. Stay close. Never sleep alone again."



"Well, I'd say that's a long time to agree to sleep next to someone who hasn't kissed me since we were ten."

"Not like I haven't offered," he said with a smile.

"Well, now I am saying I..."

He cut me off, pulling me up close and kissing me, laying me back on the bed and holding my face in both hands. His lips were perfect and so gentle and sweet as he kissed me again and again, then finally pulling me in tighter, kissing me passionately. I lost myself in his kiss, in his arms as our mouths stayed locked together.

It wasn't until my father knocked on my door that we pulled apart, breathing heavily and staring at each other in amazement. I forgot that there had been a knock at all as we looked at each other, until he knocked again.

"Yeah! Yes! Umm, come in!" I yelled, sitting up hurriedly, feeling like we'd been caught making out like we were still middle schoolers.

"Hey Ally Cat, that was the police. They have one of them in custody. He was dropped off at a hospital with a pretty bad bite that got infected. They say he is probably going to lose it?"

"Good," I said angrily, standing. "What about Jason?"

"No sign of him. They are looking, though, and they have his brother. He might be able to say where he is going. Everything good in here? You looked a little flushed when I came in?"

I blushed. "Yeah daddy, fine," I said innocently. "Umm. What have you heard about the boys?"

"She is dropping them off on Monday."

"No fight?"

"No fight, no contesting. Abel told her what was what. So, I guess you aren't intending to stay here?"

"I was going to go stay with Jake."

"Though so. About damn time you figured it out."

I looked up at him in surprise, then over at Jake. "Did everyone know but me?"

"I mean, not everyone," Jake shrugged.

"Don at the filling station?" Dad asked thoughtfully.

"No, he knew. Maybe Geraldine at church, she was pretty clueless."

"Yeah but she's friends with Alta and she's a gossip. There was no way she didn't know. Maybe Old Ben down at the Amish store?"

"Oh, he knew. We stopped in there lots to get mom preserves and vegetables and stuff."

"You two are real funny," I said, my face red. "Why don't you go and figure it out while I pack a bag."

"No way, I am helping you pack," Jake said, leaning back on his elbows, his eyes shining.

"Ok? Then get up and help, asshole," I said, going to my closet. I slid it open and frowned at the empty space. I went to my drawers and opened them. All empty. My desk was empty, my laptop gone. "Dad, did Genevieve..." I began.

"Nope," dad said quickly, his eyes also shining.

I looked back at Jake who was grinning now.

"You complete shit! You already moved me to your place didn't you?!?"

He laughed and caught me around the waist, pulling me in close to look at me. "Let's just say I was pretty certain about where your heart stood when you refused to release my hand for three entire days."

"That's pretty much a proposal," dad offered.

"Not helping!" I said, but I couldn't keep the smile off my face. "You really are something, asshole."

"I'm your something, Turnip Face,"" he grinned, then pulled me close to kiss me.

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gabthewritergabthewriterover 3 years agoAuthor

I did not, but I will google who that is and take a look at his work!

VanescaVanescaover 3 years ago
Question to the author

Did you channel Flannery O'Connor for your writing style ?

DreamyhazeDreamyhazeover 3 years ago
You are now officially my favourite author ever

And I mean it. Every word, every expression! How do you do sucha good job!!!! You are absolutely awesome!

FirefoxessFirefoxessover 3 years ago

You are SUCH an awesome writer!!! I love how you depict the relationships between the people in your stories, and the level of emotion and detail that you weave into them! This was absolutely one of my favourites of yours - you tend to hide all sorts of twists in your stories and play around with perspectives (which is fantastic!), and even when I know a twist is probably coming, I get tricked every time, because you come up with such ideas and write so brilliantly!!

I also absolutely loved your Red Riding Hood interpretation - it was so original and made me melt! I did feel that the ending for that story wasn't as satisfying as this one though - The Brothers felt much more complete at the end, even though it didn't include much detail about the final fates of the characters.

You also create such strong, admirable female characters (love it!!!) - they're such a pleasure to read about! (as are the strong, devoted males *swoon*)

Thank you for sharing your work with us!!

ridgegirl04ridgegirl04over 3 years ago
Great story

I love all your work, but this is one of my favorites! I love how Jason is still on the run and that leaves you open for a second chapter perhaps? Looking forward to reading more of your work. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.

Blossoming_SunflowerBlossoming_Sunflowerover 3 years ago

Smart Ally and sweet Jake! Love this story!

Allanjim3Allanjim3over 3 years ago
Well, if anyone deserves their dick bitten ... it’s a psychotic serial rapist.


Hello Gabrielle, Gabs, Gabadocious;

Oooh when you go dark ... you go deep, but it can’t be all puppies & sunshine in the world of Non-Consent & Reluctance, right? Anyway, if there was one thing which REALLY caught my attention and seemed to stand apart from your other stories, it was when Ally had to trick Jason into believing she was ‘perfect.’ When she began talking dirty, calling him Daddy and acting like a shameless slut, it was awesome! One minute I feel completely revulsed by the brothers and my palms are sweating wondering how she’s going to survive. A minute later my jaw drops as Ally just works him over like a fire-breathing porn star. Wow! 5 -Stars!

LunaScarletLunaScarletover 3 years ago
Loved it!

I've been loving your latest submissions! I love how you are straying from your comfort zone and giving us more complex characters with different behaviours/motivations! Thank you!

princeoo5432princeoo5432over 3 years ago

It's good one.Perfect bigning ,Perfect climax as one desired.

Akirababe87Akirababe87over 3 years ago

D'awww happy ending. Good build up, classic best friend who should be more, the sex was hot, and an unexpected twist. Love it.

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