The Business of Being a Man Whore

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A male student seeks out his dream of becoming a prostitute.
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I was sitting on my bed and decided I would like to have some money. Maybe a few thousand. But how would I do that? I was 18-years-old and still a senior in high school. I've never held a job before and wasn't particularly good at anything. However, I wasn't going to let that deter me. My dad frequently receives money from his work, so I went to him for advice.

"Dad, how would I go about making money," I asked him while walking into the kitchen where he stood.

"What do you need money for? You have everything you need," he asked before sipping his coffee. Truthfully, I had no idea what I would spend it on, but it felt important that I have some. I remember hearing that girls like guys with money.

"I want to get a girlfriend. I've never had one before, and they look fun," I replied.

"Darrell, despite what those Hallmark original movies your mom watches would have you believe, you can't pay a woman to be your girlfriend. But you are right that if you want to treat a girl nicely and take her to fancy places, you need money," Dad said, putting his hands on my shoulder. I barely listened to him as I was upset to hear that the Hallmark original movie mom and I watched last night, 'A Princess for Christmas that I Bought with Money,' was not realistic.

Dad continued to give his advice. "The Lord blessed us all with gifts. Just think of your hands and all the awesome things you can do with it. Once you appreciate what I am telling you, it will be obvious what you should do to make money."

I thanked Dad and walked back to my room. I spent a while deep in thought about what he said. 'The' Then it hit me what he was telling me I should do. I should become a male prostitute.

I quickly typed in 'male whore best practices' into a search on my computer and watched every video I could find on the subject. That night, I formulated my business strategy and marketing plan and created an Excel spreadsheet that I didn't know what to do with, but the videos told me I should have. I even set up a Yelp page where customers could review my services. I didn't have a physical location of my own that I could link to my Yelp page, so instead, I linked it to the school. That way, people could just look there to see reviews of people who had paid me for sex. Tomorrow at school, I will start my business.

That morning at school, I approached Megan to try and make my first sale. Megan was a fellow 18-year-old senior. She was a popular girl at school and was overall very pretty with an attractive body. She was the ideal person to try and get to agree to pay me for sex. While alone at her locker, I approached her and made my pitch. "Hello, Megan. I know you and I have not met before, but my name is Darrell. I am starting a business and would like to offer you the opportunity to be my first customer. For a very competitive price of 200 dollars, I will have sexual intercourse with you until I orgasm. Shall we shake on it," I said, holding out my hand.

Surprisingly, Megan did not immediately take me up on my offer. "Who put you up to this? Whoever it is, this isn't funny," she said, looking around.

"I can assure you this is an authentic deal. For my quoted price of 200 dollars I will put as much of my penis in your pussy as you wish, until I orgasm. I have an opening right now, but I can't promise I will stay free for long," I said, sticking my hand out even further.

"Oh my god. You are serious, aren't you? You're 5 foot 5 inches tall and look like a Girl Scout could take you in a fight. Nobody wants to have sex with you, let alone pay you for it," she mocked.

But I wasn't deterred. "You're trying to get me to lower my price, but I won't. It's 200 dollars or you don't get to have sex with me."

"Oh my god, that's not what I'm saying...," she said but was interrupted by her phone ringing.

As she got her phone out, I countered another point she had made. "I would charge the girl scout, assuming she is of legal age, extra for fighting during sex. That's not included in the price I quoted you." But she ignored me and answered her phone.

"What is it, Brad... But she's a slut who's blown everyone in the school... I don't care if that means she's probably good at it... Fine then, enjoy your new talented girlfriend." Megan ended the call and started stomping her feet on the ground. "I wasted two goddamn months of my life on that jackass, and he just broke up with me for another woman. Bastard," she yelled. I figured she either just went through an actual breakup, or this was an elaborate act she planned ahead of time to get me to lower my price for sex. But how did she know I decided to become a prostitute?

Suddenly, Megan's head popped up, and she looked at me. "Change of plans. It's your lucky day. I will be having sex with you. Not because I want to, but to get back at my ex-boyfriend." She grabbed my hand and started leading me somewhere.

"I'll require all 200 dollars upfront before we start engaging in the sex," I reminded her as she dragged me along.

That made her stop in her tracks. "I'm like the hottest girl in the school. Do you know how many guys would love to be in your shoes right now? Girls like me don't pay for sex with anyone. We get any guy we want, period," she said firmly.

"The price isn't up for negotiation. I should also mention that the price does not include blow jobs. If you want to put my penis in your mouth, that will cost extra," I replied even firmer.

"I had Brad, the hottest guy in the school, giving it to me regularly, for free obviously. You aren't even in the top 75% hottest of our class," she countered.

"I can understand why you are upset that Brad broke up with you. For him to give you sex for free was a fantastic deal for you. But I don't do price matching. It sounds like we won't be coming to a deal today. I hope you have a good day," I said as I turned to walk away.

Megan grabbed my hand again. "Nobody, and I mean nobody, denies me when I offer them a chance to get with me in this school. What game are you playing? How big is your cock where you think I'll pay a loser like you for sex?"

"I can promise you it is no shorter than 4 inches when fully erect," I said putting my marketing strategy into play.

"What...four...and you still expect me to pay you? What is going on," Megan said, looking confused.

"Again, I'm sorry, but we won't be having sex then," I repeated and started walking away again. It was at this time that others around us in the school hall were taking note of our conversation. They seemed interested in the fact that I was denying a popular girl like Megan sex. I didn't understand why that was noteworthy. If I went into a store and wanted a can of paint for free, the store owner would deny me, which would hardly be newsworthy. Maybe selling sex is different, but I didn't understand how.

Megan was hyper-aware of those listening and soon realized people were witnessing her getting rejected by this nobody. She grabbed me by the collar and whispered into my ear. "Fine, asshole. I'll pay your 200 dollars. But you will state loudly right here and now that you are accepting my offer of sex."

"But you're accepting my offer. I don't want people thinking I'm giving it away free," I whispered back.

"I'll throw in another 20 dollars, just fucking do it," she snarled. I nodded my head and looked around at the small crowd of students that had gathered around us.

"I, Darrell, hereby accept Megan's offer for a single encounter involving sex. She had a coupon, which is why...," I loudly declared before Megan pulled me away.

"Good enough, idiot. I know an area in the music wing where we can have some privacy," she said, guiding me. I needed to remember to write her a coupon later for sex in case people ask about that. That could be my design project in art class.

Megan brought us to one of the band practice rooms and locked the door. "Okay, lose your pants. Let's do this," she said, looking at my crotch.

"Not before I get my money. All 220 dollars now please," I said crossing my arms. Megan pulled her shirt over her head and then undid her bra, showing off her ample breasts.

"How about you get your hands on these and forget about the money," she asked, making a seductive face.

"Stimulation of your boobs and or nipples is not included in the 200-dollar package. That will cost you an extra 30 dollars," I explained. Megan looked at me, confused, and down at her breasts.

She then pulled down her skirt, revealing a tiny thong. "Should I take this off? Would you like that," she asked while pulling down her thong ever so slightly.

"It will be difficult for me to have sex with you while still wearing that, but I can work around your preferences," I informed her.

Megan looked very frustrated. She sat down and pulled off her thong. While looking me in the eyes, she started to feel up her breasts and moaning slightly. I thought that was a sound financial decision on her part. Why pay me the extra 30 dollars when you can just stimulate your own breasts? However, one of her hands moved on from her breast and found her vagina. "God, I would love your cock in me right now. How about you get that dick out and bring it over here," she asked between her moans.

I got up, and Megan smiled. I then proceeded to a small whiteboard in the room and wrote out my pricing. '200 dollars for a single round of vaginal sex'. I then wrote out the various add-ons and what they cost. Megan's smile dropped from her face, and she rolled her eyes. She started to insert her finger into her pussy while using her other hand to massage her clit. "Oh fuck, that feels good," she said as she introduced a third finger to penetrate her. Her mouth was agape and was breathing heavily. The whole scene was confusing for me. I thought people hired prostitutes to have sex instead of masturbating.

But I was aware that some people, mainly men, like it when people watch them pleasure themselves. I guess that's what Megan is into. Unfortunately, I did not anticipate this and thus had no pricing for this service. For now, I would watch her make herself cum for free, but in the future, I would charge for this service.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...," the 18-year-old girl said until she finally opened her eyes and looked at me. "I'm fully naked and masturbating in front of you. You seriously won't fuck me unless I pay you," she said, still breathing heavily. I pointed to the board that showed my prices. "God fucking damn it. Fine, you win. I'm horny as hell and need a cock in me. Here's your 220 dollars. Now put a condom on and fuck me already," she said, pulling the money out of her bag. I took the money, and after counting it, I started to take off my pants.

"Providing condoms is the duty of the customer. I don't carry them with me," I informed her as I took my shirt off.

"You're the whore. Why the fuck wouldn't you have condoms," she asked, looking at the bulge in my underwear.

"You were with Brad for a while. I'm surprised you didn't learn this from him. The customer provides the condoms," I explained.

"Brad wasn't a whore. I don't pay for sex, except for this one time. Anyway, I don't have any condoms. Just fuck me without one," she said.

I again pointed to the board. "Impregnations cost an extra 50 dollars," I said, holding out my hand.

"I don't want you to get me pregnant moron. Pull out before you cum." I shook my head.

"That's what's known in the male prostitute world as the 'Cum Sneaker Trick.' The woman says she doesn't want a cream pie but then tricks the guy into giving her a free one. You want to have unprotected sex, you need to pay," I said as I dropped my boxers to the ground. Megan was about to complain but then stared at my 4-inch erect cock. Its size was nothing special, but it was a lovely shade of pink. As they say, It's not the size that matters, but how pretty it is.

Megan reached into her bag, pulled out another fifty dollars, and handed it to me. "I can't believe I'm blowing so much money to get a single dick in me. This is the most humiliating experience of my life. Can we please fuck already now?" I nodded and climbed on top of her. Once positioned, she leaned her head into mine for a kiss, but I pulled away and pointed to the board. "I can't even fucking kiss you without paying you? Jesus Christ," she said. She reached down and grabbed my dick. I was about to complain about her lack of pay to give me a hand job, but she was just positioning it into her pussy, so I didn't bring it up.

My penis easily slid into her well-lubricated pussy, and she instantly let out a moan of satisfaction. She wrapped her legs around me, and I started pumping her pussy with my dick. Megan was very vocal about her satisfaction with my product, which I was glad to hear. Nothing gives me more pleasure than hearing my customers enjoying my services. I will also admit the feeling of my dick getting massaged on all sides by her wet pussy was also enjoyable, though. "Harder. Fuck me harder," Megan demanded. I thrust the entire length of my penis into her, which was just short of the height of a standard smartphone. She responded by going silent and staring blankly at the ceiling.

"Megan, I am nearing my...," I started to say.

But she yelled out, interrupting me. "I'm about to fucking cum and don't want to hear another word out of your mouth. Keep pumping my pussy like that until I tell you to stop." I doubled my thrusting power, and within twenty seconds, the high-schooler yelled out in ecstasy, having reached her long-sought orgasm. Her legs finally released me, and she lay there basking in the afterglow of her orgasm.

Finally, she looked at me and asked, "Are you going to cum on my chest or something? Or will that cost me extra?"

I looked at her, confused. "It will take me a few minutes, but you can purchase my service again."

Her eyes lit up in horror. "What did you do," she asked, dreading the answer.

I was still confused but answered her. "You paid for the add-on, so I delivered." Megan pushed me off and examined her cum soaked pussy. "That's why I had you pay for impregnation ahead of time. Otherwise, you would have gotten a free cream pie from me. I won't be scammed. I did my research," I said proudly. The young girl continued to stare at her pussy with wide eyes. I started to gather my clothes to put them back on.

"I'm not sure what Brad did after you guys had sex, but I will point out that tipping in this business is customary," I said, holding my hand out. She finally took her eyes off the cum dripping out of her womb and looked at me with hateful eyes. Getting the message, I took back my hand.

I was about to ask her to post a Yelp review on the school's page I set up, but she seemed not to be in the mood. Instead, I got my phone out and wrote one for her. Doing this, I knew, was an ethical gray area, but I learned a lot of new businesses populated their online reviews with positive feedback.

The review I wrote for her, read: 'Darrell's sex services were beyond my wildest dream. After my boyfriend broke up with me, I needed a cock bad. Darrell offered me a competitive price to pump my vagina with his penis. I would recommend him to any girl who enjoys dicks shorter than the length of their phone. Assuming you don't have a large phone. Get the impregnation add-on like I did!' - Five stars. I posted a link to the review on my social media and tagged Megan. Word of mouth is how local businesses thrive.

Once fully dressed, I opened the door to leave the band room. Before closing the door, I remembered one last thing I wanted to inform Megan of. "Just so you know, next time, I will be charging to watch you masturbate." I closed the door and heard something thump against the other side.

Turning around, I was startled to find the band director and twenty or so band students beside me. "If you guys are waiting for the room, Megan is still naked in there. Give her a few minutes, and she'll be out. We weren't doing anything bad in there, like doing drugs, I promise. She just paid me for sex, that's all," I explained. The band director looked like he wanted to say something but couldn't find the words. I left him like that and figured he could talk to Megan about whatever was on his mind.

Walking away, I had a huge smile on my face. I had just completed my first sale with numerous add-ons. I worried it would take me weeks to make my first sale, but that proved far from true. The satisfaction of your business succeeding felt fantastic. I guess it was also cool that I just had sex with a hot girl at my school.

During the rest of the school day, I had no luck getting another sale. All of the girls I talked to did not seem interested in paying me for sex or sex with me, even if it was free. Not that I was offering sex for free, of course. I started to worry that maybe the other girls in school weren't as horny and desperate for sex as Megan was. This could prove to be a problem for my new business venture.

Not wanting to be so easily deterred, I decided to try a different marketing tactic. Once school was out, I sent out a tweet advertising my business. I tagged as much of the 18-year-olds at school as I could, along with the high school's and district's official Twitter accounts. My tweet read, 'Are you a woman who is frustrated with the high cost of finding a sexual partner? Consider having sex with me, Darrell. Starting at 200 dollars, I will fuck your vagina. Feel free to reach out to my best customer, @Megan, for a personal review on getting cream-pied and maybe impregnated by me. I should also add my penis has a pleasing color to it.'

The tweet quickly got a lot of buzz to it. A lot of it was focused on questions to Megan and about the moral deterioration of society, but I saw one reply from a fellow senior student that seemed promising. Micah replied, stating, 'Is this for real? What girl would pay for sex?.'

I recognized Micah as being in my math class. Sensing a chance to close my second sale, I replied to her. 'This is very real. You are probably used to paying much higher prices for sex @Micah, but those days are gone if you fuck me instead.'

I waited to see if she would agree, and one minute later, she confirmed. Her reply read, 'Oh my gosh, please. It is so hard for a hot girl like me to find dick. I will pay you all the money for you to plow me. I need you now! LOL.' After that, she had a bunch of emoji faces that appeared to be throwing up. I wasn't aware that some girls could feel sick for lack of sex, but if true, they could prove to be valuable repeat customers.

I replied, 'I found your address in the buzz book. I'll be over in ten minutes, ready to have sex with you. Thank you for your business!'

As I headed to my car, I saw her give one last reply. 'Oh my god, dude, that was sarcasm. Don't be a moron!' I knew that customers when making a big purchase like a new house, car, or apparently sex, can go through a period of panic as the deal is being closed. As a salesperson/prostitute, I couldn't let that deter me. Once in person, I could help her work through her anxiety and make her feel good about paying for sex. I got in my car and started the drive over to her house.

After parking, I approached the house and knocked on the door. A woman appearing to be in her early forties, who I assumed was Micah's mother, answered the door. "Good afternoon, miss. I'm here for Micah. She hired me to have sex with her," I informed the mother.

Micah came running in from the side. "Oh my god, Darrell. He's lying, Mom. I didn't hire him for anything, especially sex," she said, out of breath like she ran here.

"That's not true, ma'am. Your daughter tweeted me that she wanted

to hire me for my professional sex services," I explained, showing the mother the tweet Micah sent out.